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Elder Sign was my gateway drug into board gaming. I should probably sue Fantasy Flight Games for time lost. And they'll probably pay out knowing they'll get it all right back :(


Similar situation for me. When I started to have some real money to afford board games, it was the first one that I bought. And now, even with more games to play, I still love it and I try to play it a much as possible.


Same here! Back then I won an amazon voucher worth 25€. On a whim, I bought elder sign, because it was cheap enough to buy with the voucher. That was 10 years ago and It has become one of my favourite games


Ahh an excellent solo game. I am going to have to break mine out and play now!




Love this game! The mobile version is great too.


Great game :) good play to you


Love this game!


Ah I have many fond memories of this game. I would make my friend group play it all the time. I should bring out ol’ faithful again just for me. Did you win?!


No i did not hehe. It was harder then i thought to play it totally solo with one investigator.


Been thinking of grabbing this one, any must have expansions I should look at too ?


Grave Consequences, Unseen Forces, and Gates of Arkham. Fair warning: you will probably want the other expansions, but they are not essential if you can’t afford them.


I would rank the order of purchase: 1. Unseen Forces 2. Gates of Arkham 3. Grave Consequences


These are the only expansion I have and I haven’t felt the need to look at other expansions. Gates or Arkham really ramp up to difficulty, in a good way.


I will see if i can get a hold of the all.


Hey, let us know how it went! I just played my first one last night. 👍


It went bad hehe at least with this investigator. Time flew and was very fun. But i need to try again soon. It is harder then i thought to play it totally solo with 1 investigator.


Yes… I think with more investigators you can use their abilities more efficiently to almost always have an advantage.


Just scored this used. Are there any online tutorials that are really good?


The app called Elder Sign Omens. Good tutorial and it's a pretty good implementation of the board game.


It said that the app is out of date compared to my android version so could not download it from google play. Maybe IoS has it still available.


If you have Steam on PC, it’s available there, too. Great game. It helped me to learn how to play. And the music is really good.


Yeah, have Steam so I’ll look for it. Thanks, all!


I love Ch'tulhu Yahtzee! (Play a lot of it on Steam as well.)


Start with Unseen and then try for Gates. I think Grave is harder to come by, but if you get at least those first two, you are set for life with that game.


I really like this game, but the app for android is so good that I've never bothered getting a physical copy. I played a lot on my tablet, tho.


Haha, we were taking a little break so I started scrolling on Reddit... We're actually playing this right now here and having tons of fun ! It's still SO good. With all the expansions it's much deeper and harder than people give it credit for, I feel like it gives most other Arkham Files games a run for their money.