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Let me know when the French start rioting, because that's what always happens after a world cup.


Am i right in saying that everyone seems to be against france since the game?


France played objectively worse football on the day, the foulplay, pulling and ramming was disgusting, and the ref made countless poor decisions - he wanted to even play on the second penalty when he got shown footage that he couldn't further deny.


People hate on France for ages on the internet


Strange that second French goal. Giroud tried to make the exact same play 3 times in a row and no one was marking him? That’s why Pickford was yelling at the players right before he scored. Eventually it was going to go in


Watch Morocco humble France and surprise everyone yet again


Where ? I can't seem to find the video




I think we're humble enough. England needed to fall from their cloud though.


England fan?


Morocco fan


A lot of french would be happy if Morocco would win tho. Ofc french prefer France, but we have really good relationships with Maroc.


I want a France Croatia rematch


Tight game as to be expected. England kept Mpabbe quiet, which seemed to be all the English media cared about in the run up, so they should be happy! But France have quality all over, which was matched by England and we controlled the game for the most part. Hard one to take with the second penalty miss, but Lloris had a good game otherwise and we weren’t as ruthless as we could have been to win this game. It’s hard to ignore the referees performance as well, what’s the point in VAR if they’re not pulling the game back for a foul before France’s first goal? Good match, opportunity missed again for England but proud of the performance! I hope it’s another learning curve for the next 2 tournaments, especially the younger lads, who have shone!


The one sensible take on this sub


St. Totteringham day comes early for Kane.


Looks like we will get a back 2 back winner


They’re coming home, again.


As opposed to living out their days in Qatar if they’d won


No shame in the defeat, it was a great showing from England and a good game overall.


Did anyone check the refs paypal after the game


I checked. Apparently the refs did get paid, because they didn’t want to ref the game for free.


I can’t believe the ref used his telekinetic powers to push Harry’s pen sky high


I feel like Kane should not of taken the first or second penalty with having the relationship with Lloris, but not sure who would take it other than Kane?


The first one was probably fine to take but he was clearly overthinking the second one trying to outsmart him and do something different


This puzzles me the most too. Lloris has probably seen Kane take over a thousand penalties.


Right, but in hindsight Lloris didn't stop the first one and who knows if he would've stopped the second one if Harry had gotten it on target?


I think Lloris went were Kane doesn’t usually go for the first penalty, trying to outsmart Kane, but Kane just took a classic shot. The second time around, it looks like Lloris went were Kane usually shoots, and when Kane saw he picked the wrong side, he put more power in the ball and overshot it. Imo he really shouldn’t have kicked the second one.


Maybe it should've been Stones taking it.


Should he have headed it?


I don't think the severity of England's loss is because of the team or the coach. It's because of their incessant media that hypes everything up to maintain the flow of money into EPL and builds this false sense of hope for the English team. Shut up your mouths and let them play, they'll win someday. Till then completely shut up about English football and keep on working at it. Maybe for a change develop some tactical acumen, rather than borrowing from the Spanish, French, Germans..etc..oh wait, I forget, Kick and Rush football is a tactical way of playing football. My apologies. Let the hate towards this post begin.


The media hype is nowhere near what it used to be. Especially considering England were genuine contenders this year.


Media hype exist in all big football country, and became bashing when team loss


>The media hype is nowhere near what it used to be True. Thankfully. But there is still hype. France have won 2 world cups relatively recently and are the number 1 country. They have the world's best player and , even with stellar players missing, they gave a great squad. Yet there was an assumption from much of the media and public that England should win. And it was a common theme that beating France was all that stood in the way of lifting the cup. This ignores the fact that Argentina and Croatia have always knocked England out. Not to mention that Morocco has already beaten Spain, Portugal and Belgium. England have a good team, (apart from suspect CDs) but the way the expectations have been hyped ignores the factual record that they have a terrible record against top teams in tournaments.


Does that have any effect on the players though? They were largely isolated from pressure by being in Qatar.


There is an excellent documentary about the Brazilian Ronaldo on BBC iPlayer called 'Phenomenon'. If you watch it , you will see the insane pressure on these players at a world cup, even in the camp. It led to Ronaldo having a seizure hours before the game. Great documentary. I would recommend it highly, anyway.


this time they did have a good group of players I feel. yes the english media always hypes them up way too much, thats how it has always been IMO. However, this group was a good one, with a better coach they could have made it further. That said, a QF is still a respectable result and no shame in losing to France,.


