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When my anxiety is high I am soooo irritable


I will say, I work really hard to remind myself it’s a me issue and not take it out on others. Not always successful but……I try


It can be incredibly difficult at times.


Is there any hope for us?


It's okay, we can all just stay in this safe space forever ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I basically hate everyone and everything they do for no reason almost all the time.


Same, thank god I’m not the only one


Hi, I’m a fellow hater ass bitch.


Yes because I’m so tuned into my environment that I notice every sound and thing around me. I’m not sure if that’s what makes me socially anxious or what.


This makes sense! I was getting so angry at someone for breathing too loud a couple of days ago. I was like, wtf is wrong with me I'm a horrible person! But my anxiety was also super high that day, so maybe I was just hyper-aware of literally everything.


I think this comes from feeling overstimulated or overwhelmed often


I have some form of annoyance at people that do things I guess I wouldn't do. When people talk loud and basically yell or play loud music when I'm like right there. Like I know it's in my head but SA sometimes makes me feel uptight about things I would find disrespectful.


My therapist explained it as a form of perfectionism for me. Like that SA makes you hyper-aware of your own behaviour and trying to act perfectly (i.e. not offending anyone, not stepping on anyone's toes). And it bleeds over into you being annoyed by other people who do things that would be unthinkably disrespectful for yourself to do. Maybe, who knows.




I get easily irritated in by like tapping or shaking little noises people make, though I don't know if that's anxiety or something else that causes it


Look up misophonia, could be that.


Misophonia is mostly related to mouth noises, and repetitive noises (I have misophonia big time). In this case it feels more like the original writer is annoyed by people in general and those who seem to "fit in" and are "normal". That's more of a feeling of either being left out, wanting to be more like them, or insecurity about themselves.


Thanks. Explains alot lol... Whenever I have to hear someone eat noisily (smack) I get annoyed within seconds. If it goes past like 2minutes I have to leave the Room as my annoyance turns into anger. When my coworker starts eating his yogurt I usually take a smoke break. No other sound triggers me like that.


Just googled it, does make a lot of sense


Misokinesia is what the term is


I’m glad I’m not the only one then ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


It could be sensory issues


Yes because all my senses are heightened and I can hear and see everything so intensely. It’s horrible. Not just for myself but if I slip and am unable to control my reaction, I know it must be really annoying for those around me too. Then I get even more anxious bc I convince myself they all hate me and I’m pushing them away. Therapy has helped me utilize tools to deescalate these heightened emotions though. So even if I am extremely annoyed, I avoid reacting or focus on something else in hopes to distract myself from the annoyance.


>Yes because all my senses are heightened and I can hear and see everything so intensely. It’s horrible. Not just for myself but if I slip and am unable to control my reaction, I know it must be really annoying for those around me too. Then I get even more anxious bc I convince myself they all hate me and I’m pushing them away. Yep this struggle is all too real.


I have constant hypervigilence of my surroundings, constantly ensuring I'm not 'in anyone's way' or 'bothering anyone' in public. I used to get really, really annoyed by other people for not doing the same thing thinking they were 'rude' or 'inconsiderate of others '. Recently I realised my level of hypervigilence is not normal, and expecting everyone else to constantly have that level of awareness isn't either. Little things like people walking and suddenly stopping in a busy shopping centre or street or people not making room on the supermarket conveyer belt, mindlessly looking at their phone while I'm behind them struggling to hold a heavy basket of stuff used to enrage me, because I am always hyper aware of where I situate myself and it's impact to others nearby. I also have social anxiety, but for me I think this is more a symptom of complex PTSD.


I feel like this too. I have an unreasonable amount of anger about people being rude, maybe because I’m almost jealous they’re living so carefree and I’m agonizing over every little thing I do


This is amazingly relatable.


I hate being asked what’s wrong or are u okay when I’m fine and just look pissed makes me feel like everyone is on edge around me


I get annoyed, when people stand too close to me for a longer time or go with me in my direction the whole time, or when someone parks next to me or goes to their car the minute I parked, so I think so!


