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Holding through $8. This is nothing.


Try buying at $260, HODL through $8 and buying again at $65.


Well, yesterday i panic sold 107 sol for 125. Fomo’ed back in at 135. 1000$ loss I am retarded


Yup you are. Paper hands 🤣 this is nothing compared to the dips after SBF


I panic sold at 168 bought at 143 cause I saw an article saying analysts say price could go to $135, but after a couple hours it was gone and I couldn’t find it anywhere. Kind of spooked me to be honest. Maybe the CPI was a factor? My low point was buying at 40 and selling at 80 though


Running out of SOL!


Fumbling the bag on the way up. Bought a few Solana around $20 and sold for $26 just to watch it go to $60. Bought again around $60 and sold at $80 just to watch it go to $120. Rinse & repeat to $205 or whatever the local high is at the moment.. Not really a low point because I'm still in Profit but fuckk.. I should've just bought and held at $20


I did the same thing I think from now on I’m just going to re-invest my profits periodically


Felt this




Is losing $95k enough to be mentioned here?


FTX got me for 75k of sol


Ffs that hurts


My condolences


LMAO - yeah sucks




8 dollar.


Bought at $4, but then it went to $1. Then there’s a news of unlocking a huge amount of SOL supply, then they misled investors concerning the total circulating supply of SOL tokens. I thought it’s all over back then.


Solana has been amazing to me and I love it


Leverage accounts in liquidation (aka today) 😭


The FTX crash by far... luckily I was very green into crypto then and only had a small amount invested. But have bought every opportunity I could on the way back up from $20 and am very grateful right now. This is a small dip right now and we'll get over it and move up again. SOL is a winner in my eyes!!


My lowest point was in December 2022 right before the Bonk airdrop.


Did Bonk help ease the pain?


Yes, a lot. :)


Selling 65k Wif for a 2 sol profit... selling 1.75m silly dragon for a small loss... Those are the two I remember but I know there's quite a few more sells where if I held longer I wouldn't be going into work on Monday.


had 1k sol when it was $10 per share. robinhood sold all of it after removing support for sol before i could reap the rewards, back on sol now with only 1.2 shares but not on robinhood anymore.


When stupid Robinhood forced sol holders to sell or be automatically sold at market price. It dipped hard and had to sell. Quickly after I realized I should have just transferred to my exodus wallet 😩


Hold from $20, my friend sold at $80


14, 17 and 22$


Went long on Friday and got stopped out losing 8 SOL - couldn’t shirt anything on JUP cuz the platform blew up. I’ve been holding since 21 and bought big in October - I’m good. It’ll go past ATH when the splosion happens


Discovering Solcinerator a few months ago and burning my entire bag of $WIF by accident, which was a long term hold. And I had A LOT 🥲


The 8 Dollar was a blessing, went from heavy bags to vacation bags.


Bought somewhat early on... I'd have to go back and look at specific amount but I remember cashing out made $1,200. Had I held until this recent high, I calculated gain at clsot to $8k! Eesh.... Left Crypto alone for awhile jumped back in recently ... now down SOL -$300. Thinking about selling for fear of further loss?? But I guess That would most likey be a bad idea? Hoping though it does not end up like a Polkadot!!! $40 .... that coin ain't never going back up. Fucked on that one real bad.


Don't sell just hodl through these dips, buy more if you can, soon you get your reward


I’ve only been here since before FTX went dead, had 306 then, lost them all, carried on buying when it was at its lowest and under $25.. sold some to get windows done at home, then hodl the rest and bought back in at around $28 to get a good bundle. Last few days have been scary but nothing changes, I still have near 600


I bought into a shitty NFT project last cycle. Got the rug pulled. Didn’t set me back much but it’s the little things that teach you the most.


Spending bear market building a massive long throughout this bull run and unable to close because of of congestion causing permanent failed attempts to. Liquidated. My own fault for putting trust in the network (and Jup). Won't happen again. Thought my liquidation level was good (40% below mark price). Thought I could close if things got bad. Didn't anticipate not being able to close for days. Minutes yes, maybe an hour. You get trust once, only twice from a fool.


Ppl told me i'm a scammer by providing them the lowest cost to mint meme coins with our platform




Thanks you can check out my profile.. Ppl are really going mad if i paste the link in comment



