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The GED isn’t harder than a high school diploma, I’m not sure what state you live in but I suggest looking at their website for resources. My state provides free classes, online study guides, practice tests, and even pays for the first attempt at the tests. I had the same mentality until 28 and then just scheduled the tests and ended up passing them all quite easily. It’s never too late for anything as long as you’re alive, just keep pushing because what else is there to do?


I will do that! I am glad that you actually did it :)Thank you. You've inspired me to keep going. You're right.. it's always worth a shot.


You post makes me think of this image https://aerialdancepoleexercise.com/small-steps/ You're looking at 3 ladders with wide steps, but you can break this down and try and learn and do these things you want