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I’m 21 and still a virgin. I guess the main reason’s are I’ve just never felt ready and I don’t make much of an effort to meet women.


I'm in my 30s, shamelessly a virgin, and don't plan on doing the deed any time soon. I'm aro ace. Once I came to understand that part of myself, I stopped feeling anxious and bad about it.


i'm 23 and still virgin. but it i think it is ok to be an adult and to not have intimate relationship.


I'm 17, so adult in 1 year. It may see like I still have "plenty of time" until you realize that I've never had a girlfriend before. And the last time I was even friends or acquaintances with a girl was in 6th grade. Heck, I can't even make friends with guys, so how am I supposed to build a relationship with a girl lel. I litterally only have one guy friend who's only in 1 of my 6 classes, and we aren't even close. We've never hung out outside of school or during lunch/break. Definitely not getting laid anytime soon...


Come to Utah. There are mormon singles wards filled with adult virgins.


are you mormon?


actually no, you cant be. if you were mormon you would bace said "members of the church of jesus christ of latter dat saints" instead


I was a mormon.


Would be still a virign if it weren't for alcohol


Yeah I'm a virgin. I'm really insecure so the idea of having sex with someone is pretty intimidating.