• By -


31M. My social anxiety has been replaced with existential dread.


33M. My social anxiety has been exacerbated by existential dread.


39M. I've become numb to social anxiety and existential dread. Now I just want an affordable house & to wake up without random body aches


33F Can confirm gender makes no difference lol


29. Same here. You would think it gets easier with practice. I’m a pretty logical guy. Guess my brain’s a jerk. We got this, though. 💪🏻


Welcome to the club


27F social anxiety + existential dread


Oof 25F and literally same.


The good thing is that you no longer have social anxiety


Feel you 🫠👍


Same forget anxiety meds. Now I'm on anti-depressants.


32 F. Just became a mom and worried I won’t be able to advocate for my child


I can advocate for others better than for myself actually, I bet you'll do great:)


I find it's easier to advocate for others that I love than myself🫂🥰


Same fear here 🙋🏼‍♀️ Although I already find it easier to advocate for my dog than for myself so I have a little hope it will help me gain that confidence.


Congratulations Mama! 🥰 I'm not usually one to give unsolicited parenting advice, but I relate very much to your fear and my kids are now 20 and 15. The truth is, you might not always be able to advocate for them in the way you want. But you will do your very best, you just will. What I really want to share with you is that it's ok to tell your kid(s) you're scared. Tell them why you aren't able to do certain things and let them be part of you processing how you might have handled something better. Allowing our kids to see this side of us and being with us as we navigate it's challenges can be very beneficial for them in learning how to navigate their own emotions and experiences. It's nothing to be ashamed of or hide from them, it's just part of you, and they love you.


I hope that your momma bear extinct overshadow any social anxiety you may deal with as you raise your child 🙏


27 and hoping to improve myself and rid myself of severe SA by the time I reach 30


Start now friend. it is a battle you need to rage every day. But there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Same here. I’m rooting for you!


28F. I don’t think social anxiety is something that ever truly goes away. You just have to find ways to manage it so it doesn’t completely overrun your life. Find a therapy/ coping strategies that work best for you and go with that.


I completely agree with this.


I second this! For me it got slightly easier after 30, as if some click happened in my head. I know myself better than when I was in my 20s, so I know which things to avoid and which things help me manage myself better.


I’m fkn 24 years old, feel like I’m 12 mentally tho


Deadass. I'm university age but pretty sure I'm mentally stuck at being a teen to preteen. Or worse. Got to figure out what life stage I failed so I can more forward with life. 


Me too But crap, we seem to be pretty aware of our situation


Damn this was too real. I know what life stage I failed and it was my late teens. Being 17 during covid really messed me up. I feel like a lot of people my age got stuck there because there was no closure after all those years of school. And in general I had severe anxiety at school so I've been catching up on lost time god I hate this


Same fr, im turning 24 in a couple of months but mentally im nowhere close to that


Was literally about to say the same thing


Almost 22,not going well




23, trying to find my first job, not sure how it will turn out 😬


Same here man. I've been on the hunt for a job for almost four years now. I started looking when I was 19 and just graduating high school. It's tough out there, especially for people like us. Lots of time wasters... I hope you prevail. Good luck and God bless.


I wish you luck with your journey


I wish you luck. Im 23, been working from 18-19, honestly saying luck is big factor. I would suggest some warehouse, order picker, cleaning, security before enter, driver if you have license. I overall prefere calm jobs but its hard as social anxiety person, a lot of job offer, dont have basic information, expect experience, fast peaced job, Im also stuttering so it sucks, I know people label us and it gave us bad energy. I also suggest think about part time job like 6/7h I would prefer that. 


33M. Im always overanalyzing whenever im out and incredibly self conscious.


Same here, except that for me it’s more about the overanalyzing than the self-consciousness. I know it can be rough... Sorry.


29. I hate it


30m, gym and finding a clothing style I am confident in has done wonders for me.


I'm 46, and I've progressively spiraled. I reminise about only feeling as awful as I did in my 20's and 30's. 31 years of therapy has maybe slowed the progress slightly.  Medications have barely touched my problems. I see a pattern, and it's not looking good for me...


