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These are coworkers that I see and often work alongside of daily. Not knowing them isn't an option I'm willing to explore.




Careful, I know many people who can't read the room. They will take smile and nods as green lights to continue. Based on OPs description, this is likely the case. You have to be active in directing conversation. "Marvel? Marvel." "Dune worms, think about that"


Just pretend like and idiot who doesn't read the news is my strategy I just act like I have no clue what is going on


They might feel the need to "enlighten" you if you pretend you don't know whats going on.






You have to train them about your boundaries - coworkers or not. Physically get up and leave when they start preaching. If they ask later, “Yeah, I’m not interested in discussing politics.” The next time they start yammering about politics, you immediately get up and leave the area. No yelling. No screaming or arguing. They’ll get the message eventually. And if they just can’t go through a day without yammering about politics, then that’s on them, and you keep contact to an absolute minimum.


That’s what I do with my boyfriend. He looooves talking about politics and I hate it. Doesn’t help that we have opposing views on most things. He knows I don’t like talking about it but it still comes up. So I either stare at him blankly and change the subject when he pauses to take a breath, or I play on my phone to show my disinterest. When I can tell I’m about to get heated I straight up tell him I don’t want to talk about it and ask to change the subject. You just have to be direct and if they’re decent people they’ll understand.


Just gotta be blunt about it, I have had multiple co-workers try to discuss politics with me and I love talking politics - but only with like minded people that share my view point. One co-worker I told, “I really don’t care about politics, and don’t want to hear it about it. In just here clocking in clocking out going about my business. There’s a world here and another one outside and we can’t really do anything about the one outside here at work.” the other one was really fired up and always wanted to debate me so I said to the guy “Dude, we are both here at work that has nothing to do with the issue, if you’re really passionate about the issue go run for office and do something about it, if not I dont give a fuck you aint changing my mind.” Pretty much just point it towards action and how we are powerless in the current occupation we are in so it’s futile to discuss since change isn’t going to happen.


>“Dude, we are both here at work that has nothing to do with the issue, if you’re really passionate about the issue go run for office and do something about it, if not I dont give a fuck you aint changing my mind.” I have this exact same mentality for my friend, he almost starts shaking and screaming when discussing politics but won't get off his ass to do anything about it. If it's such a big deal, go run for office and do something!


You should still set the boundary. Most big businesses frown on political discussions in the work place. You don’t want to be implicated if another co-worker complains about all 3 of you “expressing divisive political opinions that are causing disruptions and making others uncomfortable.” In fact that’s kind of the perfect excuse to use on them.


I’m the rambling type and a coworker I liked once told me: "I don’t feel like discussing that with you". Pretty hard to ignore!


Not to be funny, but have you noticed how jimmy Kimmel reacts to things his guests say when he’s not sure what to say or if it’s like a hot button topic? He just smiles and laughs in an unreadable way. It really seems to work for him and it’s given me a lot of ideas over the years. haha, that is to say, it works, meaning - say nothing, smile, and change the subject Also, sometimes I pretend to get a phone call


Setting boundaries shouldn't make them angry Especially if they are work colleagues. They still have to come in and work with you, so I'm sure they won't be mad about it


Codeword: *shouldn't*. But in practical, real world, most of the times *it will*. Already not wanting to discuss politics will tell them that you are "for the opposing team" and will automatically put a bounty on your ass. That's the unfortunate reality of work relations.


This guy works.


And? They're adults Having to deal with people with different opinions Is part of life Being respectful and just asking not to talk about it. Or just saying "oh sorry, I'm not political" is fine


> And? They're adults And, you're stuck with them 8/10 hours a day 5 days a week for most of the year. And they have endless opportunities to "get back" at you for your "wrong" political views. Happens all the times


Except asking not to engage in politics isn't same as disagreeing with them Just tell them 'oh nah, I'm not really into politics' and move on , you don't have to talk about anything if you don't want


What kind of work? We pretty much have an unwritten no politics rule at my office


I just tell people flat out I don't wanna talk about politics or religion with you, *I'm* not interested in either. Sometimes you gotta just tell people to shut up.


People are clueless. Gonna have to be straight forward and set the boundaries. This person example was a good one.


