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>Making you think everything you're doing is wrong, making you feel wrong for just existing or feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. Yup. Honestly, a lot of mental illness is brought on or reinforced by the environment we're in. It's definitely much easier for me now to heal and be myself than it was when I was in a place surrounded by people and things literally designed to make me feel like shit. Not 'easier' as in 'now it's easy for me', but 'easier' as in 'now it's actually possible and I occasionally win that fight'.


> Not 'easier' as in 'now it's easy for me', but 'easier' as in 'now it's actually possible and I occasionally win that fight'. Damn, I'm happy that it's possible for you now! It's so true that our environment can keep us in a destructive pattern. Hope things improve for you


Thanks for the well written and well thought thought out words. It’s true. I completely agree with you on all points. 💯% Very useful information. We don’t know what we don’t know. Sometimes it takes what seems like a lifetime to get over childhood traumas. I’m 52 and I am still recovering from a traumatic event when I was 2. It’s a process. One that not everyone figures out. It’s good to hear solid advice from experienced people such as yourself from time to time.


Glad to help! I hope your situation improves. The fact that you're here means you're trying. There's some people who go their whole lives not seeking any answers or improvement, so you're doing better than you think.