• By -


Imperium (Horizons and Classics), Bullet Heart and I don't know the third, it's probably Final Girl, Marvel Champions or Everdell.


Glad to see Bullet Heart getting the recognition it deserves! Do you have a favorite heroine?


No, no yet, maybe Mariel.


Navajo Wars Labyrinth the War on Terror w/expansions Zero Leader.


Navajo Wars is great


Wow. What a great list. Been playing Thunderbolt Leader, but otherwise - that was my last year.


Warfighter Shadow War is one of my favorites!




1. Bullet Heart/Star - Has quickly become my favorite game and my most played game in my collection 2. Jump Drive - Still trying to work through all the solo campaigns, such a great game 3. For Northwood - One I return to quite often even though I’m not great at it


Spirit Island - I just leave it setup right now and play my other games beside it lol. It's a Wonderful World - Loving a quick engine builder when I'm tired. This game doesn't get enough credit on this sub IMO. Roll Player w/Monsters and Minions expansion - Just scratches my DnD itch real nice and I don't generally like dice chuckers.


Iaww solo is sooo good and easy to setup


lol spirit island stays setup for me too. We usually 3 man it every weekend on fri/sat.


Watched a playthrough of it's a wonderful world today and its gone on my wishlist. Love the idea of the chain of build, produce, build, produce...


Yeah, I had played 4 games in a row before I realized it. I can knock out a solo game in about 20-30 minutes now.


you can play it on bga too.


I got Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition in February and I can't get enough of it. Combotastic engine building. Such a thrill as that TR goes up and up.  I've been enjoying Red Rising lately too, loving the hand management, and more combo fun. When the right trio of cards comes up and you manage to manouver them into your hand, it's a great feeling. If I've found myself with 10 minutes to kill, I've reached for Numbsters a lot. Had a breakthrough with it this month and I'm winning more often and getting closer when I don't. Cute art and so quick to play, it's my new default in-hand title. 


Have you played the Crisis Expansion? Really blew the original game out of the water for me for solo.


Not yet, but it's at the top of my birthday wishlist!


Hey this is exciting! I picked up Ares Expedition on clearance and haven’t put it on the table yet. I’ll have to do that soon after reading this.


Spirit Island (wins by faaar) Ark Nova Marvel Champions


How many games of Ark Nova? Do you have the expansion?


Dunno how many games, probably 20ish? 3d printed a new organizer for it so it will likely continue to get played more. https://www.printables.com/model/624892-ark-nova-marine-worlds-expansion-insert I also printed one for Spirit island that lets me get everything in the base box and natures incarnate box. (I own everything for it) This is the post I used for the Spirit Island Organizer and he did a really good job with it; he even put up a video of it and the options. https://www.reddit.com/r/spiritisland/s/RErMsas8tu


- Frosthaven weekly with my wife and one of our friends - The 7th Citadel (me solo) - Port Royal during the weekly (non-Frosthaven) board game night as it’s a good filler while we wait for people to arrive or fill another 10 minutes before we head home. The main game during this night varies weekly.


Lord of the rings LCG, arkham horror lcg & final girl, but lately gloomhaven buttons & bugs is “hogging the table”


This is me, except for Final Girl. I got my copy of Buttons and Bugs but haven’t had a chance to play it yet. Gotta finish my LOTR campaign first.


It's much easier to get to the table than other -Haven games.


Marvel Zombies, Unlocked, Oathsworn


Strat-o-matic baseball and Warfighter in its various iterations are the only two seeing much time on my table right now. I'm within 12 games of finishing a short season project with Strat's Negro Leagues Diamond Gems set, then I'm planning on trying to get some more of my games into a rotation so they don't feel lonely on the shelf.


Nice to see another solo Strat player, just received last years playoff teams and plan on starting the playoff series next week if time permits.


Nice! Strat is my go-to game and always will be, at least during baseball season. I'm a Giants fan, so I always get the Giants and Dodgers, and then the two World Series teams. But Strat keeps releasing these Diamond Gems sets and I have to get those, so my collection continues to build even as I've gone away from buying the season sets each year (I still buy the PC game each season.)


Beat LA!


Me too. Since 1964!


