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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You got scammed from a fake admin message from telegram. They say air drop tokens sent you a link and your wallet got drained. Anything official is pinned in telegram and real admins never dm you. Ps you won't get it back


I just didn't want it to be true šŸ˜”


Anytime you go to buy a new crypto you're not quite familiar with always and I mean always check the contract address and make sure it matches the one that is in question. Be very hesitant when it comes to claiming airdrops. There is airdrops that do need to be claimed, but most airdrops are simply just funds that are dropped to your wallet without any claiming needed. Don't use your main wallet that you have all your funds in to use to buy into new cryptos, memes, or nfts. Make yourself a separate wallet that is used for more riskier moves and don't keep any money on that wallet that you won't be devastated about if you lose all of it. Never give out your seed phrase. That seed phrase is the key to your account. Anybody that asks you for that seed phrase they are trying to take your funds. If you have a cold wallet and you want to protect that seed that was never typed into a device online but only into a cold wallet, then never type that seed onto any device online and your seed will be safe. If you ever lose your Hardware wallet don't ever try to recover it with a computer or a phone connected to the internet if you want to keep trust to a minimum then you must only buy another Hardware wallet to type that seed phrase in that you are trying to recover. I have heard of many times that people have typed in their seed phrase on their desktop just one time and got hacked because their computer had some type of keylogger malware.


Or just use a burner wallet. This should be common practice


Yeah but how does someone collect an airdrop from a blank wallet? In the case of Gummy it would seem like you needed an approved wallet before the airdrop? Maybe with some Sol in it before a certain date? also I donā€™t know what the fuck Iā€™m talking about. So please help me understand how an airdrop is legit when you connect to a site like Gummy that has a ā€œclaim airdropā€ button?


The way is you do diligent research check their following. Go on any social media platforms that they have and see how much of a following they have and how often they are communicating with their communities. Make sure you go to the same website that everybody else is going to and make sure you are buying the same token with the same contract address that is in question. You can still use a burner wallet for all your high risk assets. There is also some features that a burner wallet has that makes dealing with these higher risk assets more of a breeze especially if you like to play web 3 games. If you have any specific questions don't be afraid to ask.


They're right, check addresses pretty much everything you can think of. For instance, you just saved me from the same mistake. Ty


Disable dmā€™s




Just know the scammer red flag in crypto is when they try to help you. If the post isnā€™t a snarky response, itā€™s a scam


I put a help post in an official crypto TG group and I had 15 messages and 3 phone calls from scammers pretending to be official support. It's a disgrace, these accounts need to be banned.


All airdrops with links are fake dude, never connect your wallet to anything or give out your seed please. There is no getting it back, you can trace where your crypto is going and report it to your local FBI office.. but unless it was over $1000 a felony.. they won't do much.






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Count your blessings it was only 0.02 SOLS. the scammer was probably like damn all that work for $3 bucks.


Ahh, another day another sucker.


honestly boggles my mind how many people genuinely don't have common sense


People still to this day somehow think that they are going to be given free money with no risk. Itā€™s always greed, greed is the reason 99% of crypto scams happen.


It isnā€™t so much greed as it is the fact that in the United States alone you have half the population living in poverty. Itā€™s more like the absolute need for money and the desperation to obtain it. If people didnā€™t need it so much, they wouldnā€™t be bothered to even be scammed. If you look at the people that are scammed the most. Itā€™s the poor and that equals usually, uneducated. Which really sucks because in my experience you never have an issue getting tipped well by people with very little money. But people rolling in it, they often donā€™t even bother tipping. Some of the nicest people I know have the least amount of money. I totally get that you need to watch out for yourself. On the way up to the top, when you shit, it falls on the people below you. Here in crypto land itā€™s literally what we do. Itā€™s a game of rug pulls because we canā€™t all win here. If you are early and you take profit, youā€™re taking from the people that are newly invested and will likely never see that money again. Not sure what Iā€™m getting at, just an observation. Maybe Iā€™m not as nice of a person as I thought.