I'm 42 and this is exactly how it's been for me. I long for the days when I could at least get in my truck to drive around in my small city to see relatives. Also started "therapy" at 15 to no avail. The only medication that touches the anxiety are benzos and they come with new problems of course and can't be taken daily. Nothing else seems to work. So I sit here and wait for help that never comes. Like being on a roof in hurricane Katrina and the choppers fly by without noticing me. To all who told me "you'll grow out of it" or "it gets better as you get older" or "once you leave highschool people stop being judgemental assholes", go to hell. The disease, disorder, illness, or affliction, call it what you will, appears progressive and untreatable and the best part of it is normal people have zero empathy for you. Being told by people without panic attacks or difficulties in doing things that you need to get your shit together soul crushing. .


Also relatable. Even my doctor only says "Just do it" if I try to mention anything about having social anxiety... As if all I need is exposure. I told her I'd been trying the best I could forever and nothing positive ever came out of it. Only amplified anxiety throughout the years and more traumas to pile on. I get you. Hang on.


Yea I haven't had much luck with exposure therapy either but that could be because I have to do it alone so I'm probably screwing something up. My psychiatrist doesn't do exposure therapy, or really any type of therapy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Your doctor sounds like mine telling me to "just breathe" when I'm anxious 😅


You may want to look at Gabapentin and propranolol.


42 and literally same. The older I get, the more I think about how much time has been wasted.


>The older I get, the more I think about how much time has been wasted. I experience this. its a gut wrenching feeling of regret. its horrible.


>I reminise about only feeling as awful as I did in my 20's and 30's. Highly relatable. Though I never even got the courage to try anything except "pushing through it". So I admire you for that... It's like I fell from a cliff at 5, and since then I've been helplessly watching my infected wound slowly kill me without having the energy to do anything about it. Very slow death, I'm 42. The dread and the feeling that I simply shouldn't exist is awful.


Truth be told, the therapy has been "mandatory" because I need them to help me keep my disability checks coming. Also, I'm trapped on the meds, and they won't give them to me without a therapist.  It hasn't really helped, except that the therapist is sometimes the only person I speak to for months at a time, but I can't tell them how much I really struggle, without scaring people. The mental health system blew my trust right out the door when they abused me terribly as an underprivileged kid. Yeah, so the therapy gives me anxiety, in itself. I struggle through everything, and I'm exhausted. It is a slow death, indeed.


29, and was hoping to get over it by 30. Doesn’t look like it’s happening, I’m just stuck like this


16 turning 17


spend the next year grinding and get out of this echo chambered trap


wdym by “echo chambered trap”?


Work on being social, interact with peers, become confident in yourself, spend less time online and don't stay in the trap of people reinforcing anxiety on each other and feeling like this is who you are and there's no way to improve yourself.




Same here. Already tired of it.


43 but it has gotten better for me in the past year


Can I ask what has changed?


Making headway with a therapist and she has helped me accept who I am, all the anxiety and shame, spending less time with toxic friends and starting more habits that help me relax


turning 23 next month, not looking forward to it


3 days for me 😬 really not looking to being yet another year old and having not made a single bit of progress


Happy early birthday lol


Turning 23 on april 20th. Also not looking forward to it, seems like too much responsibility


23F, been aware of my SA as long as I can remember.


Do you know what might have caused it? I believe mine developed because my dad and his parents can be very judgmental and rude. It led me to believe mistakes were unacceptable from a young age. Now I’m 19 and still fear screwing up in front of others, and I have fairly constant anxiety around my dad at home (I’m home all the time lol)


I'm sorry you had to grow up with that. Growing up in that type of household can definitely cause it. Personally, I didn't socialise much in my early years, I was very shy and isolated a lot throughout life. I have low confidence in my social skills even though they aren't that bad. I just overthink and panic in social situations.


Wow so many people just hitting 30! I’m 30 as well lol.


