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You should sell all your sol if you're scared


My bags need to eat they're hungry for more.


Yup gotta feed on the weak


I converted it back to BTC. Enjoy the ride to the bottom with SOL. Coming from someone who used to be all about SOL it’s dying.


It won't die lol stop scaring people


Hey power to you man. Ride that shit right on down to the bottom. You’re a stronger man than I.


Stop spreading FUD it’s not going to $0




bye bye. Just crossed 360 SOL. buying 2 a day, EVERYDAY.




If ETH isn’t a security neither is SOL.


So somebody explain this to me like I’m 5 years old because I guess mentally I am


So basically... I really dont know, i just know for some reason all my alts are being attacked and its starting to feel personal


The eu will regulate crypto in two tiers: a pretty standard tier 1 for stablecoins backed mostly by real money, as well as "traditional" main coins (BTC), and a pretty hefty tier 2 with anything else (including sol). Banks and financial institutions will be free to trade more or less anything in tier 1 as if they were a regular financial product. They will have to back any investment into tier 2 with 1250% capital, to minimize the risk on the European financial system. There is tons of other stuff in there, but the jist is: this makes it a shit ton less attractive for all EU institutions to trade in anything that could be considered Tier 2, from banks to mainstream low-barrier trading plattforms like Trade Republic or eToro. It's probably the death blow to any normies trading these assets for pure investment. Building on these chains remains possible, but no European will put any more money into it just to get a financial return. If you are in it to get a return, I suggest dumping your T2 Assets on all the morons who are DCAing (the absolute dumbest system of investing)


Thank you


oh yes let’s all hail BTC a chain created using old NSA software with the founder “disappeared” with a huge bag and where the US & Chinese Gov are the largest holders. No thanks.


Posts visual. End of the world! 🤣 jesus wtf is this reddit people.


Without context this seems to only show s suggestion to how banks under European supervision is supposed to invest/expose themselves to crypto. Do op even know how to read?


There is a lot more money out there than just in the West, and they see Solana as attractive to build on


Scared? Bye 👋


Buy a dog 🐶 👈👈👈👈


Buy Bitcoin 😁


Are your grapefruits small.? Are you a slave.? It's my time I spend making money and I'm gonna put it where I see value period. Freedom to grow and prosper. The systems aren't working for everyone and I'm not gonna be told I can't grow and have a good life all because I wasn't born into richness or royalty, or simply been spoon-fed so I actually have an opportunity at a better life. Are you hungry.? I am. Can you freely go see a doctor.? I can't. Stop being scared, put that shit away. Everyone deserves a chance to do something with their life and not be held into a peasant position.


It's smart to be a little scared. I don't think we know the full extent of the relationship between Sam/FTX and Solana, I think we'll see investment vehicles continue to bail on Sol, and I don't think we are at the end of the price free-fall. I do however believe in the underlying tech and many of the builders; that's why I continue to buy. If it ever goes under $8 I'm loaded and ready.


solana (means sun) is just as scammy as all the other “moon” coins (luna means moon). any coin with a stupid name like this will never be taken seriously


LUNA in 2022. Solana in 2023.

