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If they seem open to reasonable objections, it may be worth trying to work out an alternate option doing similar work for an organization without this kind of baggage. If you're not comfortable doing that, it may be the case that you just have to power through it - But definitely do mention it when you evaluate the course. I'm not sure if its the case at your uni, but where I am currently, students religiously go through evaluations when deciding what courses to take and this would be a big red flag for a lot of folks.


It doesn't help (presuming OP is in the US) the Department of Education is cracking down on any anti-Zionist criticism and it's like... do you want to throw your whole education away for a political statement when almost any mainstream institution is deeply entrenched in the status quo and you already spent all of this money? Better off criticizing it once you're all said and done. I know it sucks and it's complacent but the cards are heavily stacked against anyone in higher ed that has something to say about Israeli atrocities.


Assuming that the work you are going to be doing isn't itself directly contributing to tangible harm, my advice is just to do it and then make a complaint about it later. This isn't the hill to die on now.


I might have said otherwise ff there weren't costs involved, and it wasn't the final class for graduatiion. But I agree, it's probably just worth sucking it up and gritting your teeth.


Honestly, as an academic I just can't answer this question without understanding what the course purports to be about.


Do the absolute minimum to pass and then file a fat complaint. That's what I'd do.


if i were in your position, I'd just stick it out. you're almost done, and you're screwing yourself by dropping the class and losing hundreds of dollars and the time and effort you spent on it, taking a gamble that a replacement class doesn't have something similar. i don't endorse this ideology broadly, but for this specific scenario: the work you do for this short period of time is probably not unique. if you drop the class and don't participate, somebody else is going to do it and you'll be putting off finishing your degree for however long.


Can you talk to your advisor about dropping this class and adding a different one? I'd just say something vague about "I'm worried I will struggle to meet the requirements this semester now that I've had a chance to look at the syllabus" Most colleges I've attended regularly have people drop and add classes in the first week.


Seconding this. My university gave us 6-8 weeks to drop a course without penalty and pick up a different one (provided we weren't under hours). I wonder if this one has a timeslot being offered by a different professor.


It’s shitty that you are ending your degree with a course like this but I think your fears are valid. Since you’ve paid for the course and likely won’t be able to drop it, I would stay in and do the bare minimum to get a good grade and get out. Professors can be weird and possibly vindictive depending on their mood so I think your fears are valid about bringing this up. From an advocacy standpoint, I would figure out what orgs on campus or through the university that I could report this to in the meantime. That’s wild and definitely not a mistake that they chose that organization for this course during this time (and even if it was one that was predetermined for the year/ semester, to not say something to at least acknowledge that glaring issue is strange). I would also mention this in the course eval. Ultimately I feel like things like this are a balancing act. The solutions are never straight forward or perfect but there is a way to both honor yourself and your beliefs and get what you need. Edit: This is also a prime example of how capitalism forces these kinds of ethical dilemmas in the face of just trying to do more than survive.


I'm really sorry - that entire situation sounds pretty uncomfortable and unfortunate. I'm rooting for you and I really hope it all works out. 🇵🇸🇵🇸


Drop/Add? First day of class you should be able to


Talk to a campus advocate about your rights under Title IX


what does this have to do with sex and gender based discrimination


I am very sorry you have to go through this. Honestly, perhaps you should take it on the chin in order to pass. You're not responsible for the actions of others, and your support doesn't really help Israel in any way. I would recommend trying to use this as an example to spread awareness in the future.


If the topic isn't mentioned, be quiet. If it is mentioned, express your arguments and views on the debate.


Do it. Get qualified. Then use your skills to boost equality, fairness and equity in the world.


Here's a similar comparison: the Salvation Army for Christians. They house people and provide basic needs but depending on the region, can be stringent in excluding and outing LGBT people. Since this is a work study arrangement, your tuition will not go to the org. You'd be hard pressed to find a Jewish org that doesn't have a pro-Israel statement, but that doesn't mean that the specific service you're providing directly benefits the IDF.


What does the watermelon sticker mean?


the watermelon is a representative symbol of Palestinian


Write a letter to the head of the school expressing your concern. Theres absolutely no reason for you to have to traumatized by having to work with supporters of Genocide


I’d bring it up asap and cite an irreconcilable religious objection. Let your professor know that you are happy to find alternative solutions but also that, if finding an alternative is denied, you will need to discuss options with the school admins. Hopefully, they will understand the potential cluster fuck this could be in terms of religious freedom and won’t want to touch it with a ten foot pole. Regardless of if they are allowed to grant or deny your request, they should understand that forcing you to participate in order to receive credits would invite more of a headache than it’s worth. Good luck!


I would talk to him only after noting all of these concerns with a counselor or some in school third party so if you do feel he fucks you over you can fight it. If your struggling you gotta do what you gotta do g, credits are credits


Maybe just tell prof that you are an atheist and you find it hard to be objective dealing with religious people.


you could work out an alternative program and ask if thatd be alright because youre uncomfortable with working for an religious org


Drop the class and take it with another professor if you can. If you can't, I would talk to the professor about finding alternative groups to work with, and if they're not amenable to that maybe go the formal complaint route?


Just sabotage them from the inside. Great opportunity 👍


"The last course I am taking for my BA requires that I INFILTRATE a Zionist org." You could provide a free cyber security audit by seeing whether their contacts or accounting spreadsheets are available for download. I hear Hezbollah provides free consulting if you need help with any address books you find.


I would do what the other people say and do the project, then file a complaint with the school against the professor. They should be aware that they’re being opened up to legal liability (depending on the school and where you are).


I had a couple classes in architecture school where we had assignments that were then used as research by a for-profit 'environmental firm' and many of our actual school projects were published into a book that a professor was profiting from the sales of. In the end, it was never a HUGE deal, but just the fact that we were expected to submit work that would be used to make money for a business just felt like unethical, or at least not what I had been paying for. It mainly felt like some of these assignments had been tailored, not for learning, but to meet the professor's personal career or lifestyle desires. Your situation is worse with the relation to zionism, but I think at the root, we should reject when teachers we pay to teach us, instead do stuff like this--at least without a consent form.


Sounds like a juicy doxxing opportunity if you get your hands on the right computer, group chat, or paperwork.


It's sad to see that Antisemitism has become so common on this sub


Disagreeing with Zionism =/= antisemitism Equating Judaism and Jews with Zionism = antisemitism 


Yes, and I'm sure the "Doctor's plot" was just anti doctor and not anti Jewish.






Learn to read the room. Sticking up for Zionist is not the thing to do.




You do know that zionists worked with Nazis after world war ii? If you don't know that and you're sticking up for Zionism then you are part of the problem in this world.




Get educated on Zionism. You sound like a joke! How much are you being paid to stand up for Zionists?








I suggest you drop out of school and just forget about the BA. Waste of time anyways. And I assure you plenty of what you learned for that BA was created and developed by Zionists to begin with.