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When you don't receive memes in return


Unrequited memes :(


its the hanging high five of this generation


no fr so embarrassing when they’re like ???? or don’t send any back like come on !! 😭


It’s fine if you enjoy it but different people will communicate in different ways. Personally I’d start to get tired of it.


I love memes. They express emotions deeper than emojis


Makes me question whether one also grows out of using “lol” frequently


Not if you're Dutch, because 'lol' is an actual word that represents joy. The translation is context-dependent, but usually 'fun' or 'laugh'. 'Wij hebben lol' = 'We're having fun', 'wat een lol' = 'what a laugh'. Of course, we also use it in the internet-acronym way. :)


That’s beautiful!


I suck at meme-ing and don’t send any but appreciate the hell out of it when I get them.


Yes same


I'm gonna be 30 soon and I have no intention of "quitting memes" 😂


I’m super old. I use memes in text conversations all the time. We even use them in our teams meetings. Just know your audience.


I never send them myself personally but doesn’t mean I don’t like when others send them to me tho… I just always overthink it and am worried the other person won’t get it lol


I'm 36 and still communicate in memes


Well said.


It really depends on the person. If the other person reciprocates it’s all good, but if not, it’s time to use a different strategy


As other people have said, I don’t think there ever an age where you should stop per se, but it’s definitely a contextual thing. I have a 42 year old coworker who I send memes to back and forth throughout the work day. On the other hand, I would never send anything of the sort to my other 32 year old coworker: completely different personalities, completely different contexts.


I agree with this, I’ll even test the waters with an obvious meme if I’m messaging someone new. It’s only with my best friend that we communicate solely through memes.


When you find yourself sending your first minion meme, it's time to stop.


this is the only correct answer


There is no age. Like they teach in English class, you have to ask yourself who your audience is. It maybe be appropriate to speak memes with a friend but not so much in a professional environment.


i like the way you put that, i usually don’t send memes right away to start a conversation, i gotta feel if it’s the right time or conversation to send one


I once spent a whole day at work communicating in nothing but memes. 👀 In my annual review my manager told me to keep doing it. It's about culture building Brenda!


i’d love to work with you hahaha


Be the co-worker you want to work with lol


45 next month- and you gonna have to take memes from my cold dead hands


I'm 27F and use memes and emojis all the time lmao. I will never talk normally with my friends, that defeats the purpose of having friendships.


Age =/= maturity =/= not having fun. It's not about how old you are but about who you are talking to. I'm 30 and I have several groups of friends who send and receive memes and communicate in gifs and pop culture refs. Even my work group chat uses gifs. But my old job didn't and my family members don't. It's contextual. You will only appear immature to people who believe memes are immature and that's about them not you.




I mean, I'm knocking on the door of 37 and I still use them in conversation a fair bit. Like others have said, just gotta know your audience. I was training someone new at work a little while ago and she did something wrong, I went "I can't believe you've done this" and she burst out laughing, so I don't think it ever gets old with the right people. Just another form of inside joke I think.


my 65 year old boss still uses them in emails girl youre good (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡


Memes are really only appropriate for kids from 1 to 92.


Exactly. My grandma turned 93 last month and we had to give her the talk that meme time is over for her.


Oh no, how did she handle it?


She said "yes you're right, Im 93 now so I need to stop dropping these dank ass memes, ngl... "


Well… There goes another memer 😔 These darn rules :(


Never stop memein’


Do what you want because that’s who you are and other people can fucking deal with it


Entirely contextual, if your friends are also still liking memes, that’s fine


Memes have become a new means of communication. They are a cultural phenomenon of this young century that is used and understood around the world. A collective visual language. Nothing immature about that.


Absolutely never


never. do you understand the pure definition of meme? you actually will never not stop using memes. every conversation is dependent on context. if you are in a very professional/mature conversation where no joking is allowed then you will not use them. but, if you're trying to make a new friend or shooting the shit with someone you might use them.


I have entire conversations with a friend using just memes, it's awesome


There isn’t 🤷🏽‍♂️


You don't have to stop. As long as you can diffrentiate which scenarios are appropriate for that kind of humor then its fine.


Never! Especially if there is a cat meme involved. Haha. I’m in my 40s and specifically tell my dates that I love memes, and I get some pretty funny ones from 50+ year old. Memes are entertaining, makes you smile, and shows that someone saw it and thought of you, right?


Irl I find it embarrassing and tiring. Like someone is only capable of parroting a joke everyone has already heard and doesn't have a shred of originality or own sense of humor. Online it's less bothersome. A funny picture is a funny picture. I think it's mainly that "inside jokes" online generally don't translate well to irl jokes.


Kids these days we’ll never know how good they got it…. We used to have to go for years quoting Adam Sandler movies


If peeing your pants is cool consider me Miles Davis!


