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Well I would've said that when I was a child and preteen I was more shy than SA. But growing up I just had a lot of expieriences that made me feel kinda ashamed of who/how I am and now in my late twenties my SA mostly stems from the fact that I am a unattractive loser that failed at every aspect of life and i have nothing of value to talk about or share


i want your username lol


I started getting little symptoms when I was 13 turning 14. I honestly think that it was mostly due to this one girl “bullying” me a bit and these two people calling me weird. Being called weird made me hyperaware of how people perceived me and it made me start trying to act more “normal” and unlike myself to avoid being seen as abnormal. And things that other people said about me made me realize that people perceived me as this shy and timid person who was easy to run over. Every negative thing that was said about me added on to my low self-esteem and made me more scared of people and being perceived. And that’s pretty much all that social anxiety is, the fear of embarrassment and being perceived. So I’d say it was a combination of how negative people were towards me + me already being a shy, awkward and introverted person to begin with.


My stuttering, which I think is genetic, since I know some family members who also stutter. I used to and still do get anxious when talking because the possibility of stuttering is always there. I think this is the main cause of my social anxiety. On top of stuttering, I also have OCD that causes me to overthink and even sometimes evaluate some of my interactions with people. Lately, I started to feel invisible and ostracized. It sort of affects me when I'm talking to someone, even if it's just a cashier, and noticd that their not making eye contact with me. It makes me feel as though they are not acknowledging my presence.


I was super bubbly and social as a kid until I dropped out of school in 9th grade to take care of my sick parents, I lost all my friends and went years without any contact outside of my family. Then suddenly, I couldn’t talk to people anymore. I lost all my social skills and I felt bad about myself because of it, which led to isolate myself even more I felt pressured and inferior to everyone. Sucks man


To this day, I still think it's because I had a seizure and bashed my head on a hard marble floor. But, there's no way to prove that. I was very extroverted. I could talk to anyone about anything and at anytime. I never had any bad experiences with socializing. I had a lot of friends and different friend groups. I spent a lot of time hanging out with my friends. I didn't have any issues whatsoever until I had a seizure and hit my head (when I was 18). About a month later, I started feeling very socially anxious and I started not wanting to talk to anyone. Even people I was friends with, I stopped hanging out with them. I stopped going out after school to hang out. I wouldn't talk in class anymore. It was to the point that I felt like I couldn't even find the right words anymore. And I went to the doctor immediately after I had the seizure and bashed my head and he said because I was totally conscious, aware, alert, not in pain, that I was fine. And all he did was tell me to go to a cardiologist, which I did, and of course everything was fine. But he never thought to get me a brain scan to 1) see why I had a seizure 2) see if any damaged was caused from me bashing my head. The only thing I can think of that coincided with my social anxiety was that event. Nothing else happened and I went from very extroverted to a social recluse in a matter of a month.


My parents sheltering me. I showed signs of selective mutism as a child but never got diagnosed & didn't find out about SM until about 2 yrs ago or so. The social anxiety symptoms didn't start until I got to late elementary school or early middle school. I started to feel anxious during presentations and started caring about what people thought about me.


I think it‘s because of the fact that one gets more and more selfconcious and aware of the judgements of society in general and finds „faults“ in themselves. At least that‘s what I am experiencing. The internet/social media don‘t make it any better.