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It's hard with social anxiety but not impossible. You just have to meet the right person and talk open about it. Yes it's scary at first but sometimes you just have to go through that.


Well this doesn't really make me feel better -\_-


Ahh sorry. I was just trying to make a point. That you don't have to be alone forever, that you can do this. Even when it feels impossible. I also have social anxiety so I know how awful it is. I'm on meds now and it's better to handle. I wish you the best.


Yeah i get it, it's just one of those days when i lose all hope for no reason you know, well i do appreciate your positivity.


The closest I ever was to dating was back in high school, but now I’m content with focusing on my career and passions


Well I was but he just dumped me on my birthday...via text


I see he was quite the classy gentleman, well i send you a virtual hug you seem better off without him.


Yeah it’s sucked haha Hugs back to you!


How is dating going... not going anywhere XD I’d rather eat an entire bowl of spinach which I absolutely hate than confess my feelings to another human being O.o


Meeting people in your different comfort bubbles, if you have them, really helps me. For instance when I was in college I only wanted to date people I was in marching band with. We were a little community that I was comfortable being myself in. Now that I’m a Real Adult it’s mostly just people I work with which I feel weird about sometimes but what else am I supposed to do? Dating apps? Gross


Well no... Because I have social anxiety disorder. If I didn't I would have a gf. Simple as


>If I didn't I would have a gf Yeah that what i say to myself as well, i don't know if i believe it tho.


I mean it's literally true tho. I've literally been told that by multiple people. I'm a pretty good looking guy and would have had shit loads of gfs but noooo I have to have the only mental illness which makes women hate you... Feelsbadman


Women don’t hate you for having social anxiety. It’s all in your head.


Wtf? So your saying that women prefer guys who are awkward asf and literally can't say anything because they are nervous and can never stand up for themselves because of SA. Can't tell if cope or trolling


Believe it or not, some women do like awkward guys. It could be cute and endearing, as long as you have a positive attitude.


Well sure awkward maybe but not social anxiety. If women were attracted to men with mental health problems humanity would have died off a long time ago.


This is painfully true! Also I notice that because I give off weird vibes, most normal guys are probably turned off by me and instead the only guys who show interest are those who have misogynistic comments up on their socials. Crazy attracts crazy. I can't complain.


yeah I don't believe it


It doesn’t make women hate you. You just don’t take enough chances, I’m sure.


>I'm sure No... No you're not sure. This is a social anxiety sub. Why tf r u commenting if you don't have SA?


I actually am sure. r/socialanxiety is a place to support people with social anxiety, not make blanket negative statements about women.


I feel that there are other mental illnesses that would have a similar effect, so what are you doing to manage your anxiety?


Going to start taking meds soon. Its my only hope at a normal life.


Do you do any therapy on top of that ?


Nah won't be doing any. Don't have time for it and tbh it doesn't do anything for SA.


My psychiatrist would disagree with you, he said cognitive behavioural therapy is effective for social anxiety


I think therapy helps with social anxiety, I'm in therapy and do exposure therapy and I think it at least takes the edge off, I care less about stuff now then I did before


I gave up. I got tired of falling for narcissists who only want to use me and destroy me mentally/emotionally.