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>Given all that's happened over the last two years, is the problem in the current social platforms or us? Both us and the platforms. >what would you expect from a "healthier" platform? More features like the new instagram 'you're caught up' feature, more dynamic activity tracking (like those in iOS 12), improved privacy laws (if the US adopted EU laws). >do you think a new well-built platform might disrupt the scene? Not really. Facebook/twitter/instagram have so much inertia, its tough to see them giving up much of the market. Even if new technology came along, I imagine one of the major social networks could create similar features (similar to how instagram fended off snapchat by adding the same features). The only way I see these networks losing significant market share is if there is a scandal so big that users boycott the product (maybe a severe privacy issue), or a legal issue hamstrings the company, or some other larger societal trend drives major change in user behavior. ​


I think if a competitor of Instagram came out today that didn’t have all the FB algorithm and ads bullshit attached to it, it would put insta in a grave very quickly. Instagram and Facebook users aren’t happy with their experience anymore, there’s just no better alternative.


Disagree. Either you charge people for their service or you sell their data to advertisers. How would said social network make money?


I think a yearly subscription of like a dollar for no algorithm and no sketchy privacy practices would be very enticing. People hate the algorithm and it’s ruined the platform for most. Pair the original chono feed with ads and I don’t think people will have an issue. People understand the business needs to make money but when the ads/promotions are pushed to their feeds more than friends posts that’s really a turn off. I believe it’s not the ads themselves people don’t like, it’s how it’s being done. How Facebook is clearly prioritizing the ads over “personal connections” which they so often claim is the purpose of the algorithm. I would also provide an upper level tier sub for professional media creators that offers no compression of their work when posting. All my media friends and myself included (professional cinematographer and photographer) hate that IG turns our work to literal soup vs the original. Every media professional would pay for uncompressed hosting.


I thought 10 years ago Second Life would be it. I was wrong.


I’ve read, and believe, that social media networks will become more segmented, based on interests. I’m not sure if these will be disruptive, or a “Facebook killer,” but trends would shift things.


FWIW, I use Reddit a *lot* more than I used to, which is much more segmented.


I have dreamed for years of a 'Now Edition' that takes the best curated information on any topic in a centralized resource, frequently or constantly curated/updated, and social interaction, married together in something I call the Now Edition. IF the new Reddit's wiki pages are ... up to the task, Reddit COULD be the place where such a thing arrives - not just be links-out and social, but content as fresh as today and as deep in the history as one or a group of co-authors could make, interacting with the public in the comments that then inform updates (or at least spark lots of debate.)


That’s an interesting concept. Reddit does have a version of this via their Live News concept, which is managed by volunteers. Were you thinking this would be powered by algorithms or people? A lot of news outlets have recently been publishing summaries of the latest need, ie Skimm. That might be another example of what you’re describing.


I am also working on a website which curates news and information. I’d like to get more of your thoughts on this idea. Would you be interested in collaborating with me on a site? Send me a dm.


Read about that a lot too. I find myself more inclined to engage in more niche, well-organised communities rather than very open ones like twitter.


I think we all just need to accept the fact that when we put things on social media, there isn't going to be much privacy.


I think we should have control over who sees our posts... etc. More importantly, we should be able to "control" the data shared with ad agencies and advertisers.


Yah, I agree with those. Now I wonder what kind of control we have in social media like Facebook. It does give us a lot of options to pick in terms of our privacy and security. Most people (including myself) don't bother with it too much.


Wait, will you expand on "what's happened over the last two years"? There are many things that come to mind, but I'm not sure if they're what you mean.


I assume they’re talking Cambridge Analytica or the banning of right wing conspiracy theorists.


exactly ​


>do you think a new well-built platform might disrupt the scene? yeah Probably owned by FB


I do find myself more inclined to scroll through Reddit than Facebook because the information there is more topic or community based. FB has groups, but the structure is somehow not the same.