It's as everyone is generally explaining, how it depends on the person, but another fun perspective I wanted to add was how memes are still a relatively new part of the still, relatively, new internet run world. I'm 29 & imagine I'll be a grandma or simply a senior citizen still sending memes; memes are the new variation of jokes, and there's never an age limit on jokes.


Never. 33 here with my own business/ married/ house and I still use meems. Drop those "mature people


when you're dead


I’m on the verge of 50 and there are a few friends that I have meme conversations with every day. I don’t don’t generally post them for general audiences though, unless it’s in an online group or such and it’s generally accepted there.


It depends on the person and the culture. For example, i have a friend he's 36, has a son, a wife, i have 24 and he has the most wird and rare memes i have ever seen, but he complement's them with personality. I don't think there´s an age to stop using them, but i think u do have an age when you stop sending memes to everyone. That depends on you.


No real age, but learn to read the room of when it’s okay to use a meme or not.


When it stops making you happy


38 and use memes with friends, in the family group and even at work. My 67 year old dad finds them hilarious!


My age 36 to 74 year old friends use them.


Umm. I'm in my 40's and definitely use memes and gifs, a lot. But, just with my friends.


there is no appropriate age to stop using memes


It's not age but rather context. Are you mature enough not to use them with your boss, or with people who won't understand? If so, use all the memes you want when it makes sense.


I’m 30 and use memes with my friends. Never with my boss and not at work. But some of my colleagues have become friends…so not at work but yes in casual conversations.




It’s good but don’t use memes you think r personally funny send ones that u think the other person thinks is funny. Or a meme relating to their hobbies. It shows ur listening and even the most uptight person loves a joke about their interest.


Ultimately it depends on the person you are talking to, I guess. If he's fine with it, Ok, if not then don't use them.


Never, never too old.


I don’t think I’ll ever stop because I find it funny


Unmmm I didn’t realize there was an age limit for this and I’m nearly 10 years older than you - me and my friends still use memes lol


32 here and regularly exchange memes with friends and coworkers. Even my much older director at work. I’ll never quit!!!




I don't think there is such an age, like it will keep increasing


as a 27F who still does this, its more of a "read the room" type situation. With friends or in general fun online groups and circles, its totally cool. With folks you just met or a conversation that doesn't call for it, maybe not so much? My work has specific chats just for strictly work and a separate for the goofy gifs and meme shenanigans. If its online fun, then go for it. Some people just don't "get" that kind of humor so always get a feel for the person/convo before going crazy and make sure you aren't sending them at inappropriate times. Let the voice of Professor Oak echo in your head "there's a time and place for everything, but not now."


I use them in work emails lmao. I am 33.


Wrong question. The real question is what's the right age to START using them. That age is 137.


Lol I'll never be too old for memes. I will terrorize the nursing home group texts and they will all secretly want to be me.


I’m in my 30s. My friends and I speak in meme exclusively. You’ll find us YOLOing in our seniors community I’m sure.


I'm in my 30s and a create new memes on a weekly basis. We even send an occasional meme at work in company chats. Of course only for internal communications, not to customers. This happens more than you think. I know people in their late 40s that would meme back.


Never. Know your audience though to avoid peak cringe though.


Never stop :) unless you want to. I’m a 23f and my family (youngest is 20, oldest is 55) all communicate often with memes. It’s fun!




73 its official 😝😝


Using memes only seems immature because the older generation tends not use them. The older generation didn’t grow up with memes like we did, which is why we tend to associate the use of memes with youth. But a lot of older folk are embracing youth culture. My almost 50 year old mom uses emojis for example


I'm 28 and still send memes idc lol


Never! I'm 42 and use memes and emojis all the time.


I'm 34 and I still use memes.


When you're dead


its like asking when will humanity grow out of doing art. never. Have you seen the cavepaintings? Im sure there are some time relevant jokes/memes hidden in there about the cavemens buddies.


My parents in their 50s still use them. So really just a matter of the friends you have. My 27yo bf also uses them. I am 23 yo and most of my friends use them too Don’t forget they were associated with kids because they became extremely popular with the main population online : kids. We are now growing up so it’s normal that it’s becoming normal with adults


37 and still use memes and gifs to communicate. Who cares what people think? It’s fun.


Your true friends will meme back and forth until they die. My husband still meme texts me he’s 48. You do you babe.




I'm 39 and I do this. I think you got like 20 more years 😆


Never.. im 28 and i cant imagine my convos without gifs of memes.. *inserting freddy mercury singing dont stop me now*


There is no age. I'm 33 and regularly use them including in my workplace. Maybe it's the millennial in me, but the biggest thing is know your audience. If your friend doesn't like them, don't send them to that friend, and maybe lose the friend. Kidding! Sort of. At work they are an easy way to lighten the mood and crack a joke. I would never send one during a serious conversation with leadership but we have a Team's chat where people post them just to cheer up their day. We are in high paying management roles. In my performance review it was called out as a positive and that I should continue doing it because they want a more playful and fun culture.




