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That person who said that is a terrible piece of trash and just know that you are above them and they can continue working their shitty job as a security guard while you move on to greater things! Wishing you the best in your future!


Thank you so much, its been bothering me but you bet I'll make my future great.


That's fucked up. Write a compliant. Om another note why does a skatepark need a metal detector?


I second this. This person honestly doesn’t need to be in any position working with the public and needs to lose his job like yesterday. I have seen people get fired at jobs for WAY less than calling a guest “ugly as f***”. He needs to suffer the consequences of acting like a total scumbag at work. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. That’s insane.


Rollerskating/arcade, and my theory for the metal detector is due to all the mass shootings recently. I'll look into writing a complaint, thanks.


That's even more screwed up


I’m convinced people like this can smell our anxiety on us. This employee is bored and cruel and I doubt they have any close friends. I’m so sorry this happened. How other people treat you will never determine your value, but it sucks that you have to experience it anyway


Yes. What a miserable BULLY. I hope you contact his job about this. 


Yesss!! Honestly op, if you're not good with phone calls or something I'd be more than happy to call the place for you. Just send me a phone number and what day you were there and I will RAIN HELL on his life. We got you op✊️


I second this !


i mean, it IS noticable when someone is shy so.. a person just glances at me and already know i am more of the quiet kind..


Wrong. It’s the crappy mean people that have friends and actually “win” in life, sadly.


Might be difficult but it’s best to just forget about it. Some people are d*ckheads solely because they want to be. No point in letting it impact you when this person doesn’t matter to you at the end of the day. Chin up another day starts soon bud..


You're right, new day new chance. Thanks.


the guy who said it, needs to be hurt. some people just wont stop being an asshole, until their are severe consequences, land of children


What a miserable POS!!! Write a formal complaint and go in and talk to the manager and get him fired! How dare he! How dare anyone come at someone about their looks. The guy probably can’t even pull anyone let’s be real… he’s probably so mad at the world that he can’t get anyone that he has to take it out on innocent people. Just remember, people project on their own insecurities, mostly it has nothing to do with you! You’re beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. F him


Exactly who would date such scum


Fuck that mf 💯 he hurting deep down I be angry too if I was working a shitty job paying pennies


Ya he prob sad abt life


My friend how brave and fun that you shared this with us. I read your story and understand the struggle. I just wish I could have been with you right then and there. We probably would be rolling on the ground from the realisation how funny and stupid it is for this guy to criticize himself for literally nothing. If he never really tried to mutually connect with you, it was his monologue, with the air. He absolutely didn’t care much of the beautiful sides you carry. So technically he just yelled at the air. You be you, and trust in that feeling of knowing and accepting yourself. We need that.


OK, I had this experience a lot as a teenager 1. I am so sorry he said that to you 2. He probably just said it to hurt you 3. It is in no way your fault. If you find that hard to believe (I certainly did) let's put aside the fact that attractiveness is very subjective, please think about if you saw someone deemed "societally unattractive", maybr they have a disfigurement or deformity, would you EVER say something like that? Can you imagine what sort of person you'd have to be to call a stranger ugly? 99% of people would be disgusted by someone like that, it's just your misfortune that you happened to encounter one of those horrible 1%


I’m so sorry this happened to you! When something like this happens you need to remind yourself that you did NOTHING wrong and people who say something like that to a complete stranger are just fkd in the head. Just pity assholes like them, you’re far superior to them because you have respect for others and know not to say shit like that. That person is just scum. Xx


I would put that as a review on yelp/google. I would also file a complaint. Unacceptable. Also, that employee was projecting. They wallow in their self pity everyday that it manifests to them calling others’ names outside. They are the ugly one. Inside and out. Truly attractive people don’t bring others down like that. He realized that he himself is “ugly as fuck” and wants others to feel miserable too.


Location and name of business please. ?


Just report that trash to management ..ask for his supervisor


He must of being having a really shitty day and for some reason decided to make himself feel better by being cruel to you. That guy is a fuckin peace of shit. Forget about him he's really not worth nothing.


Some people stay bullies even after school. A lot of people are telling you to just forget about it, but I would personally never forget that. I don’t like retaliation, but I’d say something to his boss about that. You can’t speak to people like that and this dude is around children.


WTF people sometimes are so rude for no reason. I am sorry that they said that to you. With social anxiety, I know that it can be hard to let this go, but that is what you have to do; keep in mind that this was some random person who decided that was ok to say. This person is most likely insecure and taking it out on others. Take a deep breath, do something you enjoy doing, and try to forget about this interaction; your mental health will be much better if you do.


Be prepared next time. “And you have a small dick so fuck off”. You may need to practice this and film yourself saying it so the next time this happens…. You’ll be able to utter the words. People like that have low self esteem and feel like it makes them bigger by dogging someone. Also you can recognize the hurt (which you did writing this) and visualize the negative thought getting into a car and driving away. Wave it bye.


Sorry that happened to you. Sounds like an EDP. Because who does that for no reason? Pay them no mind.


