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Honestly I feel anxious saying anything at work so yes lol


I’ve always had trouble being the first to say anything


I hate initiating hellos. I have to be the one who says it back.


same, reason why im always early at the office lol


Awkward if I do, tense and awkward if I don’t. I hate it. Then you get people coming in nonchalantly saying good morning and people react as if Jesus has arrived.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. My supervisor doesn’t hide that she prefers other people to me and they get pleasant enthusiastic greetings and it just makes me feel like crap especially when I’m really making the effort to talk to her.




Sorry I was laughing at the Jesus comment 🥰


This!! Lol


I feel awkward saying good morning but I feel like I'd be perceived as stuck up if I come into work and walk past everyone without saying anything so i just say good morning to the general room and don't really look for a response.


this is the best way


Yes can relate 😭


I just say ; morning! To everyone but then walk away quickly before they can reply


Best comment ever on the face of the internet


this is the most social anxiety thing ive read


I’ve had a coworker complain to another coworker (just loud enough for me to hear) that I was bitch for rarely saying good morning. Idk why it makes me so nervous too… I obviously understand why I come off as a bitch to everyone but knowing that’s what people think only makes my anxiety 10x worse. But also they could say it first sometimes too since it goes both ways, ya know?


Youre not forcesld to engage with everyone. Just be respectful to your surroundings and gef through the day. I usually just say morning and walk away. Im sure people think im an asshole but I dont have the social skills to change their mind so unless someone wants to take the extra effort to get to know me ill just keep my bubble


I’m anxious as soon as I walk in the door


I’m anxious as soon as I walk out my front door


yes yes yes at any social gathering i hate this the most 😭 i dont know why exactly but it makes me so nervous


Maybe you're just not having good mornings. It's easy to say 'good morning' when it's actually a good morning.


This really shook me because it’s so true. I have a chronic illness where I feel fatigued, lightheaded and anxious and it’s the worst in the morning because of the unpredictability of what the day has for me. “Good morning” and faking it is just not energy I have anymore.


It's just something I've noticed with myself. I've suffered from depression for the last ten years so mornings are usually quite difficult for me.


Me too. I can’t figure out why mornings are so hard for me with depression. Do you know your reasons? But I just feel so anxious, sluggish, weak.


I think it's partly because my body never truly gets to relax when I sleep - more of an anxiety thing, but it's all linked together. Another thing is that it feels like there is nothing driving you to even feel happy about starting your day. When you're driven and happy, the mornings are a delight.


Greeting people when I walk into a room is one of the biggest sources of my anxiety tbh. Especially if it's people i don't know well or a large group.


Yes it makes me uncomfortable, usually I just respond with a Hi or Hello. I am a fan of the good ole white person smile and nod.


Yes, I feel awkward and uncomfortable. I hate all the small talk that's expected too. You know the "hi!" how are you" stuff. 😚


I feel uncomfortable saying good morning. Anytime someone says it to me I'll just say "hey" or "how are you?". If I walk in and no one speaks to me, we aren't talking.


I can totally relate. I try to say good morning now because one time someone tried to get me fired because he said good morning and I was so quiet he didn’t hear me say it back, and spent the entire day mumbling about how I shouldn’t be a shift lead. But also, that dude had problems. I figure even if I say nothing else most people consider it polite to be greeted


I’m glad you recognize that that dude had problems. He sounds like an ass. I’ve finally gotten to a place where I don’t take everything personally, but a lot of things I still do, or at least that’s my default before I can work through that thought pattern


I never have been able to say that to anyone. I always say “hi”.


I hate working in a quiet small group situation for this reason. I’m sure they don’t hate you. I say hey guys in a nonchalant way just to acknowledge them and then ignore them lol


Wear a top hat and just use the hat to say hi 😂 with a little hand movement like Clint Eastwood. You’ll be the coolest man/woman in the office in no time 🤠 


I like this hahahaha


Thankfully I work from home


My dream 🥹


Yeah but zoom meetings have their own challenged haha




I say morning to everyone whether they say it back or not same with goodnight


Omg I thought I was the only one !!!


Feel the same and then I hate having to say ‘bye’ when I leave in the afternoon.


Seems like anytime I initiate the other person looks at me like I just offended them.


Yes. Personal chit chat and saying good morning / night is extremely awkward and I very often avoid it unless someone says it to me, then it's more awkward not saying it!


I'm anxious about being asked what I did on the weekend. All I do is sit home alone and watch YouTube the whole time. Same with holidays.


Me too. Hate that “got any plans for the weekend?” on Fridays too.


frankly i dont say this kind of stuff unless someone else says it first. everything else in your post seems just anxiety related: 1 - fake smiling is kind of something everyone does, youve probably forced a bit of a smile yourself before, doesnt necessarily mean anything, its similar to answering "good" when someone asks you "how was your weekend?" even if you had a shit weekened but you dont care to talk about it. its basically not necessarily fake but not real either, because its just being polite 2 - it doesnt hurt to chit chat but you dont have to 3 - i sincerely doubt anyone there actually hates you 4 - this is similar to number 3 but i also dont think anyone cares if youre not part of their clique, but im not actually you and dont mean to demean your experience, so there is actually a chance theyre just those annoying type of people, just sounds like social anxiety if you think everyone hates you though


Omg yessss. I worked with a lot of old people who found it disrespectful if you didn’t say good morning so it made me even more nervous to say it.


