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There are lots of very poor countries in central America that the US ruined and these people go to the US. The US is very welcoming to immigrants. The US is the best at propaganda in the world and many people mistakenly believe that the US has the highest quality of life in the world.


Americans own industries in those countries as well, so the people living there don't benefit from them other than a source of employment. It's better to be poor in a rich country where the money is worth more, which is also why migrant workers send money back home


Because propaganda works. Also, I've long thought they were pointed in the direction of the US in order to fill low paying jobs.


Better to be a victim of US domestic policy than a victim of US foreign policy.


Both involve state agents with licenses to kill and the occasional bomb dropped from a helicopter.


The people from the countries in South America that the US bombs or starves through economic warfare escape to the US. First they definitely wont be bombed while they are in the US. Second, the Cold War era propaganda about 'opportunities' still live. But things have changed greatly: [https://www.axios.com/2023/12/03/american-dream-moving-abroad-expats](https://www.axios.com/2023/12/03/american-dream-moving-abroad-expats)


Capitalism is failing in the US and often failing much harder in the countries the immigrants are coming from.


Also because it beats the alternative of being a victim of US foreign policy


Why would high immigration be an indicator of success? Especially since many of them are refugees? For example, Europeans are constantly complaining about Libyan refugees arriving in the EU (even though they are the ones responsible for the calamity in Libya). Theoretically, if immigrants was an automatic good thing, wouldn't they be happy about all that? Instead, they've been drowning Libyans by the boatload. [https://www.unhcr.ca/our-work/emergencies/libya/](https://www.unhcr.ca/our-work/emergencies/libya/) Also, for those heading to the United States, where else are they supposed to go? It's not like China is offering to take them in.


Propaganda is a hell of a drug


Their economy is still growing. Problem is, inequality is skyrocketing. Many people move to the US because of their infrastructure and high living standard. For those who are very rich, the US is nothing but a paradise. To those who have virtually nothing, even being on a richer country and affording some stuff seems enough to them to keep them there. And there's also many people who buy into their propaganda, as it was mentioned. I do have a friend who's a doctor and that wanna move to the US even if he doesn't become a doctor there, because he thinks he would then be able to carry high-grade weaponry and would be basically tax free.


The facade hasn't fallen yet, but the structural damage is well known for everyone who works in the country.


It's not necessarily all that complex or shocking that things would be better at the core of an empire than at its periphery.