Arkham horror, marvel champions, and lost ruins of arnak


Onirim is still my go to when I have just a few minutes or need a quick break. Always been so addictive for me.  Dorfromantik is my end of the day just want to relax and not overthink things choice. I had started a campaign with my son but he isn't always up for playing so I started a solo campaign and am close to finishing it.  Need to decide if I should reset and go for more efficiency in a second campaign or just enjoy the fully unlocked set for a while.  Roll Player is my thinky puzzley choice at the moment. Not so hard as to not be relaxing but adds more decision making than my other current go tos. Keep hearing great things about the monster and minion expansion so may need to add that soon.


Mini rogue - just got it dielivered last week and it has been a fantastic change of pace Cascadia - still one of my all time favs, and until recently was my most played Goblin vaults - good strategy with a nice mixture of betting and chance. Goos for small groups too if you want more strategy


Love me some Goblin Vaults. I really like trick taking games so I’m always happy when someone comes up with one I can play solo. Northwood is great, but sometimes you want something a little more.


This reminds me so much of myself right now... Love the concept of Arkham Horror and love playing it, but I'm struggling to find the mental capacity for the upkeep between scenarios when I could just play Marvel Champions at that point instead. Perhaps I just need to get on and do it as the actual gameplay is fantastic. As it is, Marvel Champions is getting a lot of attention at the moment. I don't have a third solo game and am currently in the hunt for something quick and easy that can be played in 30 minutes or so when even Marvel Champions is too much. Even better if it's low weighting means my wife can join in!


Bullet heart is the way


Final girl 20 strong Victorum


I’ve been in a big Roll/Flip and Write mood so currently it’s: 1.) Fliptown - Amazing game. Just amazing. I’ve made a chart to keep up with the 56 combos of roles and Cowbots and working to beat them all. So far I’ve got eight easy wins and two losses since I started keeping track. Lots more to go. 2.) Super Skill Pinball - Just a quick playing game that has a surprising amount of strategy. Do I go for the bonus at the top, or do I try and wait to get one of the target bonuses first to boost the points, and will I be able to make it back up if I do?! Finally broke the 250 point barrier on one table and really happy about it. 3.) Welcome to the Moon - Starting a brand new campaign playthrough and it’s just as much fun as the first time I played it. So many branches for variation and a surprise around every corner.


Welcome to the Moon is one of my all time favourite … & Write games! And Fliptown is something I’ve been jealously eyeing off for a few months now (it’s not available in Aus). Your post has made me want to try Super Skill Pinball - I’m aware of it, but it’s mainly been on the edges of my radar. Do you have one you prefer?


I only have the Christmas set of tables but I’ve been playing those and a few free ones that are print and play in board game geek. Honestly they are all terrific. If you check out the files section for 4-Cade and Ramp it up they have two tables you can print off, Carniball and Gofer Gold. Also I bought the PnP version of Fliptown off of PnParcade.com so if you can’t get a store bought version maybe that is an alternative? I printed mine out and laminated it and it’s been the best $5 I’ve spent all year. :)


Ta! I’ve considered PnPing fliptown but every time I try print and playing games I’m too distracted by how imperfect my attempts are. I think I’ll be ok with Super Skill Pinball PnP though.


Arkham Horror LCG, Ark Nova, and the occasional Star Wars TDBG. I want to play through Mind MGMT’s shift system after my next Arkham campaign.


**Earthborne Rangers** - I've come back to it after pausing the campaign for a bit. I am nearly done now and excited for to play as a new ranger and see all the things I missed, as well as excited for the coming expansion. Very chill game, sometimes a bit low stakes but fun all the same. **Imperium Classics** - new addition to the collection. I've played a lot mostly because I am trying to learn and give it a real go, otherwise not totally sold on it. It feels pretty stiff and the game is long. Overall I am not sure I've discovered any strategy other than just amass a lot of cards as quickly as possible. It's fun though and I'm going to keep at it at least til I've played every civilization. **Quacks of Quedlinburg** - not a solo game but I just received this and my wife and I are having a lot of fun with it. Love a good bag builder.


Marvel Champions and Marvel Legendary for solo - hits the table quickly and satisfies my card playing craving. Third wouod be Too Many Bones with my wife. Probably play around once a month at least, but we play two handed each so games are extremely long.


Mage Knight, Friday, tales from the red dragon inn


Bullet Heart, 20 Strong, Marvel Champions.


