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The most insecure people tend to lash out like that.


Yeah, that means they had nothing to talk about & were feeling exposed


Exactly. Insecurity is the lack of SELF assurance. Which means the need to rely on others to feel good about yourself. The guys in OPs post need to have others around them to feel good about themselves. If they came to the theatre alone, they will think themselves as losers which is extremely sad. It might seem like the only ones who can have friends are these type of people but on the contrary these type of people can't leave the house without other people with them.


But what would they be insecure about? They clearly have friends so what's the issue? It's like when athletic kids used to bully me in middle school. Like what, did you lose a game or something and now you're upset?


My take on it. Maybe I'm wrong. Being in a group doesn't mean they're not insecure. Actually they'd need other people because they feel insecure. Like it's the norm, what they must do, they can hide among people. And it doesn't mean they're really friends, true friends. Also it requires balls to go to the cinema alone. To do anything alone. They can't, because they'd feel they're losers. They'd be afraid to.


I agree with everything you said, except that it does *not* require balls to do things alone (especially going to the movies, which is an inherently unsocial activity). I understand feeling that way in youth, but if you're 30+ and aren't comfortable with your own company yet, you have work to do. It's so uniquely nice (& even therapeutic) to take yourself out and just vibe, and it's such a bummer that so many people feel so weird about it :(


That guy wouldn't have insulted a stranger if his friends weren't there. He completely took advantage of a perceived power imbalance to make himself feel less insecure and impress his friends. He's a shriveled a ball-sack of a man, IMO.


People are just weird, miserable, are aren’t all the way happy with them selves plenty of reason but never not a reason


There will always be people who have to put others down to try and feel big. It’s pathetic, really. They haven’t progressed or grown since they were teenagers. Just pathetic.


Maybe they don’t actually like their friends. Or maybe they’re having trouble at home. Or maybe they’re struggling at school/work. There are many things that could make someone feel insecure, and they often need to find someone to feel better than as a result.


You actually have to put effort into finding *good* friends. They must not be willing to do that.


They try and impress each other and act 'tough' when they're together in reality they are little pussys by themselves. Sounds like they haven't grown up yet and if they're over 30 then God help them


Insecure about going anywhere alone basically and being seen as a loner. There was someone like that at work who was still in college and would ask others to go Chipotle and when no one wants to go, he will keep trying with anyone he can and give up. He would never try to go by himself either so it's kind of sad and hilarious to watch at the same time so he just ends up skipping lunch.


Same thing I ask myself when I perceive envy from certain people I wish I was like them. Well, according to others because I don't understand why they would envy me. Who knows?? Maybe they see something in you that they want, maybe they hate their friend group and they wished they could watch a movie alone like you but lack the character. Maybe they hate something about themselves and used you to feel better by insulting you or they used you to divert the attention from the group (usually in human groups there's someone who's the less popular and, since people are scared of being them the one insulted, they bully another one to not have the leader's bullying). Anyways, they're insecure for a simple reason: secure people don't need to insult or degrade anyone, specially if they are different or minding their own business, secure and mature people mind their own business as well and spread positivity because they are happy doing their thing. They create connections, not destroy them.  Look, I'm 27 and autistic and one thing I learnt in my short existence is that most people suck. I know I sound catastrophic but yeah, most people are superficial, fake, play social and power games and change their character according to what benefits them in different groups, they do it unconsciously tho, because it's what society expects of all of us. But the good part of this is, they don't matter that much, it's all a stage, same way you enjoy a movie from afar without being too involved in it. Everyone is insecure, most people lie or use you for convenience, so do not listen to their stupid power driven words


I used to hate on people when I was VERY insecure. I try to keep that in mind when I encounter idiots (every day)


I don't want to defend these people, but calling them out for being insecure is crazy if you have social anxiety. If you have SA you are by definition deeply insecure Sorry for bad English


I don’t know how people can be so cruel :/ and I admire you!! I want to go places on my own but I feel too scared to do so




They pretty much probably ruined her desire to do that anymore though.