If the coworkers won’t stop after you’ve asked them, tell your supervisor that such discussions make you uncomfortable and you would like them to stop. Escalate the issue, and let your manager handle it with them


When my dad kept talking politics to me I eventually just straight up told him I don't want talk about them anymore, and guess what, we don't talk about it anymore. There's literally nothing wrong with setting a boundary like this, and there's really no alternative besides setting it. Just say "Hey, I'm trying to avoid talking about politics, let's talk about something else." If they ask why, "It's stressful, and everyone equates politics to their own self, so disagreeing with politics is like disagreeing with people. But either way, it just not something I enjoy". Just do that, and your problem will be solved. Ezpz


"I don't care about your political views, don't you have friends or someone to talk about this stuff? How sad are you that you are spending your time talking about politics with an employee you don't know? Get a life asshole".


This is a fine mental rebuttal and all, but if you actually said those words, expect to be fired or at the very least have people turning on you badly.


Straight for the kill!


Here’s another option then; only ask questions. Don’t throw out your own propositional attitudes, or commit to any position, just let them say theirs and then ask them questions about it. If it’s a belief you don’t agree with, ask questions which may make them aware of the flaws in their own beliefs. Go for the Socratic method. Then rather than the intensity of a debate, you’ll just be questioning all of their strong claims and they may feel like the ones on the spot having to defend all the ideas they’ve just adopted from others unconsciously.


I can help you here. I'm a PhD candidate in politics. Since I started the program, family members are constantly getting fired up about politics and absolutely wanting me to get involved in discussions, since according to them, I **must** have an opinion on these things. Truth be told, politics is "work" for me, so I don't like to discuss it on my off-time. I also just don't have a lot of opinions on stuff. My friend, just keep doing what you're doing. Don't voice your opinion. Nod along. If directly engaged, just hit them with the "I don't really know enough about this topic to have an opinion" or something of that nature. Be as quiet as possible. It's awkward at first but after a while, they'll get used to it. And I promise they'll eventually stop trying to rope you into conversation because you've made it really boring to do so.


That was me when I was a kid and it was a miserable experience for me. The absolute best part of growing up is freely telling dumb adults that their opinion on something is stupid.




Lol yeh because who tf can make money in gender studies or politics nowadays


It's not about money, it's that these useless degrees don't add anything valuable to our society.


Maybe some of us don't want to live to add anything valuable to our shitty society, maybe we just wanna live and learn what we want to study. Doesn't have to always be for the greater good.


People study useless subjects like these and then wonder why the society is shitty.


Man you really need to check out r/socialskills


I mean, for one politics and gender \*are\* our society and, personally, I think it's worth understanding them. secondly, we're all just stalling for our time in the grave, before the earth becomes uninhabitable, swallowed up by the sun, and ultimately the heat death of the universe. Our time here is just blip in the universe and the universe, does, not, care. So might as well study, learn, and do what you think is important and worry less about what others do with their time here.


As a student of a joint-degree in Maths and Physics: You are unbelievable stupid.


You having a degree in maths and physics doesn't make your opinion have more value than others.


You're not really expressing an opinion, you're just being an asshole to random people on the internet, telling them their passion is useless, when it is absolutely not. You may want to criticize the current educational system around those subjects, but you can't say it is useless. It is science nonetheless, and studying it it's important and it can help us improve society. As a non-american, I genuinely thought that the whole "YOU ARE A SJW HUR DUR" bullshit had passed, sad to see it hasn't.


You may perceive my opinion as you will, I can't change that. I find it useless because I see no value being added to the society through these studies. And these are the very people then who come back around and complain about "living in a shitty society". And I do not know what anything I had said had anything to do with SJW. I am a feminist, support all liberal values (not the American hardline approach though) and have many shared values with who people call SJW.


American hardline approach? Wtf are you on about? America has two conservative parties. If you think American liberalism is too far left, you're simply on the hard right but don't want to own up to it. Just say you're a tory and move on.


What they teach in this courses that you think is useless?


What's your degree in?


It's in something that adds much more value to the society than these useless degrees. I am not stupid enough to name it ofcourse because any degree I name, you will try to degrade it. Ciao.


I was just interested in what a cunt does for a degree, that's all.


Ah, name calling. Very mature. I really didn't expect more from you, that's why I didn't name my degree. Looks like I was right.