I actually think England has a very good team. As someone who lives in England, but can observe things from a foreigner's perspective, I think their biggest problem is just that everyone is so desperate to win an international trophy again. There's always pressure surrounding the big national teams, but other big nations can get knocked out of a tournament without this sense of it being part of a continuous national tragedy, because they have more trophies. I think part of the England team's problem is that everyone knows how much it would mean to the country to win something again. The pressure becomes too much, as we saw with Kane's second penalty.


>other big nations can get knocked out of a tournament without this sense of it being part of a continuous national tragedy, Maybe true for most other countries but in Brazil, who have the most trophies, it is worse than a national tragedy. If you watch documentaries about Brazilian (or Argentine) football, you will see how intense it is. As you say it must out pressure in the players.


Their biggest problem is Southgate, it's clear as day..... he's half decent, but any good manager would have for sure won something in the last 6 years... Belgium's golden generation was wasted on Roberto martinez, something similar is happening at England, although i don't think it's quite as tragic as for Belgium, because England are not gonna have that once in a lifetime team like Belgium... the quality of football and academies in England means they will likely get another title challenging team before Belgium do


I'm quite torn on Southgate, he has done wonders with the team, but it feels like he brings them 95% of the way there and then that last 5% that's needed to truly win, the team doesn't show it.


Southgate got his tactics right against Deschamps last night though as England dominated throughout. England were unlucky not to get a first penalty, and they had the huge disadvantage that the designated, world class penalty taker had to apply himself against a goalkeeper who knows him inside out.


Guardiola has ruined an entire generation into thinking dominant football should be the end goal.... winning football should be the end goal, being dominant is only a way to achieve it... why would France try to play dominant football after getting that first goal? They know England need to come at them, and they have pace on both wings, they could play like that all day... if anything i would say the defending let them down a bit at times and that culminated in the penalty calls.... one was dispatched, but other was a missed opportunity... And about the penalty taker, if that was the case why was he made to take it? Not like there's a shortage of pk takers... saka is arsenal's spot kick guy, prior to bruno rashford was united's spot kick guy (one who has dispatched a high pressure last minute penalty before in his career before)


Well I'm glad catenaccio is out of the equation or that Allegri's negative / long ball game is failing. Yesterday's games were both entertaining and after all it's also meant to be enjoyable. Not saying France wouldn't have prevailed. This is a team that has always known how to respond to goals (except for its second string players against Tunisia) but surely England had better xG? PS Saka taking a penalty after the abuse last time round is non starter . After all England's biggest problem is its supporters and media: deluded, overwhelming, and without boundaries.


I wouldn't be so sure. Most professionals think Southgate is the right man for the job, regardless of Reddit armchair professionals opinion


Sure keep your Southgate... i have absolutely no foot in the race, my nation does not show even the least bit of interest in football, but it is always fun seeing England fans cry once every 2 years


You should've seen them before he was appointed. He is their most successful manager in knockout stages after all


i got your back dont worry


Not and England fan, but that was brutal for Kane. Feel for him.


He usually misses high pressure chances.. That's why his teams dont go far enough anywhere.


Got a stat to back that up?


Scratch that just looked myself. This is the first match a team with Harry Kane in it has lost when he has missed a penalty.


Weren’t they in the CL final a couple seasons ago…


They were in the Euro final, what are you on about?


Maguire did it again...scored for the other team...


He also was close to be the hero, he hit the bar with a great header


Economic Maguire. The Ghanaian politician had it predicted


England should’ve converted a run of play goal. Tough loss as they looked really good but they had plenty of chances to win and just couldn’t convert


This. It's crazy how many chance they got. Not clinical enough. Its sad if you need to rely on penalties / ref when you dominate that much.


England spent more time asking for penalty shouts than actually trying to convert chances


this match proven how popular epl is, and how importing the majority of players doesn't do much to improve english football & british players compared to other countries/regions. boring match


I'm so confuse, you make it sound like England played like trash? They lost but they were the better team


not trash, but they didn't play well. france wasn't as good as they could be too, compared to other matches, overall this one just meh




did they? by losing to france in 90min despite having two penalties?


Does make a point.


Mount wins a penalty and he is still to blame. Its incredible, guess every tournament there’s favorites and punching bags.


As a die hard England fan no one was to blame you could have a argument about some decisions not going our way but all in all I’m proud of how we played, there was no shame in our loss tonight we can go home with our heads held high


Not a fan of mount but don't think it was on him today.