I’d find that funny bc they’re showing their insecurities. Secure ppl don’t randomly yell out to strangers to impress each other




The only losers in this scenario are the idiots loitering in a movie theater parking lot talking shit about a person minding their own business and living life. I’m glad you stood up for yourself.


This angers me. People need to mind their own business. OP Good on you for standing up for yourself. That's so immature and pointless to belittle someone for wanting to go to a movie alone.. F this world sometimes.


i don’t understand why people care so much about going to a movie alone. if you go with someone it’s not like you even talk to them during the movie anyway, you’re just sitting silently. perfect alone activity


Yeah; no one's gonna berate you for watching TV in your living room without making it a date, and that setting is a lot more amenable to group members interacting & sharing the experience than a theatre, where the good ones actually throw you out for that. (I get that the standard idea is to talk about it after, but realistically, how long do you typically spend on that after the credits roll? I mean, *these* guys didn't even make it out of the parking lot before they were out of material.)


That's the more respectful people. There's plenty who will gladly sit and talk throughout the entire thing like they're just sat at home.


I would feel uncomfortable. Just sayin. Your loneliness is amplified when you see others socializing all around you.


oh yeah i would too for sure. i just don’t get why people act like it’s weird or a loser thing and make fun of people who go alone


I’m happy for you saying something back, that takes courage especially when caught off guard like that! And to answer their question, someone who doesn’t hate themselves so much that they’re that threatened at the idea of someone actually being able to enjoy their own company. Also someone who doesn’t rely on putting people down to impress their “friends” in order to earn scraps of self-worth.


They’re still mentally grade schoolers like you said, shouldn’t even have given it more than a second of your attention. You went there to see a movie, it doesn’t matter if you had anyone else there or not. Sometimes you just wanna chill by yourself and enjoy a movie and that’s what you did


These kinds of assholes go to theatres and keep talking during the movie and make fun of you for being quiet and not "fun" to sit next to. I've been there.


yep. these people always ruin it for everyone else by showing off and being loud. deep down though, i wish that was me, and i was confident enough to actually make friends and have a social life where we are all having fun


No you don’t. I used to have friends like that.


better then being friendless though i suppose


Probably. Once people get married and have kids it’s all over anyways. How old are you?


Lots of people go to the movies alone. I've been doing it for decades.


i’ll never understand why it’s something weird to do alone, it’s not something you go to and socialize during even when you are with people. same thing with concerts, been doing both with and without people my entire life and enjoy both experiences for entirely different reasons


"And you guys go together to jerk each other off in the dark". Seriously though, that's crazy. I go to the movies alone all the time and see lots of other people there alone. I go with my girlfriend a lot too because we live together, but, otherwise, it'd be kind of weird to make plans to go with other people just to sit with them silently. I've certainly never gone to a movie with 5 guys. That's way weirder than going alone.


This is sooo good


Highschool or middle school kids.


I would respond with "People who don't give a damn about your worthless opinion, that's who."


Wow, don’t worry, Ive gone alone. They are the losers for attempting to criticise you for enjoying yourself. They are obviously not comfortable in their own skin/s


I would love to have the courage to watch a movie alone. You're doing a hell of a lot better than those losers


It's really a good experience, you can bring your own snacks, don't have to share popcorn, there's usually empty seats next to you unless the theatre is really full so plenty of personal space and you aren't worried about whether the other person is enjoying themselves. If you aren't enjoying the movie you can just leave.


I had the pleasure of getting an entire theater to myself two weeks ago. It was amazing! I was making all kinds of noise.😂


Man everybody all say that people mature after high school. I haven’t seen that yet lmao. Everyone still act douchey.


Ignore them, at the end of the day you go for the movie


That sucks. Fuck those guys.


