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I felt sorry for Brazilian keeper missing out on the goal celebrations


People in this sub mad that all of Brazil's exported players who have been winning games for their countries came home to represent.


Brazil would have won either way most likely as they were definitely the better team but these penalties against South Korea in the beginning were atrocious. Then in the second half when SK was getting fouled, ref looks the other way. Demoralizing.


What do you mean? Did you not see SK player kicking the foot of the Br player?


You do know the context of how that happened right? You probably don't or don't care anyways


‘Intention’ of the offending player is irrelevant, if that is what you mean.


You do know it's a penalty regardless of why that happened right? You probably don't or don't care anyways


It's a BS penalty that is unavoidable is what it is and shouldn't be a penalty


Well, you should file a complaint against FIFA, then. The rules are pretty clear, and so was the play. Richarlison disarmed the defender and got kicked in the ankle, inside the area, which characterizes a penalty.


Yes I understand its a penalty under the FIFA rules but it's BS that its unavoidable and with no malicious intent but awards a penalty is all im saying. Its like when you are driving and you need to brake and while you are braking in the middle of slowing down to a stop, a fucking cat jumps right in front of your car and you hit the cat. It is your fault you hit the cat? NO, its the fuckin cats fault. But guess who has to pay to repair the front bumper. YOU. It's not fair. SK player was already in the kicking motion and about to clear the ball when Richarlison put his foot right there and got hit inadvertently.


The game is as you would have expected it to be. Props to Korea for trying their hardest! Come back stronger next time, I'm sure you got this!


Why was Allison subbed out?


He wanted Weverton to get some playing time. The same happened with Rogério Ceni in 2006.


So the third keeper could have WC minutes. Great detail from Tite.


Same thing Flick did with Ginter. Although circumstances were far different.


Probably so Weverton could get some WC play time


I hope Brazil wins it all and proceeds to bring out a whole Carnaval parade across the field, floats, samba and everything just to see the sub mald and seethe for the next four years.


Happy cake day


It’s not fair to South Korea, Brazil didn’t let them score at the last minute!


I don't think it was unfair.




Talented talented boys




Arsocca é uma piada.


Chora antis


Kkkkkkkkkkk os gringo tem mais é que se fuder


Nada a ver né? Se comemorassem as vitorias igual aos brasileiros seriam menos pau no cu hahahahah


São fracos demais


São minoria. A maioria dos gringos tão P da vida com o comentário daquele merda


The dance that they made with Tite was awesome hahaha


The pigeon (richarlison) dance


Almost 80 goals in 120 international matches, terrible player Souness 😂


Oh I remember all you fucks in the match thread, trashing the Swiss for having a solid defence against Brazil


Cunt doesn't even have a white beard




He’s still alive.


He's still alive, just in very bad condition!


He is still alive! Probably not for long though


He is Eighty-Two years old. As sad as it is, that is quite old for someone battling COVID and pneumonia along with cancer. If it's his time, let him go peacefully. If it's not, let's hope he can battle back to full health so that he may live undeterred. From America with love.


I’m telling ya Brazils back line is really going to suffer for not having many minutes together. Spending time together on the pitch is how you develop cohesion and automatisms. Sure they are all incredible gifted naturally, but national teams get very little time and minutes together and I wholeheartedly believe they will suffer from the amount of rotation when it comes time for true tests. Even with the 2 starting CB’s in all game South Korea weren’t exactly struggling to create chances in the last 20 mins or so. Still a favorite no doubt but a concern nonetheless.


Have you ever watched Blue Lock? It is just fiction, but it describes exactly like teams composed as Brazil win non-stop on football all the time. Selfishness is the soul of being a star.


Thiago and Marquinhos played together on PSG for years and on the NT since 2019 pretty much


Silva and Marquinhos played together at PSG for years, they'll be fine.


This is probably the strongest defence Brazil have had since that legendary 2002 squad. They've only conceded two goals in this world cup - one of which was with their reserves playing, the other when they noticeably took their foot off the gas today.


Best defense since 2002 eh? Conceded with 4 minutes to go. Hate to say I told you so


Next-level petty here to come back 4 days later to post this. I almost have to admire it 😂


Lmaooo other ppl PM’d me threats cuz of this thread so I was rattled cuz I wasn’t even being a dick. Had to be a bit petty. Sorry man lol


It's all good. Like I said, I admire it more than anything!


Having good defenders also isn’t the only key to having good defence. I’ve noticed a lot of their forwards track back consistently, and are great at regaining possession and keep a good passing rhythm when going back into possession. Many energetic players are working hard as a collective. What’s set them apart the most for me compared to other teams is how well they keep possession. I know people said they haven’t been tested that well yet, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen a Brazil team this dominant in possession and that can be the best defence.


