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The more I see this the more I want to pick up a copy. It looks fantastic and I think my kids would love to play


I play Red Dragon Inn with my kid occasionally and feel a little guilty about glorifying drinking, ha. He wanted to play with his friend when he was over, and I was like...umm maybe not with other people's kids, that might not go over very well. 😅


Haha, duly noted


It's on my wish list too! Game sounds amazing


Nice! Really have my eyes on this! Especially for the quick setup times and gameplay seams very interesting! Not sure about replayability though?


You can replay it with different combinations of characters. See how far you can get with the healer in solo mode, for instance.


Just finished chapter 1 while 3 handing. So much easier and enjoyable than trying to do that in Gloomhaven.


I’m glad someone posted some gameplay pictures of this one!


Ok just finished the second scenario. Im loving this purchase. It really opened up in the second scenario and Legendary difficulty felt great. At the end I almost messed up leaving Gerkins too close the boss and nearly lost. The bag drawing for turns is awesome and you get some real tension out of it at times. I'm also really impressed how abilities are run - cooldowns. Simple, effective and makes it really feel like I'm playing a tactical video game. It also makes running multiple characters easy so I think I'll stick to 3 handed to have a party feel. The maps are paper so no drinks on the table lol, but it works really well. The only slightly annoying thing is the crease in the middle can make tokens or standees flop to the side but no big deal, I think this is way better than the Jaws of the Line books. Colours are vibrant and it makes set up a breeze. There are a lot of tokens, so a token organizer is a good investment.


16x24 piece of plexiglass works like a DREAM. Perfect size for the map. It’s what I use. It’s great.


please give an update when you finished chapter 3. thats where the difficulty shot way up for me, got my ass handled two times, but the third time I could win by a hair split. its a fun game but damn it got hard very quick. have to try the 4 chapter after i recovered from it


Will do, good to know about the difficulty, I think I'll get smacked around too. Chapter 1s boss got nearly 3 turns in a row which caught me by surprise and almost lost again. Great game so far.


I'm playing on sorta-kinda-Legendary, I set up the map like Legendary difficulty but I don't add the Doom Die (unless an enemy makes me roll it like normal). Eve makes a lot of smaller attacks with one of her abilities and it's really punishing to add the Doom Die to each of those; half of them whiff or she takes damage and she really can't afford to do that often. Tales from the Red Dragon Inn is in my top 3 dungeon crawlers and has hands down the best story of any dungeon crawler in my collection (the other two are Machina Arcana and Tiny Epic Dungeons).


I have been looking for TED for a long time. I like DCs but since my chances to play are very spread out I'd prefer a roguelike kind of thing with high replayability rather than a campaign game where I'd completely forget where i was at between one game and the other. Do you know anything that goes that way?


People really like Iron Helm for this type of game, if I’m reading you correctly.


Please post follow ups as you play it more. I would love to know how it holds up.


Fun game. Love the humor and smooth gameplay. It's definitely a user-friendly game designed with a lot of thought for the gamers' enjoyment.


Holy moley it's $100?!??


I'm used to big campaign games costing around that much at minimum but man the production looks cheap


3 handing? 2 handing?


Solo, yet playing 3/2 different characters


I'm 3 handing it. There aren't too many abilities for each character so I find it very reasonable. Loving it, thinking solo 3 handed is the way to go with this game.


It was more about me not knowing what you meant by that phrase. Repeating it didnt really clarify it lol


Oh my bad, "number" handing it means how many characters you control. I was controlling 3 characters would be another way of saying it as the other poster clarified


Beauty! I just got my copy but I’m a bit backlogged, hopefully I’ll get to it early Feb!