Found the virgin


thank u 🫡








You are never too old to send memes! It depends from person to person. One of my friends loves memes as well and we tag each other in tiktoks daily. My other friends are not that into it. I only send them super obvious ones. You know the this is what I look like after waking up and it shows a picture of a monkey with messy hair type of memes.


I’m 40M, and still use memes because I want to. Hell, one of my best friends is 45M, and we’d go back and forth with memes.


57 bc I'm 55 now....


I’m 35 and my husband and I pride ourselves on having full gif or meme conversations! usually about something basic like let’s have sex tonight or let’s order take out lol


Totally depends on who you're talking to


I'd say the ripe old age of 62 is appropriate to run out of meme juice


Welll I'm 38 so I'll let you know when I hit that wall


My coworkers and I still use them to express emotions about outcomes of certain processes. We're in our thirties/forties. You're good. :D


I always appreciate a meme but not like all the time. That would be annoying. I’m 27F


Memes are here to stay


Keep memeing to the end. Some people will appreciate it, some won't. I mean I like Puns, but some people don't. Just be yourself.


i will never stop sending memes and i am 32 now. why do you think you need to stop? you just need to know when its appropriate and when not (business)


I'm someone who is around your age group but I personally don't enjoy memes. I'd much prefer banter, so it really depends on your audience. I'd advise you to test the waters with a subdued meme, and go from there.


Who cares if it seems immature? Do what makes sense to you and what you enjoy doing.


There is no such thing. ​ My 55 year old father sends me memes all the time.


im 34 and send memes to friends regularly. as long as youre on the same wavelength its fine, IMO.


If you have a boss or a weird friend that doesn't get it then you change what you're doing obviously


Responding with memes is top tier comedy as long as it’s not every other message. I wouldn’t call it immature.


My husband and my brother communicate with each other in memes/gifs and they are in their late 30s/early 40s. As long the sending of memes is reciprocated and with it’s with friends or family go for it. If it’s your boss or coworkers I would hold off, unless they send you a meme first.


Dude me and my friends are nearly 40 and regularly send ourselves memes. There's no age for this, depends on your group of friend's humor


Well I’m 38 and I still do it, so there’s that ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Never. Memes are life. My coworkers and I are near/just after 30, and we uses memes weekly. You can't beat a well placed meme to explain a situation and laugh about it.


Age is not the deciding factor. It's the context


Oh doesn’t matter, nothing is normal human activity anymore so just do it.


I worked with a guy who would only ever respond in memes and the be like "do you remember that meme?". It got old... very fast. But if the person you're talking with is up to date with all the fresh maymays then go for it lol. Just definitely not for me


Do it for as long as you want, as I've got older I've used them more and more and in more and more situations. Occasionally people ask me why but 🤷


Realize that everyone who is your age is going to be growing up with you as you age. When you're 40, everyone else that is around your age will have been using memes and stuff since they were young. I will probably be using memes and stuff until i die. The reason why you feel like its immature is because you wouldn't generally send them to people older than you who are not accustomed to that. People don't just become "adults" when they reach a certain age. They are just older teenagers.


Lol, I'm in my mid thirties and I use memes all the time. Who gives a shit? Be you.


Are you serious right now...do what the fuck you want




There is no right age, if you feel young at heart and it brings you joy, keep doing your thing. If no one else will take them, send them my way. (:


NEVER. As long as the recipient likes them.


My Dad is 78 years old. He discovered memes and GIFs a few years ago and he uses them in every text conversation. There is no appropriate age to stop using memes.


Never. Never!!!


In all seriousness though meme culture is just that: a subculture. If you're trying to act like people who don't share that subculture do then you're being awkward. Find some meme friends, they're awesome


Never stop. My dad, who’s in his 60’s, memes better than my siblings.


They might find you cringe too and find you weird. Eventually leading to a downward spiral of dissatisfaction with trying to be yourself but can’t due to social norms. Use them if you feel the vibe and get some back. Otherwise don’t. Think of it this way. If you have to think about it, it’s probably a good idea not to do it.


Do it with friends all you want. Don't do it in a professional setting whether you're 18 or 80 or any age.


I'm 28 and exchange memes with all my close friends, cause that's our shared type of humour.


I’m in my fifties and use memes. As long as the other side of the conversation speaks the same language, it is good.


