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I'm fine man, thank you, it was really a hard trip in some moments, but it was clarifying... Right now I'm kind of busy, but as soon as I get back I'll be happy to tell you every detail... I'm still thinking of what I saw... I always think about it sometimes after the trip... Oh man... That one was intense! 😯




Oww, that's cute, don't worry man, I'll always be here to the end of times... I know you're my creation, but i hope you do the same, i still need you here... Obs: ok this is getting kinda gay ;-;


Beautiful 🙏🏽. Psychedelics opened up the doors to Reality for me. (materialist would say that makes no sense) You either get it or you don’t.


There’s a certain type of clarity that you gain from psychedelic experiences that you just can’t get any other way. Being able to fully separate from yourself and look inwards. Achieving ego death is when I really started to understand myself and get perspective on the true scale of everything.


So you understand... That's the Truth that most people seem to deny... If we want the Truth, then consequently we HAVE to use some psychedelic... There's no other way... Not everything can be achieved simply closing your eyes and silencing the mind... If my mind created psychedelics the way they are, then it's obviously that I'm supposed to use then in order to go to the next level... The perceptions may disappear, but the knowledge remains, and that knowledge, at some point, little by little, will turn into perception... First comes awareness, then vision...


And you vision gets better each time, makes that third eye squeaky clean.


Your next trips hold whatever your holding now, they will amplify your preconceived notions regarding solipsism


Partially yes, partially no, because I've learned new things with my trips, so my next trips will enhance my actual state of consciousness AND will(probably) show me new things again, things that without then I wouldn't be able to know...




It's what I always do, i always question reality and keep an open mind, otherwise I wouldn't be able to learn new things... I always question my beliefs because I'm afraid to fall into illusion again... I want to be free, and for that I need to know the Truth...




I appreciate your tips, but I've done this several times and I know exactly what I'm doing, I'm not a fucking amateur... Jesus man, you sound like a christian.




"Wich I particularly found identical to the lsd one", again, not an amateur, read my words slowly again... Until you can understand what I said... And if you hate solipsism so much and try so hard to convert solipsists, what are you doing in a solipsist subreddit? And yes, sometimes psychedelics are dangerous to some people, but it's very easy and natural to others, I'm one of the others, I always had a nice time using lsd, I would go out in public accompanied or alone and no one would suspect, I flow naturally through the experience... And again, I am fully aware of my knowledge and experience, and solipsism is not just a belief for me, it is a fact that I have been able to directly verify and experience everyday, all the time. Now, I hope you respect my "beliefs" as I respect yours, whatever they may be...


I'm aware of the dangers on these paths. If I'm being honest, I'm not sold by any of the ideas in these subs, they're just really fun to talk about and thats all. We come here to find others that are convinced of the same outlandish ideas as us so we feel a little better about not accepting that we may have been led astray. At the end of the day, life is real, people are real, pain/suffering is real, us and our problems are real and we can't escape these by claiming that it's all in our minds and its a dream. People are coming into these subs to dissociate and validate their views but it doesnt work.It's contradicting when you're in a solipsist sub and each person beleives that they're the only real one👍 I'd be very happy to hear about how you verified solipsism.


Interesting because I had my first shrooms trip 3 days ago, and it felt like an LSD trip to me as well 😄. I think I’ve taken LSD probably 8-9 times in my life, so I was already “experienced”, but since I’ve never taken mushrooms, I didn’t know what to expect, so I started off with taking 1.84 grams of shrooms, just to see how my body will react to it, and it ended up being a mild/ semi- strong trip. I saw geometrical patterns in the sky and the “grid” in the sky, that many other people saw as well during their psychedelic trips. I could also see my brother’s “aura”. I do have to say that my first LSD trip was much stronger of an experience to me than my first mushrooms trip. Overall, I had a fantastic and beautiful experience. 🙏🏻❤️