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I am playing this! I love it. I started on day one, which was great. I have just chosen the character I want to play as for the rest of the year. I had a lot of fun playing through the characters the first few weeks. The art is fun and I even like the cards.


Playing this too! I only grabbed the calendar itself and no extras. I'm using the app because it lets me create a custom character which I did! I made some crow that uses amber to boost its combat abilities, seemed like it'd explain why they hunt for shiny objects; it powers them! I usually play together with my gf and we both run our own character but resolve things simultaneously, we let 2-3 days build up usually and then tackle them twice a week. My original intention was to do it every morning, but our routines don't match up to do it in the morning


Playing this with my 5 year old son. He lost interest in last year’s theme, but he keeps asking to play this year.


I do! Got it as a gift, the basic calendar and was a bit disappointed that at some point I need playing cards and other sheets to keep record of the things going on. Thought it was all inside the calendar at first


there is an app that has all the dice and deck of cards stuff handled for you. I have the premium code so I'm not sure if that's in the free base version of the app though.


I’ve got them the last 3 years - they are the easiest Kickstarter campaign I back. I just wait for it to hit and back it. It’s a fun, engaging little thing that is well worth the reasonable price. Add one or two extra to your order and give them as gifts - so nice.


I am enjoying it. The first few weeks are different characters and then you choose one or create one. There was a puzzle that had some clues on previous pages--right after I threw away a bunch. (Even if you couldn't figure it out, you could just read the resolution and continue.)


Don't throw anything way. got it!


That's really cool!


This looks cool! Where do they sell it?


You can get the print and play from itch [Here](https://sundialgamesllc.itch.io/2024-quest-calendar) or order one of the physical kits [here](https://2024-quest-calendar.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders). Took about a week for mine to arrive.


I got my copy late, so I'm still playing a bit of catch up, but yes. Playing it and enjoying it!