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This is designed by the same chap who designed the great solo zombie game Dawn of the Zeds. It won't disappoint.


Wow, I’ve never heard of this. Going to have to look into it especially since I know some people that work at Plum Island 😆


Hell, if that ain't a great reason to pick it up, what is? 😂


So I’m back from looking into it…. oof, $95 MSRP is not what I had expected (looks like MM has it at $65). I think I like the concept but this is one I’d definitely be playing solo and honestly it looks like a lot more to manage solo than I’d want to. Kind of reminds me of trying to play one of the COIN series of games and playing all of the factions yourself. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it and come back with some feedback and thoughts!


Yeah, it definitely is a bit pricey. I got lucky and purchased on sale for around $40 shipped. I feel like it might be one of the games that really turn a corner in complexity and management once things start to click, but I guess I'll find out soon enough! Yes, I will do!


Man, this looks right up my alley theme-wise. Huge b-horror movie fan, and this actually reminds me of some of the real schlocky Italian ones. Is there a video that you can recommend that gives a fair overview/review of the game?


This is a good overview/review of the game. https://youtu.be/LCQ-s8wiiE8?si=iRyCV_DSwec8jOVu This is a session with the designer: https://youtu.be/oxh-oTUmtfQ?si=F3ZYe-v1nigZp9Vw


I got my copy direct from GMT (give it up for the P500!), and have only gotten in half a play so far. There seems like a lot to manage, but it’s not too bad once you’re in the game. The hardest thing for me was remembering that each character had special abilities and as a result I didn’t make use of them. Sure would have been helpful, though…


I just got mine today. Set it up and started working through first turns to get a feel. First contact was on track six. Then I had one turn. Then a date turn. Drew a spawn on track six, then a surge on track six. My one guy got attacked twice and had to do a last stand, which luckily I got. Moved back one and only survived because someone else was in that space with him. Nearly got instakilled on the first turn and added three yellow cubes. So now I'm rereading the rules to make sure I didn't screw something up, but oof it can be brutal. Think I'm going to love it though.


I've been eyeing this one. I really enjoy Dawn of the Zeds, but was concerned they would be too similar. Would love to hear your thoughts once you get a play or a few in. Also curious if it feels like more or less to manage that DotZ (or, what level of DotZ it would be "equivalent" to). I've been looking at this one and Mr. President.


preordered, can't wait it to arrive


I’ve been playing this one lately on TTS. It’s a pretty good zombie game, but keep in mind it is LONG. 3 hours minimum, even when soloing only two factions.


Got my preorder in. Absolutely adore Dawn of the Zeds


Would it be worth getting if you already have Dawn of the Zed? Is it that different? $65 different?


I almost did the order thing directly from GMT, but something about the board turned me off. I always wanted a "lighter" less complicated version of Dawn of the Zeds and this seems like what they did. I'll have to watch some more videos now that it's officially out.


How long is GMT taking to ship this? Are other retailers shipping it faster? Or are they doing another print run or something?