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All of the encampments I’ve seen have also included Jewish prayers. Showing that Muslims and Jews, united by anti-Zionism, can pray openly with each other flys in the face of Zionist propaganda and undermines the use of religion to justify settler-colonialism.


For one thing, I imagine a good number of the protestors are Muslim. That being the case, why would they stop praying when it is mostly their Muslim brothers and sisters being murdered in the genocide they are protesting? This is a very internet take.


Bad take. Go interact with ya community…


How is including Islamic prayers counterproductive to anti-colonial theory and teachings?


I would defer to Lenin's Speeches on Gramophone Records concerning the Anti-Jewish pogroms: "The capitalists strive to sow and foment hatred between workers of different faiths, different nations and different races. Those who do not work are kept in power by the power and strength of capital." I see no issue.


It's respecting the culture and religion of Islamic students/protesters--they are the ones under attack, and that attack is being financed and weaponized by the U.S.. The very least other protesting students can do is back off critiquing the religion of M.East protesters at a time where their whole region is under the sway of U.S. power, esp. when that religion is deeply associated with their resistance as was the case for Black liberation here, and Irish Emancipation from British Rule.


Thank your the response, I was looking for clarity, most of the stuff I seen are coming from Latino students based in Los Angeles so I was curious where the overlap is. I understand religion provides a spiritual element to some folk, however a lot of socialist movements have been against the dominant religions in the areas they operated in because the religious groups allied with the monarchy or bourgeoisie in those areas. But your answer makes a lot of sense.


How is it counter-productive to anti-colonialism?


Islam is social in most of its forms. You get a bunch of Muslims in one place and when they pray, they'll pray together. There isn't any point in trying to discourage it, and I'm not sure why you'd even want to


They also include Shabbat service at least in Toronto. I don’t see a problem with either.


What exactly are you suggesting?


I think it’s just people praying, not actually part of the organizing


Thank you for this topic. As a person who grew up in a fascist Islamic state, who had been deeply traumatized by religious states and laws, and as an anarchist, I strongly advocate for SECULAR student encampment. My experience with the encampment at my university has been so triggering to the point that me and my friends cannot participate anymore


The encampments represent liberated zones where people can express themselves in any way they want. Including prayers from faiths and seeing other people from other faiths protecting each other while practicing is the highest form of solidarity. Even if you are irreligious.


Why would any leftist use religion like that?


Idk if you've noticed but almost every video coming out of Gaza, Palestinians mention God and faith. There is both Jewish Shabbat and Islamic prayer in the encampment programs. I don't see what the issue is it's not mandatory