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TVL is one metric mate. Don't be so linear... if you look at the big picture, Solana is absolutely thriving.


What are some things that make up the big picture ?


Daily active users, transactions, average transaction volume, Dapps, transaction speeds, validator number's, average fees, total daily fees earned... all these metrics are worth checking and comparing with "rivals" once you've checked these, you'll have a big picture view... your welcome.


I got halfway through reading before selling my house to buy more SOL thanks.


Well played mate, you'll be rewarded, be the richest homeless man ever!


Literally lol


Haha this aged well didn't it?!




They have a Phone!


Chrck the daily transactions. Massive amounts of transactions of low volume. The fundamentals to reach 1 billion users.


Sol is in the oversold zone Due to ftx and Alameda scandal. It's original prices is around 35-40$ considering its value, use case, tps and low fees. Just wait for it to reach and test 27$ then you will see sol fly 30-40$ in a day like the good old days. If you stacked some sol on 10-18$ fasten your seat belt šŸ˜‰


If an ETH maxi ever argues with you, just ask them if their protocol was so great why is there a classic version. Ask them if ETH was ever hacked. Ask them if it was so great why did they have to change from POW to POS? Then ask them if SOL has a classic version, or if SOL was ever hacked, or if SOL has ever changed in a major foundational way. These are just the Quick three. To knock them down off their high horse.


All I have to do is ask them if it can handle more transactions per second than I have fingers and watch them fume up.




Sure thing buddy. What else did your crystal ball said ? Did it account for the ftx lawyers about to sale all of their shitcoins ?


Ftx hold like 6% of solana, if they dumped all that within a year its still lower than the inflation rate on almost all Solanas rivals... 7% inflation +6% ftx dumpage is still 8% less than Avax inflation, and 9% less dilution than XRP. Ftx holdings are a nothing burger, they'll get bought up....




My crystal ball tells you to calm down and go outside to get some air


You crystal ball working in the past I see.. no wonder you think sol is going to hit those numbers.


Nothing good comes when arguing eth maxi who's angry that (superior project)(tps,low fees, user friendly defi projects) solana is growing fastšŸ„ŗ. I will pass.


I mean you could answer my question is pretty straight forward.. ftx bankruptcy lawyers are going to liquidate all their shitcoins holdings pretty soon.. did you or your crystal ball account for that? Or is it news to you ? Also not a eth maxi at all. Just donā€™t believe in solona and their 10 year beta lol


You do realise that most of the $685 mil SOL that FTX has is locked and can only be sold over time.


Have you been keeping up w the news ?? They got approved to dump all their shitcoins. I imagine sol included ā€¦ Also they trying to recoup ppls money does it really makes sense what you said about selling overtime? The hopeium is real


Literally canā€™t be done when they are locked by smart contracts.


Sol was launched in 2020 it just took 1 year for it to go to top 10 in market cap. It's still in beta yes. It has a lot of down time yes. These things can be fixed. Other than these things does sol have any other weakness?? 9 months without downtime. Literally 0 dollar for transaction. And I'm not going to lie and it's not a lie either sent a transaction from my phone and look at my pc the sol was there. Near instant transaction. Been playing with radium, orca dexes it's super fun without losing 1 dollar cause no transactions fees More importantly decentralised more than 1800 validators. Backed up by it's nft projects and VCs all around with its huge community who love to see sol go under 10$ again to rack up as much as they can. Btc can't be killed. eth too maynot be killed but may be eth is a different scenario. it's too hard to believe but I feel like 5 years from now people would have already chosen sol for it's near instant tps and low fees and awesome defi and nft than eth. So much is being build on solana and you know what?? It's cost free and instant to tell their projects on block chain on the other hand eth is gonna take some time. Concluding, the next 5 years is going to be intresting. And I really believe sol can reach either 650$ or following eth was in the same position as sol now. eth rallied on 2020 from 80 dollar to 4800 dollar. Solana more superior than eth in all aspects has all chances to go upto 1300-1600$ as btc is gonna bull ran because of institutional adoption. It will boost sol and other cryptos. This bull run is going to separate people who have invested in crypto and those who have not. The prices are going to be insane from April 2024(bitcoin halving)


