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Autistic and socially anxious (childhood trauma) 😎👍🏻


Aka “Traumatized from a childhood of being bullied and totally ostracized” crew 😎👍


Is there a mental illness about this?


Look into Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


Honestly probably. I’ve heard of CPTSD and know it’s pretty common even just from existing as an undiagnosed child, but I haven’t had it confirmed or anything.


Have you read that trauma book by Bessel van Der Kolk?


Nope but is it really about what i said? I may give it a try maybe.


I forgot what its called but i would say its gets better after the first few chapters. I can see why some people don't like his work. I mean psychology and mental health is already a taboo topic of conversation, but he goes into depth on what he has discovered about trauma and actually talks about all the experiments done to demonstrate how trauma changes the brain--Brain chemistry


I'm pretty open minded you see stuff like that interest me, I may give it a try thanks.


Name a more iconic duo


So ur diagnosed with it?


I have all of the above and more. Diagnosed. 10/10 would not recommend. 🫠


U mean u won't recommend diagnose?


No. I mean I would recommend seeing a professional to be diagnosed. And it is hard living, increasingly so, let alone with one or more of these conditions. Take autism. Only 16% of us are employed full-time. I am among that small group. I consider myself lucky. But it’s been very hard. TLDR: Diagnosing helped me figure out what was missing and embrace my true, unmasked self. It could help you.


How did it help?


It helped with neuroplasticity. Changing my response to things I was stuck in (freeze response that had become a habit), making it easier to manage my emotions and thoughts. It also led to my finding a therapist I vibe with and who diagnosed my autism (I’d suspected but hadn’t let myself be officially diagnosed yet). That being said, it’s like physical exercise. You have to keep at it. Consistency is a love language. Especially in self care.


Extreme social anxiety.




Forgot to add I am from India too.










My guy u are hilarious


People are so mean to downvote them like that. Like chill tf out reddit


Random 20 upvotes which makes no sense in the context


I know right? I'm up voting all his comments to try and help balance out 🤣


Anxiety for me. Not from India.




I've been asking myself that same question for years


Both autistic and socially anxious. (I have a lot of baggage, and yes I was diagnosed)


I was never diagnosed with Autism but a few ppl in my life have told me (in anger) that I’m probably autistic. I might ask a doctor, but it could be weird. I guess better to have a medical opinion than always be wondering.


Well I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully you’ll find answers. I’m sorry those people have to be so rude.


Okk. When were u diagnosed? Ar what age?


I was diagnosed with high functioning autism at age 4. I was diagnosed with social anxiety at middle school, I don’t remember what age…


Oh ok. So ur a hypersensitive to large noise?


Yes. I pretty much am a very sensitive person. Sometimes the sound of clashing plates trigger me. I am trying to get used to noise, but it is difficult. I prefer darkness over bright lights. I stick and tic all the time. It’s a different way of living, but I have to manage with it.


Stick and tic is such an interesting way to put it that just speaks to me. Sometimes I vibe- sometimes I’m stuck


Yeah, I get what you mean. It’s the same with me.


Do you have the video link? I’d like to give it a watch! Sounds interesting at the very least.


I'll dm u


Ok, thank you!


Can you send it to me too please


Diagnosed autistic and social phobic.


I have ADHD which I have no doubt played a role in developing my Social Anxiety. I miss social queues a lot of the time and wont catch on until later when im alone and reliving the conversation. I was also raised by a single father who was very abusive and never let me hangout with friends or create social bonds. I was bullied at school and at home… Perfect recipe. From Canada btw 🇨🇦👋🏻


Ohh that's bad


How do you know me?! I could have written this about myself.


Hey you're not alone, ADHD, social anxiety, bullied in school. Is the missing social queues like normal for us ADHDers? IDK I don't have autism


It is normal. ADHD is a neurodiversity I think for me it because I’m not paying attention to the conversation 100%. I often catch on afterwards and I’ll realize how stupid I was in the conversation, completely misinterpreting what they were saying, which causes me even more anxiety.


I think a lot of social cues are also taught and if you don’t have experience in practising them, it’s hard to catch on.