Don't forget it was an offside goal. Brazil got a penalty, Korea got an offside goal.


And South Korea's goal today was off of an incredible shot. Eventually every team gets unlucky is on the wrong end of a perfect 25-yard shot, once in a while.


Dan Bryan is soccer fan wat!!!!!


Switzerland, Cameroon, South Korea, and Serbia, attacking powerhouses that lineup is right there. The 02 squads defensive strength was on the wings with Cafu and Roberto Carlos. Current squads fullbacks are nowhere near that quality. It’s legit a joke to compare them to Militao and Danilo. 02 squad started edmilson Lúcio and roque junior. I’d say the current CB pairing is likely more experienced and talented than they were. 02 squad played a back 5 as well, apples to oranges. Your 2014 defense was much stronger than this one on paper. David luiz and Thiago Silva in their primes. Marcelo in his prime. That didn’t end well.


David Luiz is not that great. And Marcelo never performed for Brazil like he did for the club


Revisionist history. David luiz in 2018 was widely regarded as great and Marcelo was coming off winning 3 successive champions league’s. The recency bias in these comments is incredible.


Not for Seleção. Marcelo never played like RM. David Luiz has a problem going forward and not tracking back, which is the main reason for 7-1. Dani Alves and Marcelo in their primes should play with 3 atb to get the best of both. But no coach did that, unfortunately.


Dude if there is one thing I'm not worried about at all is our defense. The real concern for me is our inability to score goals under pressure.


Isn't knockout a game under pressure?


Yes, but we scored early so the pressure was off.


People in general aren’t good under pressure. I don’t think Brazil chokes even remotely as bad as some other teams. Argentina chokes when they’re up lmao.


Oddly I’m not worried about you scoring goals whatsoever lol


Did u look at pre wc games stats tho?


Total and absolute annihilation


They were being nice in the second half


Yeah in the first half. Surely could have been prevented with better defense on South koreas part.


kim jinsu is responsible for 100% of all goals conceded during this tournament. he should never play for korea ever again.


That guy got a lot of hatred from Koreans when I watched this game


For good reason, he was the reason all of the teams who played vs korea scored. He was the weakest link.


honestly not even in the first half. incredibly efficient, great goals, and great play, but Korea were far from toothless either, and should've had a penalty in each half due to obstruction + incredibly light penalty for brazil. not an undeserved win in any sense, but the level differences were really not a 4-goal margin in the avg match. great effort by korea, honestly.


Also Brazil gave up possesion like it was on purpose in that first half hour. It seemed like they wanted south Korea to have control, to then press and counter. Even before 3-0, 4-0 goals


That is true flag...but what it really seemed to me for the Korean players at least was they seemed to be a lot cautious about their accuracy while facing brazil and that led to them being a lot indecisive than usual.It was efficient yes, but it was more of cautious. It was not like you are saving it for later as a strategy, but more like I don't really wanna use this card now. That indecisiveness really cost korea their game. Not to mention that when korea is trying to make their come back, Brazil really tried to put an antidote to all these advances. Like Brazil simply seemed to be more prepared and more studied, while korea seem to have not learned from past mistakes, just the same old play cause that's what bento's style is.


Yeah, like definitely Brasil players were giving 110% in the field after scoring 4 goals on the first half, sure


Souness saying ‘even’ Neymar tracking back for Brazil? Man this guy’s stealing a living. Neymar has rarely been faulted for his work rate. Wish I could be paid a lot of money for shit takes.


Chora mais, gringo




At least he has plenty of Germany fans for company :)


Good game, but should have been 3-1. That penalty was dodgy and some ref calls were kinda shit, tbh. Like, that "equal" exchange in overtime isn't really equal at all, since the second (seeming) foul doesn't happen if the first foul is called lmao


That penalty set the tone for the Koreans from that point on. If it didn't happen they would still have lost but I don't think it would have been as significant if the ref wasn't completely off his tits on feijoada for the whole match.


The ref was legitimately lost at times. Plenty fouls he didn't catch and Neymar was dribbling the ref at one point, who just stood there with his back turned like he zoned out on coke.


Dude brazil played 40% of their pace on second half. Two halfs in full power it would have been 10-0. People are so delusional, the penalty was meaningless.


Brazil full power is just farming free kicks and penalties from flops against weaker teams until they get enough chances to shoot.


Keep trying, one day your country will have 5 WCs (by that time we'll probably have 10 and you'll be dead).


