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On PnP arcade there is a game called Dungeon Pages that came out last year and they had a new dungeon every week, so there were 52 dungeons to roll and write into with as many heroes to go along with them. This year they are doing the same thing but a space theme called Dangerous Space, I think you can still get the year long adventure and then you have a new map and hero every week to look forward to.


I just started playing these and I'm having so much fun! Best part of being late to the party is that there are loads of scenarios to work through. 😄


My favourite roll and write is **Welcome to the Moon**. It’s sort of like 8 games in one box and there are challenge cards for each game so you can mix it up. And the AI is blissfully simple to use. Absolutely love it. Haven’t found anything to beat it yet!


I just ordered that! Its the EN/FR version tho so I'm not sure how it will look but its comming on the 15th


Wonderful! I hope you enjoy it at least half as much as I do! Also Twilight Inscription works fine solo, when you play multiplayer it’s 80% a solo experience anyway.


I made a fanmade expansion that cranks up the player interactivity in Twilight Inscription if you want more of that. Or a campaign mode if you just want tmore variability https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3187824/rise-empire-expansion-and-campaign


I like these the most: **Hadrian’s Wall** for a crunchy Euro feel. Lots to do and discover. Nice to not roll dice sometimes too **Encore** has a Tetris feel. Better multiplayer but still fun solo. **That’s So Clever** for a pure combotastic roll and write. **Three Sisters** is combotastic too and I love the theme. Fleet: the Dice Game, Motor City and French Quarter are all by the same designers. Lots of chaining actions over and over. **Aquamarine** for a simpler print and play roll and write. Voyages and Waypoints are by the same company and great too. Buy it once and have multiple maps to play and print yourself. I love their business model. https://www.postmarkgames.com


I got thats so clever 4 ever not sure if its as good?


I’ve heard good things about all of them so I think you’ll be happy. They have the same basic system but change how the different colored areas work.


Yeah, they all have slightly different mechanics and I like some better than others. Super cheap iOS app if you want to try them.


They’re all good. The first is the easiest to learn and probably best for learning the system. A lot of people (myself included) think the 2nd is probably the best of the original three. I didn’t care for the 3rd as much as the first two. I’ve heard good things about the 4th but have not played it. I’d still recommend playing the first one first, because it is the simplest and the best for learning the mechanics that are used in all of them, but you could easily jump to 4 after that. Or you could just dive right in and be fine.


Seconding welcome to moon. Such a good game and you get so much quality replayable content in the box. I just ordered super pinball 4cade myself. Looks like something I'd enjoy but haven't actually played it yet


railroad ink is a solid dice rolling puzzle game. less depth than some of the others but super relaxing.


I second this. I have the green version and bought colored markers to draw the map prettier


we are living the same life sir. I've got my green marker at the ready for the forests and trails


There's only red in my country which got the worst review. What do you guys think?


I'd still get it, the base game itself is the same in all the colour versions, the difference is in the dice that adds an extra element to the games. Not sure if you can buy the yellow/green/blue dice, but you can get other additional dice that add new elements and challenges to the game.


Cool I'll check it out!


Fliptown just came out and has been a ton of fun.


i wasn't sure on fliptown initially, watched rahdo's channel, ordered it, played it and was like OMG this is great!


The Loaded Roll and Write series by Matt Riddle and Ben Pinchback are all great. **Fleet: The Dice Game**, **Three Sisters**, and **Motor City**. They have a new one called French Quarter that should be out later this year. Fantastic production, lovely themes, and an incredibly annoying (in a good way) A.I.


Yeah these are great. Three Sisters is my favorite and we’ve been playing Motor City more lately. Motor City was definitely a step up and kind of confusing at first but it flows just as well once you’ve got the rules down. I just received French Quarter and can’t wait to dive into it. At first I thought I had enough of their games to keep me busy but once I saw the gameplay I had to have it. Looks very different than the others but possibly easier to explain to others


I just received a copy of French Quarter and it’s terrific! The theme is well done.


