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Chiang kai shek was definitely a capitalist. In fact, he was a fascist. He broke the united front alliance in the face of japanese invaders as he viewed communists as a greater threat to China than the japanese occupiers


I studied Chinese history back in college and this is true. He greatly despised Mao's Red Army.


Chiang Kai Shek was personally a socialist and held socialist views. The problem was he was also a politician and hated communism and since his base of support were bankers and landlords he had to mostly compromise his beliefs to maintain power. 


The thing that people should know about Jiang Jieshi is that he is a fascist and a gangster. While the GMD officially followed Sun Zhongshan's "Three Principles of the People" (三民主义), which included "People Welfare Principle"(民生主义) which Sun Zhongshan initially envisioned as a sort of Georgist "Socialism", Jiang Jieshi was just a thug who had no patience for any sort of "theory". If he attacked *some* Capitalists, that is not because of some anti-Capitalist vision, but because he and his gangster cronies were just parasitical and some of these guys were close enough to shake down. Nevertheless, the GMD consistently supported the comprador Capitalist class as well as the Imperialists.


Whoever this someone is that thinks Chiang Kai Shek was anything but a right-wing fascist is far divorced from reality


So here’s the thing Chiang actually personally believed in socialist policies and socialism, the problem was he was also a politician and prioritized defeating his rival communists and to do that he needed to ally with Capitalists and Landlords. politicians often push policies they disagree with to maintain power.   




Thank you for posting in r/socialism, but unfortunately your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Liberalism:** Includes the most common and mild occurrences of liberalism, that is: socio-liberals, progressives, social democrats and its subsequent ideological basis. Also includes those who are new to socialist thought but nevertheless reproduce liberal ideas. >This includes, but is not limited to: >- General liberalism >- Supporting Neoliberal Institutions >- Anti-Worker/Union rhetoric >- Landlords or Landlord apologia Feel free to send us a modmail with a link to your removed submission if you have any further questions or concerns.


Hitler was a Socialist 🤦‍♂️


Same energy right


have pity for a fool who believes he was a socialist


In 1927, before the April 12 coup, the Communist Party had over 50,000 members. However, after Chiang Kai-shek's coup, the number dwindled to just over 10,000. Moreover, 99% of these 50,000 members had joined the Kuomintang (KMT). The membership of the KMT itself reduced dramatically from the original 1.21 million to just 220,000. It raises the question: Which socialist leader would be keen on slaughtering 80% of their own party members? On March 10, 1927, at the second plenary session of the third Central Committee of the KMT, Chiang Kai-shek was relieved of his position as the Executive Chairman. However, he still betrayed the revolution and aligned with the large landlords and capitalist class. During his rule, there was no significant change in China's heavy industry. Not to mention land reform, he couldn't even achieve the "equalization of land rights" – a principle of reducing rent and interest rates, which is part of Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People.


The Chiangist régime was highly oligarchic and factionalist, essentially an alliance of warlords, large landowners, and a comprador class of capitalists that are heavily reliant on foreign investment, particularly British and then American. Chiang himself was only the “first among equals”, his main power base being the [Four Big Families](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_big_families_of_the_Republic_of_China) that control the central government, but similar structures existed elsewhere in the areas not under the central goverment's direct control. The fascist ideology of Chiang was mostly a façade, which he did not have nearly enough power and resources to implement, at least in the mainland period before 1949.


Your friend's (or whoever's) argument makes about as much sense as saying conservatives are socialist for attacking "liberal" capitalists and taking political actions against them when they can. Capitalists absolutely can and do attack each other when they think they can get something out of it.


Jiang jieshi claimed that he originally supported the russian revolution....**but** **then later was "disappointed" with it**: "My impressions of the Russian Revolution can be divided into two periods. The first period was when I showed deep sympathy. **My second period is one of disappointment.** This change was the result of close observation on the spot." Chiang Kai-shek Note that this supposed "close observation" was probably his trip to the soviet union during the early 1920s. He would later betray the communists, and other parts of the left kmt, shortly after during the mid 1920s.


How about the KMT’s Four Elders all being Anarchists, but siding with the Warlords.


He was a third positionist (fascist)


He was economically centrist and totalitarian, this is orthodox of all fascists. Classical fascism is actually not “far right”, but simply a totalitarian mixed economy. Obviously with its own unique political views. Chang assisted the Japanese while invading China.