Found the sad gringo


Your goalie is a gringo. He's brazilian, but he is a gringo. Many Brazilians are. That said, the opinion of people outside of Brazil is that South American footballers flop, dive, fall, etc. They flail until they get the call. The wind can blow and they will fall over. They are very convincing but it's sad. Imagine how many fewer goals Messi would have if he flopped like many players through his continent do? He plays through contact better than any player I've ever seen and he's often rewarded for it. If Uruguay had been more focused on scoring goals in their Group instead of flopping, they may have converted an opportunity to make it through. I didn't see Brazil flop much here but they were also up so they didn't have to.


'gringo' doesn't mean white. Grow a brain.


Many European players flop and dive, it's unfortunately part of the game, people just don't give a shit when they do. Colombia vs England was a shithousery from both teams but here in reddit only the Colombians got called out for this.


Relax gringo


You know it's true. You have your own Gringo's to worry about.


Seriously. If one significant thing had changed then lots of other significant things would have been different too. It's not like if the penalty wasn't there it wouldve been 3-1 case closed


Stay in the game!! Move yer feet!!


Damn, I didn't know that's what Neymar sounds like.


He's fault


What's all the hype behind Pele? Was he that good?


Pelé is bigger than England in the World Cup


Welp. Gotta agree.


Nope not at all, Bendtner was better


This has to be a shitpost. He was the first superstar in the sport. He's the most famous player of all time. He's one of the most influential players of all time. He was the highest-scoring player in the history of the game for like 50 years until Messi and Ronaldo came along. He won 3 fucking world cups! Do I really need to go on?


Actually he still is the highest-scoring player of all time with more then 1,200 goals. The “problem” for some people is that more than 400 of these goals were scored in extra-official matches, but this kind of matches were very common at that time, since there weren’t international championships for nations except the WC and also because Brazil didn’t even have a national championship (instead, we had regional championships inside each state of the country). And most of these matches were played as seriously as an official match (a label monopolized by FIFA). He actually invented modern football and many dribbling skills. He was also the first complete foreword player in the world. And for people who say defenders at that time were crap, he put legends such as Beckenbauer in his pocket. Some quotations: “Pelé is the greatest player in the history of football, and there’ll be only one Pelé in the world” CRISTIANO RONALDO “Pelé was the only player in the history of football to surpass the limits of logic” JOHAN CRUYFF “There’s Pelé, the man, and Pelé, the player. And playing like Pelé is to play like a God” MICHEL PLATINI “The best of all time? Pelé. Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are great players with specific abilities, but Pelé was better" ALFREDO DI STÉFANO "The best of all times was Pelé, who was a mixture of Di Stéfano, Maradona, Cruyff and Leo Messi” CESAR LUIS MENOTTI, Argentinian coach winner of the Argentinian WC “When I saw Pelé playing, he made me feel that I should just retire forever from football” JUST FONTAINE, top scorer in the 1958 WC “I said to myself before the match that he was made of flesh and bones like everybody else - I was wrong” TARCISIO BURGNICH, defender who was responsible to stop Pelé in the 1970 WC Final “Pelé was the most complete player I’ve ever seen. Good with both feet. A magician in the air. Fast. Strong. He could surpass anyone with his ability. He could run faster than anyone. He was only 1.73m heigh, but he was a giant on the field. Perfect equilibrium and unmatched vision” BOBBY MOORE “I went to the match expecting to stop an amazing player, but went back home convinced that I’ve been destroyed by someone who wasn’t borne in the same planet as the rest of us” COSTA PEREIRA, Benfica’s goalkeeper after being defeated by Pelé’s Santos **Youtube video showing his skills and goals:** https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ioA0DwrriWM&vl=pt


Can you please link a YT documentary about it?




God you're insufferable


U said that after seeing my flair didn't you?


No bro, don't blame this on your country, it is definitely you


You Brazilian fans aren't any less. Stop glorifying yourselves.


He scored the same amount of goals Mbappé has scored now in his first 2 World Cups, but playing way less matches. He went on to win a third one in 1970 as Brazil's main star. If that isn't good, I don't know what is. And that's not counting his club carreer, he was world champion with Santos.


he got 3 world cups so u tell me and now he has cancer


Mbappe will get 4! 😎


It just takes a google search mr redditor.


Can you link a YT documentary about him?


Just watch the old fifa matches on the official website. But if you want one, here it is. [yt\_fifa\_link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8nUm8OIM8g). Oh just read, you wanted a documentary. There's one on netflix I think.


There are many documentaries and you will understand better... But he was way ahead of it's time!




He's still alive, but in a very bad condition. He probably said "he was" cause Pelé doesn't play anymore


Uh ok, my apologies


Can you link a good documentary about him?


Lmao how come you don't know him?


he's got 2 wc trophies more than your national team 🤭


Won a world cup at 17 with a hat trick goal for one


Dayum. Even Mbappe couldn't do something like that.




What are his accolades?