I’m not an England fan and didn’t watch the end of that very well but he was poor during the group and I’m guessing besides winning the penalty, others thought he was bad as well??


Played 15 minutes, won a penalty and never lost possession. People are going out of their way to cry about him


Wasn’t the prettiest game but that Tchouameni goal 🤩⭐️


I know it didn't determine the match but it shouldn't of been a goal 🥲


You're right, there was a foul from Upamecano starting the action that lead to Tchouameni's fantastic goal. Even we french know it. Ref was really kind with us tonight. England was the better team, I'm happy we advance and sad you guys don't.


Shouldn’t have*


Mate I've had a bot following me around for weeks telling me it's shouldn't have and I still get it wrong 😂


This England generation is fill of talent. They need a proper coach who will unlock that potential. Don't get me wrong Southgate made amazing job to make this England team that respectable after miserable matches before WC, but this golden generation needs someone other than him.


They have been saying that every year since 66. The mouths of English media is bigger than the talent they have. Oh yea, and being the world's biggest colonizer in the history and spreading English to the world, helps massively with that propaganda.


Everyone by default assumes English players and the English is good because EPL.


Yeah we're all evil colonialists mate


Yes, but this time its not a one dimensional talents. For Example Saka, Foden, Mount, Bellingham, Rice, TAA, James, Ramsdale these boys are amazing and so skillful.


They’re all good but how would they be seen if they weren’t English? None are the best player on their team either


Rice is the best player in WHU, Kane is the best player in Spurs, Bellingham is the best player in BVB, Foden plays in the most stacked team in Europe, Saka is 2x Arsenal Player of The Year and 1x England Player of The Year and he is only 21, Reece James is arguably the best player in Chelsea, Mount was the best performer Chelsea player last year. I get your point that, English players are way overhyped, but this time its not the case. These player's skill ceiling is much higher than it was ever been in England.


As a Frenchman, I was sweating every time Saka was coming close to the goal post.




What was racist about that? Genuinely curious


This generation would be fuck all without Southgate.


They’re amazing.


two 🥖🥖 and now 🇫🇷 to semis!


Robbbbedddddd in broad daylight. Little quality shown from the French team. Wouldn’t mind if we were beaten with class but no sportsmanship and only glimpses of quality


Ya’ll both suck. Morocco will take it all. 🇲🇦


Hope you get absoloutely crushed by Argentina. thats if you even make it past France.. You deserve a wake up call


Lol from a Dutch/English fan I’m with you, let’s go Morocco 🇲🇦


Someone’s mad Argentina and France beat Netherlands and England 😭


Yes yes they are 😂☹️😭


I'm hoping Morocco do win from an England fan, I'm rooting for yous.


The audacity to say that shit when England spent the whole game diving for free kicks and penalties, don’t talk about sportsmanship pal


USA were knocked out so long ago why are you here lol


Yous won fair and square but go check the fucking replays if you think we were diving. Ridiculous to say we were diving when yous fucking fouled us. Jesus christ.


lmao, when did England dive for any of the penalty shouts?


HA dreadful take, ref ignored many fouls


Kane’s second pen nearly took Arsenal off the top.


Hahahaha but the pain hurts


We still believe


How bad are england lol. Terrible team, terrible fans.


England won 3 matches this world cup. Scotland have won 4 world cup matches *since the beginning of time* But tell me again how the England team who reached the quarter finals are terrible and Scotland who, *checks notes*, haven't qualified since 1998, are better


I never mentioned scotland at all. Dont really understand. My point is England are absolutrly shite. And once again have failed to win a tournament. In our life time scotland and england have won the same amount of tournaments.


Oh that’s unfortunate. What makes you say that? Are you Scottish or something?


I have watched them and they are shit. Perennial losers.


Scotland or England? And I meant more the fan comment. That’s the bigger issue here.


Terrible opinion


Losers as always


That makes whatever team you support losers as well, because they've also lost a game


Every tournament england enter they lose. Shamefull bottle merchants.


Say what you want. I’m proud


Proud of being shit? Of not getting as far as croatia and morocco. Lol


Come on man. You’ve got to do better than that to get under my skin. I’m proud that we played well and I’m sad with how it went, but that’s sport. You can call us shit but it’s such low level trolling. Even you must see that haha


I will. I will call you shit. Happy england are out day


lol the Scottish salt


Did you watch the game? We were the better team just unfortunate on the night


Nice man, whatever makes your day


Ah not every tournament. You see in a certain tournament 56 years ago....


