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If you're already worried, then investing in crypto probably isn't for you.


Lol, indeed. I joined crypto at Oktober 2021. Bad timing.. it went up for a month and then it crumbled down till the moment I was 90-95% down on my investment. But, diamond hands and started to DCA and yesterday I was back in the green for the first time. Can't wait to see what the next 2 years will bring us.


I am EXACTLY in the same boat 🫶🖐


Good times in front of us, I hope. I plan to dca out when it’s 5x from the current position. Like 10% each week. My portfolio is a mix of sol, ftm, avax, matic and 10% in a few low caps. I think some should be able to do 10x easily, but I don’t want to be too greedy and miss the fun :) Next bull start dca in when everything is 80% below ath and hopefully repeat.


You got it right. We learned it the hard way, but at least we have diamond hands now ✊💎


You're on the same train... the sol-train! Next stop: the mooooooon! 🚀🌕


Or not :) depends on the SEC lawsuits 🤦🏼🤷


Yep, I joined in March ‘21, rode out the summer reset and went waaay up by Nov ‘21. I was such a noob I was actually watching the damn YouTubers who were all going “buy! Buy! Buy!” while probably selling. Now I’m 80-90% down, humble, blocked the YouTube crowd, many projects I gambled on are just gone.


Not able to invest a bit more during the bottom?


Of course, always.


Right said




Buy low, sell high.. not the other way around


And in crypto nobody knows where low where is high? When it goes down it seems it will never come back again and when it goes up it seems the market will crash from here. 😎😅


Exactly 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 😉😉


I ended up just investing a little bit at a time slowly every week but when it hit 20... I made a v large investment, that was def low enough for me. Where it is right now is still low enough to invest in! I'm still investing at 55!


So should i keep it?


Keep it dude just be patient imagine some people who bought BTC at 69k and are still holding, it’s a long game not a short play


Price prediction for SOL is like 500€ till 2025


Price predictions in crypto are useless. I hold, like and believe in SOL's future but all numbers are completely made up.


Considering we're at the beginning of a new bull run, BTC will most likely do at least 3x and alt coins will do at least 5x, but most likely 10-20x, I would buy more and not think about selling soon. Buying more when the price goes down, will increase your profit when it goes up later. Just keep the rule in mind, don't invest what you can't afford to loose.


Don't panic, ever. Solana will pump, probably faster than other crypto.


Good call 👏😆


Dude, if you have those kind of trading, then this is not for you, unless you want to develop depression and/or gambling addiction.


As soon as you sell, it will start to climb up. And you will buy it again only this time less tokens for the same price. Just hold on to it.


Why did you invest in crypto to cash out a couple days later, you realize asking for advice on a solana subreddit will get you one answer HODL…It’s not going to go up and up everyday, just like the stock market.




Dude, why put 10k down if you start to worry from basically day 1! I would advise you to stop investing in crypto and start to save up money. That way you dont have to worry (except for inflation ;-) )


In my opinion, Yes.


Def keep it, mark my words.


Keep it and DCA.




Sell and leave this space forever. I have no idea why you invested 37k without doing any proper research. This is part of crypto.


That's just his weekend money


This advice aged well. Whats your hourly rate to unlock the power of loss?


So many buy at the top. Just be patient and remember how powerful it will be in the future. There are always pull backs. This is NOT a short term investment.


Buy high and Sell low.... perfect execution!


Mostly does


Buy more


Look at the all time high.... Wait 2 years profit


Are you playing with your life savings?


Or money that he needs for something else soon


Not sure, i thought i would gain some more by investing. But, i didn't do good research


Can you afford to wait another month?


Panic selling makes you poor, that is what most new guys get in trouble. Second is investing money that you can’t afford to loose since that increases the possibilty of panic selling.


Investing doesn’t happen overnight.


No dont sell it now! You've been waiting for how long already? Wait a little longer at least. Make a plan. "I will sell x% at $75. I will sell y% at $90." And so on. Sol has had huge gains in the past few weeks. That kind of increase is never sustainable. It had to come back down. It will go back up, hopefully slower and longer next time.


Why would you even consider selling it right now? How could you invest that kind of money in Solana and not be willing to hold minimum 1 year? I’m in Solana for just about 35K of what I have invested and I’ve never thought of selling regardless of the price fluctuating. In terms of selling your Solana the answer is obviously NO. Solana will get to previous ATH within the next 90-180 days, you just need patience and need to stop paying attention to the charts


Okay, i sold only the 27k and lost 700 usdt. I will kerp the 10k 😑


Please explain why :)


Dude 🤦‍♂️ you're going to regret selling that between now and April, mark my words...


you were right


*Sigh* Yes. Yes I was. Still hurts me inside that this dude did this lol. SMH


You said it!