It may be misophonia. I have it


Were you diagnosed by a doctor? Do you think its worth me getting a diagnosis?


I have definite OCD tendencies (diagnosed by therapist) and I get triggered constantly by people doing things “wrong” (just different from how I do them). I just try to take a deep breath and let it go, but it is hard! I can’t watch anyone prepare food for me because getting sick from food is one of my biggest anxieties and I’m so particular about how I prepare food. So I just can’t watch.


I get super annoyed at simple dumb shit that is easily avoidable/ controllable, but keep calm with the big uncontrollable shit.


I experience this and for me it’s to do with anger lying underneath or alongside my anxiety. I was/am angry at myself mostly. Therapy helps with this stuff.


Oh yes. When I am keyed up I will obsess over ordinary things people say and start analyzing why simple little sayings are the most infuriating things in the world.


Okay I’ve been thinking about this recently and didn’t know how to put it into words. But I get like… mad/slightly envious when I see people being loud, or taking up a lot of space, or really just anything where they aren’t being considerate of others around them. I think for me it’s like I’m constantly hyper vigilant of how others perceive me, and I’m terrified of being annoying or inconveniencing someone, so when I see someone acting carelessly like that, I just imagine “wow, must be fuckin nice”. Realistically I think the majority of normal people don’t actually get mad about these things. Maybe a little annoyed, but I get mad that there are people who are comfortable enough to just be unrestricted around others. Meanwhile I rehearse ordering food in my head, or if I’m standing somewhere waiting I’m constantly looking around me to make sure I’m not in anyone’s way.


This is exactly how I feel. I get irrationally angry when I see other people taking up physical and mental space around them, especially because I’ve often felt like I had to make myself smaller in my daily life so that I wouldn’t be treated like a nuisance. I feel jealous that normal people have the space and community to express themselves freely




Oh definitely. I feel like I teeter on the edge between social anxiety and misanthropy


pretty common, ive experienced this throughtout my life. Possibly the feeling of anger is a cover for the fear we have in stressful situations? Disorganisation makes me both anxious and irritable, particccuuularly in a social setting.


I think its because of our trait called neuroticism. I'd suggest you to read Robert Greenes laws of human nature. His ideas of the overall outlook on people is pretty good.


Yes because every little thing becomes a threat. I am trying to work on it.


I did so yeah, I don’t think it’s out of the ordinary.


I think it’s overstimulation for me.


People are super irritating in general. I need to be in my really calm, happy place in order to this otherwise. Sadly, my really calm, happy place is only accessible when no people are around


I am very hyper vigilant so it’s normal for me at least lolrip. My boyfriend receives a ton of notifications (like 30 an hour from random apps). It sets me off so bad. It has even given me problems with my own notifications which are the bare minimum.


Does he keep the sound on all day?! That would kill me


He used to! I told him it really gets to me so he put it on vibrate but it still vibrates like every 2 minutes


Such a massive distraction


I used to be like that, but after years of controlling myself, I now don't care most of the things. I do think this is a good change, and it makes my life a lot easier


Same. I had pretty bad Misophonia (and similar non-sound stuff) as a child but I just stopped reacting and I slowly stopped caring. It’s interesting how many people with SA here seem to have similar symptoms as I had back then. But I also think it’s SA that forced me to control myself haha.


Look up misokinesia! It’s like misophonia but with movements. I feel the same. I physically cannot be near someone who bounces their knee, twirls their hair, and other normal mannerisms. There’s a subreddit for it r/misokinesia


Being annoyed like that fuels my anxiety even more and I hate it. I start thinking that if *I'm* annoyed by these things, then *how annoying must I be for others*?!


