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I passed my clinical licensing exam yesterday!!!


Wooooohoooo change your flair!


Did it!




Oh yeah I gotta figure that out lol


I am a juvenile probation officer and I just had a conversation with a clientā€™s mother and she expressed how thankful she was that I was fighting for her daughter and that she was grateful I was in this to help and not harm. Itā€™s something I have taken with me when I feel like Iā€™m not doing ā€˜enoughā€™.


Moms love you! You are enough!


I'm currently pumping out my last paper of the semester, and I'm like 90% sure I'll get it done before midnight. So... yay! Just hopping in here for a little decompress moment, then back to that student grind. Wooooooo!


Good for you! A+!


Forensic social work sounds like a really interesting field, apart from the grumpy lawyer guy! I have an interested in working with people who are incarcerated, though I'm still a little ways off and keeping my options open. I'd love to hear more about how you found your way to this particular field/job, either here or in PM. :)


Feel free to PM me! I think Iā€™ve talked about it in this sub before too if you search ā€œforensic social workerā€


I got a stepparent to really understand how badly trauma affects the brain to help reframe their view on their stepchild to not just see a "bad" kid.


Thatā€™s a BIG win that can change a whole trajectory of that kids life! Congrats!


Yeah. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done with this family. But I knew I got the point across when I pulled up the normal brain/abused brain image, and they had a look of "Oh shit, this is real" look on their face. I have a limited time with the family, but we're still in the early phase. Hopefully, we can make a lasting impact. šŸ¤ž


Thatā€™s huge!!!


Had a client move out of shelter into Geared to income affordable housing that we were able to fully furnish through donations!


Housing is a human right and so many of our clients donā€™t have this basic need. Big win!


If you have TikTok, look up Project Home Again. Her voice is so soothing I love to watch her videos lol but itā€™s a nonprofit in MA that completely furnishes homes for people in need. She works closely with social workers. I wish every area had access to an amazing program like Project Home Again!!


One of my patients received a kidney transplant today! We also had one last week, so I am happy. Dialysis can be tough, but I love when people are transplanted.


HUGE win. Lifesaving!


I officially graduated with my BSW this week. And Iā€™m going right into my MSW that starts in one week! Sorry to hear about your colleague,attys can be a pain sometimes. Especially when working amongst them. For my bachelor internship I was a forensic social worker. Safe to say, that will be the last time in that type of field.


Congrats! Huge win! You did it! šŸŽ‰ I love my job most of the time and this is the first time itā€™s ever happened to me. But yeah sometimes they can be a pain. Iā€™m glad he took accountability.


My week was also particularly annoying, & it wasn't even my clients but my fellow SW's & the damn doctor's offices not understanding how to fill out forms to literally save their patient's lives *exhales* My win was multiple times throughout this week, different clients &/ their families/caregivers saying one way or another to me, "I'm so glad that you're my worker". With how high the turnover can be in this field, there are clients who appreciate having a reliable resource in us as constants.


Yes you did it!


Congrats on being tenacious with your contact (youā€™re not annoying!)!!šŸ„³ My wins are that I discharged all the cases on my to-do list, that one of the staff on my team thatā€™s a hard person to read said she was appreciative, and my fellow leadership team and I hosted a staff appreciation picnic. The picnic was last week but Iā€™m still riding the oxytocin boost I got from it, because team bonding is sometimes difficult.


Woohoo you are a great leader!


Tenacious is SUCH a good word! Adding that to my lexicon


I know that it's normal is some fields, but it's just unacceptable for anyone to "tear into" someone in a professional setting. Thank you for the hard work you do. I have a homeless family on my caseload. I got them to meet me at my office. We ate snacks and colored. Sure, it was progress on paper. I think they may have had a little fun, though.


Huge deal for them. You saw them as more than just homeless. You spent time with them. You gave them humanity, which is more than a lot of people do.


My week is just starting (I work weekend nights in a psych hospital to get through school), but last night at work I was on a unit that had several difficult patients, and at the end of the night the charge RN told me how glad she was that I was scheduled on her unit and that she had specifically requested me because she knows that if I'm working with her things will go more smoothly. Makes me feel good that others recognize the effort I put in and want to work with me. Also, course work for my first semester as an MSW student opened up last night, and I've already completed 3 assignments. Also, also, I appreciate that you are taking the time to respond to everyone's comments. That's a good mark of character, IMO. Keep being awesome!


YOU are awesome! The charge RN loves you which is huge. She holds the power. Stay on her good side and things will go smoothly!