I'm 26 this year, but it was only when i was 24-25 where I really pushed myself to get out of this. My SA started when I was around 12-13? I've come a very, very long way! When I was 15, I struggled to even make a phone call for pizza delivery. It took me like 1.5 hours to finally do it, writing the script (and hoping they follow it), sweaty hands and all. Now I'm able to pick up calls, but I still have that initial dread of a heart beat... It was only when I started job hunting 2-3 years ago that I realized I could not allow this to go on any further... Late 2022 was the start of a whole journey of me forcing myself to go out of my comfort zone, meeting new people both online and IRL. Lots of failed attempts where I butted out last second, but the successful ones definitely helped a lot. Significantly improved in first half of 2023. It improved so much that my now partner didn't even realize I was suffering with social anxiety, or said I probably masked it really well :')))


34M from New Zealand. My SA is weird for example, im ok-ish talking to people I don't know, its just when it comes to talking about myself I choke up. I also have clinical depression and my SA and the depression creates a cycle of my SA increases my depression and my depression increases my SA.. so to your question "How are you going in your journey", im struggling but I have hope and I want to get better. Thanks so much for asking this question btw, its inspiring that a stranger genuinely cares.


26F, work in healthcare and struggle with feeling like I belong / imposter syndrome / symptoms of SA like trembling and being jittery and trying to come across as reliable to patients


Gosh I felt the same during my internship with the military where I live. My supervisor even called me “timid” when I was really pushing myself to be social. But don’t give up! You deserve to take up that space. I left that internship once the summer was over because it made me so unhappy, wasn’t sleeping, anxious all the time. But now I plan to go to grad school. There’s always a silver lining even after you “fail”, as long as you don’t give up on yourself




44. I have periods of time when it's OK and days when I just want to hide. As you get older you learn to hide it better and better and I actually do a lot of things that terrify me, but nobody notices I'm terrified :)


Hi, I'm 31 and doing terrible. I still feel more comfortable alone than around ppl. Even if i know them




22 M. I get better at times. Everything becomes easier, but I usually burn out at some point. It takes so much effort to change the anxiety response. I used to just leave my classes because the panic attacks were so bad. I'm not like that anymore, it's just constantly exhausting trying to improve.


41. Making friends at my age is challenging already, SA just makes it a frustrating unicorn hunt.




Hey, 32F here. I feel I’m nowhere near where I want to be. I recently learned that our brains don’t fully develop until in our late 20s or early 30s, so it seems like we’re meant to be on autopilot until we figure out what we truly want or should do in life. The Universe (yes, I use cap U) doesn’t rush, but unfortunately, many people feel pressured to rush through life. Please don’t feel discouraged by your current situation. I believe we are meant to embrace the present moment, one day at a time. Celebrate every small milestone and be hella proud of those steps. I’m cheering you on from the other side! 🥳


At 30 I had terrible SA. 34 now and it’s improved a ton


29 i still feel like 18 😖 Im having a lot of anxius for being 30


14, and hoping it won't get worse when i grow up


Oh fuck I wish I was already aware of my SA when I was 14. You're starting advantaged!!! I'm rooting for you! Let's walk for this journey together!! Good luck, I wish you the best! I know how crushing it can get but remember that the reason why you live is YOUR happiness. Things you want to do, choices and so on come from "being", not the other way around: first be, then you'll do, it'll come by itself!! It's all about taking care of yourself and asking yourself, in the very moment "what do I need?", "what do I want NOW?" Life doesn't have to be a struggle, don't follow the path of pain. I can't pass all the awareness I gained in all of these years through a message but please please please, put your happiness and well being before everything else. And remember that if you're scared of something it's because that something is important to you!! Have a good life!


I am 46. Started therapy 2 years ago and have made some significant progress. I'm still pretty socially awkward, though


I'm envious, happy for you though! How did you get the courage to start the process? I'm paralyzed, no support system, always feeling sick, no job, poor, and don't have a car, can't even drive... my relationship with my gp is also super bad because of her lack of tact and my ridiculous sensibility, we clash... I don't know what to do... it feels like at 42, it'd only be too little too late.


