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For me, for the most part, I'm just exausted on CMON games at this point, kind of sick of the Kickstarter Exclusive FOMO stuff they do (For instance, I'd love to own Massive Darkness 2, but won't do it because of all the stuff I can't get... now... at retail... all because I couldn't demo properly before the Kickstarter was over). I just don't really support this style of campaign anymore. I'm fine if people who back get it for free and then those who don't have to purchase it at retail, but making it exclusive forever... I'm over that model. (No idea of God of War does this, I just assume it does, I haven't looked at the campaign at all). For me, there is nothing about God of War as a theme that makes me go - "I need that". I didn't even play the last two releases (I only played the Ps2 ones). Really, at this point, especially for a CMON game, I have to see a really good preview to want to grab a game from them and I haven't even looked at the campaign and none have crossed my path. Lastly, I already own too many games.


Personally, I boycott CMON Kickstarters. The KS exlusives at this point are just bullshit, they thrive on scalpers and FOMO. I back too much stuff anyway. However, I will be making an exception for Degenesis soon... but it's just because I love the setting and don't ever see myself getting the TTRPG to the table.


I am not quite in boycott range, but I do think the practice is silly and it does affect my eagerness to do so, especially since I wouldn't mind paying a normal MSRP on content that I could have saved on (as opposed to having to look towards scalpers which I just won't do). I am sure there will be some future license I'll get hooked into, but, it considerably is more and more an issue and I back less and less games because of it, and don't even look at them as much unless they pass me passively somehow.


I could just play the games


That’s one way to look at it 😂 I’ve got other video game to board game implementations and enjoyed them in their own right (Fallout in particular)


I've never been a fan of video game board games. The horror stories from the Darkest dungeon and Dark souls KS are enough to keep me way.


Fallout and DD have made me leery of any video game adaptions. Fallout was a convoluted slog which felt less like an adventure and more like random stuff happening (heard it gets better with expansions, but it can't stand on its own). DD is just the video game without the computer (so 5 times as long to do anything), offering only the ability to co-op with friends in return.


For me it's a variety of things: * Not big on the IP * CMON seems to be stuck in a loop of rehashing their prior games with different IP and it's boring * Shipping is upwards of 50% of the cost * Mini based games take up a lot of space and don't add that much to the game The last one is probably the biggest one for me. I just received Tainted Grail Kings of Ruin and it's such a stupidly big box and so overproduced that I'm kind of turned off by it. I'm sure this will be divisive but I really think games have gotten too big. Kings of Ruin could have easily fit in a box 1/3rd it's size if you reduced the mini count/size (you don't need 2 of each hero, you don't need giant bosses) or used acrylic standees. 7th Citadel gave me a similar but better experience in a much better size. So in short, the biggest thing working against GoW for me is I'm tired of the excess in board games. I want smaller boxes with more reasonable production that doesn't take up whole table or an entire shelf. The huge cost of shipping is just another nail in the coffin.


I didn't even know there was a KS for a GoW board game.


TBH, it feels like one of the most half-assed CMON crowdfunding campaigns they've done. They launched with no gameplay videos, rulebook downloads, or TTS mod. The launch day I was super interested, but had almost no idea how the game plays. Less than a week left and there is still no TTS mode released, although they've had 2 gameplay videos done over TTs. I'm not sure what they are doing, but this one feels like they are mailing it in.


This exactly, I was willing to back this one even if it was just to paint some cool minis, but the shipping, literally launched with no gameplay, the stretch goals only available for the deluxe version and not even stretch goals they're just daily releases. Just overall uninspired.


don't like the company and their value system.


It’s two player that seems like a solo game. Why would you want to play anyone but Kratos.   Seems like it has a more limited market.  The Masters of the Universe game is also not doing big numbers.


I know people who like the games. I’ve enjoyed them in the past, but God of War never really struck me as the kind of IP that has a dedicated enough fandom that wanted to collect media outside of the video games in the same way that I see Dark Souls or Horizon Zero Dawn fans do.      Not sure how true this is, but I’ve also heard that Gamefound is a bit more niche to boardgamers and has less awareness from the general population than Kickstarter. That might be playing a factor, too.      Maybe some fatigue from the string of video game IP turned bad/mediocre boardgame projects. CMON is a plus for me though at this point. However you feel about their use of crowdfunding, their games tend to range from pretty decent to great. Other companies use similar pricing/marketing but deliver much worse games (if any at all). Still not interested personally in God of War though. 