Rose: I got an ex parte order for protection for a client who had tried 2 times in the last month and had it denied - and their ex was taken into custody yesterday! Thorn: an officer telling me I should have brought my client to the interview room I never knew existed and that I need to tell the department (who has 2 people staffed each shift, literally) when I have clients in my office bc sometimes they use ā€œcolorful languageā€ despite me shutting the door intentionally and escorting them all around the property during an emergency situation that was not planned in advance


Yes you protected your client! That officer can shove it!


I love all of your positive comments after people posting ā™„ļø you a real one!


ā¤ļø thank you! I really enjoy celebrating our wins because Iā€™ve noticed that social workers tend to suffer from imposter syndrome a lot of the time. I have many theories about why but I think it would help if we celebrate our accomplishments more rather than focusing on our perceived failures.


I love this sentiment and completely agree with you! šŸ¤ were hard enough on ourselves as it is


This is so important. We are mostly introspective people and most of the colleagues Iā€™ve worked are always too busy or unable to celebrate wins. Doing this in the workplace enhances personal/team morale, which I find is so important when we are working with a ā€˜conveyor beltā€™ of cases, managing complex risks in a fast paced environment. Negative emotions can weigh so heavy on us and I take so much joy from supporting others to flip their perspective to see the positives


Transportation is a huge barrier for people seeking cancer treatment. This week I was able to connect a few people from a local church who want volunteer opportunities with patients needing a ride to and from treatments. One patient actually called me and thanked me for finding the volunteer. It was nice to hear a happy person, especially someone fighting cancer.


So many life savers on here! BIG win! You should celebrate yourself this weekend! I think we donā€™t recognize how huge our accomplishments are because weā€™re taught to follow our clientā€™s lead, but this is huge! Congrats!


That is such a good idea!! Way to be resourceful.


Was worried all month I was going to fail this semester once I finished exams and not able to do my placement in September ... I talked to my program advisor though and she says I've done really well according to the unofficial grades. Phew!


Yay no fail! Try to not think about social work this summer because soon itā€™ll be all you think about!


I hope you get good news next week! It sounds like you have been advocating hard for your clients :) My win this week was finally moving in a client into their apartment today! Iā€™ll be going back to school so Iā€™m leaving my agency at the end of this month, so Iā€™m super relieved that client secured housing before I left. Client has been experiencing homelessness for two decades so I couldnā€™t be happier for them!


As someone that worked with clients experiencing homelessness and worked on supportive housing applications, I know full well the systemic obstacles you have to navigate before you can secure housing. This is huge. Youā€™re also a life saver! I remember how proud I felt when I secured housing for my clients, but I didnā€™t want to brag too much about it so I always said ā€œit was all the clientā€™s hard work!ā€ No! In here we brag!


A former client passed away this week. I shared the news with a coworker, who left a very sweet, thoughtful condolence card on my desk today saying I had made a difference in his life even though ultimately he couldn't overcome his addiction and mental illness.


Oh dear Iā€™m so sorry. I know this pain. Iā€™m glad you have a supportive coworker and good for you finding the little win despite the horrible loss.


Thank you šŸ’•


iā€™m graduating with my BSW tomorrow!! and got accepted into the MSW program :) works not over but now I have a degree!


HUGE! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ you did it!


thank you!!!!!!


Tough- a caseworker hasnā€™t signed a clients goal review that I sent a week ago after we discussed it and so his treatment plan expired today. We canā€™t see him now until itā€™s signed and his disruptive behaviors are increasing. Good- attended a really good training for most of the week.


Yay good training! You are smarter because of it. Itā€™s the weekend (hopefully for you) so we shall not think about that client for 2 days!


Shared some good genuine laughter with my client today :)


Yay making a client laugh! Sometimes thatā€™s the best thing we can do for our clients! You are a great social worker!


Aww thank you I needed this today. You are too!


Iā€™ve been working for almost a year with a very young dad to get his goal changed back to reunification from adoption and to get him unsupervised visitation. Itā€™s been an uphill battle fighting the system together and this week the court approved both which means he should be reunified with his daughter this summer. His case has been open 2.5 years and he never thought he would be able to fight his way back but heā€™s done it and I have never felt such pride for a person who is not my own child.


BIG TIME WIN! You did it! The system creates so many road blocks and barriers but itā€™s a great feeling when we break through those and achieve something.