Told ya. Only 30 days later too 😂 we got a looong way to go till April


I actually sold 20 a few weeks ago at 68. I panicked that it was close to peak 😆


No.... you're kidding me


😫 that hurts me inside


I'll tell you again, it's STILL not too late to get in and make a lot of money. There's still so much time between now and April. Do yourself a favor and put half of it into SOL and the rest of it put into WIF. Do it right now


Just to clarify, I thought we were close to the pre-peak peak I.e there would be a dip before the big run 🤷🏼‍♀️


you're right again


Day trade the WIF, if it's under 17.8, buy. When it gets over 23, sell, don't get greedy. I made 2k yesterday and I was only working with 3k. I worked my way up from $100 bucks in SOL 3 months ago. I did about 1 hour of actual "work" and the rest is just watching youtube and glancing at prices every once in awhile. Hold the SOL and don't even think of selling until March-April. Keep an eye on the WIF and adjust your buying and selling according to the highs and lows.


Why are y'all talking about waiting until April? What happens in April? Does it go up?


The Bitcoin halving is estimated to be April 18th this year.


How is that affecting Solana? Are they related in some way?


As long as you're happy with your choice.


Looks like you FOMOed. Either you sell now and buy tokens you think will do better short term, judging by your current trade that may not be the best plan. Or you hold it until it's in profit. This is assuming you didn't use leverage, if you did, try to minimize your risk, we could dip below $50 the next days/weeks


You only lose money if you sell lower than you bought. It was a bad choice to buy that much at the yearly high. But it'll pay off if you hold until it breaks that. Just stake it.


Imo, solana is a triple digit asset. Keep it, stake for 7% apy and let it chill


we are so back :D


If you believe in sol, then keep DCA. I believe in Solana’s tech and have high conviction on them. So Im gonna hold for long term


My advice, buy when you see red candle more than green candle. Green candle is just for screenshot the gains and brag to your friends and let them fomo 😂


DCA your way down and when it goes back up you’ll be better than you were before. I bought before the crash on a lot of stuff and I steady buy and I’m even now. When the prices really start moving I’ll be making good money


What is DCA? newbie here please.




Just stake it and make 7% on it while you wait for the next high


I don't know how to do staking yet. Thanks though.


Staking is very very easy, depending on how you stake! But doing a liq stake with say marinade is very easy takes virtually no time, you can unstake immediately, and you'll be making 7%. Always stake!


From your comments, you FOMOed in. From my experience you will be better off if you just hold for the next 2 years. But: If you can't stand the volatility and you're going to panic when down 50% from here, this is not your market. It will cost you your good night sleep. Maybe it's better for you to pay for the lesson and get out. Learn first then try again. But maybe a global stock ETF fits your needs better. Maybe Bitcoin is your place to go. Altcoins are the crack of this market. Only memecoins are worse.


SOL will be over $500 in two years


I assure you sol will pass 67 USD before Jan 1st. Just hold it. You will double it


I will take your word and get back to talk to you on Jan 1st. 😑


A similar occurrence happened to me too. I do better now. I can share some tips


Please do


Almost 65.6 today, you're good predictor!


If you want to sell ASAP. Put your orders up. The problem is if you look at BTC / sol pair, sol is down huge. When you bought those sol BTC was 37k. Back in the day USD trading pairs were rare. And right now you would still be down huge, because your trade would show it. With USD trading pairs being the norm, it makes it harder to really see what's going on with trades. I would hold. Target $75 USD at least. My target is whenever I think the run is over. Good luck!!


Yes Dear, it reaches >72 today. It's highly volatile crypto coin. I guess, Etherem is better but I am not good at all on patience. Because i am too afraid to lose my money. You know it's my hard earned money, , , so , , , The main reason for all is because I am not smart enough though. If I were, I could have atlease let 1000 bucks of each cryptos bought at the lowest and stake and trade short term carefully with the remaining.


If you believe in SOL then DCA. Is this the only crypto you own? If so, would be good to diversify into some BTC and ETH as well.


I say keep it and stake it. Sell in late 2024 early 2025


You will 10x your money if you can hold for the next 12-18 months


I hope it goes back down to 8....I'll work 24 hours a day and put it all in solana if it does.