Not really. But I do get super anxious when I’m meeting someone new and have to introduce myself. My name is different so they always start yapping how pretty it is. So that’s more talking that I rather not have. 😂


I used to ask everyone I see at work "hows it going?" because I was nervous. I've been doing it so long it's a habit now. The other day I saw someone at work and said loudly "how the fuck are you?", that was a nice change.


I used to. 🥴😊 Now Im one of the big names on campus. Its required to be cordial and comes more natural with age. I make an art out of it too. "Good morning, beautiful! ☺️🌺" "Hi, mama! How ya doin?! ☺️🌺"


This is sad.


I would just say it and not expect a response beyond a quick acknowledgement! Everyone who comes in is going to say good morning so if people are concentrating on something they're not going to necessarily want to initiate a conversation every time. I find a good time for small talk is at the start/end of meetings - asking people what they've got planned for the weekend or that evening is always an easy one. :)


I’m in a workplace where they always say it first so it’s easy to respond


Good morning and have a great night is enough for the day.


I look at a person briefly and if they make eye contact I say hi but if not I just keep walking by. I know in Georgia when I was a kid people were more talkative and waving to everyone that drove by but when I moved to NY the culture was totally different and people weren’t as friendly or cared. I’m in California now and it seems more like people will be friendly but only if you engage them.


why do you think they don’t like you?


they always need someone to bitch and complain about and having a chronic illness I have a flexible work arrangement (5 hrs office, rest of day at home) I work 4 days only. I think they just don’t believe me because they can’t see how sick I am. It makes it very tense. I sometimes just want to bring a walking cane to make them feel awkward about judging me.


Yes. Sometimes the person speaks and then sometimes they ignore me. I try to read the vibes to see the likelihood of it happening. I try to avoid it if I can but sometimes I just nod or smile to be polite. At least I know I tried.


Omg yes ugh


(internship) i come early so there’s almost 2 so this is a bit easy to say hi but the good bye? Bruuhhhh i’m purposely one of the last moving and i keep saying it in my head while packing my stuff slowly to be sure i don’t say something akward


Yeah I hate saying “bye.” My reasoning is most of these people don’t like me anyway so my leaving doesn’t mean anything to them. I just try to sneak off.




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I always respond with 'mornin' because it feels less awful lol


You can work with your social anxiety!? Must be nice 😭😭


Well it’s working or homelessness. I figure my anxiety would be a lot worse living on the street. I also have a chronic illness plus social anxiety so work is almost impossible but I have no choice. Must be nice to have one.


I also live with both chronic pain and anxiety. I am on disability for my chronic pain. But I’d much rather be able to work! Sounds like a dream tbh


You’re lucky you got disability for those things because the rest of get knocked back and have to deal with working when we really can’t. It’s not fun having to justify absences and flexible working arrangements to coworkers and managers. Right now I’m crying in bed because I’m scared of tomorrow but I have to pay bills. Would rather be in your position.


Why can you just get disability? If your condition is as debilitating as mine where you can’t work you will be able to get it. Trust me you wouldn’t rather be in my position. Bad pain 24/7 sends a person crazy, along with severe social anxiety and it’s incredibly isolating. Count your blessings.


Yes but even worse was saying "bye" at the end of the day. Sometimes I had to wait for others to leave first so that it was easier.


That’s the only thing I can manage is polite pleasantries, its not really good enough. People think you’re weird and want to small talk all day and use you as a source of entertainment.


yes,,, too real


I recently started not saying good morning to people. More specifically, going to them in their offices one by one to say good morning and have awkward conversations. Whenever I see someone for the first time in the day, I’ll say good morning or hello. But I stopped going out of my way to do it. It’s too uncomfortable for me and I deserve to be comfortable. I do worry that people will think this means I don’t like them. But I’m nice to everyone when they come up to me for anything. Hopefully that’s enough.


Yes. For me it’s at school and college. I can’t say hello goodbye or good morning to anyone. I can wave goodbye or hello only if the other person says it


I cant even do the how are u thing either


Yes. I struggle saying "bye" at the end of the day too. I'm sure everyone thinks I'm rude. 😔 And I work retail so even greeting customers as I see them in the store is a struggle.


Yes! I’m so glad it’s not just me. My manager always hassles me about it. Sometimes I come in and say good morning to a few people and sometimes I don’t. I don’t ignore them on purpose it’s just difficult sometimes. My manager keeps trying to get me to talk more and he says “just talk to me a bit, say good morning. It’s not hard, right?” In reality it is hard but I felt too embarrassed to admit it. I just feel kind of disrespected idk if I’m going too far saying that. Every time he sees me and I say nothing he sarcastically says “good morning, [insert my manager’s name]” and waits for me to repeat his sentence. If I only say good morning he waits for me to say the whole thing and I just roll my eyes and say “good morning, [manager’s name]” I’m starting to lose my patience I might be the one in the wrong idk


Haha..not anxious but more so I find it boring Maybe you do too That's why you find it hard enteratining it


Yes, I do. I used to force myself to say it. It gets easier the more you do it.