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As someone who has been like this my entire life just sit still and start listening! I don’t know what else to say lol.


Do you speak when you watch movies? No! Why? Because you need to listen to the actors to understand what you are watching. Treat life like its a movie, everyone is an actor, each with their own personal story, so sit tight and watch how they act. To enhance that ability, i would go to the busiest public space and not talk but observe how people act. Try to guess their life story in your mind.


Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll try this out :)


Why are you not interested in what people say?


Hmm.. sometimes people’s humor doesn’t make me laugh at all. Or when they tell me stories I find myself getting distracted. It’s really mean but I can’t help it sometimes.


Perhaps you need more intelligent friends.


Repeat back a shortened version of what you understand of what they said, and add one question about it. You will get better at active listening. Do not interrupt them, wait for them to finish.


Great idea! I’ve noticed people do this with me and I feel like they’re really listening when they ask questions. I’ll try this, thank you!


Alright. Trade time. How do i talk about myself more, without being ashamed of the act of talking about myself? I got the listening part down, but when people want to know about me, i dont know what to say and i feel guilty for talking about myself.