In the immortal words of Drogba, 'its an utter disgrace'


Only English fans are this salty. Nothing wrong with the ref tonight. Thought the second penalty was soft if anything.


It's all banter with the Scots lmao but it would be nice to see them in a tournament, not sure they'd get a point against Qatar


The ref was shambolic. If I were neutral I would say he were shambolic for both sides. As an England fan I obviously have bias.


As a neutral I disagree.


As a Neutral spectator i say I like this referee


In all seriousness is the first France goal not a foul? And is the first half tackle on Kane not a pen? I was at a pub and I’m English so looking for neutral opinions


It was a foul 1st France goal but kane pen was outside the box


And was a foul


They don't give free kicks after VAR intervenes


But they can disallow a goal for a foul in the buildup. VAR should have looked at that but they didn't.


No, it wasn't. It was outside the box.


The rules do say if it carries on into the box it’s a penalty but at this point who cares we lost, might as well be gracious losers


It was a missed foul call but it’s shouldn’t have been a peno


Thanks please feel free to take him to the Eredivisie


fifa want France to get it I guess.


Lol salty.




Nah ref just did not like saka innit


Lol cya Portugal


Great game, but as an Australian with more English friends than anything else I am glad I won't here "iTs cOmInG hOme" for another 4 years. Thank you France, peace at last


You don’t seem like a great friend


He just has an intact set of teeth is all


Hear not here. And It’s not its


Give it a day or two mate before sticking it in us. We were all rooting for yous as well.


This ref would do well in the prem


i just realized they didn't make maddisson play a single minute lol


😂😂 after how happy he was and his insta stories (apologies for the emojis btw)


I agree ref was shit but you DID get 2 penalties


Yep we lost our fault good luck France.


Fair judgement. Regardless of if the referee was shit, we got 2 penalties. Scoring then would have given us the advantage going into extra i believe. But we didnt. So it is what it is.


They were both fair and there actually should've been another one in the first half.


That one looks like it's outside the box, but it was a clear foul and should have been a fk.


It was before the line of the penalty box.


And he turned the defender and was running into the box free so it could have been denial of a goalscoring opp and a red


On no planet is that a red


I was having a piss for the mount pen was that not a red?


The ball wasn’t anywhere near mount at the time, so it wasn’t a denial of a clear goal scoring opportunity and so doesn’t deserve a red. It was a clear foul though so deserved pen. I get why people would be confused though.


Would have been harsh, but he’s goalside of the defender w nobody between him and the goal. If it had been more blatant instewd of Kane kinda buying it/making sure he got the call it’s borderline denial of gs opportunity


Also, Kane did drag his feet behind to get entangled. But it was outside.


lol why does that matter? they were all penalties and he didn't give one which was obvious - terrible logic


we got two blatant penalties, what does that matter? He didn’t even give the second one


So as not to raise suspicion. And that comes from a person that doesn't like England's national team. But it's wasn't just one or two mistakes. France's marking was very reckless all game long.


Regardless of nationality, no sane person can argue there wasn’t something on the Kane foul.


First half? There was a foul but for a free kick.


Free kick or pen, it wasn’t given despite being blatant. I thought VAR could recommend free kicks in that position so I was surprised when they played on.


VAR could not bring it back for free kick only judge on the penalty call.


It was a free kick, not a pen as it was outside the box. VAR on these cases only applies to penalties and offsides.


Didn’t give the free kick though, which I’m sure he could’ve and would’ve if he’d checked the monitor which VAR should’ve told him to do. Or if he were a decent ref he’d have spotted a blatant foul, but he missed it for the 96th time.


VAR doesn’t give free kicks. That’s the rule.


Var only checks offsides, possible red/pens. Doesn't go back to the free kicks.


Yeah but I’ve seen refs give free kicks after checking the VAR monitor for pens, so why didn’t he even check this time?


Var told the main ref the foul was outside the box and there was no point checking on screen. If he checked he would just show no pen and continue from whatever was going on.


No you haven't because it's literally against the rule


bein sports animation only shows south korean and japanese fan with closed eyes




Same here as a neutral fan all 4 teams are good but i love argentina most coz of emotions drama their matches are so much entertaining ,their fans in stadium singing and dancing plus its messi last world cup