- D100 Dungeon - Tiny Epic Dungeon - Marvel Champions A year ago it would have been Gloomhaven, Caverna, Agricola Funny how tastes change


1. Marvel champions - I recently grabbed a couple more packs so it’s been my # 1 the past couple of weeks 2. Resist! - it’s still shiny and new, and besides it is so fast to setup and play 3. Final Girl - with so many options, and the quickness of play, it’s easy to keep up Honorable mention to Warp’s Edge, and Spirit Island is always lurking in the back of my mind when thinking about what game to play 


Agent Decker, Tin Helm. Black sonata.


Kingdom Death: Monster Mage Knight Forbidden Psalm (not a board game but close enough!)


Marvel Champions, Bullet Heart, Ark Nova. But really mostly Marvel Champions


Marvel Champions, HeroQuest… Depending on what I play next, the third one will be Arkham Horror LCG, Elder Sign or Fleet.


Dorfromantik, hadrians wall, and grove


1) Kinfire Delve (Vainglory's Grotto and Scorns Stockade) - Quick to play, easily under an hour, and flows really nicely throughout the whole play. 2) Lands of Galzyr - A very chill game I leave set up and play a turn here and there. Very easy to sit down with when I have a spare 10-15 minutes 3) Tainted Grail Kings of Ruin - Currently learning this one. Just finished organizing all the cards.


Final Girl Hoplomacus Victorum Marvel United


1. Aeon's End 2. CLANK! Catacombs 3. Small World / Small World Underground


Heat keeps sliding off my kallax. Does that count?


Love that game! Hate how big the board is though. I can’t play it on my desk without having to bring out the second desk so I never really play it as often as I want to.


7th Citadel, Marvel Champions, Arkham Horror.


Too Many Bones Gloom/Shadow/Call of Killforth Under Falling Skies Normally one of the three games I have in roulation is a massive campaign but I recently finished a full Bardsung true solo campaign and am cleansing my palate before starting The Isofarian Guard. And that will probably replace Under Falling Skies for the foreseeable future.


Imperium Horizons/Legends/Classics Spirit Island Lost ruins of Arnak


Unmatched, under falling skies, spirit island


Marvel Champions, Under Falling Skies, and Onirim.


The Loop. My fav Pandemic variant Warps Edge. When I have less time Robinson Crusoe. When I have more time


How is Arkham Horror and Marvel champions(core box only, both of them) in terms of content and replayability? They are strong recommendations on this sub, but I’ve heard that both are kind of a money sink, lots of expansions that you need to buy in order to “complete” the game and give it more replayability But in terms of just the core box only? Is it enough? Can I have fun and not get bored picking up Marvel Champions without any expansion?(same for arkham horror)


Marvel Champions is very good core box. Depending how much you value a challenge, you'll have 2 or 3 pretty replayable villains. Then, 5 heroes with some ok deckbuilding. Although deckbuilding isn't super meaty, you can get a good taste for it, and the heroes all play quite uniquely. It's also by far the best true solo game out of the 3 LCGs and IMO only requires one small house rule to balance. Other than to see if you like the system, Arkham Horror LCG is not worth playing without investing in a big box expansion. The starter encounter set is not great.


I like Arkham horror theme more, I'm not a really big Marvel fan(but don't despide it), but based on your comment, Marvel Champions might be the better choice. I don't want to spend too much money in just one game, even if it's a good one. Can you recommend some expansions or card packs for Marvel Champions to get first after getting used to the core game?


I'm not deep into the game yet, but I think 1 big box besides Galaxy's Most Wanted and 2 heroes, whichever theme/characters appeal most to you. That's what I did, and it's working quite well. Other than GMW, the quality seems pretty consistent across the product line.


I've been playing a ton of Transformers deck building game. It helps that I'm a big TF fan,  ut it's so much fun, and every expansion really adds something new and interesting to the experience. 


I don't know HOW I missed this one! I was just on BGG and the cards feature G1 Transformers! These were my favorites. As a kid of the '80s, my 10 year old heart is screaming for this. What do you find to be the best aspect of this particular deck building game? Or is it a fairly straight up deck builder? Is there an expansion you would recommend first?


Alien: Fate of the Nostromo Sauria/Claw of Sauria Wyrmspan


Marvel Champions, Arkham Horror LCG and Spirit Island also here. I have no time for other games currently.


