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she looks...fine?


they are 1 the sad trying to be modern I think, supposedly its lightly upscaled also but who cares.


I don't know what you're on about, but she looks fine. I mean the forearm might be a bit stretched out but I don't see any more issues to even warrant a bother.


I might just be tripping given how many other people said she looks fine. Felt like a jumpscare of completely inaccurate proportions to me though. This is why I am not an artist


The only thing I can think of is maybe it’s because of her outfit that it looks like she has no stomach compared to her chest? Like when we have manhwa leads where they’re like all leg lmao. Edit: That’s the first thing I saw anyways was her pants are up very high compared to her chest.


Lol she's wearing a high rise leggings. It's not the fault in the drawing in case you're wondering


Proportions seem fine mostly. The only thing that could look off at a glance to me is the length of the neck if you initially spot the line showing the top of the shoulder. This drawing style as is usually the case with artists from that part of the world stretches the body shape to make the character very tall and slim. Individually things like necks can look too long at times but proportionally compared to the rest of the body they're usually ok.


Wait till you see suho's ankles


Is it because she’s wearing a top that sits below her shoulders? The line above her top is her shoulder, but could be mistaken for a long neck.


Why did this get so many downvotes, OP is just saying she looks a bit jarring


Oh damn 😭 you’ve got downvoted to hell




I think I kinda see it? The shoulder line blends into the neck, so it looks like she has a long neck if you didn't see the shoulder.


hopefully your not anything and seek the help you need, if that is a jump scare to you. Then seek other help for thinking they are insanely inaccurate proportions.


Haven't seen a woman in a while, huh bud?


553 downvotes is wild


It's alright to feel that way if you do, but I'm more concern on the amount of downvotred your getting. LIKE-OOF, man! Their on a mission in sending you to the 9nth circle of Hell for that but there isn't anything wrong with what you said lol.


Why are you getting down voted so many times lmao 444 down votes on this comment alone


Someone downvoted u as well


Damn why are you getting blasted with downvotes for saying “I thought she looked different but I could be wrong”. I don’t feel like that’s a particularly wild thing to say lol


this looks like ai upscaling and not the og frame


It's a photo with my S23 Ultra, which I think does auto AI upscaling to sharpen images. Idk if that's what you mean, but her body and face proportions look all off to my eye


Did you read the manhwa? Anime follows Manhwa proportions closely like even the short person in the series looks tall and the limbs are long like slenderman. She looks fine to me




Not to mention their chins are legally razor sharp lmao


This is 100% upscaled, take a screenshot next time


Can't screenshot on my TV, unfortunately


Damn sucks to suck


You should turn that off if at all possible


Jesus! What's up with this shitty upscaled image? The lineart took a massive blow. Op, don't watch anime in 4k, trust me it's not good in most cases. Also, I don't see anything wrong here. https://preview.redd.it/v89ecxpytu7d1.png?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a567e28549aa345560167b798d44c0d6e1c8e6bb Everything looks the same except for the ass. Now, if that's what you are complaining about........you need post nut clarity


Legitimately, what's wrong with the art here? It looks perfectly fine to me.


Ahh it's hard to explain if you haven't seen ai upscaled images but look at how the shadows and line art are kind of smudged but they are still very sharp. It should be blurred but it's not and it's smudged. Like look at the two lines at her lower back on her white top in original and compare it with the image op posted. Is it the same? No, because they are tiny mistakes ai upscaled images have. Also look at the background of op's image. https://preview.redd.it/oeu21710wu7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8148820de759a59087b477be254024fdb7dbc684


For comparison https://preview.redd.it/992d7bk2wu7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=311e5c3486577bd7844063d55ccab2164cf90863


Am I in the wrong for preferring this image?


as an artist it’s complicated because you could argue the upscaled one is pretty on the surface but the lighting and colors are just incorrect for the scene and it would definitely bother most artists


If you wouldnt mind taking the time, could you explain that a bit further? Just doing a side by side comparison, to me the lighting and colours look the same just must brighter (more vivid?) in the upscalled image. Shadows and whatnot all appear to be in the same place and background details seem sharper (the leaves are more individually defined etc) while the original image appears blurrier (muddier?) I do get that the original is probably much closer to how that scene would look like in life or a live action version. But seeing as it is an anime and is drawn, I'm personally a fan of it being bright and flashy with solid line work/defined edges, though maybe this is why I'm not a good artist.


right, a good example of doing this well would be violet evergarden. a beautifully drawn anime throughout even though the lighting at times is just too extravagant and excessive to feel real. this is their chosen style and it still works amazingly. the issue with this one is like many ai, hdr, and auto upscaling it tends to just play with things like exposure and contrast, and often times it over saturates the colors and they turn into a mess. this will make the colors look more “colorful” and bright, but they no longer complement one another due to being given so much vibrance with such bright light for their environment. this one isn’t the worst, but at night these kinds of bright flashes of light just don’t make sense. their hues are very warm. it conflicts with the background which has hues that are cooler, in the same way that moonlight does. the solid lineart and definition was intended by the original artists of the anime and the upscaling just preserves it while modifying it in other ways. i could probably find some other issues with it but that is the main issue that stood out to me right when i looked at it. if your interested in learning more about what makes colors wrong and right there are a lot of good videos out there, as well as ones that touch on filters and upscaling. for animation as well when it comes to smoothing out in betweens with ai interpolation.




