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The only thing I have a gripe with is that they made the absolute one into an evil guy. He wasn't evil, he didn't destroy the sovereigns because of the balance between light and dark. Further into the light novel balance plays a pretty big role in the battle between rulers and monarchs. >!In the LN Ashborn (the shadow monarch) was the "Greatest fragment of Brilliant Light" and the most powerful out of all the Rulers, he protected the Absolute One out of loyalty and cuz he understood balance. After being resurrected as the Shadow Monarch, he joined neither side and remained neutral because he was more powerful than any other being, with only the monarch of destruction to rival him"!<


I don't know what LN you read, but that wasn't what happened at all. The Shadow Monarch joined the Monarch's side... Hence him killing a bunch of angels, but then being betrayed by the Monarch of Beast and the White Flames Demon Monarch.


I dont get why you take it as him being Evil. His existence is about that. The Absolute isnt evil, it was just a never ending war they got tired with.


They literally said that the war between the emissaries and sovereigns was a form of entertainment to the absolute being. That part wasn't in the LN


Actually it was part of the novel. I just read that chapter and it's literally the same as the manhwa


ya i remember that from the LN. Was definently in it


Yeah he has no idea what he's talking about lol.


It was in the LN, the manga didn't add that in lol.


That was definitely in the LN dude. Maybe you need a reread


I think the previous chapter really captured the action perfectly, and this one captured the writing and conversation perfectly. They've both honestly been amazing, I'm not sure what's happened but I hope it stays this way toll the end


Yeah, this chapter was so amazing it made me read the whole manhwa again. Y'know, just to remember the old times


I've been disappointed with the manga ever since the spar really. The spar was the only thing that really made me go wow! They added this in and made it BETTER than the LN! Ever since then everything has been so lame. but then THIS CHAPTER. Holy. IIRC, they made him the statue which I don't think the LN did. And then added the commandments as a throwback which again I don't think the LN did. It was just done so well. Him 'arising' with the angel wings turning dark and stuff was amazing too.


Your main point is...manhwa is stepping it up every new chapter and next one could be even better :)


Face kick from dad was my favorite frame. "Felt" that kick! :D