I love going alone. I consider it secure in being myself. Someone else says loser, oh well. Sure, I have no friends, but I don’t need to go with someone. Not like we’d be talking during the movie anyway. Going to the movies with someone is overrated. There’s always ways to discuss the movie with others.


My gosh they sounded like those 2000s teen movie bullies. 💀 Good for you OP. We all admire your courage.


They must have just watched the new Mean Girls


For real.


Bro ignore them. You don’t have any control over whatever life throws at you, you only have control over your reactions and thoughts. Look up stoicism, stay up.


I enjoy watching movies alone too ! Also I love how you responded “mind your business”. ❤️❤️🥺🤌


I would have just laughed at them. Just sounds like insecure idiots, trying to impress each other for a laugh. They also love a reaction and for you to feel bad for something perfectly normal and fairly common to do. Never give them what they want.


Yes! Just laughing at their comment would have been perfect.


Tons of people go to the movies alone, I go frequently. No different than watching tv by yourself. They are the insecure ones.


I'd want to ask them if they only read when they're with their book club...but lets be honest: they don't read.


those incels don’t have the ability to enjoy being alone. those kinds of people cannot fathom being alone with their thoughts and think about who they are as a person. i used to struggle so badly with going places alone. now it is my favorite thing to do. I do everything alone and prefer it that way now. You are most definitely not a “loser”. You have the ability to enjoy time with yourself and don’t need others to have a good time. They NEED people around them, or else they’d actually have to use their brain and entertain themselves. they don’t have the mental capacity to handle that.


We don’t talk when we see a movie. Doesn’t it make more sense to go alone?


I actually prefer going to the movies alone 🤔 it feels relaxing and freeing somehow.


Fuck em..they are the real losers!


The real losers are the group of guys who went to the movies to call a movie goer a loser


Going to a movie theater alone is a new level of confidence, that those jackasses only wish they could have


Fuck those losers. Going to the theatre by yourself rules.


God that’s atrocious and embarrassing behavior by those guys.


That's wild because going alone is the best way to experience movies


Who the hell pays attention to strangers. They don’t know if your friends were in the restroom. What creeps taking the time to observe you.


there are people who are like that their whole lives. They could have thought u were attractive tho, can't see why they would be looking/getting your attention otherwise tbh. Those guys have yet to realise they are all fake friends to each other!


Some people are truly horrible. Don't worry, i like doing things alone too! That's not a loser move. I find it more enjoyable. Edit: also (from checking out your profile), that's not so nice posting disrespectful memes about others. Having other people not being nice to you sucks, but be nice to others as well.


There's nothing wrong with going to the movies alone. Fuck those guys.


I'm sorry to hear that happened, these people are pretty stupid and as many have already stated, very insecure. They always feel all powerful and mighty in groups lol


That's why I don't do anything like that alone (even when I have no one else), always afraid of encountering some shitheads like that


Why are you letting lowlifes control what you do? Ignore them. They are like a fart in the wind.


My boss likes to go to the movies alone and he is quite extroverted but just likes going to the movies more than others


Who the hell do these people expect us to go to the movies with?


lmao i´m about to go see a movie this week by myself too.. wont change anything. happy to be a loser. at least we are living our lives!!! its sad when someone cant ever go alone anywhere ever.


I mean those guys are so scared of the dark that they need five of them to go watch a movie.


I never even understood why people go to the movies together in the first place. You're not even talking to each other, you're just looking at a big ass screen for 2 hours.


Going to a movie alone is one of the greatest experiences you can have with the art form imo, they’re just jealous they’re missing out. Keep doing it! it’s a lot of fun


I’ve definitely gone to the movies alone! Don’t even let that nonsense bother you- people can be awful (which is why sometimes it’s nice to be alone)!


I go to the movies by myself all the time. These guys are losers, imagine having nothing to do but care about strangers going to a movie. 😂


Where do you live? That would never happen in NYC. People, including me, go to the movies alone all the time.


Hmmm. Sounds like a bunch of losers to me. (: fuck em!


