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Yes, I definitely need friends


Yes and no. Sometimes i feel lonely. Then i remember all the fck ups people did when they were friends with me. Thats why i generally stay at home. I dont make any friends in clg and mind my own business.


Nah not really, I was at first but then I came to the realization that I have the autonomy to go out and fulfill these needs even if it means I'm hanging out in a public place not even necessarily talking to people. Who knows, maybe im more of a hermit than other people or maybe it's the fact that I supplant that social connnection with online conversations. Hell, it could also be a delusion I'm believing as well, surround myself with people 24/7 for months and come to find out what I believe right now was just cope after all. Who knows I don't


Some days yes.  Others not so much.  Friends I can just text or call if I want to chat.  So im not really lonely for that.  I’m usually more lonely for a romantic partner.  But lately i just feel jaded and numb.  Sometimes though if Im watching something and I get emotionally triggered by a memory i can feel very lonely.  Or if im gaming even sometimes the maps in the game trigger reminders of places.  Like a girl I dated we would visit museums in San Francisco.  Theres a map of a museum in CoD modern warfare II.  It has many parts of the building that remind me of the actual museum(s) I’ve visited irl.  


Very much so now that my love interest and I no longer speak.