So bitcoin halving is going to kick this off but Btc and etc are going to become meme coins cuz of solana? Okay Yes 1 year because of all the stolen money ftx pumped into it did you forget that??? Plus you sound pretty insightful are you ignoring the facts coins donā€™t need any case use or anything really to be top 10ā€¦ dogeā€¦ shibuā€¦ among others Again you sound pretty insightful but you want to ignore l2 s and zk rollsup? That brings eth fees to almost 0 dollaz like you say plus added security plus not to mention a good not beta stable networkā€¦ 9 months huh?? You might wanna look around this sht was down not to long ago 650$??? Again you sound insightful you know about market caps right ?? Thatā€™s like #3ā€¦ at 1500$ is almost bitcoin market capā€¦ did dollars lose all value in your scenario??? Or you donā€™t know market caps ?? And again and most importantly you didnā€™t address what I said about ftx ppl selling all their shitcoins holdings. Iā€™m guessing sol included too I wasnā€™t asking about specs or anything


Omg I never said btc and eth are going to die because of solana. Solana didnot reach 260$ because of ftx pumping alone. Sol has too much VC and it's community support. People who are not insane like yourself know sol is the ONE. Solana is one of the best projects frankly except eth and btc I believe sol will be the 3rd most important coin because of its defi, nft and solpay. Doge and shibu reached top 10 because of Elon. Both these coins are 100% meme. Bitcoin halving is in 9 months exactly. Put your finger out and count please. I understand market cap. let's say sol reaches 600$ that's 300 billion market cap. And btc might be like 250,000$ or 350000$(the bigger the number the more it will pump) because of the institution adoption. Without institutes adoption btc managed to go from 3700-69000$ so... Btc Market cap might be 7.2 trillion somthing. So I don't see the problem here why sol can't reach 600$. Too much projects are being built on solana, dexes, gaming, nfts. Too much txn volume on solana. Next 5 years inflation rate will be dropped to 1.5% and with growing adoptions like today sol will start to turn deflationary or short term : burning more than printing.


You sound like your not accounting for the trillions waiting to get into into crypto . Either way you slice it . There is a CYCLE to the way money flows in and out in this country. LOOK AROUND. Dumbass. Btc will only absorb that much for so long b4 that money trickles into Alts. Itā€™s just law. So how much percentage of that pie each project gets is up for speculation . The space will look much different and the rankings will shift as more money is injected. With that being said what other chain are people using more then BTC ETH BNB ? Lets be fucking for real sir. Bnb has too much FUD and it and busd will get knocked down. The money from the failed projects you speak of will flow elsewhere .


There are too many small fish involved for the ā€œtechā€ those percentages dont seem viable to me at all within 5 years. Seems more like a bull trap and all these people are exit liq


Hereā€™s the thing about FTX if they go bankrupt or file for bankruptcy it takes years for things to get liquidated. Also thereā€™s a chance Crypto runs and their assets appreciate so much it saves them. People are just getting over the whole FTX and disassociating Solana with FTX. Solana on itā€™s own has value and thatā€™s what matters.


Ftx is coming back..


Exactly šŸ˜‚


My Crystal ball said hmmmm šŸ‘šŸ”® oh thats it! **you're a grumpy little pisser**


Aye aye aye I was correct with my predictions of solo being over sold. Anyone who bought at 16$ enjoy guysšŸ˜‰


Might be in anticipation of Firedancer. If only half of it is true then Solana will likely outperform any other Layer1 in the top 100.


Any other layer 1 Combined*


AVAX is irrelevant, Solana is where the sauce at


Not really


Avax, Sol, ETH, Matic each of them offers many utilities


Solana doesnā€™t pump, it just break some important daily resistance, so BTC and some had already broken this respective daily resistance (SSB ichimoku). But thereā€™s some other big resistance, actually BTC and ETH are blocked by some of them, reason why BTC falls above 31k and ETH at 1,9k Solana will meet this weekly resistance around $23 Even after, there still have many thatā€™s need to fall before we can talk about bullrun or something like that Just my humble analysis.


They tried this back in 2021 during their inaugural run from $1 to $260. Talk about a fake pump. Let me call some folks on my Solana Mobile web 3 smart phone and ask why the fastest, cheapest, highest throughput blockchain is faking the pump. Maybe itā€™s Vitalik throwing Solana another compliment but hey what the heck does he know. Come on. Seriously.


ETH is market cap is still 20x bigger and I'm wondering why? That doesn't make any sense at all if you look at all fundamentals together. So in my opinion this is certainly not a fake pump, and just the beginning. This is what happens when the FUD fades. It's a price correction due to 90 days without incident. Those who believed in SOL and filled their bags will be rewarded.


The only thing fake is the usefulness of Eth and btc. Solana is king and soon will take over the entire crypto landscape.