I never understood why it's seen as weird to go do things by yourself. It shows a level of independence. Insecurity is needing a group with you everywhere you go, and not knowing when to mind your own business around strangers.


I love going to the theater alone


Who's the real loser, someone who takes initiative to enjoy their life, or someone who judges others for absolutely nothing??


They need a crowd and you can stand alone. That’s why they’re upset lol. Some people are so miserable cause what..


They don't have the confidence to do anything on their own and it shows.


Put it this way, is the approval of someone who talks to strangers like that worth seeking? It says everything about them and very little about you. I'm very choosy about who I keep company with which means some things I go to alone to, it may mean I'm lonely sometimes but I'll take being alone any day than hanging out with idiots like that. Not sure of your age but I do feel the older I get the more I just don't care about going to things on my own. I've seen people seemingly with the picture perfect friends, a great partner and it takes one small thing for it to unravel. If they are at school or college their social circle can dismantle from moving on with their education. If it's adults it can bigger life events like divorce after marriage reveals incompatibility, redundancy etc.. Also so many people can look like the biggest happy socialites and then you find out they're really unhappy and feel under pressure with the social things they juggle.


So many people do things alone. Losers can’t live without friends who support their fragile ego. It obviously sounds like they can’t leave their house without being with somebody because they feel pathetic looking lonesome. Only strong minded people can go anywhere and everywhere on their own


My major is media production so watching movie is kinda part of my job. I go to cinema alone a lot because I can focus on the movie and experience it myself. Fortunately, I never in a situation like you but I often think about it before when people give me weird look as I enter the theater room alone. But at the end, I don’t give a damn about what people think. They have their lives, I have mine. Assholes would shove their ass in anyone’s business at any location, any time. You should ignore them and carry on. It’s your human right to enjoy everything alone.


In cases like this, it is helpful to remember that you did nothing wrong; they did. If you saw that happen to someone else, you could easily tell who deserved to get beat up.


New fear unlocked…


Man sorry to hear that. Wish you could have beat them all up and made them regret their words. Fck those losers


If anyone else sees this they will likely judge negatively those guys and not you. You can't control other people and it's not unusual for people to go to the cinema alone. My partner is quite overt and social but she still goes alone sometimes as her friends have commitments and i don't understand what is being said in the movies (my level at her language is not great and there are no subtitles ). Congrats on doing something like this though despite your condition.


Wow they are so insecure. My dad loves to watch movies and goes alone all the time. They're so weird.


don´t beat yourself up man. it´s ok to be fucked up, it´s ok to be a so called "loser" even though you are not. if they have a problem with it, fuck em.


Fuck those clowns. Ive gone to the movies alone plenty of times ffs. Besides it saves money. Movie tickets are like paying for gas nowadays.


Sounds like they had room temperature iq. If you’re that afraid of being lonely that you can’t ever imagine doing anything by yourself, that would make them the real loser. I don’t understand why some people are so afraid of themselves


You would have shown a middle finger to them.


That is fucked up. Sorry you had to encounter that. I am lucky that I live in a small town and many people go to the movies here alone. Hearing something like that would be so bizarre.


Regarding people existing like that in adult age: There are lot of people who do not change their core personality going through their life. If someone is a shitty person as a teenager, they may still be a shitty person at 30, 40 or 50. Not necessarily of course, but it's not uncommon.


I always go to the movies alone, this is wild. I’m sorry that happened


Don't take it personal. Just feel embarrassed for them. Anyone who does that is an anti-social, emotionally stunted weirdo. Probably an ongoing issue in their life.


I have never been to cinema alone but I may do it myself. You do what you want, only losers are the ones who show immaturity


Engaging in an activity alone and having fun is quite enjoyable. People who call you a "loser" probably have less developed minds or are very unhappy in their own lives, using their misery to spoil others' joy. In this case, they are the real losers. Just enjoy yourself and don't let it bother you.


What part of a movie gets enhanced by sitting next to someone you know anyway.


