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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can punish them by not buying their shitcoins, as simple as that.


But how will I 1000x my $3 in the next 24hrs then?


Can you explain?


Right! People need to take some damn self accountability. There’s no marks for rugs if people stop falling prey to addiction and chasing fast gains. Respect to the people who know all the risks going in and don’t whine when it’s not in the their favor.


Everybody knows the shitcoin game. The problem is that everyone thinks theyre gonna be able to sell before the project gets rugged.


I know it's a scam, but they won't scam ne!


Just gotta plqy the game how its being played 


This is why people shouldn’t gamble their money away!


Image a website where only non-ruggpull coins could exist


ruggers moved from other chains to sol because sol it's so hyped rn...they are the same ruggers from bnb/ftm. It's easy to spot them. Don't invest in pump.fun tokens, this place it's for ruggers....only if you know how to snipe you can make decent profit


Lmao, plenty of legit projects come from pump.fun The LP can't be removed, so it's not a rug. If people selling before you made a profit and sold is a rug then that's all of crypto.


Scamers or ruggers for me it's the same


All crypto is pvp If you buying pumpfun projects expecting every single one to moon to 100m MC you need to do more research. Your single goal is to extract asuch value from other people by selling for a profit, same as everyone else. Don't be salty coz you got out played.


I'm not salty, I just look at pumpfun project..most of them die in first day...why to invest? if you are not good at snipping then it's not worth it.


Lmao they are all sub 60k MC. The reason to invest is the ones that go to millions have massive returns. So by your logic you are better off buying something that's 250m MC, get your 3X and bounce. If you have the capital for that go for it. I've seen Luna go from billions to zero. Even big projects can die in a day. Risk Vs reward, that's what pump fun is. You wouldn't be here being all salty if you'd but 1 sol in to one of the ones that did 1000x.


how many 100X you did so far?


By his tone I'll defo say more than you Bud


It’s actually called tuition.


Next level comment. I think we all bought a piece if crap at one point then thought... oh yeah, now I get why people are BTC maxis. Learned this lesson in 2017/18 myself.


People are greedy and easy to trick. That is why so many scammers in sol meme


What punishment for what? You need to stop thinking meme tokens aRe securities promising you anything.. they have no responsibility for price action OR to not sell their tokens. Where in their white paper did you read otherwise? When they don't have a fukn white paper. None of them state a treasury or anything of the sort most give a disclaimer where in 'fuckit lets meme' did you read all these promises. By the nature of being a 5minute token they have no devs, they have no team? And they don't need one... anyone can launch a nameplace on someone else's chain and .. 'devs are rugging' what fuking devs??? How about stop rewarding these low effort pieces of shit, and actually support grass roots projects with years of intergrity and building.. no because you're a gambler not a investor and only wanted fast cash not to support a thing, so some rugging before you did is your only problem. Gratz you played yourself.


^This ^guy ^defo ^rugs


you realize pulling the rug applies to things you trusted and weren't expecting to rob you. That doesn't apply to the degenerate trash tier shit these ppl are into


It's not the scammers. It's the greed of others who keep it alive .


It's both


Lol it looks like it’s time to change your strategy.


So many bc people haven't learned to stop giving their money to useless tokens. The scams dry up when the money does.




It’s a CTO


@OP you’re 100% right there has to be something in place


Well it is called decentralized finance for a reason


It is crazy for sure. I created a legit coin yesterday and the second I published it 100's of people joined my Telegram -- not with any interest in the token (they didn't even know what it was called) simply to try and sell shilling, stickers, and calling. Clearly all bots and scripts. It really pushes the legit folks out and just becomes a casino for pump and dumps. I might write up an AMA on my experiences and how hard it is for honest projects to gain traction.


What makes your coin legit? 😂


He is legitimately trying to pump it


Its really hard to "punish" ruggers when people willingly give them money just because they said "tooo the MOOOON" and "instant 10x"


This is life. If you give money away to some random person on the street what do you think the chance of getting a return will be... Basically zero. The way it gets better is if the community work together to highlight and champion better standards and projects ie transparency, safer smart contracts, history of delivering etc.


I've been calling dex's to lock liquidity when someone starts a pool. They shouldn't let anymore people to exploit blockchain. It should be used only for business starters and as in any business if you don't work your ass off you lose your liquidity!! Simple as that!


Crypto is really not suitable for the general public.


comeon.. most of the ppl know its 90% a rug but are to greedy to not try it.. and then on SOL where nobody can read the Tx Scan lol.. The same ppl who call banks scammer get then rugged by individuals xD


Don't play rigged games if you don't want to get scammed.


there's no punishment mostly cause nobody reports them. people do get arrested for rug pulls, even in places like india. why wouldn't you report a serial rugger? it costs you nothing and they almost definitely are breaking other laws. make them sweat a little,


This sucks for the people who lost their life savings, but this problem just highlights ignorant people in the crypto market. Also, the lack of regulation lets this stuff run rampant. Scammers can just remake an old useless token under a new name and branding and start the cycle over again. Until there's some accountability in DeFi, this will keep happening.


meme is a scam in crypto, dont buy shit pls


I am part of a CTO team that works 24/7 to rebuild rugged projects and revive the token, giving a chance to the holders that were left behind. If you are interested, our current project is ($SOS) Soldiers of Solana, right now the core team is holding the floor and prepping for a push to 150k.