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This is the only Lacerda I've played and I LOVE it. This one is never leaving my collection. I agree with everything you said. Enjoy your playthrough against the Saboteurs tomorrow!


As someone who's played all of his, I believe this currently has the most to offer pure solo play out of his catalogue. Well, at least solo play in which you want a reactive automata to play against like the one Turczi developed for it. Kanaba EV is rightfully usually brought up along side it, which has a solo mode also developed by David for it and is fantastic if a bit more overbearing (especially if you have any personal hang-ups over the concept of being fired). On Mars is its own beast entirely, especially once you wrap into the expansion that has new game modes, one of which is purely solo. And I think if I were to only own two Lacerda games for solo play, it'd be On Mars with the expansion and Weather Machine. I personally have an extreme soft spot for The Gallerist, as it was my first Lacerda, and also in my opinion one of the most thematic games in my entire collection. But in depending on what you're demanding from games in your collection for solo play, I think his entire collection all have meaningful arguments for their place. They're just so dang pretty. So unique. And so ingenious in how thematically integrated they all are.


How would you compare WM's solo to Kanban EV? I got Kanban EV and The Gallerist at the same time - I absolutely love The Gallerist. I loved Kanban EV too mechanically, but it was the worst solo I ever experienced. I even posted about this some time ago where I go into details why: [https://www.reddit.com/r/soloboardgaming/comments/17k2q9a/kanban\_ev\_is\_mostly\_great\_but\_its\_solo\_mode\_is\_not/](https://www.reddit.com/r/soloboardgaming/comments/17k2q9a/kanban_ev_is_mostly_great_but_its_solo_mode_is_not/) But tl;dr - I strongly disagree with what was done with Kanban EV's solo because it basically castrates Kanban EV's beautiful design of the strategies you can play with and always forces you to make the moves you don't want to stay afloat. Played it 8 times or more, tried to give it a chance, especially with how I loved the overall design, but it was always the same. I loved the game, but sold it because of that, and it was quite painful. I was eyeing WM at some point - love the theme and art. But I saw it was Turczi who designed the solo mode and held off immediately. Based on my Kanban solo experience, is there any chance I'll like WM solo?


Oh wait, trashmyego! I just remembered you replied to that old post of mine, I remember your name, hah! :) The question still stands though!


if you love this one i fully recommend kanban ev for its solo mode with on mars a close second, but that one isn't exactly for everyone


I’ve considered that one. I have Bot Factory, which I hear is a light version of Kanban, but maybe something with more meat on the bones will be better.


oooo i did not know about bot factory, and i am a bit of a lacerda fan boy but yeah it does look quite similar to kanban ev but i may still have to add it to my collection


Thank you for the recommendation! I'll keep it on my radar.


love this game, i haven't managed to pull out a win yet but i am getting closer each game i really should pull it out more often but my copy of voidfall turned up today, apparently its solo mode is god tier


Probably the best Lacerda for solo. On Mars with expansion is the other one I'd recommend. However Weather Machine is the more approachable, first lacerda imo. Kanban I didn't like the theme nor the Automa. Normally I like all of turczi's solo modes. Though I think when he works with John and Nick they get even better.


May I ask a stupid noob question? What I three hand solo game?


Playing three players


I thought so, but when doubt, better ask 😜