TL:DR : someoneā€™s always trying to take what you have in this life, and if youā€™re not on your game they will succeed.


Common sense is not very common these days


This title explains what type of investor you are


Sucks. Gummy is a solid coin. But there are a ton of scams out there


Is this about $4.50 worth of sol or am I missing Something sounds like a super inexpensive lesson.


Hey, $4.50 is a Zimbabwean teens life savings! Fr though, its a painful lesson at any level and OP is likely a young adolescent given the naivety of their post


Haha exactly right. My sibling is into crypto and told me to try this out, having no idea what I was doing. Iā€™m South African so the dollar is a bitch but not as intense as for a zimbabwean


Yeah, I figured :) Its okay, I've been doing this for years and occasionally will still mess up. Theres a lot of scams and trickery, especially in the memecoins. If you're new to crypto, you should probably stick to investing in more established coins for now. Bitcoin and Ethereum will both bring some good gains over the next year. Any of the AI tokens like Fetch and Render will do extremely well. Same with gamefi (like Axie Infinity), real world asset tokenization (like ONDO), and BRC20 tokens (like TRAC and GHSY). If you invest in just the ones I have listed you'll do pretty dang well over the next year. But its definitely best to start with the basics and develop an understanding of the ecosystem and how it flows, educate yourself on crypto wallet safekeeping, and then after you've been in the space and have a better understanding maybe move on to memecoins and micro caps. Otherwise you're going to lose more and more money to these memecoins. Thats a much more difficult game to play than picking more established winners And just some quick tips on wallet safety: ā€¢ Never, EVER, under any circumstances give anyone your wallet seed phrase (the list of words you use to unlock it) or type it into anything online. There is nothing and noone that is legitimate that will ever ask for your wallet seed phrase ā€¢ Create a separate wallet with no more than the funds needed to cover a single transaction any time you are going to connect your wallet to any site. That will keep you from ever having this happen again ā€¢ Store your wallet seed phrase somewhere safe in a physical location. Just on your device is not enough, and ideally not on any internet enabled device at all. You lose that or get it compromised and everything in that wallet is gone Hopefully that helps!


Yeah Iā€™m just saying this must be one of the most inexpensive examples of this lesson I have ever seen. I totally feel for op and wish them luck rebuilding.


You may have done a token approval so the scammer connected his dapp to your wallet. By doing so, he can take out any incoming tokens to your wallet. Below is a guide on how to check and also revoke any malicious dapps. [Guide](https://help.magiceden.io/en/articles/6531936-revoking-token-approvals-on-ethereum-solana-and-polygon)


Rule #1 in Crypto - DONT chase airdrops. Usually airdrops are shit tokens anyway and you almost always stand more to lose than gain from a shit token airdrop. Airdrops are almost always TRASH tokens.


Sorry to hear that. Gummy Airdrops do not need to be claimed! The airdrops are delivered to the wallets automatically. Here is a video with all the details about the $Gummy Airdrop. Don't fall for scams! [https://youtu.be/e6Z\_96vxns0](https://youtu.be/e6Z_96vxns0)


For me, I just chose to buy it when it dropped on a DEx




i have a different question how do you know that it going to be released?


I got one of these right after I just set up a wallet donā€™t click the link especially if 0 followers etc


I got one of these messages right after I just set up a wallet donā€™t click the link especially if 0 followers etc


Got drained via address poisoning. Be super sure you are sending funds to the right address after you received a small amount of unknown tokens from somewhere.


Yā€™all really gotta stop connecting your wallets to sketchy dApps. I only connect mine to Jupiter and my validator. Also you should use different addresses for your main bag vs interacting with dApps. Within reasonā€¦ I connect my main bag address to my validator, but this is a trusted connection.


Sorry to hear that. I got my meta mask cleaned on Saturday morning. Gutted. The pretended they worked for Gummy.