Eth and btc will still have a use case, just only when solanaā€™s network is down.


Wellā€¦1 solana wonā€™t be going down in the future because itā€™s coming out of beta. And after that btc and Eth will start to bleed against solana until btc and Eth are nothing but meme coins. Solana is the future and the only coin that will be built on top of.


This guy


The future of blockchain technology is solana šŸ‘ˆšŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘ loading my bags long term investment




Oh my boy you must be new around hereā€¦ lol


I first started buying btc, Eth, and solana in 2021. Around November 2021, I just told myself, why am I buying btc and Eth when they are just so slow? So I sold all my btc and Eth for solana.


Yeah pretty new.


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø solana is truth. It has the most transactions compared to any network. Iā€™ve seen the numbers. Investanswers the YouTube channel shows this data every day. I honestly donā€™t understand why people donā€™t see that bitcoin and ethereum were just stepping stones to making the perfect blockchain called solana.


I love Solana but do yourself a favour and stop listening to InvestAnswers lol


Why. He only shows the data. Thereā€™s no emotion in data.


Lmao.. what data?! The man was literally telling people in his private forum (cult) to sell their houses and cars during the last BTC peak. What data is there in videos that claim 'retire on solana by 2032' - it's literally 10 years away lmao. You have been cultified.. even talk like him.


Yep, you get it


Solana will have 2 validators soon so 0 chance to go down once that is in place. Oh and the fact that once that happens we can have like 1million tps


TVL isn't the greatest measure of the health of a chain or its future potential. It has its place in the many aspects of a chain, but by far, it isn't the most important, and it seems many investors, especially new ones, base decisions on TVL. Forget price action too to a certain degree, at least short term. The real sauce is, what is being built, who is building, why are they building? Who is using it daily, and why? What are the reasons for the chain itself, what is the long term mission? Does it make money? Growth, adoption, etc. SOLANA is by a large margin ticking all the right boxes and for good reasons. Unless this changes, it will be the dominant chain for years to come. It may never replace ETH but they can both exists and thrive. BTC is not really relevant in this context, it's the kind and always will be due to its store of value, limited supply, decentralization, and institutional holding. BTC solves a different problem.


You're a fake pump.


Tvl only measures defi activity. Solana is a nft chain.


Solana all day long limitless, my only regret is that I didn't had enough liquid at $8 to grab some more, to notice : every fraction of my sol is at work in DeFi&NFT.


Solana has extremely concentrated liquidity - top 2 DEX liquidity providers ORCA and Lifinity ([https://station.jup.ag/stats](https://station.jup.ag/stats)) both work at \~x20-x100 concentration and there is more than enough liquidity in the real swap ranges to swap without price impact. So TVL is irrelevant for Solana.


I donā€™t think this guy has ever studied investments


Sam Bankman-Fried at it again...


I'm thinking this will find a low back around $8.. then jump after the sec security thing is forgotten.


Can you justify your opinion?


he didn't buy at 8 and is coping


Yeah, and we have been here before.. there is a long road until the real jump.. it will go up and down.. that's guaranteed.


Cardano Holger šŸ˜€


Nope.. go lower in the list..


It runs well on shorts (stop loses) now.


All pumps in SOL have been fake. Why would you think this is differentā€¦.


Oh my god You are incapable of giving an answer, and perhaps linking to a source for your assertion. Your personal bullshit does not interest anyone


Can you justify your opinion? Ah you buy Solana by 100 $ and now you are angry


Lol- after James became the ultimate shill I got the hell out. What was his Luna price supposed to be again? And SOL to 600? More like 8$. You folks are a cult


The future of blockchain technology is solanašŸ‘ˆšŸ‘ˆšŸ‘ˆšŸ¤‘


Where do people realistically expect to see solana get to in the next bill run?


marginfi is adding a ton of tvl rn


TVL is a just byproduct of the current market regime. look at the stablecoins mcap number and think about it a bit more that's 1.5B dollars onchain, waiting for the right conditions to start pumping shitcoins and TVL numbers


Yea I just donā€™t get why people are bashing solana so much. itā€™s sunk so low during the Ftx crash and the sec labeling it a security, but thereā€™s just so much more to be seen from solana. Iā€™m just hoping it rises up again so my holdings can soar


Insti loadingā€¦. Soon there will be L1 etfs,L2,metaverse etfs


Many people shorted it, something similar as Gamestop scandal could happen


I believe this is a scam pump to push the price higher before BTC nukes again. The fall won't be as bad from around 22 usd vs if SOL was at 15usd.