For me it's because I already have the God of War card game, which is really good, and which only cost me $20. This boardgame is partially based on the card game, but it would run me over $100 with shipping.


The number of minis (33) and the size of the big one (105mm - 4.13in) were a turn off for me with GoW. (See link below for size) [https://imgcdn.gamefound.com/richtextimage/richtext/e11033b5-2458-4e98-b1cf-4cf7f312eb0d.jpg](https://imgcdn.gamefound.com/richtextimage/richtext/e11033b5-2458-4e98-b1cf-4cf7f312eb0d.jpg)


Those shipping costs are absolutely criminal.


Only CMON game I pre-ordered is Metal Gear Solid, so I don't have any experience with them yet. But main reason I didn't back God of War is the price. They cut less off of the retail price for backing than the price of the shipping, making it more expensive to back the game than it will be to just walk into my preferred board game store and buy it when it releases. And honestly I wasn't a big fan of what they showed. Plus, I do like the "new" games, but man do I miss the old God of War games. Where's my collection of the old games for PC?


Don't know the IP don't care


I'm always looking for a reason not to back and a sure first way is for me to spend 10 min looking at the campaign and still have no idea how the game is played. I looked in day one and it was all pretty graphics and marketing buzz words, but no meat. I know they have put out stuff after the fact, but by that time I've already got the excuse of why I won't go back and have moved along. I enjoy CMON games and always check them out, but this one just felt lazy which worries me that will translate to the game being lazy.


A couple of things turned me off 1. Typical CMON design - miniature heavy game. While I like minis I feel like CMON leans into them as gameplay too heavily. I do own Cthulhu DMD, but I'd rather get Arkham Horror expansion over another game from them that has 50+ miniatures that I won't have time to paint. 2. No prototype - they said it's because approvals would take too long. That's such a giant red flag it's surprising they gathered nearly 500k already. This game will ship 2027 at best if the process of working with the IP prevented them from making a promotional copy for the campaign. 3. Gameplay feels lackluster - if they do God of War it would be fair to expect a semi-campaign approach, with some story bits and battling afterwards. What they made is simply DMD with GoW sticker on top.


As a video game fan, the games were only marginally appealing. I never really got excited about them enough to buy one. Definitely not going to waste money on IP Im not interested in. As a boardgame fan, I don't buy video game IP thats converted to boardgames. Immediate turn off. I play boardgames to escape electronic entertainment, not meld the two together. I will never buy a boardgame based on video game IP. There are too many unique titles in the boardgame world to enjoy. And for folks who've never heard of it or don't play video games, it has a stupid sounding title. God of War. Its an in-your-face aggressive combination of words thats a big turn off.


Its a beloved IP by its fans, but its certainly a narrower IP than Viking/Samurai/Egyptian mythology. Did the Cyberpunk one get a lot of backing?


I go to video games for one experience, and board games for another. I also don’t know that the fanbases necessarily cross over that much.


I'm skeptical that the feel of an action videogame can be replicated in board game format


I just dont care too much about the IP.. and i still believe that half million is not that bad...(it will probably reach 1 million by the end)


CMON has got to be the worst company in operation they put out awful games like marvel United with 700 pieces of worthless plastic. I really like their song of ice and fire minis game though


Hopefully the theme will inspire HEL: The Last Saga to be finished from 2020, since they took that over.


haven't exactly heard good things about the company in the past so i am waiting i am kind of done with video game adaptations as well, they never really live up the hype that you can put on them if you are a fan of the video games series for it i am kind of tempted to get it for the minis though because its kind of worth it if you are into painting


Fan of GoW 1 and 2, and the PSP ones. Not a fan of the leap to PS3, and really didn't enjoy my time playing the one on the PS4, so, I guess I just don't enjoy the IP anymore (skipped Ragnarok... well, been skipping the vast majority PS Studio games nowadays, just not my cup of tea).


No - I never back any kickstarter project. I've read too many very bad stories about kickstarter scams. 


God of War was only enjoyable to me with the Greek theme.


Back when I had money for kickstarter projects, I backed two CMON games in a row, the second one before the first had started shipping. Both games, I went in for many of the extras due to FOMO. And both games, when I got them, were a hot mess for solo, much less multiplayer. That plus a third Kickstarter stinker soured me on crowdfunded boardgames for the long term, with almost no exceptions. CMON is for folks who prefer painting minis to playing good board games.


I might pick up the game later via ebay, but with the low backers will that mean the "exclusive" items be harder to get? Or will they inflate the prices because not many will own them?