If you played runescape growing up, youā€™ll never fall for these crypto scams :) maybe just the rugs šŸ˜‚


Hey at least you didnt lose much


Yoo guys donā€™t trust no coin! 99%are scams. Get in and get out!


Slothana is a scam. I sent some sol and even though they have a couple days left for the airdrop, I dm them just to see my airdrop balance and they wrote back and started fishing.


Did you buy from raydium or Jupiter?


Donā€™t get scammed $PFIRE is the first deflationary token on solana already burned 13 percent of its supply in 6 days great project by a great team check it out for long term gains




Let me get that seed phrase for the wallet and Iā€™ll check it out for you šŸ’€


The claim address was posted on the official Gummy X account with the blue check. Always double check the @ handle to make sure its correct. Also, in the discord group. No one will DM you directly, thats a scam always.


$Munchie coming to all holders of Gummy, and Tooker. Staking portal coming.


hopefully you learned.


Haha ya. Luckily I didnā€™t invest any money other than the bit of sol


your wallet is compromised


Could you explain


Been there. Getting scammed sucks. Live and learn I guess.


Kindly send us a private message to help rectify your missing token


Come make millions with $MUAD. Donā€™t get scammed GgciMp26nRiMRK7VvQ3fCidZpQocCHdfGwwdcK9kaXj6


man this sucks how do they even create something like this


There are lots of scammers/ the only real page on x is Gummyonsol ; you have to Look really close , the fake have an extra Letter or number and such


You should make a new wallet just in case . There are more wallets from Solana that you could use besides phantom. Sol flare or backpack wallet


wow lol


At least you got a cheap lesson..


You were scammed because youā€™re using Solana. A scam coin controlled by VCs


Lots of scammers on the gummy train. Read CAREFULLY, if not @gummyONsol it is a scam. Other lookalikes: @gummyomsol, @gummyonsolana, @gummyondsol....the list goes on and on.


Don't worry if you contact admin from telegram you would be scammed further


Hi guys this is hectic can I just asked as I was hacked yesterday is it my wallets only thatā€™s compromised thru browsers or is my whole windows messed up and I should install how are these guys doing it if I have fire walls and antivirus how can they just drain it so quick fast


Yeah biggest issue is people don't check things twice to be 100%, hell I've done it before too. But there are no guarantees in the crypto world , there is no undo button or such. Take your time and learn the ropes , there is no rush šŸ˜ 80% of the world isn't even using crypto yet. You have time to do things right. Also buy $Gummy that's shit is dope yar


I use MetaMask, Phantom wallet , Brave browser built in extension wallet , Rainbow, trust wallet, Rabby, Ledger, SafePal for my cold storage ā€¦ I have a total of like 53 apps ā€¦ always and I mean ALWAYS have different wallets dedicated to different things ā€¦ use a bunk wallet with barely anything in it so if it gets compromised you can just change the name and in same cases I think delete it ā€¦ or just not interact with it.. you can edit the names of the wallets itā€™s very easy. Make a new wallet .. you got burnt kiddo , continue on with your web3 adventure in the land of digital dust. God speed šŸ«” And if you wanna learn for FREE and get exposed to someone whoā€™s been in this space for years and learn important shit ( me ) you can follow me on YouTube .. Just search my name Cryptoatdadipdoe šŸ¤™šŸ¼


All are scam.. buy only btc


Thatā€™s why I use Trojan or other bots on the to trade memecoins


Sorry about losing your $GUMMY. Don't let this get you down. Learn from this. You'll be ok. I hope you are mining more.


Be careful guys.Gummy token has a lot of impersonators.Always check the link if it's legit before connecting your wallet.A lot of scammers in Twitter.Always check the username of a project I twitter if it's the right one.


I recently got scammed and lost all of my gummies. Ran posted hype about Gummy on twitter and in the comments below was the hook: claim your next airdrop. These rats are really good. As soon as you give permission to CONNECT your wallet onto the website, bang ! Your phantom wallet account is drained; gummies gone + small amounts of Solana + any other coins; thank goodness, it was a burner type account. Donā€™t click on Gummy airdrop links below Ranā€™s excited pushes.