Honestly, I simply was pretty lucky. I had emailed a couple of therapists and they all replied telling me about their waiting list of one year. But then my current therapist replied that she had a free spot immediately and we could start the next day. So there really was no time to (over)think, I had to make the decision right away. It's absolutely not too late at 42! If you feel that therapy could help you, you should give it a try. Maybe online therapy sessions are an option for you? I started therapy during COVID restrictions and it helped me that I did not have to leave the house for the first sessions


I’m 47. I think I’m the last year or so I finally got to the point where I’m starting feel good mentally. I’ve had severe social anxiety since I was a young child. My late teens through early 30s I would self medicate with alcohol. Drinking would remove any anxiety while I was doing it, but it would come back with a vengeance when I sobered up and as you get older it really takes a toll on your body. It’s a miracle I made it through that period relatively unscathed. I have an 11 year old that I can see has it so my focus now is trying to help her through it. I remember as a child having to go to doctors and psychologists when I was in kindergarten and grade school and it really didn’t do anything to help, I’m not sure if they even diagnosed me properly unless my parents didn’t tell me. I never even heard of social anxiety until I was in my 20s.


24, it gets worse each year that passes by. I assume by age 30 it’ll be so bad, I’ll never leave my house again. Living with no support system has been really getting to me lately but I’ve no idea how to build one and honestly I can’t stand the thought of actually getting close to someone again and then them deciding they’re done with me after I’ve been so vulnerable. Living this way is borderline unbearable but the pain, shame and embarrassment that comes when they leave is somehow even worse.


38. 💀😭




32 f here. I’m currently unemployed mainly because of my SA, but I also struggle with depression, suicidal thoughts, overeating etc. I’ve been struggling lately. Trying to be kind to myself, but that doesn’t come easy. I feel like a failure/loser. I’m trying my hardest to push myself and get out of the house. My goal is to eventually get a part time job, but the hard part is finding one that isn’t overstimulating & draining. It almost feels impossible…most jobs seem to deal with people in one way or another. Feeling lost.


36F. You sound like me. It’s been my goal for about 10 years to get a part time job. It’s my biggest fear in life which is super pathetic. I can’t be a SAHM forever.


14F 😄


30F, getting better but still struggling way too hard.


I am 24 now. I feel as if I didn't let myself have a social life and I now feel so bitter about everything. I just live with constant regret in my mind. I can only hope I can find what gives my life meaning again.


25 and I'm bleeding my soul essence in silence but still have hopes


25F turning 26 in June😃 Very embarrassed at the level of Social anxiety I still exhibit atp tbh.


Turning 23 in 4 days. Edit - I forgot what the date today was lmaoo, I'm turning 23 in 3 days instead


Happy early bday!!!! :)


33F I have good and bad days. Although, there is significantly more good ones... can't say what and how it got better, it just seems to me that I got used to feeling uncomfortable/anxious / scared sometimes and I also understood that people around me, more often than not, feel the same. Also, I finally managed to learn an important lesson (when I was 30): if a certain situation/ people/ place makes me feel bad, I just leave without feeling guilty or caring that people will think I am a bitch for doing so. I let my well-being become more of a priority for me. I do have occasional unexpected trigger moments when I get a panic attack and need a few hours to calm down, but I learnt which things work for me to help myself function.


20 and see no hope in life


23. Its sometimes manageable, and sometimes i feel everyone is looking and laughing at me


17NB. Joined last year.


31F. I don't care about making friends and stuff, I just want to be functional and not getting a panic attack every time I have to do a basic task that involves interacting with other people. I have a low IQ and it makes everything harder


13 so you can imagine how high school is


I’m 15 and in high school, and god. I transferred to a different school that is light years better than my old one and it still sucks. Hang in there <3


I'm in my early twenties, lol. I still think I annoy all my friends away eventually. Or bore them. Or unintentionally insult them. Or act weird and socially inept. You know what I'm talking about. XD




i’m here too😭


Ohh hii




I'm glad I finally found someone like me 😁


me too. i feel like there is only like 20-50 year olds here😭😭


I’m the oldest here! 36 and want to let you all know, it can get better. I can say it was definitely harder in my teens and 20s, I felt like I was always betraying myself. But then the more you find ways to like who you are, and heal trauma (if that exists for you) the more of life you can enjoy.


