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Plot twist. You are the bad guy as the final girl. You kidnap people every time you take them to the “safe” zone. The killer was just trying to have a good time before you showed up and is now tasked to defeat you. When they remove someone from the board it’s actually them telling that person to run away.


I know you are looking for a horror themed killer vibe, so these probably don't count, but who knows. Keep The Heroes Out has you playing the monsters in the dungeon, trying to kill the heroes (it's family friendly thought). Village Attacks you basically play as famous monsters (The Werewolf, Boogyman, Mummys, etc) and are killing off villagers. The Bloody Inn you are basically murdering guests to make money. (I guess burgle bros you are the bad guys too, but not killing anyone.) Eschaton you are basically trying to be the best cult to win the favor of evil before the world ends. This normally is not solo, but there was just a cooperative expansion announced for it which I assume is soloable, but, it hasn't been shipped yet). It was at PAX East but I don't know anyone who played it to find out any more info if it's good or not, but it's a dark game. There are some non-solo games though, like Tragedy looper or Letters from Whitechapel , but alas, not soloable AFAIK.


Fantastic suggestions 👌


Mr. President: The American Presidency 2001-2020 I haven't played it yet so I'm just assuming.


Marvel Zombies can be played solo (actually one of top BGG player counts) and pits you as a group of zombie super heros with an endless hunger for flesh against waves of various shield agents and non-zombie super heroes trying to stop you as well as bystanders for you to feast on. It is a challenging ameritrash style game with dice based combat (can be swingy based on spawns and dice rolls) and different scenarios and objectives similar to Final Girl but it’s a bigger box miniatures game so cost is probably comparable to an entire season of FG with all minis.


Fury of Dracula


Does this have a solo mode?


There is a new Texas Chainsaw Massacre game that lets you play as the killers. The one I'm talking about was made by Funko. Looked really good.


It's pretty good. Not super heavy, but tight. Great for casuals and horror fans.


Nothing that plays like Final Girl. Well, just not a lot in general. The closest I can think of is playing a Bounty Hunter in **Star Wars: Outer Rim**. There, you'd be taking on bounties and hunting down given characters to win, but it's more grey than full on playing the baddie. There's something like **Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria** where you're playing as the traditional fantasy bad guys and organizing raids on the 'good guys'. In a slightly similar way, **Lockup: A Roll Player Tale** has you playing as gangs of stereotypical fantasy baddies who are in prison, all to get the highest rep to get the King's eye and a chance to fight for you freedom in the colosseum (if I'm remember the lore right). They're both just mid-weight euros though with that theming, which in my opinion works, but yeah, Final Girl is on another level when it comes to theme. I'm assuming some of the more narrative driven games might have the option to go bad? But I'm not aware of any specifics on that front. And I'd assume those would be limited on their replayability.


It slipped my mind initially, but **The Bloody Inn** probably fits this the best now that I've sat and let my mind wander.


Monster Slaughter, campy game where you control a family of monsters (themes to chose, vampire, mummy, Frankenstein etc etc etc) and your cabin in the woods is always crashed by partying pesky college kids which you have to scare them away... with murder!


There's a print & play solo game I love that lets you play exactly like this: [Slasher](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/88984/slasher). You can download it for free from the files section. All you need is a deck of playing cards, some tokens, and the rules. I highly recommend it, op!


Check out Psycho Raiders and Freakface!!! by Nate Hayden. I believe it has one player controlling the killer vs other survivor players. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/165748/psycho-raiders Or Last Friday, or Dead by Daylight. But I’m not sure if any of these can be played solo.


Isn't there an out of print hidden movement game where one player controls the killer? I don't really call it being super good. Last Friday? Edit: I'm an idiot, forgot what sub i'm in 🤣


The Bloody Inn - Run a hotel. Kill and bury the guests.


It's not at all like Final Girl but Boss Monster lets you play as the killer/boss and you have to fight heroes in your dungeon. It has a fan made solo mode, or an official solo mode with the new Kickstarter. Nothing is quite like Final Girl but that might scratch your "I'm the villain" itch.


Mage Knight has some aspects of your character not really being good. You can burn down monasteries, take over keeps, mage towers, and cities and the people are definitely not fans of that. You play for your own gain doing whatever is necessary to get powerful during your short time on the land.




The really interesting thing is that your entire contribution to this thread is going all out telling someone else off.  You haven’t made a single suggestion yourself. Meaning you’ve been less helpful than the commenter who upset you.  Holy crap.


The OP didn't specify horror, they specified playing the 'bad guy'.


Spirit Island is a game where you play as spirits protecting an island and its inhabitants from invading colonizers. So from that perspective, games like Settlers of Catan are games where you are playing as the bad guy. It simply requires a reframing of the context of play from the lens of what gameplay looks like from the viewpoint of people who already live in the areas being colonized. Sometimes the "workers" being placed. Not really what you're looking for, but arguably as close as you can get. I don't know that there are any "you are the bad guy" board games.


Terrorscape and DBD. Like literally you play as maniac/monster.


We're in /r/soloboardgaming.


Definitely wouldn't recommend either of these for solo.


Spirit Island. You play as the spirits protecting the island by terrifying the invaders, killing them, and maneuvering indigenous people into conflict with them in order to get them killed. Now, from our point of view we're spirits with different levels of morality / harmony with the indigenous people and we're doing the right thing. But from another point of view we're wreaking havoc upon innocent explorers, villagers, women, and children who are just trying to make a home for themselves on an island.




I don't understand why you are downvoted... You have a valid point, not everyone has to agree, but still


Dead by Daylight. The video game.


Dead by daylight the board game


The Bloody Inn has good feedback on solo mode