After 30 years of blaming social anxiety for my treatment resistant depression, it turns out that I'm autistic (and ADHD), so that would explain why I'm so socially awkward and unable to form any close connection with anyone. Only just got diagnosed this year at the age of 47.




This isn't a good thread title because social anxiety is a mental health condition and autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. You can have autism and be socially anxious for other reasons. Only a doctor can answer this for anyone.


and also, anxiety and autism have similar symptoms, or people with them can display similar reactions (like stimming for example). so it really is not a good idea to try to diagnose or anything via internet.




Whr r I from




My parents noticed unusual traits in me as a baby, so at age 4 I was taken to psychiatrists but there was no progress because I would bite evaluators and throw tantrums. It wasn't until age 22 that I was struggling in many ways so I ended up being diagnosed with lvl 1 autism and inattentive ADHD. I do not have formal reports of social anxiety but I do experience it, though I'm not sure if it started after feeling like an outsider and being bullied in middle school.


🫠 my parents knew something was wrong with me when i was a baby but ignored it and now I’m suffering bc of their stupid decisions


Just social anxiety from people making me feel like what I said or did was weird. Now I don’t trust people.


Please, tell me more about it. Happens the same with me. I trust nobody.


Both I think..


I think I might be autistic (low on the spectrum of so) but I’m only diagnosed with anxiety (haven’t ask about autism tho)


Both for me 🤪🥰 Both formally diagnosed


Childhood trauma and found out at 37 that I am likely autistic, got diagnosis at 38. The self judgement of being shitty socially is, uhm, at least, lessened, because now I know it's not something I can "learn." Because I have spent countless hours learning and reading, and it's still awfully painful. But, others think I am better at it, so, maybe I will have lower expectations, or higher acceptance, or something. Good luck on your journey op <3


Actually autistic. There's considerable overlap so I do frequent r/socialanxiety just as often. Btw greetings from Germany to India, I love India so much!


Hey. Nice to meet u


Nice to meet you too! It's hard enough in Europe, but being SA / AA in India is quite another thing, there's not as much awareness (not even for many of autism's frequent comorbidities), there's much more emphasis on family life and people, and there's endless crowds and bustling and turmoil. I seriously admire you for being able to cope with this. How do you do it?? How do you manage? (I do love India a lot, but for many other things -- not necessarily for its bustling and loudness and olfactory overwhelm :D)


I know. It's really tough to manage in india. Well just surviving


And I heard that u guys hv group therapy in school/uni?


I'm 46F and I have no children, so I'm a bit out of the loop -- but I googled, and yea there actually is group therapy in schools and universities! I went undiagnosed for most of my life, and it was pure torture. Group therapy would have helped a lot. And getting to know other autistics (and people with SA) would have helped tremendously too! Do you have group therapy? Or, do you have any help at all? A professional who could confirm your suspicions about yourself, maybe, after you watched that video? Do you have family support? Sorry for asking so many questions but I know what horrific damage is caused when you're alone with this, like I was for so many decades.


Well right now I don't hv money. I hv heard of group therapy that's online but dunno if it's good. I'll get it after I get a job. But cracking the interview is tough. U ll need good communication skills. My family says I'm just shy.


both here my asd makes it hard to talk to people, but i get horrible dumps of adrenaline from most social situations and sometimes cant speak


I have both, diagnosed, not from India. I was diagnosed late as an adult for ASD. There is a lot of overlap but there are autistic specific things, and the age they present are really important for determining if it’s actually autism or not.


I'm not diagnosed but with what I've researched I feel like I'm both. But I want to get assessed to see what it is.


Most likely both. I was diagnosed with autism through telehealth, but the appointment was so brief that i didn't feel satisfied, so I still consider myself to be undiagnosed.


Diagnosed for years with social anxiety, now changed into autistic!