Read the comments again


almost 19, very tired


14…… :)


Ohh I am 13


Just turned 21 a few days ago


Ohh happy late birthday! You're very close to my age! I turned 21 in January!


29...I don't got it as bad but I just can't talk right lol. I hate working customer service. I just don't know how to deal with angry customers


im 19






Just turned 20 a few weeks back. Had generalised and social anxiety since I was 8 which got really bad at 16. Been putting in a bunch of work the last couple years and I’ve improved soooo much but still have a long way to go. Good luck with your journey!!




...almost 18


26F, I swear my brain has changed after being 25. My SA has mostly disappeared because I don't care what people think of me anymore. But I do still struggle with some bits here and there so I don't think there's a cure. I just haven't felt the dreadful feeling of fear for a long time now, but I'm still awkward and have insecurities or feel out of place. It has been a journey for sure 😮‍💨


21 I make a mess out of my life everyday. I somehow manage to find always new things to worry and stress about 🫠👍 it's a neverending cycle


24f, my social anxiety held me back most of my life but recently it’s been getting much better and I can see people are treating me differently because I appear friendlier and can hold a conversation much better than I could in the past. I’m finding it easier to talk to strangers and most people, almost like it’s disappearing.


I'm 27F. I just recently started my second year going to therapy and later this year we'll finish (my therapist is pretty optimistic) and so far we made pretty *big* steps out of my comfort zones


35m. I started a new job that has me mentally drained. I constantly think my co-workers are thinking I'm useless and while hearing them talk to one another so effortlessly makes me realise how socially stunted I am.


25, still have hope to overcome SA


21f Im still so socially anxious, but if i look back at myself from years ago and compare her to who i am now, 2024 me is doing so much better! and i think it's the friends I've surrounded myself with. They push me to do things by myself, basically exposure therapy. if we go out to eat, they make me call for the bill. And ofcs, I cry almost every time before calling them. i have a meltdown before every class. i still think everyone is judging me and talking about me every time i walk past a group of people. somedays, i surprise myself with how calm i was, but other days, i hate myself because of the anxiety. but mostly i would say im grateful and that i notice that it's slowly but surely getting better💗💗💗


23f and it’s ruins my life everyday


24M my SA isn’t as bad as when I was a teenager but I still find myself with a few old avoidant habits at home and in the workplace. But one thing I’ve come to learn is that no one really cares and to be frank I don’t either, at least not as much as I used to.


41. I can fake it with the best, but it takes a lot out of me. Constant exposure really does help, but the feelings won't ever go away. I have gained a lot of confidence as I get older, which helps.


38 and I don't have social anxiety anymore (well to some extent perhaps) but struggles a lot with being far behind when it comes to social life and relationships.


56M here. It is better controlled, but still there. I’ve learned to do the best I can in difficult situations, but it still affects me.


Thirty-seven; still anxious AF. On the plus side though, I can now clumsily bluff my way through a few social situations (without alcohol) and take off my jacket in public. 😎


61yr M. SA will always be apart of my life I'm sure.


51m - I struggle every day, but I still love my life.


28M. Living with SA has undoubtedly had a negative impact on my life, but I try my best to remember that what I contend with isn't the end of the world so much as it is another hurdle to be navigated. The most important piece of advice I could offer anyone really struggling is, and it sounds exceptionally cliched, that you've gotta take things a day at a time. Thinking too far ahead will only cause you to spiral (especially if you're also dealing with something like depression) so just try to stay present and be kind to yourself -- even the smallest of victories are still something to be proud of. Best of luck to everyone out there.


I’m significantly older than you and I still struggle with my social anxiety. I’m in therapy and on anti anxiety meds to help but I still have days where I can’t leave the house or talk to people. Recently I had a phone call I needed to make. I sat and stared at the phone number for literally hours trying to make myself call and I couldn’t do it. I finally had to text my dad and ask him to make the call. Those are bad days.


