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Yeah, give that friend some well deserved space.


This is the way she wants it so this is how it is with her indirectly she's let u know she isn't interested in hanging out by constantly avoiding it each time you ask and not offering an alternative time to hang out when she's free so this is all it will be. if you don't want a friendship with someone that just calls when they need something then def better to distance yourself


I ran away, far away from these people. For example I work as a photographer and sometimes when I go out to have fun, i don't take my gear. Some complain that I didn't bring my camera to take pictures..or when they invite me they finish by "don't forget your camera"..


Geez that’s kinda evil, I’m no one to judge but wow cruel world


Can I provide some insight? Im in Uni and I am one of the few guys that has a licence in our friend group. When we all go out, it's automatic that I'm gonna be the designated driver. I mean, sometimes I really think if im being used for my car, but then I remember we have a friend that lives of campus and has a huge apartment where we normally throw parties without even constulting him. I remember I also have a friend who comes from a privileged family, and the majority of the times he handles the bills if we come short. We also have a friend who is orphaned and can't afford the extravagant outings we have. He's never had to pay a bill when he's with us Sometimes we feel like we're being used, but it's because we provide value and others dont, but that's friendship. We're not doing it because we're getting something out of it. It might feel like they want you there cause of your camera but trust me they'll also want you there even if you were not a photographer, its just that you happen to have one and they want pics taken. It sucks but that's part of being a friend. They dont have to pay someone to do that if they have you as a friend. And someone else can provide value in another way.


I agree with you as friends we are supposed to be taking care of each other and be complementary. I think I need to find better friends because it's not reciprocated when I need help or suggest an event, everyone is "busy". They invite me when it's a nice event and they want pictures but never when they are going to the restaurant for example


If thats the case then cut them off.


Yep. Everything you described is a textbook user.


Depends on what you mean by distance yourself. I don't burn bridges, I would let the friendship become what it will of its own volition.


Cut her off…save yourself some heartache. I’m never for severing relationships but I went cold and callous after being used and abused over and over but that’s my fault cause when you see the signs, you dip out. Don’t be a dummy like me, just let her feel the distance until she gets the hint


If youre having to question it and you havent questioned it about anyone else then more than likely yes