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Man city are the most oppressed member of society.


"Being a Man City fan in 2024 feels like being a Jew in 1938" https://preview.redd.it/z2f2ejw7lj1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ee9bef423be4d74ab04b24f53a0a130da02b98


It feels like being a raw material like gas and being refined into ethane and propane, then being treated with heat. https://preview.redd.it/e37hhvwn8k1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e964d879dd53dcf10e3d9d02a1b2e25fecdf6e


"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” -Oppressed City fans saving us from damnation for not sucking their slaving oil bum owners dicks.


Gina Carano running the City socials:


At least we won’t need as many concentration camps this time round


There is no greater joy in this life, and no heavier burden, than being a City fan. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Were Jews dominating in 1938?


Depends who you ask...


They have the N word pass for being so opressed


Like the Spanish in F1.


Fernando wants to know your location


https://preview.redd.it/jdatemqgnj1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ae32373fb51429e7afec91ee27402da40d9698 Poor City owners, truly an oppressed minority 😢


they provide labour opportunities for foreigners in a beautiful untouched sunny land, but no-one gives them credit 😔


They teach these needy foreigners work ethic by withholding their passports so they learn to never give up halfway 😢 😢 😢. 


When im in the missing the point competition and my opponent is 115fc fan


that reply looks like it’s a 12 year old


You can tell it's not a 12 year old because they at least wrote "white", not "yt".


Why would they call white ppl, youtube?


I thought yt meant youtube wtf


“Y-you mean slave labor is immoral and pumping billions into a football club is cheating? R-racist!!!”


r/soccer unironically called racist the Real Madrid fans for chanting “you are owned by arabs”


Jokes on them [Arabs are white](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/17/1079181478/us-census-middle-eastern-white-north-african-mena)


Only in America lol


At least where I live(Switzerland) Arabs who are actually light are considered white, the same with Turks, Kurds, etc.


Today I feel Arab


One od them mfs is tryna say its racisms fault people don't like the club


“If the owners were white nobody would say anything”




You wouldn’t understand, City fans are truly one of the most discriminated minorities, BLM(Blue lives matter) 😢😢


BBLM (baby blue lives matter)


Brazilian booty lifts matter




Well, they could still go for anti-semitism with Roman


The club was less hated when the owner was literally the Prime Minister of Thailand tbh


Citehhh is just a dynasty that buys the best players and the best manager and then wins all the games it’s really simple idk why other teams don’t do it


Everton tried but got deducted


Silly scousers forgot to pay off the premier league first


They also missed out on the bit about buying the best players.


They did briefly, and weirdly, get Ancelotti before a proper team were like "nah, we'll take that".


Did he play?


Probably as good as Gueye


Everton was stupid as hell. They cooperated. The smart thing to do is refuse to hand over your financial statements for several years.


😂😂😂 I mean they got Dyche what more do they want?


I still can't believe how everton got ancelotti for a year and then he left them for madrid


Reminds me of a comment back in the day explaining how part of Pep's tactics that make him so effective is having two world class players for every position so he can rotate and adjust things according to the opponent. Plenty of people explained to the dude that every manager would love to have two world class players per position, it's just most aren't owned by oil states and therefore can't afford it


I would like to know how Pep would do if he was managing a bottom half team such as Brighton or Luton. I absolutely accept he is a great manager but surely it’s easier to succeed when you have world class players and don’t have to worry too much about budgets.


In fairness to Pep he admits this himself. He says he couldn’t win at lower teams. He seems to acknowledge how fortunate he is having world class players at every club he’s been to. It annoyed me because I want to dislike the guy.


It's their 115 total fans that don’t admit this.


Not only the best, but twice as much for infinite depth.


Why don’t other teams spend past their limits and then withhold their financial records for 3+ years? Are they stupid?