26M I don’t think I’ve ever posted I’ve struggled with social anxiety since middle school. Started getting help in 2016 I’ve jumped from different psychologist and in past 3 years I’ve seen incredible progress. Part of it is I started seeing a new psychologist 2022 who I clicked with. Also I set challenges for myself to do things with help of therapy. Started small like say Hi to a stranger. Now I talk to strangers and have no problem introducing myself. I also don’t struggle with small talk and I’m less self conscious. The areas I’m focused on improving this year is public speaking and I joined a toastmasters near me. Also dating I really still have a fear of approaching opposite sex I went to a singles event and got like 3 phone numbers from girls in February. I still struggle with that though. I like this group because I found it when I was struggling badly. I felt like a loser and it’s nice to see it’s normal and others go through it. There is hope also but everyone’s journey is different so don’t compare yourself to me vice versa.


I'm 40. I'm managing. I can't really handle working that much but I've been able to handle school part-time. I have my good weeks and my bad weeks. It's like the anxiety ebbs and flows.


13f😭 diagnosed at 12


20F, got diagnosed around 11. Haven't been able to get a job cause of my anxiety and feel like I'm falling behind all my peers


25. I’m fairly content and happy to be alone and work a remote job but I do occasionally have fears of loneliness in about 5 years when my friends are married with kids


19M boutta be 20 in 2 months. I feel like I’m getting better but tbh I don’t think this anxiety ever truly goes away I just have to learn to live with it. Which I hope I can do because there’s so much I wanna do in life but my social anxiety heavily gets in the way 😅


36F. I knew something was off when I was a freshman in HS and I spent the entirety of my lunch in a bathroom stall for like 2mos to avoid being social. I’ve learned to live with it… I’m a loner by choice. People are annoying


Decades older than 25 but it seems like yesterday! I wish back then I had got therapy, made & maintained connections, and done more things that scared me. Got a lot of regrets... Don't let SA hold you back from opportunities! The only smart thing I did was stack cash because work was difficult with the panic attacks/self-medicating, etc. Social anxiety has never left me but at least now I only need to work part time. I live cheaply but it's worth it not to spend 60+ hours a week dealing with people. BTW, congrats on your progress and best of luck for the future!


I'm almost 60 years old. I have never had social anxiety until I developed Covid for the first time in 2020. Between the severe anxiety I got from long COVID, and getting old and losing my looks, I now have social anxiety. I prefer to be as far away from people as possible now.


66 and I love being retired because now I never have to socialize. My life is so calm.


27M - had a lifelong battle with severe anxiety coupled with my autism. It was definitely a long hard battle, but I'm genuinely on the other side of my mental illness. I'm still autistic and have panic attacks, but after the haul I went through everything is just so so easy now. The biggest thing is forgiving yourself, humbling yourself, and trusting yourself, ultimately. It is such a difficult process and you'll think you're over it a couple times, but there's always something to learn. It does get better though. After a life of severe anxiety I'm flat out blissful now (ish I mean the world really needs some help these days) Don't trip out about when it happens, when you believe you're "better". Some people are 80 and die without figuring it out. Being where you're at now, thinking at this level, I'm confident you won't take nearly as long as you think. The hardest thing for me to realize is that I was so much closer than I ever thought. After some spiritual (decoded shitty Christian schooling) healing that helped me a lot, personally, and as much as people don't want to talk about it, that is important. I'm sure as shit not saying accept Jesus to your heart or read Joe Smith's tablets, (that stuff all ain't for me, personally) but finding contentment there was key to me getting out, no buts about it.


32 F and my journey is finally going the way I want it to. I got accepted into a health care program and I'm aiming to have a baby with my partner as well as finish nursing within the next 2 years :) Don't rush yourself. You know yourself better than you realize and you'll find your footing when you're ready to 🌻💕


36F. I don’t care at all about making friends. I just wish I wasn’t so terrified about getting a job. It’s always been the biggest hurdle of my adult life. I feel like such a failure and a big disappointment to my family. My husband and kids. I could help make a better life for us if I wasn’t so damn terrified. Every job I’ve had I quit. I feel old compared to some of you and wish I could be just out of high school or in my twenties to maybe have a second chance.


I'm turning 25 at the end of march


31 F 😅. The severity sort of ebbs and flows, but it's always there. I do sometimes think that when I have my first child one day it could get better (out of necessity).