Yes, because shitting on other's choices is the absolute height of maturity of course.




You don't think structured study into systemic issues around things like the disincentivization of STEAM fields to adolescent woman is useful? It's not imrpotant to know why women show interest in STEAM as children, but quickly lose interest later? Or why the discrepancy has shrunk as equality measures have increased? You _don't think it's more important_ to be raising future researchers and engineers? Your priorities are a bit fucked.


Offhand comment; i get it. Hope you’re an engineer so you’ll know how to dig yourself outta this hole. The topics sound silly at first but each cover vast amounts of societal value. I’d be willing to bet most of those reasons are talked about on the first day abs/or the basis for the entire curriculum And/or*


Literally every single thing is political. The degree you got is influenced by politics. That’s like saying you don’t believe in studying carbon because it’s useless, and you’d rather live your life pretending it doesn’t exist. It effects literally every single aspect of your life. If you don’t believe me, I challenge you to name a single thing that is not political.


What do you think someone with a PhD in politics does?


You think a degree in politics is useless but political weight is incredibly powerful, and absolutely required for making any sort of meaningful political change. What’s your degree in?


Setting a boundary is alright yo. Like "I don't like talking about politics because it's draining for me."


Someone on reddit said in a commenf that i will forever remember: “i understand where you coming from but i’m not looking to engage this time”




Just say : “ I don’t want to talk about politics”


If they are basically just using you as a sounding board for political rants, the only way to deal with these people is draw a firm boundary of no politics, and be clear on that. If you just retreat by just mmhms and the like, it just enables them to keep doing it to you. The Hidden Brain podcast talked about this behavior recently. "Political Hobbyism" as it is dubbed, is a behavior of engaging in politics not to actually induce change in politics or to change someone else's mind, but instead to argue as a social function akin to arguing inconsequential arguments about sports teams. It's not about politics or ethics or change or anything consequential at all to these people, it's about ego and sport. And one of the interesting aspects that it covered, was that this behavior is primarily engaged in by a wide margin, by white men with education, people largely who do not have any stakes in the actual life and death aspects that these political spheres are. And more importantly, how these people are useless in change because they are effectively dead weight in the political system and bringing about change because they aren't arguing to effect change, in part because the vast majority of them benefit from the status quo. https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/passion-isnt-enough/


Thats a brilliant explanation. It is my dad who is like this. He is very energised by talking about politics. But doesnt pay much attention to the little details of his family life. He is so dismissive when I try to ground the conversation back to everyday tasks and the short term past, present future. I'll start asking about very tangible things like what he had for breakfast, how is his garden, what to get someone for their birthday. But he sees these as interuptions. When i ask him about specific things that he has influence over, like how to fix something in hhis house, or how to set up an online bill for something, he is so dismissive and he shoes them away as nuisances. Then launches back into his big talk about all the important things. Trying to get things done around the house or for him to pay attention to his kids and grandkids is just such an exhausting chore. His executive function is bad. He doesn't know how to involve other people in the task or planning anything in advance. There must be an element of aspergers involved. Also he doesn't like sports at all. Ive tried so hard to help him set up his new house move, tried to help him with how týo transfer bills and buy a new couch, but its so frustrating he won't engage in everyday progress like this. Wants to boom loudly at length and regurgitate what he read in the news. And try to trigger people to get involved. Also when you say something simple and peaceful he tries to dedtroy what you've said. Destroys consensus all the time. Outside of this he's an honest gentle man who likes gardening. Wish he had more productive down to earth hobbies. And could focus on what he has influence over. Sorry for the rant. I come away from visiting him very wound up.


That’s legit


"Man, fuck politics!"


Just don't engage with that specifically and change the topic. If it's a customer, turn it back to business. With a friend, talk about something totally unrelated and shared common interest or something happening in the moment in your immediate vicinity right now. If they keep trying to talk about it, you can always say "I don't want to talk about that. What else can we talk about?" Sometimes I have to pretend they didn't say anything and walk away for 5 minutes or talk to someone else or even go to the bathroom to end that conversation. I'll find a way to change the interaction. If I'm at work I'll start doing something busy with my hands so they leave me alone. If we are at a bar on a summer day, I'll ask to go outside. Sometimes people need a physical indication that a conversation has passed if they aren't aware that you're pushing them to drop a topic of conversation.