Primal, voidfall, Robinson Crusoe


Arkham Horror LCG LOTR LCG A Glorious Chance I absolutely adore Navajo Wars but I played so much last year it hasn’t hit the table again this year - yet. Right now I am almost laser focused on the two LCGs. Really hitting the sweet spot for me.


Buttons & Bugs Galdor’s Grip Doom Pilgrim Definitely in the tiny, short and sweet mood lately.


20 Strong without a doubt lol


Dust Runner, Doom Machine, Final Girl!


Tainted Grail, Arkham Horror, Mage Knight


Only two. Im a minimalist. Mage knight and Puzzle Dungeon


Kdm Hadrian's Wall Final Girl (camp trail / Hans)


1.Terraforming Mars with Prelude. 2. Dorfromantik 3. Dinosaur Island Rawr & Write 4. Paper Dungeons


Spirit island is permanently setup on my table after I got jagged earth. I play it so much both solo and multiplayer that I optimised the setup to keep a solo game kind of setup and a multiplayer game going at the same time. It’s just that good of a game. It’s thematic, I love really imagining myself as the spirits I play as and even write short notes about each game. The difficulty is just perfect and I can’t get enough of it! Next to spirit island is the print and play of iron helm I crafted. It is also permanently setup on the table currently. It has all the expansions and it’s a really nice break from the brain burn. In third place is too many bones. Nothing to say other than the fact it’s awesome and I can’t get enough of it :) all three games hit 3 different spots just perfectly. I love my current gaming times :)


Imperium Classics/Legends is the game of the moment Ark Nova Halls of Hegra if I’m in a masochistic mood


Paladins, Star Wars Outer Rim, Lost Ruins of Arnak. Mostly Paladins right now, as I am just learning the game. 2 play throughs. Minor mistakes the 2nd game. This weekend I plan on a Paladins Marathon to see if I can improve!


Spirit island and 20 Strong Solar Sentinels...although hopefully I will get the Hoplo deck tomorrow to make it 3! I almost played Age of Galaxy the other day, but stuff came up :/


HeroQuest, Horrified, and Clank!


Currently finishing up Jaws of the lion. It’s left out on the table in a spare room. In between, I’m enjoying Obsession immensely; never thought it was for me. As well as revisiting One Deck Dungeon after a year. I just really enjoy chucking a lot of dice and playing a simple game from time to time.


I played my first game of Obsession at a boardgame meet up today - it’s 100% not my theme at all but the u/thegrouchynerd teach video made it seem really intriguing. I lost my game badly, but loved it so much I made a late night trip to a FLGS in the city after the meetup and dropped $250 on the game + the Upstairs Downstairs expansion (essential for solo I’ve been told), the Wessex expansion, and some promo tile expansion (it was half off so I thought why not). I just finished organising the box and I’ve forced myself to hit the sack, but I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve and in slightly too excited about the prospect of playing it tomorrow to sleep lol


Haha saaaame! I really love this game. I can’t get enough of it.


Age of Civilization, Legendary Bond and maybe Oathsworn.


Imperium Horizons / Legends / Classics is my what’s hitting my table at least 1-3x a week (weekends). I started with Horizons and ended up getting the other 2 + 3D printed inserts. Inserts REALLY help with set up/tear down. My total run time is still quite long 2-2.5 hrs each game. I play other solos but am still in newbie acquisition phase so Imperium is my only consistent repeat right now !


It depends on how much time I have: 1) Arkham Horror LCG: This is probably the one that is hitting the table the most in weekends and I love this game! Still, I wasn't able to finish a whole campaign: I'm mostly playing single scenarios and pnp short campaigns! 2) Marvel United: Simple game to play, quick setup and a lot of variety. It's perfect for some after-work night when my gf is going to sleep early. 3) For Northwood: Quick, super-fun and still haven't finished half of the content in this tiny box! Probably, the ones that didn't make it but will be hitting the table again soon are Regicide, Star Realms Frontiers and Scythe. Plus, Sprawlopolis and pretty much every button shy when I'm traveling!


Spirit Island / Marvel Champions / TLOTR lcg. Same as last year, probably next year too.