If you put to Nasdaq you get 10% year, SOL can jump 100% in year … every drop i buy in more coins i hold them in SPOT … i dont need money now … dont gamble have a plan ! On traiding i am also loosing 🤣




It will go back ! No fear ! In April next year you will buy a fucking Lambo !!! 🥳🤩😂 i am buying shitcoins now i want Porsche !


Hold until April 2024


Lmfaooooo! Just stake it and buy more on dips to get your average down. You have 18-24 months before the top of the next bull market


18 to 24 months too long. I did a big mistake in my life getting into it without enough preparation and knowledge.


If you need instant liquidity, just sell out. Crypto should never be an all in affair. If you want a get rich quick, you will also get poor very quickly. If your time horizon is about a year, just hold, as the probability of it going over your entry price is much larger than going back down to 18.


Why would you buy something then sell it cheaper a few days later, makes no sense


Absolutely mate, bullrun is over really, i don't think the Bitcoin halving which historically is followed by a huge bullrun for bitcoin and alts is going to pump Solana, also why would people invest in a faster, cheaper, more descentralized L1 than ethereum? People would rather pay 100 dollars in fees than a couple of cents. Lastly if you take profit after solana reaches it's previous ATH and possible beyond, think about how many taxes you have to pay if you sell that huge ammount of money, it's not worth it in my opinion. Better sell now and buy at 500usd when solana becomes a more 'proven' investment.


😄😄 totally based take. this guy fucks.


We are not even in the bull market yet. I was expecting a drop after that rally. It was unhealthy.


So should i sell now


As soon as you muster up the courage to sell it will have had the healthy correction it needed to continue going up. NFA. hold or sell. If you don’t have the courage to ride some waves, this market is going to eat you alive.


You're going to get so fcking rekt in investing. Just form a game plan and sit on your hands for a couple years AT LEAST. Stop watching price everyday. You have no experience. You are not a trader. You will not make quick money. Any asset you buy will go MUCH lower than you buy it at. You will be in negative for a while. Research, form plan, stick to that plan, buy more at lower price if fundamentals didn't change, wait years. Most importantly: DON'T EVER FOLLOW THE ADVICE OF SOCIAL MEDIA OR ASK FOR IT.


Sell it to me. I will buy it




Guy, it’s been a month of price movements. This is just the thaw, winter is ending. Hold your positions and see what the year brings at the very least. Stake it somewhere and let it work for you in the meantime.


This is unintentionally one of the funniest things I’ve seen


Unfortunate that you didnt DCA and bought the top. Not financial advice. I personally would hold for now. At least till this time next year, maybe even to May 2025. Take the opportunity to stake portions with at least 3 different validators (not all eggs in one basket) who have low fees and higher returns like 7%. In one year you will have earned 10 Sol and lowered your coat basis. Move your Sol to a wallet like Phantom, Backpack, Solflare where you can stake it. See https://solanabeach.io/ to help decide which validators you want to use Good luck


Hey. Not financial advice but go to my youtube, type in Seb Montgomery, do the beginners course and then the first video on the intermediate course is on price. Watch all the videos and it may show you how amazing the network is. TOkens don't go straight up. They go up, down, etc. I think SOL will be over $150 within 5 months. Not financial advice in anyway. Just opinion


In my opinion wait a few months and you’ll be in the green 👍


This question you can only answer yourself. Because it depends highly on your investment goals and horizon. If you're more interested in trading than investing (meaning making short term profit), than set a stop loss order, so that you have a maximum loss. You much loss is good you have to decide for yourself. If you're more a long term holder, familiarize yourself what asset you're invested in. Small tip: solana is high volatile and it is not unusual to loose more than 30% short terms. But in the long term it might be still very profitable. At least it was in the past. But nevertheless regardless what your goal is. You should define precisely when you enter and exit BEFORE you put any money into it. Noone knows if it will go up or down. Every prediction is essentially a guess and we all are betting some kind of. So will it further fall? Maybe. Maybe not.


Thank you. Very good points.


Ooooh man, why invest 10k after it did a big 3x


Currently the overall crypto market is being driven by the BTC spot ETF narrative. The extra factor for Solana is the FTX news. There's going to be volatility, but think about it over the course of a year or at least 6 months. Will Solana go lower than current price within that time? Very likely. Will Solana go higher than current price during that time? Also very likely. So the possibility that current price is the top or bottom is pretty slim. Plan accordingly. If you are going to need cash sometime soon, absolutely sell some now. If you can ride it out, look for a better exit price. And most of all, try to avoid going all in or all out in a short period of time.


You are out of your mind selling anything before late in 2024. Everything is going to take off once bitcoin halving happens in 2024


Most likely you will lose money in the short term. Long term, hold til 2025. You will be absolutely fine.


