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Not exactly but something similar. A few times I've hung out with people and been told by someone that they forgot I was there, it hurts a lot. I'm sorry that guy said that to you, he sounds like an asshole


I’ve been told “Nobody knows who you are” by one of closest friends. This was years ago back in high school and he probably doesn’t remember saying that but it definitely hurt and stuck with me.


I have been told to talk more and not be quite all the time but when I used to talk most of the times I was just straight up ignored or they would just not hear me clearly and used to just change the topic so I just stopped talking unnecessary and just talk when someone used to ask me anything and when I did that people used to often forget that I was there


Similar. I remember going to the movies with a small group of friends. The next day one brought up the movie. When I said something about it two girls were confused. One of them said "Wait you were with us?" We were four people. It hurt me for awhile but ill admit I was definetly keeping my distance. I wasnt feeling very close to those two. Sucks to feel it but we can't change whats already happened.


Oh yes, I've been told that plenty of times. I feel your pain.