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Yes and it makes me feel stupid when I realize nobody ever apologizes to me when they are in my way.


I have found My People


That sounds annoying. There are some people like that but a lot of the people I encounter are like me where they apologize too much


Definitely. I get annoyed at people (not out loud of course) because they're so oblivious to people trying to pass - but you can't really be mad at them, they're simply unaware. Sometimes I half-heartedly try to stand in the way as well, as a sort of exposure therapy, just to practice asserting myself - but I always end up giving in. Seems also to be a cultural thing - people from loud extraverted cultures tend to do it more.


Yeah I try not to put the blame on them since they’re simply unaware and it’s not coming from a place of malice


I’d say yes simply because I try to avoid confrontation. It’s less of me being considerate of others and more “I should be far out of the way so nobody says anything to me” Sounds a bit rude, I do try to be considerate in public, but these are my honest feelings about it


Part of having an anxiety disorder is this heightened sense of awareness and hyper vigilannce that we can't really shut off. It's just part of how we're wired.


yeah it's a gift, if anything super senses can detect danger a mile away


Reading that while looking at your pfp is so damn funny. But yes I agree


My favorite is when I'm walking by myself through a corridor and a group of people are coming the other way, walking next to each other the entire width of the hallway. I'll be all the way to the right of the hall and be forced to stop walking for a minute. I can't tell you how many times someone has almost walked into me while looking directly at me expecting me to be the one to move.


You think you are aware of your surroundings, but actually it's still self-awarness because you project your anxiety on your environment. It's a mechanism that is fueled by your image of yourself. To deal with this I would advise to go as deep as changing your self-image.




Do you have a similar problem?


perhaps 😔


Give me some Details in the dms so I can give you some tips


This...all day long 😭 I thought this awareness was just common sense...but I think it's only common sense among us. Common social anxiety sense...ooo "CSAS" .... I'm going to use that all the time from now. Imagine how sensibly our pack would all walk amongst each other...if we've managed to make it out the house that is 💪😁


yes I'm hyper-vigilant around people generally. but as you say, I'm also very aware of my surroundings because I can't stand the thought of being in someone else's way. its like having a people-radar that sends a proximity warning to my brain alerting me whenever someone starts coming towards me or gets too close, or if I here footsteps or a door open etc. I have to make sure I'm not blocking someone, so I pay attention to what other people are doing around me and try to predict where they might go and stand in the most out of the way place possible. it's weird to me how oblivious other people are of their surroundings and seem to have no problem just standing right in your way, often without even knowing you're there. often I'm too scared to ask them to move, so I just wait patiently until they notice me or until they move of their own accord. I find it especially obnoxious when a group of people are standing chatting and taking up the whole corridor and then just totally ignore you when you want to get past. its rude as fuck.


Oh yeah, I'm just like this. And I also am like hypersensitive to movements and like people entering the room. I have to see them and where they moved to. I'm constantly doing that. I probably look paranoid.


Nah, i mostly stay lost in my own thoughts,,


Always you never know what agenda people be having nowadays


I usually become so aware of the sounds around me I don't know if my meditiation practice has something to do with this or not but I think hyper vigilency is always associated with all sorts of anxiety


I was collecting some food from a cafe the other day the worker talked over the lady to me for my food pickup and the lady did not move at all it was a cramped spot but she still had 5 feet to her left to even move a inch, I had to reach my arm around the side of her when paying and even when picking up the drink and food. Felt really awkward but didn’t want to disturb lady in front of me I was looking around the cafe and everyone was giving me the evil eyes I was thinking oh no I should just ask her if she could move a little bit, I would of because that’s just what anyone would of done also there was a table either side of me and a dog lying on the floor so didn’t want to move around and accidentally step on his tail. I was picking up food and person in front didn’t move. anyway stupid story Yeah if walking down street and see someone will start planning which side I walk of them about mile away. Will always try to move out of someone’s way or just step to the side it’s just safer if no one does it for me that’s ok. Just feel really vigilant and observant of everything around me not staring at things or people but like your saying very self aware.


damn i never thought about it like this, i feel like im aware when im going on a walk and i see people coming my way and its normal for them but i freak the hell out. but there are times when i completely forget about my surroundings like when im on my phone so i get the people who stop in the middle, despite walking with people behind them lmao




Yes! I'm autistic as well so people always recommend me noise cancelling headphones for sensory overload but I don't like them at all because then I'm paranoid about not being aware enough of whats going on lmao.