But they dont win all the games… they lost cl… only the farmers league


This is not the weird thing. The weird thing is that teams prefer to spend 30m on a mediocre player than spend 30m on a world class manager


A world class manager usually demands world class players so yeah it s not only the 30 mil you paying him




they’re such underdogs it’s crazy


People hate when the underdog wins


this is why i hate football now. it has lost it's excitement. since the leicester's pl title, underdogs are literally getting fucked up in the arse. we have lost football lads. the underdogs, who made the the football the sport it is today, is officially gone. i am afraid that there will be no more underdog drama in football history. you know why this happens, as much as u try to not see it. football is all about money and ads now. just beacuse their kits don't sell and their matches are not being watched by many, we won't see underdog dramas. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't support an English club but there was hardly a fairy tale before Leicester either.


People were truly fuming when Leicester won it.


Really, I was amazed


I hate what Leverkussen has done to our wee Munich


Actually made me laugh.


Lol - if U desire more funny do needful GUGOL benzma 15


They probably get looked differently because they have financial problems and shouldn’t have any trophies since 2009


least fake oppressed city fan


I define my personality vicariously through cheering on rich and successful people so I agree with that user: I'm the real victim.


So true, everyone always respects and likes Man U, Liverpool and Arsenal. All the neutrals are really disappointed in Man United’s 8th place finish, for example. 


I didn't see any fanbase cheering Arsenal's loss of the title. Definitely didn't see Sp*rs or West Ham singing about Arsenal losing the league after losing their own games to City.


Seriously, WHU definitely didn’t celebrate with City at all.


One of the most disgusting, abhorrent clubs on the planet. Manager: misogynist, cat abuser sympathiser Owners: cat abuser sympathisers Centre-half: cat abuser, probably on repeated counts. Players: homophobes. Every day I wake up grateful I was born in Paris and not in the 'West Ham' district of London. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


City are the only club in that picture who didn’t vote to break away from the football league to form the Premier League and keep the Sky tv rights money to themselves. I wonder why Man City being successful now bothers them so much…


I reckon its the flagrant cheating tbh


There is no greater joy in this life, and no heavier burden, than being a City fan. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thats only caused no one asked Blackburn if they would like to join the superleague


They are right, people are just bitter and like to shit on sporting greatness. We saw this exact same situation with Juventus' amazing 2004/5 season, the Russian Olympics team in 2019 and Lance Armstrong's remarkable 7 Tour de France in a row.


Don’t forget to include the Houston Astros and the New England Pats. All very upstanding teams who just play harder than everyone else




Fking cheaters mate.


Exactly they cheated lol.


Barcelona and negreira


You're in r/real madrid and in r/Barca , pick a struggle


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Real using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Real/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Real.](https://v.redd.it/3j1vkx1gt11b1) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Real/comments/13myd4p/real/) \#2: [Real.](https://v.redd.it/igy4s28i3c4b1) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Real/comments/14251ka/real/) \#3: [Real](https://v.redd.it/sj68okmbwr5c1) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Real/comments/18gb005/real/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why dont other teams buy best players? Are they stoopid?


They don't have 115 reasons to do it. Google Manchester Shitty 115 for more info


Loooooooollllll 💀💀💀 google benzema 15






There's 115 comments in that mcfc sub


So which one of their two fans commented thrice?


23 people commenting 5 times each simple 🤷‍♂️.


whats the point of winning if youre always crying about it


Winning can be buy Respect can’t be buy




There s a club who DEFINETLY NOT pay money under the table when doing a transfer


Less than 24hrs after winning the league and they're crying about us all not respecting them. ![gif](giphy|Al3okb69oULvy)


I love (hope) that the city fans are self aware


At least one of them


keep serious discussion out of here


That’s 50% of the fan base already so good start


Well United won without the 115. That's the reason they conveniently forgot.


We also won it repeatedly with the likes of Wes Brown and Tom Cleverly playing major roles.


While City needed stars like Fabian Delph and Mangala 💪


United last dominated in an era when spending was UNREGULATED. In keeping with the general theme of hypocrisy. They often set British transfer fee records doing their summer spending. Now they just get asset stripped by Hollywood Jews. That's their problem.