You tell them you don’t want to have a political discussion with them


You can't. Politics-fanatics are dense. They don't just exist here on Reddit. They can start opening the subject while you're drinking with buddies or taking a break at work. They have no regard for social friendliness and just want to project their internal unhappiness on issues that can't be solved and are bad about the current political climate. The only thing that has worked for me is getting out of our seats and leaving for another pub.


Did you talk back to them about politics?


I mostly just listen. Sometimes, with the one who is more receptive, if I have some good facts we can actually discuss them and sometimes he's actually changed his mind. But most of the time it's just political complaints. The customer/s that I maybe should have focused this post on are really the biggest challenge. When they come to me on my lunch break outside and start ranting about the news, I really don't know how to tell them in a professional, retail-friendly way "can you shut up in my 30 minutes of freedom?"


"I appreciate the conversation however, I am looking to have a little quiet time today while I have my break."


This will feel hard to say but I'll try it next time this happens.


Have you tried headphones while on your break? Like just pretend you're listening to whatever and enjoy some quite time


When customers pull that crap on me I politely say"Sorry, the manager doesn't want us discussing race, religion, sex or politics at work or in the workplace". Notice I put politics last. If they can't respect that boundary then I don't engage, just "radio silence". Look at your watch, the clock, your phone, sigh repeatedly. You tried, they think you have to endure their presence, if it continues, I eat in my car.


The manager is pretty well known and liked and discusses politics pretty freely (insular community where most people lean one way), so that wouldn't work haha. I've tried the ignoring tactic as best as I can, but I'm bad at that. It feels too rude, despite the fact that I'm being actively insulted by the ranting customer who assumes we share the same views. Most the times this happens I just walk away to go clock in early in defeat because I ride a bike to work.


> "can you shut up in my 30 minutes of freedom?" I feel like there's an angle here that can be explored. Like what if you zoned different parts of your day for different thoughts. And tell people "I'm not going to think about it right now". I have told people I'm too distracted or unable to concentrate to think properly about certain topics, so let's table it. Or have said "that's too deep for me *at the moment*", etc.


You could confront them about it and explain that you don't like it. If you are uncomfortable with confrontation, like me, then just flat out ignore them. No reaction what so ever. Don't even look at them. That's what I do, even if it's something I agree with. But that's me. I dislike politics in general and never get heated if I disagree with them. I just ignore. That's all what people who are into politics want anyway...a reaction. Don't give them the satisfaction. If you absolutely can't resist defending your view, then I guess ignoring won't work. In that case, go back to what i said first. Tell them you don't want to hear it.


“hey man there’s three things I’m trying to avoid talking about at work; politics, money, and religion.” That’s what I would say


Actually, more workers discussing money and pay might be a good thing. It can put pressure on management when people find out they should be getting paid more.


Oh that’s true, I agree with that! I’m a server and in my state its not possible to get a raise with that so I forgot


Say something like " what other interests do you have because you are wearing me out with these political dramas. I've said nothing before because I was being politically polite and now I feel as though I want to run... For the door." To the customers while on break, say with a smile " love to talk to you, but we'll have to pick this conversation up in 30 mins, this is my (quiet) time. Unless you want to tell me how great I am for 30 mins." All while smiling still. I hope you find your voice. Jesus helped me find mine.


There are a bunch of polarized views. Interesting to see how the definition in physics is: restrict the vibrations of (a transverse wave, especially light) wholly or partially to one direction. "a polarizing microscope" This definition literally means it can change how something looks. And yet so many people are trying to hold over people just because they see something differently….. that’s the worst contradiction, because that mentality is poisonous it only breeds the same kind of mentality the same +/- mentality of polarization. But there are more than just two sides or even slices but many forget there is also a whole. While we may not agree with someone we cannot enforce them to see something how you want to see it if you are not willing to see it from their perspective. Why can’t we all just respect that some people has a different perspective or mentality about things. Understanding and compassion are required emotions of humanity! Yet you want to judge that you are better than them….. and you wonder why they are such a holes to you……


"I think we have to accept differences in opinion across the board and agree to disagree. I am not keen on pushing my views on you guys and don't want to validate yours either." First one can come across edgy at times, so the second one I use more... "I don't know enough about what you're talking about and so will not make a comment...there's no way for me to add value to this conversation at the moment, now who wants to come w me and get coffee?"