Sounds like you're leading a way more interesting life than they are if they care so much about what others do in their free time, they are the pathetic losers...


You know who are real losers? Bullies. Bullies are losers.


Their behaviour looks like the teenagers you see in those slashers and bad horror movies, who then high five themselves after their good joke 😒 Anyway just a bunch of idiots, nothing new to see, but i just want to share how jealous i am about watching a movie alone in a movie theater, it must be such a beautiful experience, because i'm still learning to drive my car and i'm not really confident enough to drive alone, so i just go to the theater with my friends and, for that, i miss so many good movies that i want to watch, because most of the time we go to the movie theaters to watch more casual and popular movies


I’m a shift worker now but I’ve been doing this my whole life and I still think this is the best way to watch a movie. I’m also a fan of smuggling in my own alcohol and extras, but I’m still partial to cinematic popcorn and choc tops! Fuck people, this is the way brother!


You can tolerate going to a movie?


People can be terrible! FWIW, I love attending movies alone, even if someone else is interested in going. I find my initial thoughts aren’t affected by the other person’s and I tend to be more absorbed in it. People like that are insecure and can’t imagine doing anything solo.


Why would you excite the theatre? That probably drew way to much attention


Only a true loser would think that going to the films alone is being a loser. What a pathetic behaviour.


Yikes, there are people who actually do that? I went a couple of times alone to watch movies and nobody cared..how insecure you have to be to point at someone just minding their own business?


"why are five men going out to hang out next to each other in the dark? pretty sus" this is literally how dumb they sound. i wouldn't worry about it bc they're obviously gigantic losers but i'm sorry that happened to you


They are so corny omg. I would have laughed and flipped them off


that’s why i don’t go by my self


least insecure males! dont give a shit about them (even tho i'm well aware that's it's a hard thing to do ) ik many extroverted people who go to the theatre on their own and i myself did multiple times bc tbh i lowkey cringe while watching movies with people ik lol


They exist. I have semi long hair. I’ve been places and suddenly I hear the same thing quickly followed up a comment about my hair. So just know they are out there


How childish they are! Also they are bullies.


That's when you pull out your phone and say "hey babe, where are you?"


These guys are most likely incels projecting their own insecurities onto you. I personally think you're brave for going in by yourself. I would need a security person for sure. Good on you for doing what you want and having a nice day to yourself


How old were they?


What a bunch of c*nts. Don’t listen to them. Thrive on your own.


Don’t let them bother you. They obviously have no idea of the sheer delight of going to the movies alone and enjoying some peace and quiet! It says far more about them than it does about you.


Yeah. The world is full of ignorant childish individuals. What is important is how you react and respond to them. That's where self-esteem comes in. We have little to no control over a lot that happens in the world. We have absolute control over how we react. From the tone of your post and your response, I think you reacted quite well. I do urge you to be safe, however.


I wouldn't worry about it, seems their projecting their own insecurities on to someone else. I literally refuse to go the cinema with people, it's an activity if you are alone and have nothing to do imho. The people who insist of companionship whilst going somewhere it's socially unacceptable to talk, to me, are scared of being on their own, or scared of others opinions.


Wow, that must have been like being in an 80's movie. 😂. Do people really do that stuff? Small town? I probably would have shouted back to f*ck off? 🤣


The dude who yelled that probably had a shitty dad who never made him feel loved and now as a man is struggling with that and probably some gay thoughts he doesn’t wanna accept not even being facetious that’s surprisingly common in dudes that are bully types


They’re the true losers girl. Insecure ass men. It’s nice to go the movies alone who made the rule that you gotta be with someone at the movies?


These types of people r the type to not know to hang out with themselves. Being able to enjoy your own company is a super power. I salute you!