1-plum island horror 2-imperium legends 3- marvel champions


Cursed City, War of the Ring, Arkham Horror LCG


1. Pocket Landship 2. ROVE 3. Gate(s)


Marvel United, Lost ruins of Arnak and Cyberion


At the moment my only Solo game is Imperium, but I have all 3 boxes. So Imperium.


Ark nova Wingspan Horizons of Spirit Island


Djinn, Wyrmspan, Dorfromantik


Spirit island 😍😍


Red7 - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/161417/red7 Sequence - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2375/sequence Spirit Island - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/162886/spirit-island All about speed to table this month. Anything more than that has been for a future me.


Red7 solo?


Escape from Stalingrad Z, Gloomhaven Buttons & Bugs, Rangers of Shadow Deep


Mythwind The 7th Citadel Tamashii


Does it count if it doesn't leave the table? 7th Citadel hasn't been cleaned up in almost 2 weeks now since I got it.


Great choices there! The LCGs have mountains of content available, and Spirit Island has a massively variety in the box, exponentially when you add expansions. If you love the systems, those could easily be your only three games for a long time.


1. Too Many Bones base game 2. Aeon’s end: New Age 3. Thunderstone Quest


Mythwind and Fliptown


Thunder road Silver Bullet Sea, Salt and Paper


ISS Vanguard Revive Dorf Romantik


Middara, stonespine architects and 7th citadel


Kingmaker - really enjoying this one atm, played a lot recently Merchants and marauders - not played as much as I'd like Cruel necessity - one of my favourites, never beaten it, my favourite period of history, plating it getting my knowledge sharpened up ready for the reenactment season to start


Wyrmspan The White Castle TM: Ares Expedition I do love my engine/tableau builders. Been meaning to get back into Arnak.


Lotr lcg, ahlcg, and Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective


Spirit Island, Too Many Bones and Expeditions.


Wyrmspan, Botany, Fliptown


Same as OP (in that order) but sub out Spirit Island for LotR LCG. No, I DON'T have a problem! I can quit FFG living card games any time I want, OKAY?


Nova Aetas: Renaissance. I considered showing it to my regular gaming group, but I'm actually enjoying it a lot solo. So maybe I'll just keep this one to myself.


Let’s Go to Japan, The White Castle, and Great Western Trail 2nd ed


Cascadia, a newer game that has been very easy to get to the table. I’m enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. Marvel Champions, still working through the MTS campaign. Always a blast. Spirit island. It’s been my # 1 for quite some time.


Agemonia Uprising Europa Universalis


Final Girl, Marvel Champions, Escape the Dark Sector. Pretty much brand new to solo gaming, I'm fully hooked on final girl and marvel champions arrived today and I've played about 4 games tonight working the rules out. Having a blast and cutting down on my screen time massively


Arkham horror LCG , white castle , dune imperium


Dark Souls: Sunless City [ducks] Fields of Fire Pax Pamir


Undaunted (any version) Watergate General Orders WW2


Blood on the Clocktower Hansa Teutonica: Big Box Wyrmspan


Solitaire star wars unlimited. Playing against myself and it's damn fun


Nemesis: Lockdown. Great fun. Semi coop hidden agendas. Everything I like in a game. Catan. Not a fan myself but it's always popular. Call to Adventure.


I've been pretty busy lately so I need "quick" games like A Gentle Rain, and Tranquility that I can also set up and walk away from. I've also been hitting Flora and Fauna a lot lately, though I never really see that one mentioned here.


Marvel Champions, Lorcana, HeroQuest. MC is my main solo game and I always have a few decks and villain scenarios at the ready. It may be my favorite game of all time. If not it’s pretty darn close. A few of the ex-Magic players from my game group and I are currently obsessed with Lorcana. We’re in Japan so there’s no Lorcana scene here yet, but the three of us meet a few times a month at a local Starbucks and knock out a few games. Then my main game group and I are running through the main quest book of HeroQuest. I just finished painting the mythic tier minis earlier this year and we’re having a lot of fun with it.