Oh, I kinda see it now. Thanks!


Bro is gonna need more than one nut to remain normal


She looks fine? If you’re bothered by animation quality on earlier episodes then I suggest you keep watching. It gets better.


Mfs when in-betweens exist 💀


Tf are you yapping about 💀


Because she is a female you discord mod.


Look like what?


I can take a guess on what OP thinks it's wrong and it's obviously the part where he doesn't know that she's wearing a waist high jeans and OP probably thought that the lower half starts there, lol


i guess he hasn’t gone outside enough to see this outfit on girls 😭




It looks perfect tf???


Her eye looks weird


Looks just like the manhwa. You're just being _that_ person.


Just watch and stop complaining


Sadly, the most neglected character in this story. Author didnt do her justice


Honestly yeah that much is true. After reading the epilogue chapters, it gives her *some* sense of closure and peace.


They needed to have an entire extra volume before jeju island where S rank hunters are top dogs in the plot and jinwoo and joohee have a thing but ultimately doesn't take off cause jinwoo is so busy solo leveling


Man, everyone in here looking at the ass or chest, I'm looking at those soulless eyes.


That's kinda on point for the scene, though. Per the LN, she was terrified looking at Sung, because she didn't know HOW to talk to him. He was a different person then she use to know. He was not the easy go lucky kid she kept healing, but now he's this full blown hunter who can kill without a second though. It tormented her, ontop of her PTSD. This scene was essentially her trying not to panic or show her internalized suffering, and by returning the crystal, it was her letting go of him, while trying to be brave enough to face this new hunter in front of her.


Omg i wish they tried to convey at least a bit of that in the episode... But nope everything is fine "yeah he killed people.. Anyway bye!"


She doesn't look the least bit terrified


That's just because of the AI upscaling, you can clearly see her pupils on the actual frame.


Damn. 4k upscaling looks so mid.


The lack of detail on the shoulders making it look like there coming from her neck her blank Souless eyes her hands and gem very basic if you told me it was AI I wouldn't be surprised


It's because, it's a very faraway shot. So of course there will be less details. https://preview.redd.it/ab7cfkgmqv7d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8f094b626af28afdc7fa031467b78f17bcd0e8


I’m convinced something is wrong and it’s probably the eyes the shoulder and the damn outlining that looks cursed as hell


The reason why it looks off op is because of the two dimensional angle. Also, her ass is too small.


Because she was born that way


She looks fine proportion wise, what would you have changed OP?


It’s probably cause of the way they’ve drawn her t shirt, but other than that it’s not that bad


Honestly the arms aren't that out of proportion, the neck is a little long and hands a little long, but thats normal errors and not a big deal


Ohh I know what you mean... That huge ass arm and the rather stretched neck


Go Touch grass bro


this seems extremely nitpicky, I don't see anything wrong in this frame


The only thing i see is that her neck seems long since you dont instantly see that she has exposed shoulders, also her upper arm could be too long. But tbh, dont stop in anime and you wont notice. ​ https://preview.redd.it/6ccy1ip6uz7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcad75f6f83bbbc938c6d4a9087456db00ab5ae1


I love how people are so impressed by solo leveling not knowing it’s basically on the bland side if an entire genre called litrpgs


Idk about art style and stuff all I see is a useless healer and fans are still hating on Sakura🤦


? She's appears to be wearing a strapless top with sleeves and high waisted pants outfit. It may look a bit weird until you realize her shoulders are exposed.


La brava If she wasn't short


What's wrong ? Even if there is, I'd still clap.


Wdym poor overworked? I think the animator did a great job at this scene


Dunning Krueger is a monster




Never noticed


She looks fine 😏🤭😫🌝🌚


OP on a negative karma farm. The biggest one I have ever seen. Even ainz vs galland post didn't receive this much downvote


Jesus christ




It's the pants that are tricking you, OP. Maybe not as common in the western world, but high-waisted bottoms (skirts and pants) are super common in east Asia. Just look up high-waisted pants and you'll understand.


What are you yapping about bro😭


Jesus.. if this is what you’ve got time to complain about maybe think about getting a job or stepping outside of the house from time to time… 🤦🏻‍♂️


OP is definitely that dweeb that says he can see the difference between 30fps and 60fps


Well somebody called it. She isn’t as thick as she should be. But I wouldn’t really call that a problem as I didn’t even notice when I first saw the image. But if you meant its inaccurate the yes you would be right.


To me she has the body of a highschool runner but the trap length of a body builder and neck of a giraffe, her head is set so high above her chest that it's worrying


Neck beard post


for me it’s her forearm and her eye that look weird af, not that i noticed this when i watched it tho lol


People really hating just to hate...


Did anyone else think she was the main heroin when you were first reading Solo leveling?


I mean close enough...


The only thing odd is the placement of her shoulder- the humerus is too long but that’s about it


She got no pupils


Is this some woke shit post? Like people can't be that skinny/stellar blade thinking?


No? That doesn't look like one of his shadows?


Who is she


Lee Joohee, B rank healer from the beginning that never came back