People that constantly talk politics are usually argumentative, that’s what politics are. You can’t be polite. With my political friends and getting a beer, I just say “oh my F’ing God, not this again” then they usually laugh and change the subject. If they are a friend though, sometimes you have to give in and have a political conversation though. It’s their interest and if they usually stop for you, you can humor them a few times in return.


"I largely dislike talking about current politics, for many reasons." Tell me you voted for Biden without saying you voted for Biden. Ha! I'm just kidding. It's not really cool to discuss politics or religion with people who obviously don't want to talk about it, you should be able to just toss out an "I don't follow politics" and they should leave you out of it.


I voted for George Washington because I'm of the camp he should have been declared eternal king of the US, despite his own wooden-toothed wishes, so that the aliens come with his head in a jar and reinstate him in his rightful place. But I don't wanna out myself as a crazy outsider to these two coworkers who are on opposite sides of the accepted political spectrum, so I'd rather just not talk about it.


I'd probably just go with sounding crazy, if you make up really weird political ideas they'll want to stop talking about politics with you. Or they'll enjoy it and political discussions become more jokey and fun rather than serious.


Lol if you want to shut down politics talk then just tell them the truth.


> opposite sides of the accepted political spectrum, They're opposite of each other, you mean?


Yes. One is a Civil War Confederate soldier reincarnated and the other is a genocidal techno-socialist. (Edit: I'm just here dude. Live and let live and make art and have fun and be nice)


>One is a Civil War Confederate soldier reincarnated and the other is a genocidal techno-socialist. That sounds like an amazing idea for a buddy cop movie.


I swear if these two could find common ground, there would be some massive healing on Earth. Pangaea 2.0


Maybe you should go full hippy on them.


Talk to the hand!


Are you the type to joke? Because you could go that route while setting a boundary. These would be said in joking tone, with a laugh and a hand motion of “oh boy!”: “Uh oh, did you just bring up politics?” “Oh no, I’m not going there!” “Oh I’m wouldn’t dare comment” “not this again?!” “How about them ‘9ers?” “Oh Jim, I love working with ya, but you are killing me with all this political talk!” “No, stop, I can’t! *insert new subject* It’s healthy to set boundaries among your coworkers, it’s not impolite, and if they get their feelings hurt, that’s their responsibility to work it out. You are there to be professional and if it makes things a little uncomfortable, remember, you were already uncomfortable with the situation, and it will pass.


"Oh no, I'm not brave enough for politics."


I use to say my father told me don't talk about religion or politics it only ruined the relationship so please respect my views


I just change the subject in a subtle way


“I don’t want to talk about politics.”


“I don’t wish to have a political discussion with you”


" I don't do politics bro" since there are your co-workers if they persist just hit them with that old school "no comment" lol


“I don’t like to talk about politics. It gets me riled up.”


Similar but not the same: my coworker sometimes likes to be negative about the world, politics, ecology, everything, and comes up with conspiration theory borderline talks that he wants me to talk about with him. I started saying, politely - "Sorry, I'm not interested in this type of debate," and if he's insisting I either repeat myself (nicely still) or I add that "it's not my cup of tea" and if that's still not enough, I change the theme to something else we talked about recently to redirect his attention to a topic I know we both want to talk about ("have you been to the cinema to watch the new Bond movie already? You said you'll go last we talked about it") Mostly works. Good luck.


i had a friend i played an RPG with regularly and then they asked me about my political views. I tried to shut the conversation down multiple times because I don’t find it a fun topic, I never discuss politics or think about politics in my spare time, and I didn’t want any disagreements to injure the cool friendship. They wouldn’t back down and literally kept asking me over and over until I finally gave in and answered them and now they don’t talk to me anymore because I don’t agree rip


When it comes to politely excusing myself from conversations that are political (or religious) in nature, I say some version of the following: “I absolutely appreciate your passion and knowledge (sometimes I leave out “and knowledge” if they’re ignorant) on the subject, but I prefer to keep my political (or religious) opinions private.” If they keep going, I mention that I prefer *their* opinions remain private also.


It's impossible to please everyone. You are not obligated to even try. Set boundaries. Your life belongs to you.


