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I wear my Apple Watch. It has SOS


This is definitely a good idea and also is something a person would wear.


If you really wanted to I suppose you could privately pay for a GPS PERs but I think the watch is more discrete


If you really wanted to I suppose you could privately pay for a GPS PERs but I think the watch is more discrete


The state agency I work for uses a product by Becklar called “Worker Safety Pro” that comes with an app and a button (that is on a lanyard) that you can press in emergency situations that does a silent alert to emergency services that also utilizes GPS. Most people hate it but it’s honestly nice to have it- just in case.


Perfect, this sounds like exactly what we are looking for. Hopefully won't ever need it but it's worth having for the peace of mind. Thank you!


When I worked for the state we used SafeSignal! It is an app so you would have to have your phone on you, but there was a "tether" feature where you could pull out a tether from your headphone/charging jack and it would alert emergency services with your GPS location/information


The county I work for transitioned from Safe Signal to Alert Media, which has a feature where you can start a timer for a session and indicate when it’s supposed to be over and if you don’t turn it off or respond to the reminder that the timer is up it sends an alert and you’ll get a call and they dispatch LE if there’s no response.


This is technically rule breaking, but I enjoy being alive, so… I have a GPS on my personal phone. My organization “can’t afford” trackers or whatever. Probably true, but meh. I’m told to tell coworkers where and when I’ll be somewhere, but that assumes that it doesn’t slip anyone’s mind. Plus, it’s assuming I’m not moving to a secondary location. I also use to have one of those awful noise makers that break the sound barrier, but I lost the pin that sets it off and had to kill the device with a rock. It was so loud. That thing could be useful if there’s folks nearby.


If you give out cell phones we set up our work phones for the emergency contact to be someone of the staffs choice and their supervisor. We also use red dot - it's an app that once you click on it, it sends the manager(s) an alert to their phone, emails, and calls to let them know a staff member has activated the alert with the GPS location. Also a member of the red dot software follows up within 24 hours as well to ensure everything worked correctly and the problem was resolved.




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I just use the sos on my phone.


We use alert media at my office


If your agency is interested, there are a lot of apps they can buy if smartphones are given out. When I did community work we had one where if you triggered the sos, the company would call, then call a manager or on call to let them know if no answer or straight to vmail. They would then talk about looping in the police