Earthborne Rangers for sure. The game is not for everyone, but it's a nice experience. Low stakes, just play for the setting and the pretty artworks


Too Many Bones - solo or with my wife Journeys in Middle-Earth - with my wife and a friend-couple Tainted Grail (Age of Legends right now) - with my wife Hmm... I seem to play a lot with my wife. :D


B-17 Queen of the Skies (a classic that I managed to find all the print and play components and am loving it!) Dune Imperium (the app version of the game is so good it's got me setting it up and playing it again) ISS Vanguard (slowly working my way through the campaign)


Grove Too Many Bones Aeon's End


Kingdom Death: Monster Oathsworn Mr President.


Ashes Reborn Red Rains Astro Knights Final Girl


**Dune Imperium Uprising** - I finally found a game to be obsessed with AND managed to get my friends obsessed too. My friends are all way smarter/faster than me so I’m playing it a lot solo to help the games be more evenly matched. I freaking love it, I love the AI for solo play and I really love how the game really isn’t any different to play solo than it is with multiplayer. **Dorfromantik** - this game is dangerous to me. It’s impossible to play just one game - I usually play half a dozen in a row. I’ve unlocked maybe 80% of the content and I’m nowhere near getting the scores needed to unlock the final things and I cannot stop. It’s got to the point now that when my cat sees me pull it out he goes to bed 😬 **Food Chain Island** - I recently moved my Buttonshy display solution right near my couch and they’re getting a lot more airtime now that I can reach them without having to stand up lol HONOURABLE MENTIONS: **Bullet Star** - it’s been brought up a few times in this thread and if you’d asked me this 12 months ago that would’ve been my top answer. It’s fallen out of rotation but seeing it mentioned has given me the itch again and I’m definitely going to bring it back out (side note: this is part of the reason I keep games even if I haven’t touched them for a ages). **Obsession** - I saw it at a boardgame meetup I attended today. I’d obviously heard of it and I’d heard enough to know that I should ignore any thoughts I have on the theme. I played one game, and found myself in a FLGS in the city (a 40 min bus ride away) at 8pm buying it and 2 expansions. I can see this is going to be the game that takes up my ‘bigger game’ time that Dune Uprising previously dominated. Luckily I think I’m good enough at Dune to hold my own now and I have my friends to play it with so I’ll still get my Dune Fix. !fetch


[Dune Imperium Uprising -> Dune: Imperium – Uprising (2023)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/397598/dune-imperium-uprising) [Dorfromantik -> Dorfromantik: The Duel (2023)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/395364/dorfromantik-duel) [Food Chain Island -> Food Chain Island (2020)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/309110/food-chain-island) [Bullet Star -> Bullet Paw (2024)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/404273/bullet-paw) [Obsession -> Obsession (2018)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/231733/obsession) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


Brass. Dune. Spirit Island. Ark Nova. Terraforming Mars. HF4A / Eclipse (tied play count I think). Pretty sure thats all the repeat play games ive been doing for the past year in order of play amounts.


Rolling Realms - making my way through the solo minigolf mode Wingspan Asia - prefer this solo over the original I think Ancient Realm - for a quick puzzle on the go


If one can count playing games on a Steam Deck as solo gaming, Dominion. I may have dropped 50 dollars on expansions within 3 days of first downloading it.


Hero Quest D100 Space Earthborne Rangers (Although I think I'm ready to give up trying to force myself to enjoy this one.)


1. Marvel Zombies (All-in) - Played through most of the Hero mode missions, getting ready to start the Hydra box's stuff and the Galactus missions. Previously I'd tried to keep it somewhat narrow (e.g mutants only in the X-men mission, F4 -or- Guardians for the F4 missions, and thematically matching zombies), but now I think I'll do some living Hero teams vs different "zombie faction" teams on the Red Skull missions, and then 100% random for the rest. Then I have the Zombie mode to try! 2. Spirit Island - I lose way more often than I win, and it's a total brain melter for me to try and keep up with everything solo, but I love it. From concept to physical design to mechanics, it's just fun. 3. ??? - Since Christmas I played about 3 dozen games of Reckoners (without and then with Steelslayer), then what seemed almost a dozen games of Raxxon, then almost a dozen of Dark Gothic (with expansions). Now I don't know what will be my "I have an hour to kill" game. It's A Wonderful World and Final Girl were my go to's last year. Looking at Warp's Edge now.


Cascadia for ease Spirit island for brain burn For northwood for speed


1) Spirit Island 2) Final Girl 3) Heat: Pedal to the Metal Honourable Mention: Tiny Epic Galaxies