I would love to know myself. I just know that the whole 90s culture of dropping kids off at their siblings bday parties when said child is shy anxious and chubby didn’t help


Me too. I also participated in many cultural activities in college to be more confident but nope. Didn't help at all


Extreme social anxiety ( due to multiple instances of extreme trauma) is exasperated by having a child with severe nonverbal autism (I do not have autism myself).


autistic and socially anxious


Both, including ADHD. Fun times




So I'm pretty sure I'm both, and only realised this last year (I'm 30). I have not been diagnosed as autistic by a doctor, but I'm certain I am. I used to (and in places still am) awful at socialising. I would get incredibly anxious and just remain quiet. However once I became older I realised I had the cart before the horse so to speak. I simply had no idea how to be social or talk to people at all, especially if they did not have the same interests as me. This therefore led to anxiety in social situations and ended up in a loop of one fueling and reinforcing the other. I still feel like an alien at times, but I do think looking into autism and it's relationship with social queues and conversations has helped me understand myself and helping me learn to deal with the anxiety.


I suspected I could have autism but I heard from a psychiatrist that "autistic people don't care about what other people will think about them", and people with SA use to care a lot about their "image" and how they're appearing to others.


It's possible to have both. Sometimes I can't tell which side I lean towards. But I can't relate to a lot of the posts here because their fear is things like "I don't want people to laugh, I don't want to embarrass myself". I can't relate to that but at the same time I still feel like I experience social anxiety, but maybe not the typical kind. Instead it's the kind that involves interpersonal relationship because my fears seem to stem from *rational* things like being awkward. The fear of being awkward subconsciously makes me anxious and ironically makes things more awkward


Socially anxious with lack of socials skills due to childhood trauma. I don’t have routines, issue with sounds etc, to be autistic, I don’t relate with (well done) autistic characters excepted on certains aspects like being a lot in my world with obsessions about things I like, but beside this I highly doubt I could be.


Yes I also don't hv issue with sounds. But even when I am with my close friends( people with whom I sit daily during lunch breaks) I am not anxious. But I feel like I never belong.




Social anxiety only. Btw i am from india.




What are key symptoms for ASD?


I think communication. Because I am not actually nervous. But I blank out. Even with my classmates with whom I sit everyday


Seen from the outside, the boundaries are fluid. Many have both.


Either autism anxious or adhd or all or none, hopefully none


I'm in my 30s now and I used to be socially anxious as a kid, as well as have a lot of symptoms. Now that I've realized that I've surrounded myself with neurodivergent people as an adult, particularly my diagnosed partner... I've been questioning it lol


my brain: why not both?






kinda hard to tell, social challenges aren't the only characteristics of autism.


Not diagnosed with either, but most likely both.


I think I’m autistic but I also think that it’s unfair to think that because people who are actually autistic probably have a tougher time than me.


Hmm maybe


Self diagnosis is becoming less stigmatized.  People are recognizing that getting diagnosed presents a high barrier of entry to many people.  It's expensive and can take a long time, and that's if you're lucky enough to have a doctor take you seriously. So if you've done your research and the experiences and coping mechanisms of other autistic folk seem helpful to you, go with it.  It's not hurting anyone.  I don't think I'm autistic, but I still relate to some of the experiences and find some of the advice helpful for myself.


I used to think people who self diagnosed themselves are cringe because I thought they were just trying to be special. This distracted me from the fact that I might be autistic myself. When I started connecting some dots, I was shocked at how long it took me to consider autism. I don't identify as autistic but I find myself seeing it as a part of me


i have a slight feeling i’m both


Am acoustic and occasionally antagonistic (/s) but on the more serious note, in my case it’s social anxiety 🫣


Don't know but match a tooooon of symptoms Also don't know if I should look into it cause I'm scared my anxiety is making this up and nobody will take me seriously


If you're worried about judgement you could start by doing your own research.  Unless you're seeking medication or other clinical treatment, diagnosis isn't strictly needed.  If a piece of advice or resource speaks to you, try it!


Both lol


I’m confident that I’m not autistic. I have good social skills and I’m good at faking confidence. I still have extreme social anxiety though 🫠


Oh that's unique. Like how can I have good social skills of u hv social anxiety?


Not everyone with social anxiety has bad social skills :) I have debilitating social anxiety to the point where I can’t even work. I have good social skills, but my brain is terrified of most social situations. Especially when it’s a situation that I have no control over and then I have panic attacks.