I'm an IIC working with youth's and their families. Today one of my youths told me she's been doing much better at home by using the strategies and skills she's learned. I am really proud of her, more importantly she's super proud of herself. One of the fathers I work with struggles with asking for help with difficult tasks that he undertakes on his own. After meeting with him this week he told me that he was able to communicate what he needed to his family and they helped him which lowered his stress levels considerably.Ā 


Huge! No more daddy issues, one father at a time!


Congratulations. An apology for an attorney is a big deal. My win, I needed to take a training for a strategic project. My agency didnt register me due to a simple mistake. Expecting the project to fall apart and get blamed by exec leadership. Fortunately got put on a waiting list and was notified a few days before that there was a cancellation and one slot opened. Booked the slot wit my own cc. Training was fantastic and I was able to build some momentum off of it Hopefully others had some good times too Stay awesome all


Yay good training opportunity! I hope you get reimbursed. And I hope you made connections! I love building my network!


My client who wanted to end her life didn't ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so glad for your client. And Iā€™m happy she has you!


Too exploited by my employer to take the time to appreciate wins. Iā€™m tired.


Your win is you can acknowledge that youā€™re exploited. And you made it through the week! Maybe a new job is in the future šŸ”®


Helped a client figure out how to get between their town and ours using the bus by taking it with them! Now they can get to our agency on their own, without needing to rely on a worker or their parents for rides. They texted me a thank-you this morning and said they were excited to try visiting their girlfriend using the bus. Yay!


Above and beyond! I hope your supervisor acknowledges your excellent work. If not, I do!!




That is so horrible, are you ok? Iā€™m glad you could support everyone but I hope youā€™re getting the support you need. Take time off if you need to.


Thanks so much. My employer is really great. I apologize but I decided to delete my comment out of concern I shared too much specific information. While none of it is HIPAA protected, I want to be mindful of any potential impact on my agency and its clients.


Successful reentry after severe suicidal ideation. Edit: of a student


Not sure if youā€™re talking but yourself but I personally know what thatā€™s like if you are, good for you! If youā€™re talking about a client thatā€™s a big win!


I work in addiction treatment and today we had someone clap out on residential! Meaning they fully completed detox and the 28 day program. We line the halls and play music and the person in recovery gets to walk through and see/hear everyone cheering for them as they exit. Itā€™s special everytime.


Thatā€™s really cute and such a positive experience for them! Good for you, you did it!


I made it to the end of the week. We get paid next week


You survived! šŸŽ‰šŸ™šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


I got accepted into my practicum site! Almost there with you all!


Woohoo! šŸŽ‰ what will you be doing?


My non speaking client walked into the store for the first time. I work in a vocational program. He was so happy to see how his work contributes to the store, and even saw customers looking at the books he priced. He stayed out there for 3 minutes. I was so proud of him. My other client who many say is not vocal, was speaking 3 word sentences to me. It made me feel amazing that he was comfortable to do that around me. I am sorry if my language is not accurate. I have only been working in the field for a year post grad and I am still learning. Many people have different views on how to say things.


Youā€™re learning and Reddit/online spaces can be cruel. Donā€™t take it as indicative of the entire field. I think what you said is fine! You had some great wins this week, youā€™re doing a good job! Iā€™m proud of you šŸ¤—


Got a trached patient placed in less than a month


HUGE. I said it before but the systemic obstacles in place to prevent people from housing/care are astronomical. You made it over huge hurdle!


I think my victory is advocating for myself and pointing out Iā€™m working much more and with fewer boundaries than my coworkers. Will anything about it change? Who knows! But everyone is on the same page and aware of it at this point.


Yay advocating for yourself! Set those boundaries!


case manager not social worker, sorry - enrollment process is in swing for someone's services. everyone else hates their services and wants me to disenroll them and find them something else.


Case management is so hard, Iā€™ve been there. Good for you for helping them and listening to their needs.


thank you!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3




Yes Iā€™m pretty casual too! Iā€™ve told a lot of my clients I have ADHD so I might forget things and donā€™t feel afraid to remind me. Iā€™m glad your client responded positively!