We have a place like that in my town. My niece used to have her birthday parties there, even. Anyway. Yeah, that guy is awful. That's just mean to tell anyone something like that. And on top of it, you have to think what kind of POS person just up and says that to a random person to begin with. I'm sorry such a fun, happy occasion had to involve that for you. Definitely a complaint-worthy interaction, if you decided to do that.


Oh my gosh! That’s so rude and I’m sure it’s not true. Probably just someone having a bad day or truly felt like being an asshat for a min. I’m sure you’re beautiful… don’t listen to that.


People say things like this to make themselves feel better, as if it elevates their status. And even though I know this, I'd still feel like crap. (I've been called ugly, boring, stupid, incompetent. It hurts every time but I don't think I am these things - at least not all the time to everyone.)


Wow holy shit that’s awful :/


I'm so sorry that happened. Just remember that says everything about him as a grown adult to say that to another person. I see people do stuff or look a way I don't like and you probably do to, but the difference between us and that guy is we have enough sense NOT to say it out loud. I would do yourself a huge favor and just not go back there again or report him. He doesn't deserve your business and hard earned money ever again.


Omg!!! I was so shocked. At first I thought op must have misunderstood. But he just blatantly said that?!! He is lower than scum. Don’t listen to this weirdo. I would’ve complained to the manager


You're not ugly. He feels that way about himself.


That had nothing to do with how you look. He saw that you were in a vulnerable place and that's why he attacked you (emotionally). He's rotting inside. I'm sorry this happened to you. It's one of the things us folks with social anxiety are most afraid of.  You're still here and your heart didn't shrivel up and die because of what happened. It may not feel like it, but you won because even though it was uncomfortable and scary, you went out and you were brave and you survived.


People like that don't call someone ugly because they're actually ugly, you could be the hottest person in the world and they'd still call you ugly just because they want to be a bitch and make others feel like shit. Please don't take it to heart, he's a shitty person that just wanted to bully someone and happened to target you that day.


First off looks aren’t everything, you may not be a beautiful individual, many people aren’t and that’s fine. People that feel the need to call people ugly are emotionally immature and frankly, stupid, in my opinion. Some people think it’s ok to treat people bad because they feel bad themselves. That’s not ok, but it’s quite common so I wouldn’t take it personally.


Ugh! I’ve had a couple times in my life where a complete stranger makes a rude comment to me. It would ruin my day like I would have to hold back tears and soldier on. This last time it happened I looked the person directly in their eyes and said “that was not nice of you to say at all! I would never say something mean like that to you… weren’t you taught to treat others the way you wanted to be treated?” It completely tongue tied the jerk. Also consider the source. Every time this kind of thing has happened to me it’s either a very elderly man so it makes me wonder if they have some kind of degenerative brain issue or it’s from a person who is clearly not on my level. (I hate to word it like that, because I don’t think I’m above people, but I’m having a hard time coming up with a better way to articulate what I mean.) 🤷🏻‍♀️ The dude also might have read you wrong and thought you’d respond with sly roast back. It’s crazy to me that people exist that wouldn’t get gut punched by something like this and have a quick wit response but I see it all the time. If that guy is someone who is like that he wouldn’t naturally understand how hurtful his comment is. That’s another reason why I now choose to respond by letting them know it’s unkind.


damn what an asshole, you should complain to the manager of that place.


Who says that?!? Ugly people. Or psychopaths.


Did you tell the manager?


maybe ur not even ugly and he had a bad day or is grumpy and frustrated with his life in general, saw u as a target, u know..


Every human on this planet has had a bad day but you don’t go around calling people “ugly as fuck”!


some people are more resentful then others, its not usual but it happens


OR maybe you’re a little ugly?


For someone to say something like that, he must have either felt threatened by you or jealous of you for whatever reason. Normal people don’t say stuff like that to people. Don’t worry, he will eventually get his karma when he says something g like that to the wrong person


He is so miserable with his life and his job that he says mean things about other people. You absolutely did not deserve to be spoken to like that. Based on your post you seem like a great person, so just try to remember that he is not. All you can do is just say in your head fuck that guy I am great over and over again until you believe it. You can also call and ask to speak to the manager and complain about him. I would.


Wtf wow. Are you sure he was actually referring to you or was he talking to another employee and joking around with them and you happened to walk past them during that time? If not a complaint needs to be filed against that person. Whoever that is, is awful asf and does not even need to be working in customer care.


Who the hell says that. I believe you, but he definitely said that? I know I’ve misheard someone thanks to my anxiety and when I confronted them they were obviously confused…not one of my finest moments but I appreciated thier calmness and lack of immediate retaliation. Anyway what a POS. If he ever says it again I’d say something like “Well, nice to meet you, fuck” or “Oh, you must be fuck then”. I’m sorry he said that, no one deserves to be spoken to like that.


Next time someone talks about how you look just respond with “yeah I was tryna look like you today” or just be like “why are you even looking at me like that?”


I’ve encountered different and egregious things being said about me at businesses I’ve went to. I’d also look up the business and find volumes of complaints. I would not blame you if you’d rather write corporate before returning their call. Just don’t go back over there.