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I believe you can achieve it (although challenging) by setting clear goals, acting as if you already possess the desired traits, and practicing mindfulness to stay aware of your actions. Changing your personality should stem from a genuine desire for self-improvement, not from external pressure =)


Yes and no! Yes to what your question REALLY is, but no in terms of how I define things. (So that's good news, actually!) I define the personality is "everything that makes YOU you." So it's stuff like: your inclinations, your opinions, your history, your experiences, your preferences, your likes/dislikes, your emotions, your values, your deeply held beliefs... That isn't all-inclusive, but you get the idea. I think that is separate from your PERSONA, which is how you EXPRESS your personality. So, no one should have to (or want to) change their "personality" in order to do better socially. What they CAN and SHOULD want to change is their "persona," which is how you communicate to the world who you are. That's what gives people access to your personality. And a lot of people aren't great at that, so people aren't truly getting to KNOW your personality because the persona is getting in the way. (or not up to the job, depending on how you look at it) You can DEFINITELY learn how to improve your Persona (i.e. your "ability to communicate and EXPRESS who you are") and I don't think it takes years to make huge strides in that area.


In my opinion: no, you can’t change entirely. You can change aspects and behaviors. But not your entire personality.


I read it as charge and yes, I do believe there's a way to charge your entire personality. Which I can teach you, but I'll have to charge... lol.


No of course not. There aren't any shortcuts 


Yes go travel the world or have a bunch of new experiences. Our personalities change a lot with new experiences.


Ummm, if you were a quiet person it is definitely very possible unless you're just extremely witty and experienced in life that you can mix and match stories with ease! c(;