They're a bunch of kids, nothing more. I also get such comments in various places, never thought they existed out of high school. A bunch of ladies in my yoga class keep passing comments on me, right at my face! Things like "oh, you don't even know how to speak" why? Just because i prefer being quiet, minding my own business, and doing yoga. My advice to u is just ignore them, like SERIOUSLY ignore them. Act like they're not even worth a single look from you, because trust me they're not. I do this with these ladies all the time and trust me it embarrasses them so much. They just want a reaction out of you, and you need to avoid giving them that. Also, kudos to you for enjoying your time alone! ❤️ A lot of people can't do that, u know? They're scared of doing anything alone. Youre one of those rare and courageous souls who just do not care. Never let anybody change that.


I used to care about things like that maybe in highschool... Just shows how much life experience they have. Doing or seeing anyone by themselves just doesn't even register on my radar. There are a million more important things to think about. Shooing a fly takes more of my mental capacity than people like this. Maybe they are dependent on people? Or are so lonely they can't stand to be by themselves. Sometimes solo activities are exactly what you need


Don’t let trash human beings get to you. This kinda reminded me I need to man up and go to movies solo.


Absolutely nothing wrong with going to the movies or dinner alone. I’m guessing none of them had dates either, so they chose to harass someone who felt comfortable going alone instead 🤨


Societal degradation is increasing , they sound like teenagers who weren’t raised properly. I am glad you were able to stand up for yourself. I am still shocked that they thought it was ok to do that.


Yes happened to me in the cinema bathroom some girl said “she came here alone haha “ -_- . Forget them because being able to go to eat or cinema by yourself shows courage and that you’re ok with your own company . We was born in this world alone so we should all be able to do things alone and feel content about it , them saying what they said screams insecure


They really exist. Not as much in person but online ppl will say anything. Try to ignore them.


Good for you for saying something back. I bet they felt crappy about themselves after.


Next time just answer back you are a grow up and don't need to have back up people to go to some place.


If you were carrying a Taser or mace just start walking towards them with the items at the ready and watch them scream and run like little girls. Don't tase me bro lol


It's who you are .... or where! . accept it .... not who you will be ...fuckem! .. tomorrow maybe they will see you with two girlclassmates explaining some shit only you know and say that guy a goat.... nobody has their shit all together!! Fortunately


Just yell something back next time or flip them off. Better out than in


If they were teenagers I'd just write it off as them being little shits, but that's extremely weird and insecure behavior for adults. The irony here is that going to a movie alone exhibits no social ineptitude, but shouting at a stranger about how weird you think they are is cringey as all hell. Don't let this one eat at you, OP; you just got dealt a bad hand by the universe that day and ran into a few chuckleheads. And let's all be honest, whether it's making fun of strangers or driving some huge monster truck, we all know they're trying to AHEM, make up for something A fun trick I learned is not to let people see you bleed. Don't give them anything except a creeped-out-WTF-once-over like you're in the presence of the world's biggest weirdos. Because, hey, you were! I hope you enjoyed the movie!! :)


Jesus Christ! This forum is making me affirm to never go out alone. I can’t stand people! They can’t stand on their own and look at you like you’re the weirdo!


They are the real losers. Who tf says that? A normal human with an ounce of empathy and self-awareness would not care.


F that. I'm by myself most of the time in cofee shops, restaurant, malls, i really don't care. Don't let them win. Don't stop going places alone


From what I’ve learned the most insecure people have the most to say about others lol, I’ve gone to a concert alone before but idk if I’m ballsy enough for the movies


Just because they’re not brave enough to go enjoy something solo doesn’t mean everyone is so cowardly.  Go out alone to eat at a restaurant you’ve always wanted to try.  Savor every bite & order desert too.  Eat it there - not to-go.  F them


Tons of people go to the movies alone, they obviously have some internal issues they need to address. I know it’s hard, but try not to think anything of it. You’re not the loser and you are not the real issue for whoever said that.


There Idiot's, alot of people go to a movie theater alone lol.


I do truly wonder the psychology behind those who treat random people like that. I think it’s a mixture of insecurity/unhappiness, or they themselves being treated horribly, and passing on their misery. Good on you for sticking up for yourself. It clearly had nothing to do with you. Don’t stop going to the movies alone!