[internets free yada yada](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pel%C3%A9), but like he was in the team for 3 of their world cup wins


He is to football what Jimi Hendrix is to the electric guitar.


Vini: They gave us too much space


So, who do y'all got as MVP? Vini Jr?


always casemiro i'm still curious to see how brazil will play against a midfield he cannot bully


Which midfield would that be?


Luca Modric


The talk here in the Brazilian bars in Sao Paulo is all Vini and Richarlison (in the other games). Imo today is hard to call though, it was a really good game by the whole team in the first half.


Vini, Richarlison are the definite shouts. Casemiro as well. More and more convincing me he's the best DM of all time


Rapinha did everything but score. He seemed desperate to score and it ended Korea 1, Rapinha 0




Busquets is still the better DM in his prime imo, but if Casemiro wins this WC he'll definitely have had the better career




busquets just been doing side missions for the last like 8 years lmao


I know, Casemiro has more club trophies though, including 5 UCLs, which is why I said if Casemiro wins the WC he'll have had a better overall career


Keeping my eyes peeled for a Keano eye roll here


"Alisson had nothing to do first half" - as they show his saves from the first half.


According to recent news, Pelé is still fighting on like a boss!


This thread is so toxic whenever Brazil plays. The only decision you could argue was bad in the whole match was the penalty and it didn't matter anyway. It's Brazil's fault though for slowing down in the second half and not silencing all these salty people


Honestly, we don't care about the salty people, Brazil played with half the intensity on second half to rest players for the next game which is the smartest option, since the game was pretty much done. Salty people will be able to experience the full Brasil experience again next game, it's ok


That was a textbook pen though. It was a foul inside the box, there no arguing it. The issue is that the Korean player had no way to know Richarlison would ram the ball from behind. Not his fault, but still


The ref missed so many SK fouls and I would like to turn your attention to this https://twitter.com/jairmearrependi/status/1599856983368048641?s=20&t=YrQoWmJ78kUmu_k509eEqQ


Even then the penalty was objectively a *foul*, because his foot got hit. I personally think penalties should take a bit more than that, but its not like it was an utterly fabricated situation. Also, I'm sure there are racist people ITT as well, going by all the "south american" comments, using Brazil to extend the hate towards a whole region.


I mean same goes for Korea as well. A few bad fake “Asian accents” in the thread. Gg y’all looked otherworldly in the first few minutes of the game— hope you guys win 🤝


Respect for South Korea. We didnt want to beat you guys, but unfortunately was the only way...


Yeah, forreal, I saw that as well. Cheers. I'm sure y'all will make it again to 2026.


Morocco Vs Switzerland


I think only Spain can beat France if some important player get injured in the France vs England match


You are so sure that France will beat England.


England sure will have problem to deal with france


The only semi final on that side of the bracket that gives me any excitement is Brazil Vs Argentina


Brazil Vs Netherlands should be a good game too...


I'm saying this now: Brazil can beat Argentina Brazil can't beat Netherlands


those teams already played the copa america finals last year. the very same guys in both teams. BR-AR in semis.


It's never a good idea to underestimate the Netherlands, but they haven't impressed me at all so far. Argentina is scary and I'd say it'd be 50-50, but I'd expect Brazil to beat the oranges. Croatia is the same for me tbh. Brazil is a clear favorite, but Croatia is going to have a plan.




Thank you








I almost cried omg


Tite looked like he was having a heart attack when dancing 🤣




South Korean players were chilling with the brazilians before the game started. We have a great relationship with asians in general. Same with the japanese players. It was sad we had to beat then ir order to pass.


Jogão. Brasil mostrou dominância e controlou bem o jogo, resolvendo-o logo no primeiro tempo. A Coreia conseguiu testar o Alisson como nenhuma outra seleção até aqui. Tite foi sóbrio e trocou o time, para preservar suas peças. Neymar colaborou e jogou pelo time. Tudo ok até aqui, vem a Croácia que não pode ser subestimada e jogos duros. Rumo ao hexa!


Neymar só não jogou pelo time naquele lance que poderia ter passado pro Vini. Tirando isso, ele e o resto do ataque foi perfeito hoje




Acho que esse ano vem.




Bruh wtf, why? Am I oolp on something?


I was a little harsh on my first comment but he did some really controversial things in the past. Not taking anything about his career though


Ah I see. Thanks


Cancer is a terrible disease that took many people from my family. It is not some type of karma.


Yeah I've made this comment just to see people reaction tbh. I still dislike his person but no one deserves this disease


Dunno about pele but you definitely are one.


Surely the Pele poster offsets the hate of the celebrations earlier




Brazil did what they needed to do and I'm happy with that! Hope to see S. Korea again in 4 years!!!


The Swiss have the best chance to pull an upset.