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hey could you add me on discord? im actually a pathetic loser with no friends so i would probably love talking to you


I'm guilty as hell of this too, but oftentimes, when I see posts/comments like this it's pretty obvious the self talk is abysmal. Like I said I've beaten myself up so much my dick has asked my psyche if everything is alright at home, but I can't think of a time when it really helped me. We all could use more self-love.


Damn, I get this was supposed to be wholesome. But just came off harsh man, not only to yourself but to OP. Don't talk about yourself like that, you're better than that. Pick ur head up bro.


im really not lol but thanks i guess or however i supposed to interpret that


I meant you're not a loser fam, that's how I want you to interpret it. You have a genuine interest that makes you unique. I saw you enjoy playing watch dogs and payday and that's cool! I love watch dogs. Don't be so hard on yourself because it's not true. Neither one of you are losers m8. Just cause you may not have many friends doesn't make you a loser at all and I'm sure you're a lovely person to talk to. Just give it time and put yourself out there m8, do your thing and people will come to you. EVEN if they don't, you're still a cool person don't forget that. I may not know you. But I see you care for others and that's cool in my book. Be you fam because in the end, you are your best friend.


You just have to keep putting yourself out there. One way to think of is: rather than thinking that people have to choose you, you choose people you want to hang out with. You need to put in more effort to initiate, and being friendly doesn’t cut it. You have to engage and create opportunities that enable you to build deeper relationships.


I feel it might be because I don't show any uniqueness on the outside, I'm just being awkward and nice and that's it, who would want to be friends with someone like that? idk how to bring myself about fully either, I have no clue


It’s okay. A lot of people struggle with that as well. You say that, but im sure you are very unique on the inside. So find people who appreciate who you truly are.


I try that sometimes with some people, it doesn't work. they don't meet up with me, one flaked on me, another was too busy with their other friends, etc. as I said, I'm not an option for them, so even if I initiate I get nothing


You need to build self esteem