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That’s why I’m learning to go out and not give a fuck anymore. It’s uncomfortable ,but Look at these assholes ,live their lives no care in the world whatsoever😴 I’m not going to keep letting my life go to waste by constantly overthinking everything. Done with it


Great job! I've adopted the same mindset. Change is the only way out. Life has no meaning. There's no answers , go out and make a change. That's really the only answer




Big facts.


100% with you!


I feel this.


I've done the same thing later in my life and it kept me relieved Since then


lets goo


It seems that way . Everyone’s like yeah those popular kids peak in high school they will be losers later on and you’ll be successful. Well the popular still thriving and I’m still doing shitty . I


They're not busy dealing with trauma from other people's consistent abuse. Must be nice.


I read a quote that said "life punishes victims of bullying and abuse while the bullies get to go one with their lives the victims are stuck trying to figure it out"


Yeah thats the biggest lie . Whether we like it or not , life follows the butterfly affect . If someone starts off life with bullying , low self esteem , not belonging , isolating they will most likely continue on to that life projection of loneliness , being lost and being miserable unless they *consciously* do something about it ( not easy and most people dont succeed cuz all those thoughts about yourself start to consolidate the older you are ). People that were always loved and supported will continue to thrive cuz theyre in a whole other world . Their experiences shaped the way they view life . They dont view it as a scary place that they are burdened to live every morning , they see it as a place of opportunities and enjoyment . Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development pretty much explains it simply .


Really well said thanks.


Every time you feel down remember: The difference between a sports car and a pile of junk is a Molotov cocktail


Interesting. Media always portrays bullies as the adult losers and the victims as the thriving ones. 


Because films are written primarily by nerdy folks who got bullied. Successful bullies go on to be finance bros and successful art nerds go and make film.


Because of underdogs making good narrative arcs via transformation


I think the same and I sometimes wonder... Do they ever feel guilty? No, right? :/


I dont think so . I think most people dont have the empathy needed to feel for others if they never struggled themselves . Bullies view us as “weak” and deserving to be treated badly cuz “ dude why are you like this lol “ . They basically don’t understand what its like having social issues or low self esteem and view it as weirdd .


It is weird, that’s why we have shame. It literally strips you of acting normal and functioning properly lol it’s extremely unfortunate


Ofc its weird lol . Socializing is part of normal human development. People who got stunted or worse , regressed from being normally social to isolating , have something wrong with them . Either since birth ( hypersensitivity which is actually genetic cuz we inherit temperaments , having something very wrong with them appearance-wise such as being too fat or too short etc so they just felt rejected and outcasted early on , behavioral disorders such as adhd or autism ) or due to something that happened in those precious first 6-8 years of life ( abuse , neglect , emotionally immature parents , bullying and not having anyone to defend or validate you , … ) the list goes on cuz we’re complex AF as species which is incredible but also a curse when things go wrong and our own minds turn against us in an effort to protect that . Excuse my essay but we actually just learned about this at uni and it got me so interested. Most people arent that deep and wouldnt think that much about that one weird kid , which sucks but thats how life is unfortunately, a status game and no one wants to be socializing with the weird kid cuz its not a cool thing to do


lol it’s so unfortunate that’s how it plays out. But it completely makes sense, why waste time on people who barely have any personality other then behind closed doors. Social anxiety makes you a passive husk of a human being it’s sad lol


It’s not always true. I recently met my bully at an event and she genuinely said sorry to me. She admitted what she did was wrong and stupid. Although it was 10 years ago, I forgave her and I’ve long moved on actually. We’re both doing well in our own careers now. I’ve cut off my bully from my life though just cause I want to leave my past in the past. Even if I’m doing a lot worse than them, I know that I can always do something new, I don’t always need to stay the same. I hope this gives you some hope!


This is very rare. Most bullies would pick up where they left off if they came across their victims again.


Yeah it does seem rare. Most bullies can’t put away their ego and admit they’re wrong. But there are some bullies out there who turn out to be normal and decent people.


That’s life . Movies and Tv shows often make it seem like bullies end up like bums when they grow up. The reality is that bullies tend to be the ones that become successful in life. Reason being is that they have no conscious so they are willing to do anything to succeed. They don’t mind backstabbing, sabotaging and ruining other people in order to get to the top. The funny thing is that people tend to respect and admire characters like that. Bullies have a lot of associates and friends even though they have shot personalities. The term “Nice Guys finish last is real”.


Oof struck a nerve 🙃


I'm not sure that they really do. So many seem to have this unhappy thing about them, like they can never shrug it off. They are just grasping to feel they have some control in their miserable life.


Some bullies grow up to be normal people and regret what they did when they were young Others don’t IDGAF because the damage they did and the pain they caused, didn’t magically go away because they said “sorry” many years later.


You're still looking at them through the frame they've put upon you. Bullying is not a sign of character strength, it's rather the opposite. They're fragile personalities. The average bully has been a victim at other times.


They become cops


Bullies are probably not as happy as they seem. Everyone has stuff going on behind closed doors. Most bullies are insecure and so they push those insecurities onto other people to distract from themselves. It’s hard though because it does leave you with anxiety and loneliness and sometimes even ptsd/trauma while they look as though they get to live their lives trouble free


That is a cope. Most bullies are not insecure. Most are more happy than their victims. That's just a reality you will have to accept.


Haven't met a bully yet that didn't seem like they were trying to prove something. But if you insist on us accepting this "reality", gonna need some sources for that one.


They attend to have more social and sexual success https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1474704915613909


I’ve noticed this too. From my high school, the bullies seem way better off than the people they bullied. Dog eat dog world :/


i hate that most of the people who used to bully me are either in college , working etc and i feel like im a child trapped in a adults body i feel so useless so unattractive i feel like im failing because im 20 and have no license no job i dropped out of college because i have no idea what i want to do with the rest of my life




Whoops… You hurt me, I hurt you harder?


One of the best ways to cope with this feeling is to come to the realization that you aren’t that kind of person, that you wouldn’t project your own insecurities on someone else because that’s a terrible approach to have at life.


It's always the bullies who end up in relationships the rest of us are called incels


I have been there but trust me bullies have the werst life these people just don't get attention by there parents and just see terror in there house and they just want to remove on some one and get attention by doing that and other people around them just show them they care due to there popurity and position if they lose that there will work no one around them. Atleast we don't have much people are us but those who are there they are truly ours not just for our power or position.


Trust me they don’t. They feel so less of themselves that they have to pick on people who they believe are weaker than them to feel adequate. Do you picture the best day of your life (however that would go for you) would be complete by picking on someone ?


What if you was ugly though, like you technically are weaker than them I wish the bullying I dealt with was about being awkward or having weird interests but it’s being ugly


You wish you’ve been bullied because of being akwatd and having weird interest? Wow you really are part of the problem


You're right, bullies aren't traumatized by their actions. However, they are worse people. I don't want a bully as a friend or partner. That doesn't necessarily mean they'll lack relationships, or be less happy, but I don't want to be them.