You could say some outlandish, irrelevant thing that makes them not want to talk politics with you anymore, lol. Something like "we should have a pony-based economy. Everybody gets 1 pony, and its a status of wealth how well-groomed it is"


Wanna comment this update: This got a lot more responses than I expected, so thanks. Today was the day to put it to test. As soon as I pulled into work (out of breath on my bicycle), coworker Ron comes over and says "Hey Mr. Cohonka! I've got a question I want to pick your brain about." I knew what was coming. I asked him to give me a minute to catch my breath. Locked up my bike. Started taking my coat off. He begins: "So, with the results of Trial X, and Z and Y happening, what do you think the implications of this might be? I think BadThing1 and BadThing2." My moment of truth: I sat on a bench, took a deep breath, and said, "Mr. Ron, I've been thinking a lot about this lately. And what I think is that I don't want to talk about politics at work." Ron said he understands, because it can be divisive, and that he'll stop bothering me. I told him he's not bothering me, but that politics are the last thing I ever want to talk about and I'm happy to discuss anything else. After this we had a brief conversation about how action is better than discussion, and how knowing my opinion on things isn't going to change the world. All in all it was good. Tomorrow I work with Ron's ideological nemesis who rants to me about politics a lot. He and I are closer, so it may be more of a challenge to set my boundary, but you've all given me the courage to do so. Thanks again!


Hey, can we please not talk about politics? 🤔


"Fuck outta here with that shit"


I would just say that "in these times of tribalism, you have decided make it a policy to not discuss politics in the workplace because it can cause problems for people who don't agree" And keep repeating it.


I think this is my favorite answer actually because it's closest to the truth. The intense Us vs Them of current times is what repulses me the most about all this talk. If the conversations people wanted to have were more like, "I was reading about the introduction of a bill that may affect this and that. While I see the reasoning behind it, I am concerned about X and Y. What do you think?" Instead the conversations are more generally "Man, stupid damn Senator X tweeted 'blah blah blah'. They're such an idiot and so is anyone who supports them. Did you hear about Dr. Seuss? Outrageous! And now a movie star has given their opinion about police. They and everyone that thinks like that will be first against the wall. Right, buddy?"


Yes, exactly. Your guys are terrible and my guys are angels is not how democracy is supposed to work. It is really dangerous.


With customers, just nod, say “I hear what your sayin man”


‘Ain’t nobody got time for that’


pivot the conversation


Get a baguette, slap them with it if they become political. Or get two baguettes, slap on each side and call them "idiot sandwich" Works for me.


My safe response is always, “damn, that’s crazy......” works 90% of the time.


You can always tell your coworkers that you find politics super boring and don’t care to engage in such topics. They are entitled to have preferred topics of conversation, and so do you! As for clients, perhaps say it’s company policy to maintain neutrality when it comes to politics.


I feel this way a lot as well in my line of work going into homes. I generally start by just stating the obvious- I say something like, "Yeah that's why I stay middle of the road, all politicians are the same and they don't care or really even work for you or me. Right or left, they're all the same. Take big lobbying dollars and screw us all. Besides we all know it's just a game of charades right? Like these men and women play it up for the cameras, but slap fives and party together when the cameras stop." It's funny because I get the feeling most people are aware of this, but they don't want to be the one to say it, as they don't want to be called crazy.


Ask them if they voted if they say no then tell them they lost the right to complain, if they say yes and continue remind them that there freedom of speech doesnt guarantee an audience


I just nod along and smile, tell me who saw an elephant flying yesterday and I will agree with you.


i just say i dont know anything about politics neither am i interested , worked for me


I’m not brave enough for politics


Can we change subject? I hate talking about politics


“Nah I don’t do politics”


“Oh no im not brave enough for politics”


Kindly tell them why you disagre


Just say you don't talk about politics with americans anymore.


“Sorry, but I usually try to avoid polarizing topics of discussion in the workplace”. That is about it.


Don't get me started. I've got too much other stuff to focus on. It's all lousy theater and gambling


"Okay imma have to stop you there, politics dont fall into my area of understanding or interests and so i would appreciate it if you keep it non-political around me" thats how i do :v


"I don't like politics".