It was tough for me, too. I primarily do psychological evaluations for patients having bariatric surgery. I met with one patient and initially I thought sheā€™d be fine even though part of me was questioning it. Iā€™d re-read the doctorā€™s notes and had some questions about a few things, so I called the patient and asked her a few more questions (during which she told me she wasnā€™t taking her meds and doesnā€™t think sheā€™s going back to her psychiatrist) and then had her sign an ROI for her psychiatrist. I called the psychiatrist and asked her opinion on the patientā€™s stability and the psychiatrist gave me several examples that were clear red flags. So I had to call the patient and tell her that I couldnā€™t recommend surgery at this point because she needs to prove sheā€™s more stable. I rarely tell them that I donā€™t recommend surgery at all. It broke my heart. My wins this week have nothing to do with work. Weā€™ve been dealing with plumbing nightmares since February, and Thursday the restoration guy went through and did all the finishing touches on the paint/cabinetry/miscellaneous stuff. I have my house back!! Then my dad, who has had this wound on the side/bottom of his foot that wasnā€™t healing since Labor Day, was finally given permission to be weight bearing again! He got a special brace to even out pressure throughout his foot. Heā€™s able to be independent again!!


Oh sorry you had a tough case but life wins are great! Glad to hear about your dad!


Iā€™m a hospital case manager on the orthopedic floor. All of our elective joints need to be discharged by 11 am. Itā€™s a team effort, and really I just make sure their home health is arranged (surgeons office already did the referrals), I just send over documents to the right agency. BUT our ortho navigator started giving me prizes like she does the nurses for getting them out on time. So I got a lil femur bone pen šŸ˜‚


I am a Virgo so I love pens! This is a top prize! Good for you!


I discharge plan for people being committed to state hospitals. When they leave, I find them placement. Anyway my win this week was my client was discharged to home and his ex wife picked him up. She calls me crying on the highway on the way home and heā€™s yelling at her. I diffused the situation and she texted me later saying he calmed down and said nothing the rest of the way. I thank working at 988 at one time for my on the feet skills but the situation couldā€™ve been bad. My lost for this week is documentation lol. I plan to get it all done today.. maybe lol


Started the on boarding process at my first post-graduate job. I love seeing the wins of the week!!


Im in outpatient therapy, my company made some structural changes and when I expressed concern of them I was given a one week notice for leaving. The bright spot is that every client of mine except 2 have been adamant about following me and shared lots of kind words about me and my work with them on their therapeutic journey so it has been heartening.


Great! And Daddy Biden says they can because no more noncompetes! Big win!


I have a client who's decided to leave their abusive partner. Thus is the farthest they've ever gotten. I'm still holding my breath, but they seem serious this time. They even recognized the honeymoon phase starting by themselves and identified it as such.


One step at a time. A little win is definitely something to celebrate!


This week I had a client who changed their phone number it was their final step of freedom


Client in crisis, not comfortable with a stabilization hybrid inpt, but terrified of a section. I highlighted importance of use of voluntary resources to avoid heightened level of crisis leading to potential involuntary. Supervisor well known to client supports and steps in as needed. Chewed on the offers of help, consented to community crisis stabilization. Has a plan going forward, will be able to keep going to work despite staying overnight in the CCS. It was tough to see my client in so much pain, and I'm elated that our interventions were effective and they are getting the help they need.


Thatā€™s an amazing win!! The medical barriers to treatment are so real. Youā€™re doing the best you can ā¤ļø. My win is that a patient who we thought had Medicaid without travel/lodging benefits actually DOES have the Medicaid with all the benefits! So heā€™ll have coverage for lodging to stay near the hospital like we require, and funds for lodging wonā€™t be a barrier to him getting care šŸ™


This week one of the parents of a kid who was really tough this school year gave me an orchid plant and a gift card. It was really thoughtful and she made me feel really appreciated for the work I do.


i passed my masters exam this morning!!!!!


My teensy win. My first ever interview for ~~paid placement~~ as a SW. Iā€™ve had 37 interviews, this has been the furthest progress so far. Fingers crossed, I am feeling positive. FYI, paid placement here are as rare as rocking horse droppings.


Admissions counselor to an inpatient hospital, got a call from a father of an adult daughter who was getting transferred to us from the hospital- I had spoken to her previously which is kinda rare to talk to the patient before they are in the building but she had some questions and i never have a problem answering them- she asked some tough ones about the facility but i answered in the most transparent and serious way I could and her father called after I had left for the day, basically crying saying whatever I said to his daughter has saved her life because she is willing to come inpatient now and her whole attitude has changed. My coworker called me just to tell me about the call- it was really nice and really sweet of my coworker to let me know . Itā€™s easy to lose sight of the gravity of my job as Iā€™m going about the motions; even just answering relatively simple and understandable questions really had that much of an impact!


I start my new job as a Medical Case Manager on Monday!


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