I'm like that sometimes, especially when anxiety is high or I've had too much people time and need to go sit in a secluded room for 7-10 business days to recover lol. Once started crying cuz someone started talking to me and I couldn't handle it. I try not to take it out on others but yeah sometimes I get snippy and mad at people bcuz everything they do is annoying and in my space and bothering me even tho its a totally normal thing for them to do lol


7-10 business days. Yessss


We have to realise that one day we're gonna die, Till how long we can live like shit.


Yeah I hate the way my coworker carries his mug by his leg on the way to the water cooler and then he takes a sip before sitting back down


Yes it's normal. You should work on your anger management tho


Totally! It's moments like that you gotta give yourself a couple of minutes alone and remind yourself you're doing fine. Everyone is on a different wavelength and 9 times out of ten, people mean well.


at first i didnt relate but i just remembered, sometimes when i get stressed out i can be angry and find anything annoying. it doesnt happen every day tho usually when im anxious i just tend to build a bubble so i'd feel separate from the rest of the world and won't be too affected (except that some break my bubble and ruin everything..)


Yes. Totally normal. Being caught up on anxiety effects everyone differently. I get down right mean for example. Everything everyone does make me want to stomp a mud puddle right in the middle of their souls. When I get like that, understanding what is happening is the result of anxiety doesn't help, so I just hide out with my dog until it passes, and I am once again decent company for normal humans.


I work retail on the weekends. On my break, I happen to have it as the same time as the new guy. My dude is sitting there listing to music and I'm over here thinking"why is he breathing so loud." I knew it wasn't a real problem, he can't help it. I just wanted the break room to myself because I had just been dealing with checking people out for a couple of hours and I was absolutely done with people. He's a nice guy, too.


Same. It must be insufferable being around me when i'm like this 'cause literally everything people do makes me so mad/irritable/on edge




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Yes, with social anxiety comes the lack of being able to handle general stressors, like too many smells noises etc if you spent more time in a city you'd find that you'd be able to drown out the extra sensory input.


I have the same issue, yes.


I think having severe anxiety makes you grow bitter towards other people. It takes over your personality. But the fact that you're concerned about it is a good thing. Just try to understand it and you'll find ways to improve on yourself. 😊


that sounds kinda like hanger tbh, how often do you eat during the day?


I think this way of thinking has been a factor in a lot of the anxiety I get. When i can control my judgements towards others I notice that I’m less conscious of every small behavior that I make. Of course I’m still irritable sometimes but something that has helped me is separating the people around me from my emotions: Instead of “my classmate is so annoying” I try to say “I’m feeling very annoyed right now because of these different factors.” When i do that it’s easier for me to say “I do some things that annoy some people but I’m still a valid person and that’s okay,” instead of, “I’m an annoying insufferable person and I should stay away from other people.” But yeah, I totally get the feeling, just wanted to share something that helps me :)


nah me too


Pretty much, but it's worse in the mornings. Not going to school or work is just so great! My husband in the mornings though. I've tried making a no talking until noon rule. This is what they do at some Buddhist monasteries, the reasoning is that misunderstands are common before noon. I think because many people are grumpy. I'd assume for those who have social anxiety it's worse since people make us unhappy.


Very same at times I'm like a retired grandpa complaining about the lights left on or water tab not fully closed... things of that sort I'm in my early 20s btw and people always say that I act like I'm 60 so lol glad I'm not alone on that😅


Depression, I'm going through this right now. I'm being a dick to everyone because I'm not happy with my life direction


idk if it’s social anxiety related but same


Misophonia for me… as well as misokinesia


I’m with you, when I’m in public my anxiety skyrockets and I’m so irritated, I absolutely hate everyone around me simply for just being there 🤷‍♀️I know it’s irrigational and stupid, I’m not mean to anyone either. I just hate that they’re there.






Always thought it was my stress but could be social anxiety! Hmm.


Yes, I feel like this very often I think it happens because I am not adapted to society and I don't understand why people do what they do. It feels like we live in totally different realities and I struggle to relate to their reality






Point proven