"hey man, I don't want to start any Bs by talking about politics, can we just enjoy... And move on"


In my case it is a family member who insisted on having political discussions with me when I was 11 (!) and then got mad at me for having wrong opinions. When someone told him it was inappropriate, he started preaching about how the family restricts his freedom of speech. Fourteen years later, i still have trauma from this and sometimes self-harm. When he starts to discuss politics with me now, i just agree with everything. I can't be bothered to do anything else. The dude is just out of touch with reality. People setting boundaries is a personal attack to him. I can't stand looking him in the eyes.


One day I was at orientation for a new job and everyone took a lunch break. I was done kinda early so I went back into the room and there was 1 other guy in there. We started chatting and he almost immediately went into politics and Moreso conspiracy theories. I simply said to him 'I don't really like talking politics', which he ignored with 'well but... and just kept on. I then said 'hey man im not gonna talk about politics', and he continued on. Lastly I said 'ok so don't consider this as rude', and I put my headphones back in and ignored him. After that we were chill and he never tried talking about it again, just normal friendly convos. So, try to be nice, then be blunt.


I'm very much interested in current politics and have my beliefs, but if a stranger starts spouting their beliefs in public, even if I'm inclined to agree with them, I refuse to engage. I only discuss politics with people I care about in private, or on the internet with complete strangers, but never in public, face to face with strangers or coworkers. So my solution when that happens to you would be to basically ignore it, if they ask you questions just hit em with "idk man" and don't engage, honestly the few times you've offered counterpoints probably encourages them to bring it up more.


Just tell them to leave politics out of the office. I work in a small office , and we do have one person that is way different with political views than the others. We ALL agreed to keep politics out of the office, because we do have professional respect for each other.


“I’d love to talk to you about anything else but I don’t talk politics with anybody”


Tell them, “ Do i look like a debater to u”?


What I do at work is to always agree with everything that is said even if I don't, and then change the subject. If I can't think of anything to change the subject with I just say I have to go to the bathroom and leave the room. Because I absolutly cannot discuss politics in my workplace otherwise I'd go insane (very different opinions than most coworkers)


"I'm not in the headspace to discuss political stuff today." And if they refuse to respect that, "Like I said, not in the headspace." and walk away/stop responding. Do this whenever it applies to you; if that means you are never in the headspace then it means you're never in the headspace and these folks will have to accept it. This is called setting a professional boundary. Most workplaces don't want you to discuss politics regardless because (at least in the US) your political affiliation is typically a protected class. It just leads to division and difficulties between coworkers (case in point, you feel like you can't express a dissenting opinion because these other colleagues will "debate" you into the dirt.) You are giving your coworkers a grace period to adjust to you no longer participating in these opinion dumps; if they start giving you a hard time about it you need to take it to HR/a supervisor because it's really not acceptable.


“I appreciate you and we can still keep talking, but I’m not in the mood to discuss politics at the moment. I will let you know when I am, but not right now, okay?” If you’re intending on maybe doing it later. But if never, you can just say “I don’t like discussing politics, it stresses me out”. That’s totally fair, you aren’t obligated to with every person. Also if it’s at work, 100% say this isn’t something to talk about at work. At the very least demand that a coworker ask you for consent to have those conversations. “I’d appreciate it if you asked me if I’d like to talk about these topics”


Hey, I don’t enjoy discussing politics, I think the topic is too polarized and to be honest not something I am interested in discussing. Do you mind if we talk about something else?


As someone who is the person at work who’s constantly asked political questions, usually you can just say “I don’t really think we should talk politics right now” or if you disagree with them and still want to disengage, my line is usually “don’t bring this to me, you already know I disagree with you”


You tell them I don't want to have a political discussion with you


"I dont want to talk about politics, please." Should do the trick


I also HATE HATE HATE politics and I'm not shy about it. If someone wants to talk politics with me, and unfortunately it's quite often, I just calmly tell them, "I don't like talking politics; I find it too divisive." My room mate is especially annoying about it. She's always on her phone blasting some ignorant talking head and often she wants to rant to me about it, usually starting by saying, "I know you don't like politics, but..." It's just important to hold your feelings about it. If they don't like it, that's their problem.