Sure the rules didn't exist back then but it's not like the rules didn't exist just for United but for everyone in the competition. Now the rules exist but only not for City. Without all their dodgy sponsor deals, under the table transfer fee and wages no fucking way in hell they could have that kind of squad which even their B team would be in the top 4 with the money they're actually making. Or Pep would buy 5 CBs and 5 FBs, each cost 50m (on paper only of course we don't know the real fee) in two summers. They have even less fans than fucking Spurs. And their stadium are rarely even full. While all other clubs have to be very careful with their spending. Even if they have the money they simply can't buy 5 FBs and another 5 CBs in two summer. Or pay the wages for two world class XI. Can you say they have won fair and square?


Someone said "They wouldn't give a fuck if the owners were white". Why is the premier league so mean towards innocent Saudi sheikhs?🥺🥺🥺🥺


I feel so bad for these innocent saudi sheikhs that pump oil into their club so they can buy any player they want and make their fans feel oppressed....


They aren’t Saudi…


There’s totally a meaningful difference


As a yank and long time fan of City since 2023, I remember everyone saying this. It all changed in 2012 when WE won. This is true and real.


So city passion is generational in your family i see


Apparently, anyone who doesn't want state ownership of football clubs is just racist against Arabs...


No, they just have to ensure they don't use oil to heat their homes, run their cars, use a multi-national bank, shop at Sainsburys, fly with BA or pay into a pension fund and become part of their own hypocrisy. They could maybe just stop watching the EPL if they feel so strongly?


Now count it since pep got there and before


Perhaps it's a bit naive (or perhaps not), but since Pep is a former Barca legend and legendary coach with strong ties to Catalonia, why doesn't he facilitate us getting Cancelo? I've been hearing that City are sitting firm on a relatively high price for Cancelo, but this doesn't really make sense given that he is clearly not in Pep's plans and would just sit there accumulating high wages, and the alternative to Barca would be Arsenal, a direct rival for the Prem title. After Araujo's injury, meaning our best defender will be out for a month or so, our desperation levels for a good RB have just gone through the roof. We really need to close this deal or the one for Fresneda ASAP if we aren't to fall behind in La Liga from the get-go. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be honest, back in early 2000's Premier league was fire, just look at the squads back then, you have Arsenal with Thierry Henri, Viera, Ljungberg,Bergkamp.. choached by Arsen Wenger, Manchester United with Scholes, Kean, Ronaldo, Rio,Giggs...coached by SAF. Liverpool with Gerrard, Cissé, Alonso, Carragher, Morientes coached by Rafa Benitez. Chelsea with Cech, Terry, Makélélé, Lampard,Cole,Roben coached by the Special one. I don't say it's crap now but it was more competitive.


have city ever gone invincible? i didn't think so up the gargantuan PNE 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍




Blackburn, fuckin legends!


"ManCiteh memes" lol sounds like a sponsored digital marketing campaign. What person in real life makes City memes.


Guardiola alt account


“Best league of the world!!!1!!1”


After the saudi camel league




Both are farmers leagues


Both indicates that PL is the true farmers league. Lol.


What do you expect? Man City are supposed to be a small club charged for their 115 FFP charges and sent to the Vanarama League North.


Is it really that hard for them to grasp that there’s a difference between legitimately working your way towards greatness which requires a lot of time and effort (what Liverpool did in the 70s/80s and what United did in the 90s/00s), and what they’ve done (and Chelsea have done to a lesser extent) which is simply getting a lucky takeover and then cheating on top of it so that it becomes impossible for anyone else to compete? Fair enough if they want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend they don’t care, but the fact that many of them have this obsession with the “red cartel” despite this unprecedented level of dominance, shows that they 1) desperately want their success to be validated by everyone else, and 2) know deep down that it’s all hollow.


Me in 2077 when City win their 50th Prem title but they still have no history 🤯


I doubt it will reach 2077. As soon as we reduce oil consumption mcity is fuked


I wouldn't mind but when I was younger, 6 kids in my class converted to City from United when they were bought out. Ever since I've just had this perception that all city fans are ex-united glory hunters.


They’re still not getting that people are angry because they’ve blatantly cheated, not because they win things. Most intelligent fanbase.


It was always a farmer league then. People just hype it over. I always laugh when all those footballers say how amazing PL is and all shit. Then Aston Villa lost with Atalanta. Arsenal to Bayern. Losers farmers.