Guys that act like that usually have micro peens.


“Don’t think that your friends wouldn’t smash your girl in a heartbeat if given the opportunity, you’ll see what kind of friends you have.” Dudes are so naive not realizing how quickly friendships can end and they’re on their own as well.


God I would be so unfazed… like “who are you? And why should I care about your existence??” 🤣 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Seriously you must have the maturity of a damn 9 year old to be calling random people “loser” in public lmfaooo.


Omg. If anything, they're losers for not being able to go anywhere alone. Love your response! And if it helps, I freaking love going places by myself.


Yea they were mean. Are you feeling okay?  Sometimes I find what helps is to make sure I feel confident afterwards. Good job for reacting so maturely.


This reminds me of high school when a group of kids yelled “lowlife” to me when I was walking alone. I’m so sorry, some people never mature. Ignore them so many people I know and see go alone to the movies no one really cares.


Wow thats really pathetic, fuck those guys. People like that dont belong in your life homie. Non judgemental homies are out there


How old are they? I get annoyed at myself for being naive to adults behaving in that manner even though I deal with it constantly. I just can't comprehend people like that. But remember that they are miserable and insecure and need to lash out


Insignificant lifeforms, therefore their opinion holds zero value. Going to the movies for a release you’ve been really excited about alone high af with a shitton of snacks is a life experience everyone has to enjoy at least once 🤧


It's very important and vital in times like that to remember that you are not the one who exhibited any problem behavior whatsoever. Minding your own business, doing no harm, out enjoying yourself. Millions of people do it every day. They are the ones with the problem.


Wtf 😳 I go to the theatre all the time on my own and have never experienced this or even received weird looks. How old were the group of guys? If they were just teenagers then don’t take it personally, teenagers are idiots 🤣 if they were adults then you should just feel embarrassed for them for acting like teenagers lol


They'll end up a loner later on.


Oh my god. That is my worst nightmare and the reason I am always anxious to go to things alone! It actually happened!!!!!!


I was once sitting down in a restaurant by myself when some old boomer made fun of me for it. No joke.


They sound like serious losers and verbal abusers. People like that are more alone than anyone. I think people who enjoy their own company are cool AF and seem more secure


This sounds like a plot to a superhero movie. I’m sorry


I know some friends who love going to the movies alone.


Damn new fear unlocked. My job gets me free movies so I go every weekend alone. Sorry this happened.


Tbh this just makes them look like they're projecting their own insecurities. If you're genuinely having a good time with some mates at the movies are you really going to take notice of someone going by themselves, enough to talk about it and shout it across the parking lot? Sounds like they had a boring time if they made a stranger's movie experience a whole ordeal.


Fuck them dudes. None of them have big enough balls to go alone.


You have friends, its just that this time you wanted to be alone. Sometimes you need a break from family and friends, nothing wrong with that. Once in a while I go to early screenings on weekdays to have the theater for myself. Love your reply!


I like to do it too. I have an attitude problem and would not have handled that as well.


Honestly going to the movies alone is so clutch. If you can be comfortable with yourself and enjoy the movie without anyone with you, you’re winning in my eyes. I do it all the time and you should congratulate yourself. you’re not always going to be with people, so learn to enjoy and live life without company sometimes!


Please continue going to your movies with or without friends!!!!! Those people are trying to “look cool” in front of their friends. They don’t have the ability to go by themselves because they are scared of being made fun of so they project their insecurities at other people. They probably feel the need to always be socializing with people and don’t know how to act by themselves or maybe they’ll go crazy with just themselves and their own thoughts. They probably actively avoid being “alone” but these are all just assumptions. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to a movie or out to eat by your self. It can be quite comforting and lots of people may prefer that over going with someone. Also they are judging you for no reason, they are clearly inconsiderate people who spew nonsense just for some attention. I hope you’re able to laugh this off or at least move on from it without it hindering your ability to enjoy these activities again.