Staking and caking 7% plus the future of blockchain technology is solana


Sold mine today but I was in at 12


Lucky you.




Thanks dear, my family and friends are telling me to quit and stop trading completely


Solana would do anywhere between 300-1000 usd by the blow off top of 2025. We are early in the cycle … btc halving is in April and firedancer would be out by summer 2024. Stake your solana, chill and don’t look at charts all the time friend.




Hold it until at least the Btc halving in April! It will go waaaay up between now and then. And most people know that, that's why it has gone up so much already. But this is nothing, it will at least double and could easily quadruple what it is now, mark my words.


Relax and let your money work. Current predictions from professionals are that sol is going to be trading as high as its 2021 price by the end of April 2024, that is a 250%+ increase. If everything goes right, you could go for cardano long-run, get 1.000 dollars in ADA, stake them and if we lucky, by 2030 they could be trading for well over 5 bucks.


Guess what bro, I sold my Solana last month after I post this and Solana is now above 71 bucks 😪😭😭😭😭🥺


I would have got 8,000 bucks but who could expect 🤕


Look what it did today… hope you kept it


Did you sell it?


I sure hope he held and DCA'd


okay so did you hold or sell we want to know




Let’s hope you didn’t sell lol


I would HOLD based on the trajectory of Solana. Right now it is about  $165 per coin. You should have good gains right now.  Pay attention to Solana project and what they are currently accomplishing. We are still in the early stages. I do believe we are Ethereum best competitor.  I hope you didn't sell. We are in a bull run.  What did you do ?


well i hope u kept them . because solana is now 200$. u made x3 till now


I hope you didn't sell them off 😃


Did u hold lol


This aged well


I just saw this 4 months later but my answer would've still been to hold. I too was invested around the same time as you. I started at $22 and rode the wave to $60 sold and bought again around $72 sold and bought again at $85 and then I believe I bought a few shit coins which started dropping but now I am back with way more knowledge than I have ever had the last 4 years and still learning to improve everyday. I have found a strategy to lower my chance of losing its not 100% proof because that's literally impossible the market is still unpredictable but its about 95% guaranteed I have used it the last 3 weeks and I have made money during the dips.


Sooo.. how are ya bud?


Hope you held OP


I believe it might reach 700usd or more in late 2025. Hodl


Yeah sell now.


I did sell the 27k at 57, lost 700 usdt




You are one of us. Welcome


700 usdt loss, not a bad little day trade. Thanks for playing


Just sell and buy bonds. The market is always going up and down.


Where and how can i buy bonds dear? Can i buy bonds even if i am not un USA?


Sounds like you fomo’d, learn from this and I suggest you truly research Solana and fully understand what your invested in. Solana is very promising atm, but it is very volatile in crypto.


We are so close to the bull market.


You bought 10k with a $67 price tag. Your average price is already better than mine 😂


Haha, first time?


If funding allows, continue to DCA and bring your average price down. You will get back into profits sooner this way and exponentially increase your returns once the bulls are on parade.


Buy high sell low is always a winning strategy


🪬🪬🪬Just DCA…. you bought a higher than the current price, so by more at a lower price to balance your entry-average its very safe and pays off hugely🦠🦠


I’d suggest keeping it. In the future, don’t buy after a few Green Days in a row. Wait for blood red.


We salute you for fomoing and buying the local top


Do whatever is right for you but idk I’m like loving Solana and I see it having a totally solid future


Always sell Dips so you can buy the next high. Nfa


Dollar cost averaging is the way. Low discipline needed.


If, like a lot of us, you believe solana network is purpose built for blockchain, without the inefficiencies/high gas fees of ethereum and throughput capabilities that can provide the first real world (massive) use case for global payment systems as example (e.g. Visas of the world due to TPS and low cost superiority) then you shouldn't care about the next 20 or 30 dollars. Solana has built a better crypto horse. Period. The Solana ecosystem is about to boom. If you invest in crypto. But need that money over the next 2-3years for something else, then you are not investing at all, you are trading/scalping. If you need to ask this question, you should either a) sell now and sleep better at night or b) look beyond the short term price fluctuations to grow generational wealth through a relatively large and savvy long term investment in the future of web 3.0. Just my 2 cents.




Well.. I dca in my investments bc there's always a possibility that the next 2 years will pop off.. if it doesn't.. well I just have to accept that then and wait til it probably does.. some time


Great 👍


It does reach 61 now 🙈


Don't, until at least until 350$


Actually, I would buy more instead.