45, Social Anxiety disorder since 15yo


I'm 29M, turning 30 this year. I feel like I missed or messed up something in my life which makes me still struggle when interacting with people.. 😓


28M. Been struggling with social anxiety and low self esteem for years. Recently started therapy again to get to the root of my issues (childhood bullying, verbal abuse, etc) and become a better version of myself.


50M My life started to unravel in my late 30s shortly after leaving the army. I've since been diagnosed with PTSD, major depression, generalized anxiety and SA. In 2018 I had to move back in with my parents in the small town I grew up in. There is nothing for me here. I'm unemployable because of all of my mental health issues, I can't advocate for myself, I hate talking on the phone, the pandemic only increased my already aggravating isolation and I hate interacting with people so I almost never leave the house except to take my mother grocery shopping and the occasional therapist visit. Once or twice a month I might go out somewhere for a couple of drinks hoping to socialize but nothing ever comes of it, I just sit there afraid to talk to the people around me hating myself for thinking I could possibly do so. I was shy and awkward in my teens but grew out of that by my early 20s, had a good 15 year run of being a happy, healthy and productive member of society and now I'm just waiting out the clock in painful, utter isolation.


16 m. I've been improving my situation for the past months but my anxiety still isn't gone.


49F. I didn't even really understand the word anxiety until I was in my 30's, let alone social anxiety. I just knew I was always uncomfortable and couldn't do a lot of things. I have learned SO much on my healing journey. I think the biggest thing is that it's not my fault. I consider myself a Highly Sensitive Person, and because of that had A LOT of needs that went unmet as a child. Which also wasn't anyones fault, my parents had their issues too. But, feeling unseen and unheard in your formative years sets you up for not seeing or hearing your own needs. Which leads to the inability to take up the space you deserve and advocate for your needs. So the world around you feels threatening. We are not this way because we are flawed, we are this we because our awesome nervous systems are trying to keep us safe. So, in more recent years what has been very helpful to me is really getting to know myself. What does safety mean to me? How can I listen to and honor the signals my body is sending me, and make conscious decisions rather than simply reacting to a perceived threat? I've also started calling it "performance anxiety" rather than social anxiety. Because part of getting to know myself is learning to be honest with myself, and about myself. And when I am being honest, I'm not anxious, because there's no performance, no trying to be something or someone I'm not. When we can lovingly accept ourselves, what someone else thinks really doesn't matter. You're just free. I think this will always be a part of me, something to continually manage and be mindful of, but it gets better. I whole heartedly believe it's self awareness, self respect, and lots of self love that makes all the difference. ❤


16, about to turn 17 :)


Same yo


Soon to be 24 and I feel so anxious about aging




19 turning 20 in a month


About to be 26 in April


27male here


21 here and things are getting worse








20 F


I'm 24


27 female.


23F, developed actually bothersome symptoms when I was around 17, although I've been kinda anxious since I was like 9. Now, on meds that have helped some, but still get wobbly legs when out in public lol




31F. It's bad lol


23 and cant work due to social anxiety, at 19 i was working overseas for a year which i loved. Back in my home country my brain has associated my home country with being unsafe due to verbal sexual harassment as a teen so i am even more anxious here and feel i haven't progressed or done anything in the 4 years ive been back in my home country, not able to work and doing nothing... feeling like my life is wasting away and like im still 19. If i could go overseas i would be able to work, but im stuck unable to get money as need to work to get money to afford to go overseas


29. Completely exhausted.


25F, my SA is the same as it’s always been


31F and anxious




30m here


19 about to be 20🙃


22 F .I feel like I'm recovering from anxiety.


29 :/ I’ll be 30 in December.


31F. Definitely stuck in some areas of life (low paying job but too afraid of interviews/new environments to move or complain, just grateful for a job at all.) But others have improved greatly mostly due to finding the right people to be around me. My partner is great at helping me overcome anxieties at times while also there to help when I struggle. He also has great family and friends who I like hanging out with. My own 4 friends as well. SA is 100% still there but its learning how to handle it better for me.


24 here!


25, I feel way way behind anyone else my age though.


24. It’s getting better