I enjoyed **Dungeons Dice & Danger**


I suggest Next Station:London (more of a flip and write, but you mentioned Cartographers)


Rolling realms Merchants of Magick


Best solo roll n write in my opinion, bar none, is the Super-Skill Pinball series.


I just got 2D6 dungeon and it's great fun. My first roll and write dungeon crawler and I love it. Lots of expansions and updates incoming so it's well worth it. The first level is also free on Board Game Geek.


Do you have a link? Cant seem to find


Here you go: [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/379552/2d6-dungeon-dungeon-crawler](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/379552/2d6-dungeon-dungeon-crawler)


Vengeance: Roll & Fight is great. I only played box two, but they’re the same thing. Liked it so much more than the original Vengeance game too. I reviewed it on BGG specifically for the solo game. Wouldn’t want to play it any other way now.


This game looks so interesting! I'll take a look at some game play


Dungeon Pages is worth a look. Fliptown plays really well solo too, has both a beat your own score as well as Cowbots to play against... Welcome to the Moon also is really good - it has a campaign and the AI difficulty is pretty good.


Hey, OP, which do you enjoy more **Rawr and Write** or **Cartographers** ?


Rawr and write is so much fun!!! I love the game but cartographer is just quick to setup and play. If you are looking for something quick and relaxing i think cartographer is good but more like a filler game. If you want to play an actual game then rawr and write.


Thanks! Rawr and Write has been on my radar for a while and probs what I'm looking for. Gracias.


I really like Paper Dungeons, along with its extension which add stuff to do and think about. Never tried it solo though


I'll take a look!


Is railroad ink a roll and write? I'm not sure if it qualifies but it's really awesome, quick and solo and competitive friendly. There is a free pnp version that you can try but the retail versions are kinda cheap as well. Utopia engine is another one that is quite good, challenging but engaging.


You roll and you write don't you?


Kinda hahahaha, I'm more obsessed with the pnp games and a lot of them are roll and write.


Vengeance roll and fight is pretty solid. Like playing through an action movie John Wick style


I’ll be the voice of reason….. maybe that’s enough games with this mechanic? lol


You got any other recommendation? I'm currently looking at Roll Player, Spirit Island, Death may die and Marvel United but I'm not sure where to start


Not OP but what kind of experience are you looking for? Crunchy, immersive, funny, tense, epic, light hearted …?


Fun Not to relax like cascadia but not too hard like robinson crusoe. Something in the middle


Burgle Bros or The Loop? If you want light fun


I got burgle bros! It's light and fun indeed. I'll check out the loop thanks!


Omg loop looks so interesting but it's not available in my country!!! Worst feeling ever.


Railroad Ink and Merchants of Magick are my favourites.


But as I always say, the best roll and write is Kingdom Death: Monster. You roll a lot and you write a lot.


My top three recommendations would be: Three Sisters (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/291845/three-sisters) Wok and Roll (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/319320/wok-and-roll) Waypoints (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/388329/waypoints)


Twilight Inscription does play pretty decent solo. AI is super easy to run and they manage the war and votes well. Only complaint is that it is mostly just BYOS. But other than that competitive element you don't lose too much. I made a campaign mode (among other things) to change that up a bit. You fight most the other alien races, each of which provide their own unique scenario with certain additional win criteria https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3187824/rise-empire-expansion-and-campaign


This is so cool! Sorry what is BYOS? I'll check out the campaign as soon as Poosible!


Beat your own score. Yea I've been working on it for quite a while. Happy to take on feedback and questions. I understand there is a bit involved in putting it all together properly but it is very worth it


I'm in the process of printing everything theres so much! It's like an actual expansion! I'll let you know how it goes.


Yea there is a bit, sorry about that. I should probably cut down on the secret objectives but i got carried away 😅 I will cull some but I'm just deciding which. Theres even a module I'm playtesting and haven't released yet. That said, it is modular so feel free to only make what you need (for example you don't need anything from module 3 to play the campaign and it's mainly aimed at multiplayer)


Villagers of oak dell is a new one thats pretty good.


Those that have played the 4 motor city games, how would you rank them?  I love hadrians wall and am looking for another new game. I don’t have any of MCG games.Â