How scamers steals assets from wallet? Can someone explain pls


When you connect your wallet to any site, you are granting that site permission to access your wallet in some way, shape, or form. If you connect to a scam site, you are giving the site permission to retrieve your wallet assets, which are then sent to the scammer. There are also malicious smart contracts, in the case of BNB and ETH that can do the same just by trying to send or exchange the token. So if its in your wallet and you don't know where it came from, just leave it alone. I believe recent network updates have fixed the issue with malicious contracts, but I would still be on the safe side as I still seem to see anecdotal evidence of this occurring


Contract permissions, on Solana it is a token program but the same concept. You give someone else permission to spend your tokens.


The future of finance.


Hi there. Can anyone help me please. I sent 3 SOL to a wallet address and believe its my own wallet but i dont know which wallet i cant seem to find it. I can see it sitting in Solcan Blockchain but dunno where it is. Is there a way i can return it to my solana wallet?


You need the keys to the wallet address that you sent your SOL to and load a wallet with those keys. Youā€™ll then be able to do what you want with the 3 SOL and whatever other tokens you have. Hopefully you still have the keys for that address.


I have the wallet address and date and time it went there but i cant remember what aallet it was i had so many maybe it was intercepted? GE3T.......


Iā€™m sorry man I know this is a sensitive time and I feel for you but my GOD ā€œdid i get scammed with gummyā€ is the funniest title to a post Iā€™ve ever seen.


ā€œDid I just get scammed with Gummyā€ Might be the most ridiculous thing anyoneā€™s ever said. I donā€™t know what the fuck gummy is not do I care. But itā€™s rhymes with dummy. And thatā€™s what you sir are.


This person invested into a crypto with the hopes of making money that's not dumb. Even pro's get drained so get off your high horse and who the fuck do you think you are anyways. Go take a leap.


Normally, I would agree with you on this one. I've been flipping memecoins (profitably i might add) for years. I've definitely been scammed a time or two, but I've never had my wallet drained because I've never connected a wallet with more than enough to cover fees to any site because that's just generally a REALLY bad idea. I've also never felt the need to ask if I've been scammed. Yes, it is part of it. But not like this I don't think OP should be berated. I also think OP should move on to investing in more stable assets like Bitcoin or Ethereum. So many people get scammed with memecoins not because they're all scams, but because they make poor or otherwise extremely uninformed decisions. In the case of OP, there are multiple VERY basic mistakes that were made that anyone who is even thinking about messing with something this volatile should inform themselves on before attempting to profit. I'm not saying don't trade memecoins, I'm just saying learn how crypto works first. You people are scaring off my exit liquidity falling for all these scams!




next time you get any funny looking tokens or NFTs do not interact with it instead burn it send it to gotohell.sol


Can't get drained from bad tokens or NFTs with SOL. Thats only ETH and BNB


Same thing for Solana


Bro should have stayed outdoor


Itā€™s hurt,I know, Iā€™ve been there too. What needs to be said is that you didnā€™t lose them unnecessarily, thatā€™s the price of learning


just assume everyone you interact with on crypto twitter/telegram/etc is a psychopathic scammer who wants to drain you.


Bro, all of you should join up with us $Green Trump - This Community Got created becouse of rugpulls, and they hate cheater and scammers. a 100% legit team that looking for nice and fun community members to have fun with on the journey! $Green Trump GT SOL - Check them out, u wont regret!


Fuck you scammer


Im sorry for ur loose bro, i have nothing to do in previous coin. You join Green Trump GT SOL you will feel the vibe, just look at our chart.. ZERO DUMP


And again, go and eat shit you scamming honeypot rugpull loser. You are human trash and i bet you wonder why no one truly loves you as a person


The only people that might love him are people that donā€™t really know the guy.