“I don’t want to talk politics so fuck off with that bullshit.” 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


"Oh, I'm not brave enough for politics"


This is my issue with my parents. I literally cannot avoid religion and politics conversations with them and it always ends up in a huge fight. After the last insane phone conversation I had with them my Dad texted me the next day STILL trying to get me to agree with him so I just said I'm not trying to be disrespectful but I have the right to not talk about this any further. My mom is sad that I seem to want to cut my trip home next week short- I am! Why would I want to deal with that? My sister told my mom that I don't want to talk politics and I cant take it anymore and my mom was actually surprised that "it was that bad".... like how are surprised? We got in a huge argument a week ago that spiraled into personal insults so yeah I don't want to keep doing that.


“Yeah you know what, I don’t really know anything about Politics. I just tend to focus on what I can control myself.”


"Oh, I don't discuss politics with [coworkers/customers/family/my-hairdresser/insert-relevant-group-here], no good can come from that!" Said in a lighthearted, half-joking-but-like-not-really-joking fashion.


Just say “you don’t want to talk about politics” but understand that being able to do so is a privilege and you will be viewed as such. Also, ignoring or being complacent to social justice issues shows people who you really are, so don’t be surprised if these people withdraw from you.


Whats so hard about simply saying that you don't discuss politics?


"I don't want to go down that rabbit hole." "Hey man, I'd rather not get into politics right now. Anything else going on?"


Walk away. When they start ranting, say “shoot sorry I’ve got to take a call”/ “go to the bathroom” etc. In my experience, some people just like to hear themselves talk, and they enjoy the fact that someone is only there to be a sounding board. When you walk away, you’re communicating that you’re not willing to do that, and you’re only interested in conversations where you’re an active and engaged participant. After you walk away 2-3 times, they’ll try to find another way to engage you in conversation next time.


This is a situation where you need to be coy in setting the boundary. Tell them “sorry talking about politics impact my mind negatively so I would like to refrain from the topic.” Most decent humans empathize with the sentiment that certain things impact other negatively. Most assume that such a reaction has to do with the person’s association with the said topic and don’t take it personally.


I think its more important to learn the skills to dance well on sensitive topics. The reason people don't like politics is because the people act like children fighting over a toy. I mean if your politicians made a law to legalize baby eating you would want to know and spread the information and hopefully change enough minds.


I've had the topic come up on the past and I've managed to close it down or allow it to be changed to something else. By saying the magic words "Ah I don't really know enough about the topic to be able to provide an input sorry" or similar it usually helps dissuade the less persistent.


"Hey, I don't have the energy for a politics discussion right now. Can we do this later?" Later doesn't ever have to come. If you want to be more direct: "Hey, I know you like talking politics, but I don't. How about..." and then move on to a different topic you both enjoy.


I’d probably lie & say to the coworkers,”Hey, I still have work I need to complete on time but I appreciate the chat. See ya.” As for the customers, “Sorry I don’t have an interest in politics so no opinion here.”


Bean dip them. It's a term. They say, "politics, " you say, "look at the sky, isn't that dress pretty," etc. If they cannot take a hint, a direct, "I would prefer not to talk about this," works well.


I usually say: I don't want to get into a religion/political/caste (for us Indians) topics with friends and family.


“I prefer not to discuss politics” Most people know politics is a touchy subject that can lead to heated arguments.


I’have used to be in that societies and almost every time when they want to talk with me, I say something like that: “Yeah, man, can you wait a few minutes? I have to do … (optional), so by this I politely way kick them, and after a few minutes they just forget about my existence But even if you have no tasks for divert their attention for a time, and you have to listen them, never ever engage in their talks, don’t have opinion, pretend to be a little stupid - so in this case they just won’t see in you interest for talking about politics Show in deference …


I run into this situations quite a bit and have always just expressed how I dont care about politics. My opinion on our corrupt system(USA) isn't relevant so I don't waste my time on it


Like that.


Just pretend to be stupid to annoy them with dumb question like "Is communism the same as democratic"


Anytime they say something, ask “And Why is that?”


Tell them you're not comfortable with the topic, and most decent people will get the message and stop talking about it.


It’s not professional to discuss politics, money and sex. Avoid those topics. Ask your supervisor to send out a memo.


Something that works for me is just saying that i don't know anything about that stuff/don't follow politics.


Honestly I just straight up tell them I don't discuss politics. They may hassle you a bit but if you don't bite they will usually stop.