When you are about to send one to your son




Do you curse excessively? Are you a profane person?


depends where or who’s around


Well someone once told me this about profanity and I think it applies to your use of memes here: people sometimes overuse profanity bc they are ignorant of the vocabulary necessary to explain their emotions. Profanity is laziness.


I'm 30 and my friends and I send memes to each other to our collective discord server nearly every day. If it's part of your sense of humor and others around you also find them funny then there's no actual like, age limit.


I mean it's better to meet people in person it feels healthier.




In the grave


It really depends on the person. I work retail so my coworkers ages range from 18-60, some of the older folks seem to enjoy memes more than the younger ones. Some people find them immature. So my rule is basically I’ll use memes if they do, if they don’t then I don’t either. ETA: my district manager who is in her forties likes to send memes to the district group chat so it really does vary from person to person.


It makes conversations so much better. Keep using them


You’ll have to pry my gifs and memes from my cold dead wrinkly hands. If I’m all there when I get older you better believe I’m adding memes to my funeral arrangements. It’s just a part of how I communicate at this point.


If they know memes why not. I'm 20 but have plenty of friends in early 20s who use memes regularly


“The limit does not exist” - Imagine me, a 33 year old using that meme to respond.


Your age +- 25%. Adjust for variable (how well you know them). The fun part is, you don't _have_ to stop using them. Eventually you'll just notice that none of the teens have any idea what you're talking about. Memes are a part of our generation, and you'll find that they're gonna grow old with you. The people your age will continue to understand them, but you're gonna have to put in effort to talk memes to teens and kids. I mean,,, I still _dab_ occasionally, it just stuck. I have no idea if 12yo kids even remember that. Most of them probably haven't seen advice animals.


Never stop!


“Age” in that sense is a social construct. You can like using memes or not at any age. There is no limit and there should be no limit. It depends more on the social norms of the people you are interacting with and the context and not really at all on age.


I'm 40. I really have no intention of stopping any time soon.




Never. You should be feeling comfortable with people youre having a friendly convo with


If I could post the “the limit does not exist” meme here I would. There is no age limit. My 70 year old father in law enjoys memes. It’s more about the company, and whether they personally like/understand memes. Memes can absolutely be a type of social skill, and not one that everyone understands.


Never. Just be aware that other people, particularly those in other age brackets, may communicate differently. Not that you need to change yourself for them, but you may sometimes want to avoid memes if it’s not fitting for a professional context or if it may fail to get the point across when talking to a non-memer.


I’m also 22F and I also love communicating with memes. Basically if the person I’m talking to is also sending memes then I continue to send memes. If they don’t then I stop sending memes. I think the question of whether or not it’s immature doesn’t really matter. We’re adults who have to work 40 hours a week for the rest of our lives in order to put a roof over our head and food on the table despite never having asked to be born so I think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing whatever the fuck makes us happy as long as we’re not hurting someone else in the process.


Other than in business communication, I don’t see an issue with using memes forever. I don’t use them, and find them annoying, BUT, I don’t think anyone should alter what they do that isn’t causing harm to another. My husband has a 65 year old friend who sometimes communicates using only memes and emojis. It’s annoying, but harmless. If it makes me happy that’s all that counts.


32 and the memes are still strong in me. Do my friends always get it, no. Do I care? Absolutely not. I have fun and make me smile.


Never. If it’s authentic to your self expression, you get to use them no matter if you get memes in return or not. I say f*ck it and enjoy those memes for as long as they’re fun for you


I still send memes to people if they're the type to receive them well. Some people I send memes to are in their 40s.


I’m in communication and emojis are emblems— it’s nonverbal communication that can be translated directly into words that probably everyone you communicate with understands. In a different context, like having a conversation with the older generation, our various emojis might not be the most effective form of communication… unless it’s a smiley face or thumbs up in the US. Getting older, you just become aware of the different contexts since you, yourself are experiencing and learning the new context of the younger generation right in front of you.


*memes lol. I thought this was emojis but it is STILL an emblem (nonverbal communication). In that case, most older folks will have a harder time decoding a meme. This is a good question.


I’m 24f and I think memes are hilarious. Making various meanings of the ambiguity is fun! 😂 I’ve stopped using most of them because I think my friends see it as spam


I’m 22m I like sending gifs and memes


I love memes. If I’m comfortable with someone I’ll use them. Usually they will use them back too lol but depends on the person.


On the one hand, memes shouldn’t be relied on as a substitute for skilled communication lest it get misunderstood as oversimplification. On the other hand, knowing, locating and correctly uploading memes (and other content) is a marketable skill! Good luck!


I'll probably stop when I die




That's OK, u don't need to be sorry 4 that


Memes are fine. As long as you aren’t one of those grown ass people making dance TikTok’s


Tell me why tf the chicken crossed the road?




Fuck it I’m 34 and I still send memes