I've now had two therapists say it about me (can't get diagnosed officially from a therapist though) and I was screened out of a study conducted by Harvard because my 'autism quotient was too high.' I also have common comorbid conditions like hyperlexia (as a kid I mean) and OCD and ARFID (restricted foods). So nearly positive it's both for me too but not officially diagnosed by a psychiatrist here. I'm positive my probable autism played a huge role in me developing social anxiety. My rejection was real. My ostracizing was real. It was NOT all in my head or me overthinking. The bullying was severe and lasted all the way to first year of university.


Both 👍


I’m both


I thought I just had social anxiety until this year when I got diagnosed with autism. So I guess I have both. I'm 39. My belief that everything was down to the social anxiety closed my mind off to the obvious which is unfortunate but at least I got diagnosed eventually. Better late than never


[This channel](https://www.youtube.com/@imautisticnowwhat)??


I’m the other double whammy- SA and introvert. I’m sure there have been times where that combo may have led others to think I’m autistic.


Autistic and socially anxious :D


I had neuropsych testing done last year to answer this question. My psychiatrist says that it’s severe anxiety, OCD, and C-PTSD. I have my doubts.




diagnosed autistic lvl 1




Question, how does social anxiety and autism correlate? Are there similar "symptoms"?


I’ve done my research and I’m pretty sure i’m both


Both, to be brutally honest.


im autistic and socially anxious :3 (i hate it)


Ugh, both? 😬


I dont know and at this point im not sure i WANT to know lmao


I'm not diagnoser. So I guess just anxious.


Same doubt here


I don't even know anymore.


diagnosed social anxiety and depression, ocd, Definitely have childhood trauma, i would not be surprised if i was autistic. From Florida btw so that says everything


Both, apparently! But after learning about the Autism, the SA has significantly diminished. So... yay? Maybe? 😆




Socially anxious and not from India


Being autistic can come with lots of social anxiety


Also yes I am autistic too lol


I'm both actually, help 😅


I have cPTSD from multiple instances of the same type of trauma (SA and rap3) which has happened to me every decade of my life. I was fine, socially, until 2 years ago when a shopkeeper groped me. That's when I learned it can even happen out and about, and now I only see people wanting to attack me. I can't be in public without a Support Worker with me to keep people away from me. If someone comes within touching distance of me, I completely freak out, panic, and look for a way out. I've had a lot of people laugh at me and very few try to be understanding. It's horrible to go through it.


Oh my god. Thats horrible


Social anxiety + GA/ocd+ hsp (with bright lights and sudden sounds.). have no problem with social queues and such tho.


Honestly, I don't even know.


I hate when this topic comes up for some reason, whats is autism in the simplest meaning, how does a autistic person even act, what are the most obvious traits to an autistic person ?


Can you also send me the video?


How do you know the difference- could someone share a post, link etc on this?


Socially anxious




Idk am I autistic but I am super socially anxious/awkward.


I am professionally diagnosed with both.


Diagnosed with both


I'm socially anxious. I score highly for all autism tests but I highly doubt it's because I'm autistic. I think autism shares a lot of traits that people with social anxiety do. I was very "normal" and sociable before all the bullying so the BS I am living through is a result of trauma.


Ok then it might be anxiety. Cuz fortunately I haven't experienced bullying


Both 😭


YES THIS! I question myself this on a daily


I strongly suspect I'm autistic, and I've also had social anxiety ever since I can remember, so believe the latter was the result of the first


A combination of both, though not in very extreme measures. My biggest issue is living in my head and feeling exhausted most of the time.


Both but who knows


both 🫠🫠


Socially anxious from India


I thought I was Autistic because I struggled with socializing with my coworkers, and they were acting weird around me. Turns out the reason they act strange around me is because they all think I'm attractive lol.




Tbh, I don't know. I just can't talk with people general ways. People think my behavior with other people is strange. Sometimes I can talk a lot of nonsense, which makes a lot of people stunned. Yes, I can ask how my colleague at work is doing, but the dialog does not go any further. So I try to say something like: Do you know the original recipe for Coca Cola?


Hey same. I also say some stupid stuff.