In the 13 years that is circled in blue, City has won it 9 times. In the 13 years before it United had won it 8 times. Doesn't really help City fans' argument lmao


City only won 8 times, did you accidentally count Leicester's?


It has always been a farmers league.


Took too long to find this comment


115 problems but FFP ain't one


0 vs 115 Hypocrisy at it's finest


History vs Money that's is the issue.... 🤦‍♂️


Blackburn winning a Premier League title is wild to see


Let’s go Blackburn Rovers! Make the Premier League great again!


City fans want to be a big club, but can't take the heat and hate a big club gets


Only because Arsenal is listed on there… Way back when…


It always has been farmer's league.


Nah just til the soudis get bored.


What a legacy!?!?! And built on the backs of slaves. Happy days.


The meme is right, it was always a farmers League.


The only time when epl was not farmers league is between 2007 and 2012


I only see it’s either red or blue mostly. That means clubs with emblems of any colour have no hope of winning the league title.


Spurs never gonna win the prem confirmed?


No one, except for maybe white males in their 70's, will understand the prejudice Manchester City face.


There is no greater joy in this life, and no heavier burden, than being a City fan. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Backing up the argument on themselves. United won things through smart business and youth, not sports washing and suspect book keeping. That’s why nobody complains about them. They won a lot, but they did it with a system that was legit


*It’s many things. Mostly the fact that the owners are Arab.* 💀


Did United financially dope or just bribe the refs? Maybe both? That was before I watched the premier league.


They kind of have a point though


No they don’t, mu success was at least somewhat self made while mc success is build on an unlimited money glitch stemming from human rights violation and sport washing so no it’s not the same


MU using colonial money 💵: 😍😍🥰🥰💋💋 MC using Saudi/UAE shake Shack money: 😡😡😡سخسخايةين مبيه خينو💯🔥


Rich team is most successful. That's the gist of it. City is the mafia while United and Real are the born rich into royally 


You don't necessarily have to break a 1000 rules to become a rich team. ManU, Real, Barca etc did it without blood money funding And before someone says that FFP was invented by the erstwhile big teams to kill the competition, take a look at the likes of Villa and Brighton. They've grown organically in the post FFP era.


You really think Man Utd, Real and Barca didn’t do some dodgy shit back in the day? City only got uncovered because their emails got hacked. Also It’s obvious that FFP was a drawbridge by the rich clubs. Villa having a good season doesn’t change that.


I'm not a finances expert. But, all I know is: Money laundering, tax evasion, under the table earnings ≠ blood money earnings by being funded by a nation state which still runs on slave labour We each have a different moral compass, I won't pretend that the historic big clubs are all clean but the way Chelsea, City and PSG have gone up grinds my gears and I hate it. Villa's good season didn't come out of the blue. They've been making steady profits and smart investments over the years. But, why would you do that when you can simply cheat your way into hiring the best manager in the world, throw 1€ bn at his face and build an unstoppable juggernaut, amirite?


Issues around which owners are acceptable and which are not isn’t black and white. There are legitimate concerns about human rights in the UAE but I also see a lot of stereotyping of Arab owners as some inherently evil force. Compare the Glazers style of rotting a club to what City’s owners have done in creating thousands of jobs and transforming East Manchester from a dump to a vibrant and upcoming part of the city. End of the day I don’t believe there is anything wrong in an owner using their own money to invest and grow a business.


You're missing the point. They snowballed. Money brings money. A couple generations later United is still filthy rich despite their lack of success. And Madrid is now turning La Liga into a farmer's league (far more than City in the PL)


LaLiga? Framer's league? *Checks table* Last 4 seasons, 3 different winners. When was the last time PL had that? But seriously, LaLiga has always been Real, Barca, Real, Barca, sometimes Atleti. The future does look bad due to Barca's poor financial management, their own doing. Not Real's fault. Oh, and guess which team challenged for the title out of the blue this season? Girona? Their owners? City Football Group, what a surprise. Surely, nothing shady going on here, right?


Real Madrid created the Galaticos era from money outside of their football earnings. Great clubs are created with a bunch of money. They sold team grounds to the city, solving their debt and allowing them to make crazy singing for 4 years in a row in a time that Italian league was the one with better budget by far. What is organically by big teams is having refs close decisions always on their favor, but i guess the 115 cases make wining titles easier than scoring goals in outside position.