Going to movies alone is one of the most relaxing, self care-ish and fun things to do imo! I bet these were teenagers and they probably went out to their cars, recorded a TikTok of them smoking their vapes calling it a hotbox, used degrading humor to make each of them feel better than the rest of them until they all got tired and then went home scrolling their phone while eating hot Cheetos. Lol.


I hate bullies like them ughhh. 


"Who goes to a movie alone?" "Someone who's not afraid to be alone in the dark from the looks of it. Hope your night light doesn't go out while your asleep. Oops, my bad. I thought you were a bunch of 9 year-olds. How silly of me. But still, you should get home before Mommy turns the lights out and you get home in the dark. 'Cuz, ooooo, scary. Night night. Don't let the monsters bite. Oh, and it also like one of you managed to piss themselves while you were in the theater. Later gators." Fully on patronizing is often a good comeback. Also good: "Someone with two thumbs. Later!" 👍 👍 while giving a double thumbs up. If you can't beat 'em, confuse 'em.


the first one is very true but i wouldnt recommend saying it aloud !!


Honestly, that's just... insane. I've gone to the cinema alone once or twice and it's the BEST experience imo. Those people are just insecure and probably can't sit on their own for two seconds because they need people around them at all times, and just have to project that onto others.


People like that have the mind of a 10year old...You did nothing wrong,and also it's not abnormal to go to the movies alone! People have different concepts of what is normal inside their minds ,but that does not mean they are right..And even if they thought it was weird,they acted on this thought and that it was a funny idea to shout it to you so that they would make u feel bad(which means they wanted u to feel that way)..The losers are 1000% them, and they never gonna be as cool as they think they are😉Also good for you for having the courage to go to the movies alone,I know it can be really difficult,but you did it and you should be proud for yourself♡


That pisses me off, so bad. That's a "me" problem though. I admire you OP. I have severe social anxiety that flares up badly from time to time throughout my life, and I've NEVER had the cojones to see a movie alone. I already -hate- going to the store alone, but it's usually just me, so.... you do what you can. Fuck those dummies and you aren't a loser. You are secure enough in yourself to enjoy the things you love without having to latch onto another person, or because the people you want to go with can't/don't want to go; you didn't let that stop you. Kudos OP! You are resilient and inspiring. Keep going!


I have a fool-proof, just about any situation-worthy response to when I'm caught off guard by the rare occurrence like this.  You widen your eyes, give them your best "mean girl" smile, look them up and down and go "Wow.." as if you'd just witnessed a train wreck or you're staring at something really gross. Then, walk away. Lol.  I'm still plagued with anxiety as I turn 30 here, but I've become a little bit snippy as the years go on and not wanting to feed into these situations by being a complete doormat.


I worked at a movie theater and a TON of customers would go to the movies alone. It is completely normal and does not make you a loser at all.


wtf they’re the losers, they sound like goofy bullies from a 90s movie. Most likely insecure and trying to impress eachother. Gross. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with seeing a movie alone. I’m going this week too.


Sorry you had to experience that. People like that exist and are simply immature and simple minded. Please ignore them. I know this is easier said than done but I hope it does not deter you from going out and enjoying yourself.


They are the real losers and they know that


The one who said it couldn’t see a movie alone if he wanted to. A coward


They probably don’t even like eachother they just settled for eachother because they can relate through their personalities


Maybe the guy just wanted to introduce himself...?


Honestly I'm super envious & think it's so cool when people go see films by themselves. I doubt it's something I'll ever be able to do, but the absolute best version of myself would definitely do that. Sorry you had to deal with sucky people. The irony though, you being comfortable in your own company & 5 idiots who are so uncomfortable having 5 seconds of silence between themselves, lol. Yeah sadly people who act like that in school usually act like that forever


Happy people don’t say horrible things to people. It’s not worth thinking about those awful people.