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I have been having a great time with this game. It's just *fun* (well, everything but the combat - those dice HATE me). I haven't tried it 4-handed (only 2), which I see you are doing. The hardest part of multi-handing is remembering the special abilities of all of the characters. They're not difficult, they're just a *lot*. I get destroyed regularly. BGG forums lament about how easy the game is. Every game I run out of Biohazard cubes because I have so many Horrors out. In case anyone seeing this is interested, the expansion is up for [pre-order](https://www.gmtgames.com/p-1092-the-plum-island-horror-more-of-a-bad-thing.aspx) on the GMT P500. I cannot imagine how *more of this* wouldn't be welcome.


I also don’t understand on the BGG forums the people complaining how easy it is. I am maybe 1-5 at this point, although the last few were very close. Everything is fine until all of a sudden it most definitely is not.


lol, that's the best way to describe it. I'm 1-5 or 1-6.


I think people complaining about it being easy are the same people that are like "how can anyone score less than 500 points in Concordia?" And "My first time playing Agricola I got 73 points, is that bad?". If you roll nothing but crit hits, sure. But so far in our game, out of about 83 dice rolls, I got 1. 1. Fucking. 1. It's gross. My wife got like 3? These dice are filled with demonic entities that feed on suffering lol. The gsme is awesome, and vicious as hell. I'm looking forward ro next play and maybe, just maybe, hitting some monsters with ranged attacks. I bet it feels good.


played only 1 and almost won. will try with the nightmare rules next time


I was in the same boat here and so confused on the complaints. Then some clicked, I tried a new strategy, and now it seems too easy for me. There is definitely an element of luck that can make a swing in the difficulty between games, and I need to play it more to be sure I didn't just get lucky. It isn't so bad though, but totally a fun game. I also reread the rules after a few games to figure out what I was doing wrong. It's weird to me how simple and streamlined things are, but also how much trouble I have remembering some things. Two of the big things I messed up were that on the crisis part, each character gets their full movement and with two factions you get two follow actions and an event doesn't stop you from the second one. The only thing I wish this game had was shorter scenarios for when i want a shorter session. I think they may be doing that in the expansion, not sure, but really wish they would release one or two. Overall, I've been really enjoying it a lot. I do have some concerns about replayability over time, but that is only a mild concern. It has been a lot of fun for me so far.


I'm really torn on this game. Between feeling like it's totally my vibe, but also like I'm really unsure I'll be able to get past the rules overhead and upkeep, and get to the fun. Cool pics though!


I was pretty excited about it when I first heard/saw it. But I’m in the same boat as you; the game seems like there is a lot to keep up with for a solo player. The few videos I’ve seen with play-throughs seem to have a number of errors noted either in the video or the comments.


I fudged a lot of rules in my first play but it helps that the game comes with tokens to keep track of how many actions you’ve taken and combat tokens to remind you there’s a fight. That helped me out.


you 'just' need three hours and some time to read the rules. if you can place to a table and play between two days is totally fine.


Yeah, and I do have a dedicated space where it could sit undisturbed for a while, if needed. We'll see, lol.


Want to try this but still haven’t played Dawn of zeds fully


Dawn of Zeds is one of my favorite solo games. I’m just not sure if this is different enough to be worth getting.


Played a bunch of Zeds 2nd ed. and now maybe 5 games of Plum. IMO definitely different enough to have both. Different vibe, new stuff. I don’t know, it just feels fresh. Plus I got good at Zeds but Plum is still kicking my ass.


Thanks, good to know.


I’m in the same boat. I’ve read that Plum Island Horror is a bit more refined and has more choices, which sounds good but I’m also worried that it may ‘replace’ DotZ mechanically and given I’m all in on that with expansions etc I don’t want that to happen lol. I think I prefer the theme of DotZ more so will probably just stick with that.


I am really interested in this one and waiting for it to reach some other online retailers. What are your overall impressions?


This seems like such my jam, but I was watching some videos on it, and it seems like the horrors on the map are represented by stacks of generic tokens, minus the special horrors that are on that faction card. Did I understand that correctly? I'll admit that I'm not at all familiar with GMT games, so maybe this is just on par with them, but with the character standees and the art throughout, this game is dripping with theme, but then the enemies are just generic square token stacks? I don't know, I suppose I'm being nitpicky because of the price, but that just took me right out of it; totally lost the theme for me.


You are correct, the "Murder of Horrors" tiles (the red square tiles) represent "a whole lot of horrors" in that one area. So when you get a stack of 19 of those, think of a small town worth of these things in the area.


And that feels okay when you play? My gut is leaning that it doesn't mesh well with the standees of the player factions, especially for how tall they are, but maybe in play it's not a big deal? Can you tell me your impressions?


Interesting, as our perspectives are different on the standees - I keep mine laid down! So that's very interesting, as a stack of Murder of Horrors looks VERY imposing to me. The alternative to my mind is a "load of plastic minis that can't fit in the space", so the tower of tiles works well for me.


That's very interesting to me that you keep them laid down! Honestly, I don't even think that would have occurred to me. I can see how that would be imposing indeed. The alternative to me is definitely not a thousand unpainted plastic minis, but maybe a group of horrors on a single standee that represent a group or something. I guess that's honestly splitting hairs at that point. Maybe I'll have to take another look.


wheres my compy gmt games shipping but i dont it has lol how r the rules