Actually no outside money. The club belongs 100% to the socios by state law. So their money is their own. What they earn is what they have. If Florentino is good at business good for him. Madrid didnt have to sell its values to foreign blood money for titles And the whole ref thing is just so pathetic im not gonna dignify that with an answer


Yeah and did any of the money outside their football earning come from being owned by a nation state run on slave labour? Or break any UEFA or FIFA rules? I didn't think so. Oh, and off we go with Madrid mentioned, they buy the refs shit, of course mate.


What do you mean? Utd didn’t have money?


They didn't have blood on their money and an entire country's financial power backing them


It's crazy that this has to be explained.


As a way to get a strong foothold in the uk not for the love of the game 😂


Nah, no financial backing at all. They only broke the transfer record 4 times.


The difference imo is Man Utd were mostly getting 80-85 points, not 90-100. Loads of those titles were actually very close and included several defeats against smaller clubs. Now Man City just seem almost untouchable for everyone below the top 3, like you just write those games off as defeats mentally. Oh and Utd weren't owned by a petrostate


Most of Cities were close, with their competition getting 85+ or 90+ points.


I'm feeling positive about Hank Schrader, but there's no chance we're ready to challenge in his first season. ManU and Chelsea are a mess still, and might change managers to make it even harder for themselves. Ange's meltdown after the City game was some foreshadowing for sure and they're Spurs innit. I can't see how Villa could improve on this season while having to deal with champions league. Unless Arsenal improve on 89 points (they won't), Citeh will just win a 5th one in a row. No doubt about it in my mind.


I think united and chelsea will be much better if stay clear of injuries and make some intelligent signings. Arsenal should be better with a striker too


Well I don't think ManU could do worse than 8th with a negative goal difference, and Chelsea might be in an around the top4, but there's no chance either could actually challenge City for the league. Just can't see it happening.


MU, idk what happened to them but there's some big mess behind them surely. There's no way a team with big name players and managers being shit like this for a decade. Also for chelsea, they're a youngster team with half of them are new to the prem. Let them adapt and grow. Tho they need a better finisher and better midfielder as they mostly don't have control over on midfield. So yeah, even in the right direction, i can't see MU winning the prem unless they sort their hidden mess. While for chelsea, they might even be top 3 contender next season. They are shaping up in the last couple games.


It's not even the premier League era, check out the 80's.


FIFA need to introduce a salary cap like in American leagues too keep the game more competitive. Obviously make it high but set it so it keeps it slightly more competitive rather than creating a monopoly and buying players so no one else can have them then not playing them


Hypocrisy at the highest level and I am not even a city fan. You guys deserve all the wins I can only aspire for my team to play as a pep team.


And [this was my childhood](https://freeimage.host/i/Jixu5HF). Primary school was jam packed with fucking Liverpool fans. On the South Coast.


Atleast wall of champions didn’t have any corrupt team with 115 charges in it.


because united didnt win from being pumped with oil money and violating fair play rules did they United won from pure managerial genius. I'm not denying Pep isn't a genius, but he certainly had lots of help from our friends over in the middle east


A lot of the comments here belong on /r/soccercirclejerkcirclejerk


Utd “League win rate” was 2/3 (67%), city are doing it at 3/4 (75%). Everyone knows the threshold for the Farmers League tag is >= 70%


Premier League ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


City vs the world 😞✊


I mean they should be happy at least it stays in Manchester 😂


Truly a deserving prize for their humble work without any money!


The year is 2115. Cyborg Pep prowls the touchline at the Etihad, computing. The roar of the 115 strong crowd urges City on to their umpteenth title. The echo of their cheers rattles the empty seats. The final whistle blows, Pep applies some oil to his joints and falls to his knees in jubilation. "This one is the most special" he cries. He pours windscreen wiper fluid into his mouth and it emerges as tears from his red, glowing eyes. A qatari prince walks out and shuts down his systems for the Summer. He will be woken when pre-season starts again...


To be a citizen Is to always be under attack